2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

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The 20.00 installments are based on her indigent status. I would imagine that status could be reviewed at any later time to be sure she is still indigent.
An email from one of my male friends, Ghandi here is his Mother:

Dear Friends,

I just wanted to alert you that, in memory of Caley Anthony, Gandhi and I will be starting an on-line charity fund called "The Casey Anthony Birth Control Defense Fund" The purpose of the fund will be to see that Casey Anthony is always well supplied with, educated about, and financially incentivized to take, birth control measures, modalities, and medications. Contributions will be tax deductible, and can be made convienently on-line through PayPal.

Working together we can make a better world.
ANYTHING I do not know about this case is NOT worth lining the pockets of KC, her DT, family or the Jurors. We all know how to help keep them from getting $$$. Saw it with the *advertiser censored* offer.

KC would use it for plastic surgery, to hide.

She talked in her jail letters about changing her name.
She's had plenty of time to think one up,wonder what it will be?
In true form cindy's first words out of her mouth is "How beautiful she looks"...FGS! It will never stop. Her beauty comes first, always has. Caylee took too much of that attention. Casey had to take care of that.

Lee wasn't as cute as casey; he was not revered and that is the underlying problem with him. These boys hanging out and thinking with their appendages is disgusting. Where are the morals and integrity?

But the 'Anthonys are back! All is forgiven and forgotten. They see future income rolling in for theml Life couldn't be better!

Folks....Many people were scammed by the Anthonys. They knew and played some of us like violins. I will be on the lookout for the Anthony family w/casey in tow following moving van to pull out from Hopespring and move on to a bigger and better house.
This extra time behind bars will give them time to figure out where she is going. How could JB say she could sleep in her own bed? I doubt her parents want her home with them where her "own" bed is. I am just sick over it, but as I have said they will all get theirs sooner or later. She is gonna be like a wild person getting to all the things she has missed doing. She will not know what to do first. IMO, her first thing should be leave the state.

I sure hope she stays out of Arizona!
She talked in her jail letters about changing her name.
She's had plenty of time to think one up,wonder what it will be?

Oh, I for one, can think of plenty.......:floorlaugh:
Yes, but we've heard: 12 days a month, 10 days a month, now 5 days a month. :waitasec:

12 seems waaaay to generous, doesn't it?

I got the 5 days from the commentators on HLN. If that is accurate of course

Oh and sorry 1060 and 170 is 1230 not 1200 so minus 1460 equals 230

whats a few days here or there.
May I unload for a minute? Sorry to be a hit and run poster, but here ya go.

My 6 year old grand daughter (who I didn't think was following this case because we try not to let her know what's going on) said to me this morning:

"The devil's dancing tonight cause a mom who killed her child is free"!

Out of the mouths of babes.
What happened to the thread about the juror interviews? I can't find it.
ACTION at the courthouse... WESH saying they're going on air any minute
Has there really been an "uptick in murdered spouses" since the OJ Simpson verdict? Or are you saying that more muderers have been acquitted since then?

Either way, I'd love a link to those statistics. Thanks.

No, no, not murder acquittals. Just how many spouses are murder. I will look up the stats and post later.
I still think we are being hoodwinked and the next announcement we will here is she has been released. pppfffttt.

We may be going back on the air.
by Jeff Cousins/WESH.com 4:28 PM

It looks like there's action at the courthouse.
by Jeff Cousins/WESH.com 4:28 PM
They are thrilled beyond words. They got their princess free. And don't forget the money they know coming their way.

I read somewhere (and it may have been written in sarcasm) that the Anthony's were going to Hollywood. CA, I never completely trusted though her breakdown on the stand really got to me. LA, I just never knew what to think of him and found him rather squirrely on the stand. But GA ... George has real potential as an award winning actor. I totally bought everything he said on the stand and felt horrible for him that the DT had made just horrible accusations against him.

If some of the things I've read today are true, if GA is ready to welcome Casey back into his heart & home ... well, I just don't know. I have been duped by him then. Somebody please tell me I'm wrong and GA was sincere and stood up for Caylee when the rest of the family did not.
People in courtroom heard the A's talking in court.
Cindy was all excited when Casey walked into court and exclaimed;
Oh, there she is....isn't she pretty!

Corrected to say that it was George who said 'her hair is sure long'.

UGH!! :sick: :sick:
I don't think "good behavior" should apply to an inmate in isolation. FHS, she had no challenges. pfft

Sure does. Many inmates do a crime inside just to get put in isolation. They know they can't get in any trouble there and will get out much sooner.:rocker:
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