2011.07.04 State Closing Argument Rebuttal Thread

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HHJP says "a Booker is here trying to book jurors for shows.." DH pops his head out of computer to say "they got hookers, what jury gets hookers?" :floorlaugh: Moment of levity at this serious occasion.

That is the "EXTRA" special recess! lol
Wow. I have to admit I was a little nervous after listening to Baez last night. The jurors don't know all that we do, and he made some points that they could believe in.

Linda just rocked it though, and I'm not worried anymore.
It's my birthday today, and I just got the best gift! Thank you Jeff, and Linda.

I hate to admit i was nervous after yesterday, too

happy b-day, mine was yesterday :great:
is JB just puffing smoke or are the computer records and closing comments enough for an appeal?
i feel so priviledged to hear these awesome attorneys, just simply doing their job.
Everybody buckle in, grab the hand of the poster next to you, and hold on! Verdict is coming!!
Wow. I have to admit I was a little nervous after listening to Baez last night. The jurors don't know all that we do, and he made some points that they could believe in.

Linda just rocked it though, and I'm not worried anymore.
It's my birthday today, and I just got the best gift! Thank you Jeff, and Linda.

It's my son David's 13th Birthday Happy Birthday Mine is the 16th a guilty would be a great early bday gift
The best part of LDB's closing remarks is that she relied on common sense as she intended. No high tech scientific argument, just asking the Jurors to believe their own eyes and the sense that God gave them to judge ICA.
I couldnt take my eyes off LDB while she was speaking....so I havent said anything about it yet....but she was AMAZING. I was every bit as riveted as I KNOW the jurors were....she said EVERYTHING I would have said, she caught up every single loose end, and I no longer worry ...I KNOW the jury WILL RETURN 1ST DEGREE MURDER.
My husband just burned some toast (actually the way he likes it)
and the smell is driving me crazy
and yet it somehow fits the moment
when they judge said people could leave now, casey should have gotten up and said she wanted to leave. :crazy:
JVM with small crowd gathered outside courthhouse. One man is holding sign saying "Jeff Ashton for President", lol!
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