2011.07.04 State Closing Argument Rebuttal Thread

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Photo of the play equipment in the backyard: can you the imagine the emptiness of that yard, her bedroom; all that pure innocent energy gone? How can the Anthony's ever have quality of life again?
That poor little precious flower, bravely sitting in jail, mourning her child and terrified of CA.

OK, it's pretty incredible that the family didn't throw her to the wolves from this phone call on.
OMG! I am THRILLED she is playing this phone call for the jury again! Remind them who she really is.

Hello jurors, meet the real Ms. Casey Anthony. :great:

Me too! And I love what LA tells her!
The true Casey is coming out in the final hours. The look of hatred in her eyes during the rebuttal is bringing this home for the prosecution. Btw, the tapes are priceless!
Oh, the spiteful B statement is coming up? Maybe not...
counsel suggested that the detailing of what Ms. Anthony was doing during 31 days had more to do with the state's interest of her being a *advertiser censored* ? nothing could be further from the truth. the state was trying to backtrack and find out what she was doing because she told them she was conducting her own investigation. They reviewed her cell phone records to find Caylee Marie Anthony, to help the defendant.
But as they backtracked it became more and more apparent that she was lying about everything. if you go back and look at a four-page witness statement, the only truth on their is the birthday of Caylee Marie Anthony. Every other statement on that form is a lie.
You have heard in closing argument by the defense that everybody grieves differently. Responses to grief or as varied as the day is long. But the guilty people do? they walk, they avoid,they run, they mislead, they diverted attention away from themselves and act as if nothing is wrong. we are not trying to convince you to hate Casey Marie Anthony but show you that what she was doing in those 31 days were not part of the 31 days of grief. These are not the actions of someone whose child has died by accident.
She said this was a time of desperation for her. Desperation? what are you talking about desperation? she had no option to go anywhere except away from her family. That's who she ran from, because those people would be asking her what happened to Caylee.

She was telling her friends my moms crazy. My parents are getting a divorce. etc. She is running from her family during those days, the people who would want to know where Caylee? the defendant's actions and responses during those 31 days answer for you the only real question left at this stage of the proceedings. And that is who killed Caylee Anthony. The question is no longer where is scaling Caylee Marie Anthony. We know where Caylee Marie Anthony is. the question is no longer what happened to Caylee Marie Anthony. We know what happened. The question is who killed Caylee.

for the longest time Caylee was alive.until her remains were found. As I told you in opening statements the facts and circumstances change over time and the defendants lies changed. They got bigger, they got better. Mr. Baez said there must be something wrong with Casey Anthony because she has imaginary friends. But those were lies. Every one of those were lies. Designed to deceive. Each lie was conceived for a specific purpose. To get Casey out of a jam.

For the longest time she was believed until Kaylee's remains were found. And of course at that point Caylee couldn't be with the nanny. The lie must change. I told you in opening statements that it would. So now the theory is that there was some sort of accident. but we know Caylee's death was no accident.

Plays tape of Universal interview.

in his closing statement to you counsel suggested that OCSO had murder on their mind and they didn't want to consider that this was an accident. You heard what he said. That this was an accident basically I've worked with tons and tons and tons of people when it was just an accident. No know Caylee is alive (defendant's answer). On August 16 of 2008 the defendant's mother said people are suggesting that this was an accident and drowned in the pool. Casey says surprise surprise. Then Kaylee is found on December 11 of 2008, surprise surprise.

No person would ever make the accidental of her child into a murder. Her responses are completely inconsistent with what people do 100% of the time when a child is involved in an accident, somebody's trying to save them. They want them to live. they call 911. They suffer of the death of a child especially if you want to accept the testimony that Ms. Anthony was an amazing mother. how was that defined? her friends? Did Caylee run to her mother? of course she did. A mother's love is unconditional. She's going to run to her grandparents. she supply close to Kaylee, that makes her an adequate mother, but in reality the love, the food, the shelter, were provided by her grandparents. Look at her room, look at their backyard. What amazing parent acts with complete indifference to the accidental death of their child?
if this truly was an accident in the pool, caylee Marie Anthony would have been found in the pool not floating in a swamp down the street. None of us would be here today. if she was home when there was an accident in the pool, she would've called 911. George would never agree to hide his granddaughter put her in a bag and put in the swamp. Did we watched the same videos? Mr. Anthony said he would trade places with his granddaughter in the second. This argument cannot be followed any logical conclusion. The way these remains were disposed of shows complete indifference. It speaks volumes about how the person who disposes of the body really felt about her.

This is so George and Cindy Anthony felt about the granddaughter. [picture of backyard] George Anthony landscape the backyard for her. There's a mailbox with her name on it. put a stone base under that playhouse so Kaylee would have to sit on the ground with an insect could crawl on her.

On the videos you heard Mr. Anthony say over and over again he was trying to get Casey to talk to law enforcement. if he was so diabolical and wanting to cover up something why would he want his co-conspirator to talk to law enforcement.

Not only does the disposal of those remains speak volumes but the phone call she made to her parents the night she was arrested on July 16, 2008 ...
Plays phone call...
I stepped away for awhile because I wanted to completely absorb what LDB was saying. Is everyone else feeling as emotional as I am?
Oh, good heavens.

The coldness of her voice!
I love this phone call. It really shows ICA's feelings and her attempt to bully everyone in the family.

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