2011.07.03 Sidebar Thread

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DNA Solves
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watching live feed - everybody looks exhausted
I remember mostly during the opening thinking that JA was laughing when JB brought up KC having her dad's weiner in her mouth every day. I laughed too though. It was hard not too. Did anyone notice that during the opening statement?

I didn't get that he was laughing. I saw him wince and shake his head back and forth in disgust that Baez was even saying such a thing.
I am glad I am not the only one still in my 'jammies'

Just posting off your post...no where near the end of the page...

Did HHJP just belch? I think he is the barking dog we heard a couple of times. :floorlaugh:
Am I a bad doggy mommy if I gave my dog her allergy Benadryl because she's out of control with the firecrackers my neighbors are shooting off? It seems to have helped calm her down...

Nope you're not, I've had to give my doggie his thunderstorm phobia doggie downers for the past 2 days :(

I've officially been in this chair for 12 hours, only breaking for a very few minutes for lunch, could not tear myself away from websleuths. OMG I will be fishing with my boys in the dark!
Am I a bad doggy mommy if I gave my dog her allergy Benadryl because she's out of control with the firecrackers my neighbors are shooting off? It seems to have helped calm her down...
No, poor poochie needed it for her nerves!!!
Am I a bad doggy mommy if I gave my dog her allergy Benadryl because she's out of control with the firecrackers my neighbors are shooting off? It seems to have helped calm her down...

We've had 2 golden retrievers...God rest their souls...and we had to give both Benadryl when it would thunder and definitely for firecrackers!
Baez is still there. He is at the end of the table. Stop spreading rumor as fact.

I was not spreading rumor as fact.

The man left the courthouse, was walking down the street with his briefcase.

The only explanation I can offer is that he left, took his briefcase somewhere and then returned to the courthouse while Judge Perry was retrieving his charging document.

I know what I saw and it was live on HLN.
Anyone watching Jane Velez Mitchell? She is really being very cranky and snappish tonite.
HHBP being extra cautious all the way through...
Baez is still there. He is at the end of the table. Stop spreading rumor as fact.

I don't think anyone was looking to spread a rumor.

He isn't in his usual seat, and the camera has only panned down to that end of the DT table a couple of times.

It's been a long day indeed.
Holy Geeeeze I just had one of those "somthing else makes sence moments"
I went back to closing statement from JA. I am listening to the first 10 minutes.
Ricardo was the boyfriend in early spring.. feb or mar.. deffinatly march.
HE didnt want a serious relationship.. I never knew that.
MARCH is when they were seeing each other.. that is the computer searches.. She was planning to kill Caylee for Ricardo.. to be with a man.. it just happened things didnt work out.. then new boyfriend.. she went back to the idea of getting rid of Caylee..I never could understand why the computer searches were in March and not June???
NOW it fits.. I never ever knew that her break up with Ricardo was in March or that immediate time frame.. She WAS wanting the beautiful life.. I clearly can see the premeditation now 100%

It immediatly jumped out at me today.. I dont think the prosecution ever laid it out like that.. what led up to it.

If anyone had any questions on they way the computer searches fit into the pre meditation.. go to the first few minutes of closing statment JA. When he specific talks about Ricardo not wanting serious relationship.. Casey then was 21 legal drinking age and wanted to party and live it up !

I had planned on bringing up this point about a week ago but then got carried away with daily court activity.

ACandyRose (?) has an excellent timeline that has a separate thread in this forum and I was looking over it while discussion of the computer searches were going on....specifically looking around March 17th...

Found a link to texts between Ricardo and KC and read one where she mentions something to him about her life improving (paraphrased)....or starting new life.....

Was suspicious to me that she wrote this comment shortly after doing the computer searches for chloroform, neck breaking, etc....

Will have to go back and find it now...
Baez is still there. He is at the end of the table. Stop spreading rumor as fact.

K. . then why is he not where he has sat since court began. LF could have done this from CM's seat or DS's seat. IMO he seems to already be checking out. . .in the building or not.
He is at the end of the table.

Ahhhh...shmoozing with ms. Medina
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