2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

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I don't even think this motion is necessary. The media just needed to have a little patience. Once the first juror does a paid interview, the rest will crawl out of their holes and start giving interviews as well. We would have heard from all of them in a few days or weeks anyway. I guarantee it. It wouldn't have taken long for Dateline or 20/20 to get them to interview as a panel either.

They wouldn't have to face such outrage if they had done the right thing IMO. There was a mountain of evidence they disregarded and they should be held accountable for not doing the job they were tasked with. I'm not saying they should be harrassed, but the public is owed an explanation when such a blatantly guilty person is allowed to walk.

It doesn't matter that they didn't know the hows, whys, or wheres, the evidence was compelling to convict her, even if it wasn't for murder 1. They did not want to look at the body of evidence and draw a conclusion, they wanted a smoking gun, they wanted a verdict to be handed TO them on a platter. They didn't want to work. They wanted to leave - our suspicions have been confirmed by Juror #2's statements to the press.
i just saw this on facebook

With duct tape & bags you threw me away. What more is there to say? Alone in the woods is where I was kept, for six long months & you STILL haven't wept. "Bella vita" that's what your tattoo said. Not a care in the world, while I lay dead. Every night Jesus rocks me to sleep and makes a promise I know he'll keep. "Don't worry, everything will be fine, for in the end vengeance shall be mine! Love, Caylee.

Awwwwwww, so sad :(
Well......how did THEY find out who they were??????????????/ Who leaked it? Maybe the juror's family???????????

I don't think that finding out the jurors names would be that hard in a high profile case. For example, these individuals were "absent" from EVERYTHING in their lives (i.e. school, jobs, etc.) and how do you simply explain so-and-so is "gone" for 6-8 weeks. lol
A cooling off period before releasing the names-- he really feels for these individuals who simply wanted to do their civic duty.
I believe that this jury owes the tax payers of Florida and all of us in the U.S. an explanation as to how they arrived at a not guilty verdict.

I think we need to start video taping jury deliberations.
I would not want a person from somewhere else, let a killer off (jmo) and say - see ya

I would expect some sort of explantion.
HHJP sounds very tired and downtrodden. I think he's as sad and disgusted with this verdict as we are. IMO
How about concern for the public, Judge? We are hurting and we need answers. If the jurors are willing to give interviews for $$$ they should be FORCED to give us explanations!

But that's not every single juror. Not all 16 as far as I know.

I think paying a jury like this is gross but that's the media.

If the names go out today, something will happen. Maybe just harassment...maybe worse. Enough people have been hurt by this case already.
I have zero interest in hearing one more word from any of the jurors. I wish I hadn't heard from Juror #3, to be honest.

Their verdict spoke volumes to me. I do not want to hear anyone saying:

"not enough evidence"
"no reasonable doubt"
"accident-snowballing out of control"
"dysfunctional family"

Nothing they could add would change the way I viewed the case.

The only person I would want to hear from isn't here because she is dead.
Judge: i dont know what i'm gonna do; sort of an idea; thinking out loud; best i can do, legally, is a cooling off period, at t conclusion, release t names...

t non-legal side of me really feels for these individuals who simply wanted to do their civic duty and maybe foolishly listened to me when i called upon them and encouraged them to a right to a trial by jury...
wow - foolishly listened to me when I called upon them...how important it was to have trial by jury - the landscape in this country has changed....

I hear you HHJP I weep for us too.
Landscape has changed, people have no reservations about walking up to an individual pulling a gun or a knife, kill them for not believing like they do.
JP talked about "Brokers" buying passes to trials from others to obtain info on jury.
Praise the lord to JP on the ruling. Cooling off period - I can accept that. These jurors need to face the world llike the rest of us. Sorry but that's a ludicrous assumption that protection is needed before the fact.
I think we are hearing his ponderings and sadness and worry over all that happened and how it went wrong, as he speaks now...

((hug)) HJBP
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