2011.07.09 - Per Mason, Casey is not going home

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Or maybe she is just a murderer…
I think it makes us feel better to believe she has some type of mental illness…
when in fact she probably is just down right evil.
Evil does exists… sometimes it’s just hard to accept it!

Evil people do many evil things. MAYBE Starting with harming a pet.
KC history from keeping baby daddy secret, to acting like a tramp.
and on and on, looks more like mental illness then evil.
Mental Illness can include "Criminal NEGLIGENCE"
Her history is not of doing many evil things, but having bad behavior all along.

However, I know how many people are very angry – I actually stopped posting on this case almost 2 years ago.
I DID PREDICT the outcome based on what the State was doing/not doing.
Bottom line now is - KC will need cosmetic surgery AND meds too.
Now that you mention it, they did lose a lot of pets. And I think EX-ICA chloroformed the family yorkies.. a practice run
Amen to that. I find it repulsive that the DT, family and jurors are getting death threats. People want to know where she lives so they can what stalk her and protest outside her house? She was acquitted. She is a free citizen like all of you. She does have rights and if anyone harms or kills her they will most definitely not be acquitted of assault or murder.
Guess that depends if they duct tape her, triple bag her, put her in a swamp for 6 months, and all LE has to work with is a skeleton. Could be an accident you know ...
I think ICA was drugging the dogs to test out how much she needed for Caylee. Yikes.

I don't think a stranger is going to kill ICA. My guess is she continues with her lies and evil ways and one day does it to the wrong person who ends up killing her. I don't see her lving past 40 and the company she will keep between now and then will be low lifes like her clinging on for a buck.
IMO the truth is that if KC's family and attorneys had stayed out of the media and had allowed the gag order, we wouldn't know as much or be as invested of our feelings. You can't choose to have people involved when it is convenient and then expect them not to care about what happens. KC was found not guilty, but she is far from innocent. I don't care what anyone in the family does as long as it is not off of money due to Caylee's death. I will not buy anything they publish, endorse, or receive funds off of. They will mess up again somewhere, sometime.
Amen to that. I find it repulsive that the DT, family and jurors are getting death threats. People want to know where she lives so they can what stalk her and protest outside her house? She was acquitted. She is a free citizen like all of you. She does have rights and if anyone harms or kills her they will most definitely not be acquitted of assault or murder.

I certainly hope not, but KC was.
I think ICA was drugging the dogs to test out how much she needed for Caylee. Yikes.

I don't think a stranger is going to kill ICA. My guess is she continues with her lies and evil ways and one day does it to the wrong person who ends up killing her. I don't see her lving past 40 and the company she will keep between now and then will be low lifes like her clinging on for a buck.

Interesting to me that many folks so worried about prospective crimes of assault or murder seem less concerned that the only person who is actually responsible for a real death will be out and walking around scot free in about a week. Yikes. The only person related to this mess who has been hurt so far is Caylee. Really don't get the dichotomy- much concern about future crimes coupled with seeming acceptance of past murderers walking free.
Interesting to me that many folks so worried about prospective crimes of assault or murder seem less concerned that the only person who is actually responsible for a real, actual, confirmed death is will be out and walking around in about a week. The only person who has been hurt so far is Caylee. Why so much concern about future crimes when fine with murderers walking free. I really don't get the dichotomy.

Because people are receiving death threats. Some of which are being investigated so apparently someone is concerned about them.
Interesting to me that many folks so worried about prospective crimes of assault or murder seem less concerned that the only person who is actually responsible for a real, actual, confirmed death is will be out and walking around in about a week. The only person who has been hurt so far is Caylee. Why so much concern about future crimes when fine with murderers walking free. I really don't get the dichotomy.

Indeed. The prosecution didn't make their case. That's how the system works.

That's like saying she looks good on paper. The truth is she committed a vile murder against a helpless child and the system let her get away with it. Don't expect people to swallow that hideous injustice without complaining. That's how that system works too.
Guess that depends if they duct tape her, triple bag her, put her in a swamp for 6 months, and all LE has to work with is a skeleton. Could be an accident you know ...

Probably just family dysfunction...or something...somehow
Because people are receiving death threats. Some of which are being investigated so apparently someone is concerned about them.
Who's investigating? The same law enforcement just excoriated by the defense in the KC trial? If anyone is found, they should face sanctions, but perhaps Baez will take the case, tell stories in the opening statement of their trials, confuse the jury and get them off.

Again, we're just talking threats (thank gawd). The ONLY person harmed and dead here is Caylee and our system has just decided that no one will be accountable. To me, real harm trumps threats.
I sincerely hope no one is lumping together the people on this board who are freely expressing their thoughts and feelings about KC and the people who are making criminal death threats. There is a world of difference between the two.

My feelings about her are that I despise her and am repulsed by her and I hope she never has a moment's happiness or comfort in her life. Part of this is due to her behavior in court during her sentencing. I have never seen such a chilling lack of sorrow in a bereaved parent, nor such disgusting naked triumphalism because she had beaten the system. I would never hurt her but I also would not lift a finger to help her. She is not the only person in America with rights. Americans have free speech. And although this is difficult for an Anthony to accept, she does not get to control how people view her or speak to, or of, her. She is not the CEO of public opinion.
That seems to be the common thread throughout the A's household as far as KC was concerned. LA confirmed it during his testimony. It was always about KC. If KC had stayed in prison CA would have still had her daughter because eventually KC would have caved in on the visitation. CA's greatest fear has been apparently realized.....she has lost both her girls. jmo

And her son also with lying to him, about looking for a dead body, remember that came out in court, he over heard her telling DC and he thought she was still alive, and then when he went back to sit beside her, it showed such a terrible look from CA towards him, I saw a close up, and he did not apper in court the next day, I hope he also moves far away, but stays in contact with George.
Reposting my thought since the other thread closed:

I do believe KC is already out of jail. The reason it still shows she is in custody is because I believe they snuck her out of jail on Thurs night and wisked her away to a safe house to stay until 7/17. Didn't OCSD make a statement that she would be released from somewhere in town, making it sound like it wouldn't be from the jail? That is why she didn't see Cindy last night, because she isn't there.... JMHO

I do not think she will go back to CA and GA house... ever... if they let her, then I am completely finished feeling any sympathy towards them at all. They will get what they deserve.

Orange Co. jail visits are not in person. They're via video link from across the street. I'm sure KC thought Mom must be an idiot to think she'd want the world to see them talk considering they only have to wait a few more days.
(if she went home...)

Casey: 9-1-1 Hello? Hello? 911?

911: This is 911 Do you have an emergency?

Casey: My name is Casey Anthony, Hopespring Drive, I got out of prison because I DID NOT DO ANYTHING. But I can't get out of my house, they are throwing rocks at my house, they have flattened my tires, they spray painted a Target on my garage, GET OVER HERE right now and get rid of them!

911: We'll have someone out there in 31 days, is there anything else you need?
To get SSDI she would have to have paid into the system for a certain number of years. So, no worries there.

Actually, you don't have to have worked to draw money from social security. My son is on SSI because he has schizophrenia. He's never been able to hold down a job. My husband has several nieces and a sister who also have schizophrenia. They too are on SSI. It's not a whole lot of money each month but if a person on SSI can get into subsidized housing, they pay hardly any rent. They will also get food stamps. So they can get by but not lavishly unless they break the law and earn money off the books.
(if she went home...)

Casey: 9-1-1 Hello? Hello? 911?

911: This is 911 Do you have an emergency?

Casey: My name is Casey Anthony, Hopespring Drive, I got out of prison because I DID NOT DO ANYTHING. But I can't get out of my house, they are throwing rocks at my house, they have flattened my tires, they spray painted a Target on my garage, GET OVER HERE right now and get rid of them!

911: We'll have someone out there in 31 days, is there anything else you need?

:floorlaugh: omg I shouldn't be laughing but I AM!
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