2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

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I think though-any doubts the jury may have had yesterday..LDB will take it all away today in her closing..I have faith she will bring Caylee alive for this jury today!!!

Me, too. RHornsby is usually right, though, so now I am worried that FGeorge will do the rebuttal. I would be so surprised. I cannot imagine they would not have LDB do it, she is truly excellent, and a mom.
Anyone else notice there was no "LEE ANTHONY" Magnet???

He Smelt the Car and JB said he is the only Anthony you can beleive...

I did notice and knew then JB was attempting to pull a fast one over on the jury...Lee A flat out stated there was a terrible odor coming from the car... Hopefully, the prosecution addresses his claim about Lee and sets the record straight this morning...
Good morning all! Happy 4th of July.

Praying for strength and wisdom for the jurors today and the days to come and hoping they reach a just and fair verdict that they will be able to live with for the rest of their lives. Praying also for all the innocent people that have been touched by this case. May we all be able to move on with our lives soon, never forgetting Sweet Baby Caylee as the reason we are here.

Go Team Caylee - hope LDB and JA got a good night's sleep and are ready for this morning!
I was just watching my local news. I live in Portland Oregon and was surprised to see the Casey Anthony case discussed in detail on my local news.

Flag dress, this picture says it all for me. ICA, pretty much naked, surrounded by drunken men. This is her dream life? I must be getting old.

OMG,,,,how appropiate, I only wish LDB could put this on an easel for the jury to see today!

Happy 4th Casey,,,this picture was the last time you will be wrapped in our great American flag.
I posted a little ways up that I don't expect anything anymore and ended my post with go Linda. Now I'm reading tweets that it will most likely be Frank doing the closing today. I really have to stop expecting things, lol. Well, GO SA!

I will be shocked if Frank does the closing instead of Linda.
Me, too. RHornsby is usually right, though, so now I am worried that FGeorge will do the rebuttal. I would be so surprised. I cannot imagine they would not have LDB do it, she is truly excellent, and a mom.

It was LDB taking all the notes and making the objections,so I am hoping she will be the one and she is a mom to..so a lot of the jury will connect with her..I love FG..but I think it would be a huge mistake to let him do the closing!JMO

I guess what continually wears on me is the whole Anthony family. I've gotten whiplash trying to keep up with their lies. Something isn't sitting right with me and if I was on the jury, that would concern me. I want so desperately to say 100% guilty but my mind can't seem to be a peace with that :(
I posted a little ways up that I don't expect anything anymore and ended my post with go Linda. Now I'm reading tweets that it will most likely be Frank doing the closing today. I really have to stop expecting things, lol. Well, GO SA!

I can't imagine that? It has to be LDB, it has to be!
I am confused about something - I might have heard him wrong, but didn't Jose Baez admit to "improper disposal" of the body by Casey? Did she just drag Caylee on her back to the swamp? He contradicts himself so much. Either the body was in the car and Casey got rid of it or insert "blah-blah-blah-I'm-not-making-sense-blah-blah" here.

Anyone know where I can get me a YURI magnet???

:lol:I Think if I put that on my Frig I could stick to my Diet....:lol:

Knowing YURI was watching me sneak fattening food......:blushing:

JB has one I'm sure he won't be needing after today; maybe he'll let you have it.
I guess what continually wears on me is the whole Anthony family. I've gotten whiplash trying to keep up with their lies. Something isn't sitting right with me and if I was on the jury, that would concern me. I want so desperately to say 100% guilty but my mind can't seem to be a peace with that :(

I'm thinking 98% is guilty according to CM chart as well.
I hope Linda, with the help of hindsight now that the DT is done with their fairytale, can plug up the holes of reasonable doubt created by JB. She needs to explain
1. GA is not on trial...not charged...and not sitting at the defense table. There was a reason LEO arrested her, not George.
2. There was no DNA evidence on the tape because it had been out in a swamp for 6 mos.
3. She needs to HAMMER HOME the point that ICA made those searches on the computer, not CA. Somebody deleted those searches on purpose when nothing else in the history of that computer was ever deleted.
4. ICA's friends were never in a position to judge her as a GOOD mother, or a BAD mother. They simply saw her with Caylee a few times, for a short period of time.
5. Tony liked Caylee, but he had stated to ICA he did not want children at this time. (I don't understand why this was never brought out during his trial testimony)
6. George and the tape, George and the gas can, George and anything had nothing to do with Caylee.
I think it will go to the jury today, as all that is left is the State's final rebuttal, and then Jury instructions. Seeing as they will have to take a lunch break, it will likely go to the jury this afternoon. I wonder if they will stay up late into the night, or leave most of it for Tuesday? And I wonder if this jury will take a day or less, or get deadlocked into a long fight. Ugh, sure hope not.... :(

If I were on that jury, I would want to start deliberating ASAP! Can you imagine hearing all that testimony and not being able to discuss it? That would drive me nuts. I'll bet some of them have decided she is guilty of murder 1 right off the bat. I hope the others on the fence will see the evidence clearly after LDB's closing today.
Blessing out to all this morning....Prayers go up for the SA......Sing Baby Caylee, SING....this is your day for JUSTICE!!
I am confused about something - I might have heard him wrong, but didn't Jose Baez admit to "improper disposal" of the body by Casey? Did she just drag Caylee on her back to the swamp? He contradicts himself so much. Either the body was in the car and Casey got rid of it or insert "blah-blah-blah-I'm-not-making-sense-blah-blah" here.

I'll admit that I had a hard time following him and not getting distracted during his closing argument but I think I recall him saying something about there not being any charges about improper disposal of a body - as if that should raise some red flag with the jurors or something. Odd if you ask me for him to even say that but then again I am puzzled by quite a few things that he says.
I must say that chart CM put up on guilt....WOW. When laid out like that, it looked a little hopeless to me. It's either the whole enchilada, or nothing. :(

Me, too. What Mason's chart was missing, to me, was the concept of reasonable. He just lumped together all 'doubt'. I think the prosecution has to hammer this point home: it is NOT beyond all doubt.

I am telling you, I had the hardest time with reasonable vs unreasonable doubt. And how to weigh circumstantial vs direct evidence.

Now I was younger and just didn't get this stuff at all. The jury instructions were what saved me in the end when I served, and I hope they are effective, today.

I do think think there is little chance of acquittal, though.
Happy 4th July to my American cousins. As a Brit, I won't hold it against you, haha! :crazy:

Kudos to those of you who sat through yesterday's yawnfest. I was only able to follow via reading posts on here. It sounded.... an ordeal! :banghead:

Looking forward to hearing the State's closing rebuttal. I think its good that they get the day "to themselves" as it were. The defence's waffle was yesterday's news. This is now and immediately after the jury go out to deliberate. I think that's good for the State. And for Caylee of course.
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