2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

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It was LDB taking all the notes and making the objections,so I am hoping she will be the one and she is a mom to..so a lot of the jury will connect with her..I love FG..but I think it would be a huge mistake to let me do the closing!JMO


Yesterday everyone was saying that LDB was doing the rebuttal. She's the lead SA on the case and I don't see her giving the rebuttal to FG (love FG, too)
Later in the day, I read that JA might do part of it. I can see maybe FG doing a small part of it, but not all.
I have confidence in LDB - she was ready to proceed last evening.

That probably is because many "little" girls and I say little are actually starting their periods at 10 years old which was unheard of in my day.

I'm not even sure I believe Cindy on that one....once again she was prolly just trying to make ICA look special...stand out...look different. Truth be told she may not have started until 13 or something. Cindy lies about everything too, just like her daughter...I don't believe a word either one of them says...JMO
Well Bill Shaeffer must not have gotten the tweets about FG doing the closing. He is still saying LDB is doing the closing.
Here's what I wonder...did Caylee drown while ICA was neglecting her...ICA fished her out of the pool and laid her on the ground. The took her inside, laid her on Caylee's bed, wrapped the blanket around her, WRAPPED HER HEAD IN DUCT TAPE, bagged her and put her in the trunk. Then when the body decomposed, the blanket rotted away, the duct taped logically ended up where it did?
Help me...I need to believe once again that she murdered Caylee in cold blood.

IIRC, the duct tape was still stuck to some of her hair when she was found. So there could have been no blanket between her head and the tape when she was wrapped for disposal.
I'm not going to worry about TH's...it ain't over until LDB sings!

I am confused about something - I might have heard him wrong, but didn't Jose Baez admit to "improper disposal" of the body by Casey? Did she just drag Caylee on her back to the swamp? He contradicts himself so much. Either the body was in the car and Casey got rid of it or insert "blah-blah-blah-I'm-not-making-sense-blah-blah" here.

Yes he did. He was circumventing his original OS whereby he alluded to Mr. Kronk disposing of the body. He now knows how ludicrious that statement was. Yesterday he was saying in essence, "It was an accident, she disposed of the body, but she is not charged with improper disposal of a body...so she is innocent on all charges" That was it in a nutshell.
If I were on that jury, I would want to start deliberating ASAP! Can you imagine hearing all that testimony and not being able to discuss it? That would drive me nuts. I'll bet some of them have decided she is guilty of murder 1 right off the bat. I hope the others on the fence will see the evidence clearly after LDB's closing today.

Yes, how on earth can they not discuss it, it is the one thing they have in common? Do you really think they don't? I wonder if they make special friends and talk about it one on one. In my experience, we didn't but it was only one week.
Yesterday everyone was saying that LDB was doing the rebuttal. She's the lead SA on the case and I don't see her giving the rebuttal to FG (love FG, too)
Later in the day, I read that JA might do part of it. I can see maybe FG doing a small part of it, but not all.
I have confidence in LDB - she was ready to proceed last evening.


I saw KBelich tweet that yesterday at the end of the day but I recall HHJP saying that the SA could split the first part of their closing up but that only one atty could do the rebuttal. Unless he changed his mind after that, it won't be split up.
If I were on that jury, I would want to start deliberating ASAP! Can you imagine hearing all that testimony and not being able to discuss it? That would drive me nuts. I'll bet some of them have decided she is guilty of murder 1 right off the bat. I hope the others on the fence will see the evidence clearly after LDB's closing today.
Yes, it has been a long haul and I'll bet many of them are chomping at the bit to get on with it. I think the 31 days is what bothers most people, and I even have a friend in Australia who said that she and her friends there have all said the 31 days = guilt to their thinking, and obscures everything else. Those people do not have all the details of family and all and still see it that way RE guilt .
I hope Linda, with the help of hindsight now that the DT is done with their fairytale, can plug up the holes of reasonable doubt created by JB. She needs to explain
1. GA is not on trial...not charged...and not sitting at the defense table. There was a reason LEO arrested her, not George.
2. There was no DNA evidence on the tape because it had been out in a swamp for 6 mos.
3. She needs to HAMMER HOME the point that ICA made those searches on the computer, not CA. Somebody deleted those searches on purpose when nothing else in the history of that computer was ever deleted.
4. ICA's friends were never in a position to judge her as a GOOD mother, or a BAD mother. They simply saw her with Caylee a few times, for a short period of time.
5. Tony liked Caylee, but he had stated to ICA he did not want children at this time. (I don't understand why this was never brought out during his trial testimony)
6. George and the tape, George and the gas can, George and anything had nothing to do with Caylee.

I don't focus on the three years. The critical timeframe for me is when she was arrested and the police gave her the opportunity to come clean and say "She drowned, I freaked out, I lost my head! I'll take you to her body and you can do an autopsy." Nope, she didn't say a thing while Caylee was in the swamp, decomposing.
RobinMeade Robin Meade
RT @ryansmithtv: Just in... Linda Drain-Burdick and Ashton will split rebuttal close #CaseyAnthony #closingarguments #HLN
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Happy 4th July to my American cousins. As a Brit, I won't hold it against you, haha! :crazy:

Kudos to those of you who sat through yesterday's yawnfest. I was only able to follow via reading posts on here. It sounded.... an ordeal! :banghead:

Looking forward to hearing the State's closing rebuttal. I think its good that they get the day "to themselves" as it were. The defence's waffle was yesterday's news. This is now and immediately after the jury go out to deliberate. I think that's good for the State. And for Caylee of course.

I trust Judge Perry, he continues to amaze me with his wisdom. I'm grateful for how things went, much better to start off fresh today.
Good Morning Everyone and Happy Fourth of July!

Let's all hope today is a "better use of our time" than yesterday was. I find it hard to describe how I felt as I forced myself listen to Baez go on and on and on and on - well you get my point!

I've just been reading through the posts and wish I had listened to the radio show last night. But fortunately friends asked me over for dinner.

But curious to know why RH thinks the LE would even be looking for duct tape when they searched the home. Didn't they search it twice? The first time they searched Caylee was not yet found - so they wouldn't know it was of interest. And yes it was used at the command centre and probably left there. By the time they conducted the second search I don't think it was unusual there wasn't any of that brand left - they had been using it to put up flyers for months so what am I missing about that?

The only thing I did do post Baez last night was listen to Bill S. He thinks it will take LDB 15 minutes at most to erase Baez's closing from our minds.
Per RH last night on Weblueths Radio - when the police searched the Anthony property they did not find ANY duct tape. Then lo and behold GA was using it at the command center. JMO

It's plausible to me that he used the entire roll, therefore there was none to find?
Good morning, everybody! Hoping one of you can help me out .... There have been so many links to really good videos about the different players in this trial. The other day someone posted one about Judge Perry and it was great! I "sent" the link to a friend who lives in Orlando and is a big fan of his, I inadvertently failed to send the link and now can't find it again. It is the one that shows him in the courtroom as a young prosecutor, all decked out in a three-piece suit! Does anyone have a link they can give me for that video? He was the featured "star"!
Yes he did. He was circumventing his original OS whereby he alluded to Mr. Kronk disposing of the body. He now knows how ludicrious that statement was. Yesterday he was saying in essence, "It was an accident, she disposed of the body, but she is not charged with improper disposal of a body...so she is innocent on all charges" That was it in a nutshell.

!! Exactly. He basically admitted Casey was the one who got rid of the body. The whole who-smelled-what-BS was just that BS. He admitted it himself!
Good Morning Everyone and Happy Fourth of July!

Let's all hope today is a "better use of our time" than yesterday was. I find it hard to describe how I felt as I forced myself listen to Baez go on and on and on and on - well you get my point!

I've just been reading through the posts and wish I had listened to the radio show last night. But fortunately friends asked me over for dinner.

But curious to know why RH thinks the LE would even be looking for duct tape when they searched the home. Didn't they search it twice? The first time they searched Caylee was not yet found - so they wouldn't know it was of interest. And yes it was used at the command centre and probably left there. By the time they conducted the second search I don't think it was unusual there wasn't any of that brand left - they had been using it to put up flyers for months so what am I missing about that?

The only thing I did do post Baez last night was listen to Bill S. He thinks it will take LDB 15 minutes at most to erase Baez's closing from our minds.

Godd morning sis! :D
:hug: fellow expat! do you hate it that we're not home for today?? I do, I wish I was with my sister & her family today :loveyou: with sparklers and bbq :sigh:

:great: for LDB today and I even miss half of that cause I have to run an errand today BUT at least I have something to do while waiting for verdict beside having panic attacks!

BBM and shamelessly O/T:

Fireworks, parades, ice cream and watermelon! I only REAAAALLY started missing it this year though - I think next year will be twice as bad so we're gonna Yank up our house then. Not quite the same but I'm sure a neighbour won't mind wearing an Uncle Sam tophat. No, really, you don't know my neighbour! ;)
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