2011.07.04 Verdict Watch 12:15 pm How long will the jury deliberate?

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How long do you think the jury will deliberate?

  • <1 hour

    Votes: 17 1.6%
  • 1/2 day

    Votes: 132 12.2%
  • 1 day

    Votes: 173 16.0%
  • 2 days

    Votes: 321 29.8%
  • 3 days

    Votes: 226 21.0%
  • 4 days

    Votes: 100 9.3%
  • 5 days

    Votes: 51 4.7%
  • 6 days

    Votes: 16 1.5%
  • 7 days

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • >1 week

    Votes: 60 5.6%
  • the original 12 will remain in place

    Votes: 105 9.7%
  • some of the alternates will shift into juror seats

    Votes: 73 6.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Before closings I thought it would take a number of days, now I think they have been saturated with the reminders they needed-- I think it will be dramatically short. jmo
Look at most of us, chatting, messaging, etc on this case. Don't be nervous if they want to take this intriguing sad sad case and piece it together, with the evidence.

It will be okay, even if they take over a week.

I'm sure they will go into the evidence piece by piece. And, it could depend on who was selected as foreperson. On the jury I served, two people were contending for that role. An older, bombastic woman and a young "dungeons and dragons" type of guy. He ended up as the foreman, but he was totally ineffective and a poor leader. I sat there mentally shaking my head. If this jury picks a strong, capable, organized person.......then it will go methodically and efficiently. But......I still say that if it goes past tomorrow at lunchtime, it could spell trouble. IMO
Before closings I thought it would take a number of days, now I think they have been saturated with the reminders they needed-- I think it will be dramatically short. jmo
I really hope so, but there are so many different charges I am afraid they will get involved in a battle over definitions and what fits.
Also, I've been thinking (as some have mentioned) of the juror who has plans in England in just 3 days. It would not be against human nature to want to resolve this so they can move on w/ their planned vacation. And perhaps, secretly fault JB for it now being the Fourth of July when they finally get the case. I'd be a little pissed. MO
I think the jurors know how they feel. Unless there is someone who is holding out, I think we will have a verdict tonight.

I believe this jury is tired and wants to go home ASAP. The woman who is supposed to leave on a cruise in 2 days , without a doubt, has made her decision and wants to this to be over with NOW. She probably feels she deserves the cruise after this six week sequestration. She's got to shop and pack and probably get her hair, nails and toes done.

Although I would vote for 1st degree murder, I think the verdict will be felony murder - Caylee died during aggravated child abuse via the use of chloroform or duct tape.

After the jury returns with their verdict, then do they decide if she gets life or death or does the judge impose the sentence based on their verdict?
I'm very encouraged by the reports that several of the jurors are 'dressed up' today, including Juror #4. If she were going to take an oppositional stance, as some have feared, I don't think she would dress as if to meet media today. She would think it was going to be a struggle, time-wise. I think many have been erroneous in their thinking about her.

How would each of them know to dress up if they hadn't even deliberated yet? Unless they all knew what their vote would be and assumed everyone else would be on the same page.
As impatient as I am for the verdict I don't want them to rush. I would rather they take their time and go through things thoroughly and discuss them. Even argue over them if they must. But I want them to take their time so they are sure about their verdict. I don't wish to hear later on one of the jurors say that they didn't know something that was vital before making a vote and wish they had voted another way.
I think that the jury may be wanting to look at some of the evidence. They will feel that they cannot rush because they do have a monumental decision they are entrusted to make. A persons life is literally in their hands.

That said, I do not feel it will take longer than two days. I am with the person who said two days deliberation, and the verdict the next morning - Wednesday.

I am personally hoping for at least life in prison.
Do we know for a fact that they won't be sequestered for the penalty phase?
I think the jurors know how they feel. Unless there is someone who is holding out, I think we will have a verdict tonight.

I believe this jury is tired and wants to go home ASAP. The woman who is supposed to leave on a cruise in 2 days , without a doubt, has made her decision and wants to this to be over with NOW. She probably feels she deserves the cruise after this six week sequestration. She's got to shop and pack and probably get her hair, nails and toes done.

Although I would vote for 1st degree murder, I think the verdict will be felony murder - Caylee died during aggravated child abuse via the use of chloroform or duct tape.

After the jury returns with their verdict, then do they decide if she gets life or death or does the judge impose the sentence based on their verdict?
I read somewhere on here that the penalty would be given in 48 hours. If the jury does not decide on the DP, Judges are not allowed to impose it. However, the Judge CAN give the defendant less than death, even if the jury chooses that.
I think the jurors know how they feel. Unless there is someone who is holding out, I think we will have a verdict tonight.

I believe this jury is tired and wants to go home ASAP. The woman who is supposed to leave on a cruise in 2 days , without a doubt, has made her decision and wants to this to be over with NOW. She probably feels she deserves the cruise after this six week sequestration. She's got to shop and pack and probably get her hair, nails and toes done.


OMG - I just posted about the woman who has the cruise coming up and NINE minutes later JVM asks about her on her live cut-in. Apparently, the woman can designate her verdict via proxy. She can be replaced by an alternate and she would tell the alternate what her vote is and the alternate would be required to vote that way!
Also, I've been thinking (as some have mentioned) of the juror who has plans in England in just 3 days. It would not be against human nature to want to resolve this so they can move on w/ their planned vacation. And perhaps, secretly fault JB for it now being the Fourth of July when they finally get the case. I'd be a little pissed. MO

that was juror 3131 (she is not on the jury or an alternate)

***nurse has her color coded list I have kept since jury selection sitting in front of me*** LOL in just a sec I will post a quick synopsis of the 12 from my notes
after all this I believe the whole jury deserves a cruise. having to sit through this whole trial and to be sequestered. i know many of us have sat through the whole trial but ours was by choice and if we needed to we could walk away.
I read somewhere on here that the penalty would be given in 48 hours. If the jury does not decide on the DP, Judges are not allowed to impose it. However, the Judge CAN give the defendant less than death, even if the jury chooses that.

untrue. in FL judge can hand down death even if jury votes LWOP for first degree.

I dont think he would though.
Steve Helling Just exchanged pleasantries with #jeffashton. He's waiting for the verdict in the hallway.
Steve Helling Just exchanged pleasantries with #jeffashton. He's waiting for the verdict in the hallway.
Gee, does that mean Ashton expects a quick verdict, or do they always stay close?
1398: juror number one 68 y/o crisis counselor who has 2 kids and 3 grandkids

1019: juror number two computer IT guy that works for pinellas county. Is married to a nurse and has two small kids ages 4 and 9

1055: juror number three young single female nursing student who has a rat terrier

1319: juror number four Older AA female that did not have complete voir dire. Plays farmville and has hard time judging others

1429: juror number five older lady with long grey hair that lives with boyfriend. Had a dui.

1025: juror number six
chef in his 30's that has sometimes cooked on tv. Has two young children ages 1 1/2 and 6

1007: juror number seven 41 y/o divorced woman with trigeminal nuralgia. She had a defense motion for pre trial publicity that was denied

3015: juror number eight Older woman with two sons that are Casey's age. Originally from New Jersey, she is a kidney transplant survivor and works for verizon

3185: juror number 9 older gentleman that has lots of neices and nephews and is considered the "favorite uncle." He is semi retired and has never been married and has no children.

3310: juror number ten single man that works for verizon. Has a sister that was arrested and incarcerated for tying up and robbing their father

3016: juror number eleven Middle aged, single PE teacher. He has 2 dogs (labs) and is "iffy" on the death penalty

3140: juror number 12 A former michigander, this woman has a 2 y/o grandson in Tennessee. She has a cat and likes to quilt. She has a "fun job" cooking at Publix

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