2011.07.09 - Per Mason, Casey is not going home

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Joe Biden is the Vice President????? LOL We never see him, well I don't watch much TV so he could be one and I just have not seen him lately.

I love you! I think we're on the same page...We should not try to analyze based on the political leanings of the Anthonys, the DT or the media. In fact with the discussion about the US default, I cringe to think this case would have some bearing into the discussions in D.C.
I love you! I think we're on the same page...We should not try to analyze based on the political leanings of the Anthonys, the DT or the media. In fact with the discussion about the US default, I cringe to think this case would have some bearing into the discussions in D.C.

Maybe because we have invested so much of our energies in finding justice for Caylee any monies the A's get from deals should go right into the Social Security Budget. I have no idea which way the A's lean politically but my guess is whichever way the wind is blowing. jmo
I suspect that in Casey's warped sense of reality she thinks her and JB are in a "relationship" or will be soon. He needs to get her as far away as possible because he finds his pets head boiling in the crock pot.
And all of her boyfriends were Italiano or Latino IIRC. She likes the PR boys I bet. She thinks she will be well received there and embraced by the community. We'll see.

It's not unusal for an admiration or lovestruckness on the one whom you've deemed to have saved your life. Imo, the only one she will want for awhile is Jose, as he is her savior, iykwim. moo.

I think he is married, not sure, but if he is, she could make his life rather difficult.
He also imo has a savior mentality, thinking he saved her, and has said as much.

So, I think wherever she will be, so will he be. I wouldn't want to be his wife once she is outside the barred doors. moo

If she murdered her own daughter so she could be with TL, what is she capable of to be with JB, whom she has much more of an "emotional" investment in.

A psych ward might be the best option right now.
I was very angry for Caylee's sake, but I listened to Jeff, and the Sheriff, and have considered that what Caylee would want now, since justice is gone, is to have her mom get all the help she needs just in case Caylee ends up having baby brothers/sisters. So for their sake, and for Caylee's heart, I pray KC gets the help she needs, if it's possible to recover mentally from whatever she has.
moo of course.

It's just a thought.
I just read a little about it. He moved to Germany after his child was killed. But he was very outspoken with the Germans not to get into a war with the US and encouraged the Nazis to take the war eastward toward Asia and tried to keep them away from Britain and the US. Once Japan entered the world he returned to the US. Roosevelt did not like him and called him a Nazis and had Hoover investigate him (funny coincidence PI here is Hoover). Other than CL running some bootlegging when he was younger there was nothing. And we all know where the Kennedy's money came from. But if his family was from Germany, many Germans during the war were not Nazis. Many Germans were terrified to open their mouths in fear of what would happen to them because of Hitler. I don't think CL would qualify though as infamous. There were also many Germans at the time who did not want the war Hitler was raising and tried to keep it from happening and weren't as lucky as CL in getting away. jmo

I always enjoy a good history lesson.
Thanks for the interesting info,
It's not unusal for an admiration or lovestruckness on the one whom you've deemed to have saved your life. Imo, the only one she will want for awhile is Jose, as he is her savior, iykwim. moo.

I think he is married, not sure, but if he is, she could make his life rather difficult.
He also imo has a savior mentality, thinking he saved her, and has said as much.

So, I think wherever she will be, so will he be. I wouldn't want to be his wife once she is outside the barred doors. moo

If she murdered her own daughter so she could be with TL, what is she capable of to be with JB, whom she has much more of an "emotional" investment in.

A psych ward might be the best option right now.
I was very angry for Caylee's sake, but I listened to Jeff, and the Sheriff, and have considered that what Caylee would want now, since justice is gone, is to have her mom get all the help she needs just in case Caylee ends up having baby brothers/sisters. So for their sake, and for Caylee's heart, I pray KC gets the help she needs, if it's possible to recover mentally from whatever she has.
moo of course.

It's just a thought.

However, she wants to adopt a newborn babe with an Irish accent.
I think she will go live with Lee. :lol: Maybe one day she can babysit his and Mallory's future children. I mean since she is an "amazing mother"
I just read a little about it. He moved to Germany after his child was killed. But he was very outspoken with the Germans not to get into a war with the US and encouraged the Nazis to take the war eastward toward Asia and tried to keep them away from Britain and the US. Once Japan entered the world he returned to the US. Roosevelt did not like him and called him a Nazis and had Hoover investigate him (funny coincidence PI here is Hoover). Other than CL running some bootlegging when he was younger there was nothing. And we all know where the Kennedy's money came from. But if his family was from Germany, many Germans during the war were not Nazis. Many Germans were terrified to open their mouths in fear of what would happen to them because of Hitler. I don't think CL would qualify though as infamous. There were also many Germans at the time who did not want the war Hitler was raising and tried to keep it from happening and weren't as lucky as CL in getting away. jmo

I always enjoy a good history lesson.
Thanks for the interesting info,

Me too. I was just saying what the rumors were that the OP may be referriing to as his being infamous. There were rumors of Nazi sympathy, not saying they were true. :blowkiss:
It's all over the radio here and on my facebook that Casey is coming to Houston to live with an aunt. Not sure if that's really where she is going or not but that's what they were reporting on our radio station.
It's not unusal for an admiration or lovestruckness on the one whom you've deemed to have saved your life. Imo, the only one she will want for awhile is Jose, as he is her savior, iykwim. moo.

I think he is married, not sure, but if he is, she could make his life rather difficult.
He also imo has a savior mentality, thinking he saved her, and has said as much.

So, I think wherever she will be, so will he be. I wouldn't want to be his wife once she is outside the barred doors. moo

If she murdered her own daughter so she could be with TL, what is she capable of to be with JB, whom she has much more of an "emotional" investment in.

A psych ward might be the best option right now.
I was very angry for Caylee's sake, but I listened to Jeff, and the Sheriff, and have considered that what Caylee would want now, since justice is gone, is to have her mom get all the help she needs just in case Caylee ends up having baby brothers/sisters. So for their sake, and for Caylee's heart, I pray KC gets the help she needs, if it's possible to recover mentally from whatever she has.
moo of course.

It's just a thought.

She has been examined numerous times by Psychiatrists and Psychologists-she has NO mental illness. She chooses to live the life of a lazy thief, cheat and con artist, because it has worked out very well for her. Jails are full of people like her. There is NO treatment. The world owes her a comfortable living without being expected to work for it,apparently.
BBM, Jury duty is a hardship for persons with disabilities. I was excused from jury duty in May with a note from my Dr. detailing why it would be physically hard for me to serve. I've reported for jury duty in the past, and this time I said "not again." I'm ambulatory disabled which sometimes is more difficult than being in a wheelchair. In the past when I showed up (but never chosen because of my profession), I got the long, fast walks (b/c the judge wanted us like an hour ago) down the block, across the street, through winding halls, and the bathrooms were nowhere close to the courtroom. Additionally, when you think about it, persons with visual or auditory disabilities would have a difficult time serving, particularly in a trial such as this one.

Thank you for enduring the hardship to serve! :hug:
Especially for long trials, we need to pay people a decent wage for serving, so more people could. Childcare, either onsite or reimbursed might be an additional option. We really should end sequestration which encourages group dynamics to emerge which can possible skew the verdict. Jurors should be free to go home at the end of the day. Changes of venue should likewise almost never used. There should be fewer outs. Everyone serves, kind of like a draft. We need to work toward expanding the pool...pay well, three outs and then you're in and in keeping people away from potentially damaging group dynamics.

This has been going on for a long time....back in the late 70's Baltimore City juries were pulled from only registered voters (so no felony convictions), and with the urban flight, severe poverty, and deterioration of the inner city and high crime/drug problems, the jury pool got small quickly. An older 60something lady I worked with, who lived in the city, and had proudly voted in every election, was called for jury duty about every 6 monthes or so. Even then, she would talk about the high number of people who did anything they could to get out of it, including lying about their past and claiming nonexistent convictions to get disqualified. The pay was a whopping $5 a day! moo
I was thinking, KC is used to having JB and other attorneys working "for" her, serving her, taking care of her, paying attention to her. Once she's out, she'll want and expect this same treatment. If she doesn't get it, she'll be pissed!

Think of how much time she used to spend texting and talking on the phone. Who will she text and talk to now?

I agree with the idea of KC seeing JB as her savior, and vice versa. I would be worried if I was his wife, for a variety of reasons.
Think of how much time she used to spend texting and talking on the phone. Who will she text and talk to now?

I've thought about that, too. Her "friends" pretty much seem done with her, so who will she text all night??? Paging DCS...

I agree with the idea of KC seeing JB as her savior, and vice versa. I would be worried if I was his wife, for a variety of reasons.

Ohhh....man. If I was his wife and saw the body language those two had going on in court, especially this last time, there would be heck. to. pay.

I suspect that in Casey's warped sense of reality she thinks her and JB are in a "relationship" or will be soon. He needs to get her as far away as possible because he finds his pets head boiling in the crock pot.

LOL......it's really not all that funny but I couldn't help but laugh at this.
I was thinking, KC is used to having JB and other attorneys working "for" her, serving her, taking care of her, paying attention to her. Once she's out, she'll want and expect this same treatment. If she doesn't get it, she'll be pissed!

Think of how much time she used to spend texting and talking on the phone. Who will she text and talk to now?

I agree with the idea of KC seeing JB as her savior, and vice versa. I would be worried if I was his wife, for a variety of reasons

KC will definetely expect the DT, paralegals and others to be taking care after jail. I think they will help her out for awhile. But I can see Cheney being the one to eventually make Casey get a job or do something to end the support that he and the DT may be giving her post trial.

Most people tend limit how much help they give to others. I also can see the spouses or families of the DT being annoyed with them helping Casey out.
I think she will go live with Lee. :lol: Maybe one day she can babysit his and Mallory's future children. I mean since she is an "amazing mother"

However KC does need to work on her "bonding" skills. (CA said Caylee and KC went off to bond and that is why she was not concerned KC did not return home for 31 days).
KC will definetely expect the DT, paralegals and others to be taking care after jail. I think they will help her out for awhile. But I can see Cheney being the one to eventually make Casey get a job or do something to end the support that he and the DT may be giving her post trial.

Most people tend limit how much help they give to others. I also can see the spouses or families of the DT being annoyed with them helping Casey out.

They won't be able to be around her. The first place the media will look is to her attorneys. IMO she would be placed with strangers who are well aware of her faults and will have zero tolerance for her behavior. She could potentially beg the judge to go back to jail. lol jmo
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