2011.07.09 - Per Mason, Casey is not going home

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A comment made by CM to Jean C., in her interview, stood out to me. He said, "She is tough, she has guts, she's as tough as they come" My first thought was, she's not tough, she is a Sociopath, with no conscience or apathy for anything, totally disconnected to real emotions.

Also, if you will remember, JB tried to have 2 guards from her floor at the Jail, testify, that she was always "happy" and didn't they think that strange, for someone facing a Death Penalty trial for Murder. When proffered, the Judge ruled against this. JB was pointing out, that "something is not right" with her. This demeanor has drawn many people to this case, watching this type of personality, in light of the seriousness of her crime. I feel, her Defense team, knows she is "not right" mentally.

Oh,You better believe they know it. I bet the state of KC's mental health prays heavily on their mind right now.
Hey Songline :) Long time, no see. :wave:

I have thought there were some manic signs recalling the times of texts and calls...she seemed to rarely sleep.

I don't doubt she may have a mental illness, and I don't doubt she may also have a personality disorder...or two...or 3, if that's possible. ;) But...I don't give her any room for incompetence, so the point seems moot. The evil gleam I've seen in her eyes at certain times, over the last 3 years, tells me she knows exactly what she's doing. Reading through the texts shows me how cunning and manipulative she is...she's certainly not JUST a pathalogical liar, imo. There's more behind it than that...lying is her way to her means...what drives the way? My guess? With child killers? Plain and simple, pure evil.

There is a psych profile thread for discussions of mental illness.
I can't believe a volunteer at NAMI would continue to spread stigma and misinformation about mental illness. Anecdotal evidence does not counteract professionals who have actually seen ICA. The fact that she is being accused of being mentally ill when she has been examined and re examined is wrong imo. Because a person has a severe mental illness does not make them more likely to do the horrible things ICA has done.

I can't believe a person who has little or no knowledge of the corelation between certain mental illnesses, personality disorders, and violent crime would make this statement to a person with MUCH experience and knowledge of such.

If you will spend a little time researching violent crimes in the last year alone, you will find several beheadings, a crucifixtion, many knifings, shootings, starvations, poisonings, beatings, burnings, massacres of multiple folks in workplaces and public venues, and a hanging, ALL perpetrated by mentally ill. Surely you made this statement in jest?

Oh, and I forgot to add that I believe there was a chloriforming/ asphyxiation of a 2 year old by a young woman I believe is borderline and narcissistic personality disordered.

Being interviewed by three people all in one day certainly does not an adequate assesment make for such a serious illness in a person who CLEARLY is a manipulative pathological liar.
I vote that she will never go home. She may communicate with CA, but only from a distance. She has new fame and a "new" family with her entire Defense team, who will protect her, until it interferes with their lives.
Wherever she goes she will be recognized.

I thought about this the other night. Two KY derbys ago OJ came to Louisville and tried to eat at Ruth Chris steakhouse. The owner told him to leave. There was nothing he could do but leave. I thought it was hilarious!

Anyways, I feel KC will get the same treatment for the rest of her life.
Hey Songline :) Long time, no see. :wave:

I have thought there were some manic signs recalling the times of texts and calls...she seemed to rarely sleep.

I don't doubt she may have a mental illness, and I don't doubt she may also have a personality disorder...or two...or 3, if that's possible. ;) But...I don't give her any room for incompetence, so the point seems moot. The evil gleam I've seen in her eyes at certain times, over the last 3 years, tells me she knows exactly what she's doing. Reading through the texts shows me how cunning and manipulative she is...she's certainly not JUST a pathalogical liar, imo. There's more behind it than that...lying is her way to her means...what drives the way? My guess? With child killers? Plain and simple, pure evil.

:seeya: Hi Paladine :seeya: So glad to see you, I have removed myself from this case about 2 years ago it had become a circus and the REAL STORY WAS HIDDEN.
I agree with everything accept the last line that I BBM... LACK OF EMOTIONAL RANGE is what I call it, she does not feel anything that is not about her. With meds she would not have the rage, or the lack of proper decision-making. SADLY I think that Caylee had the same fate as Shaniya Davis in N.Carolina.
I think KC danced on the edge... took risks... and was mixed with a batch of people that had her hush the case. Sadly I think GA knows them too.
But your description of her is perfect and it is scary.

First post back is off topic. Can you guys please please move your discussion of the link provided by Kimster.

Do you guys think that wherever she goes, extra security will be needed? I sure do!

I imagine where ever she is now, jail or safe house, her safety must be provided until she is oficially released = more costs for the state. Once she is released and until/unless front money is received, she will need security.

It would be nice if some of this front money in contingent with her getting mental health treatment - but she will not do that. She has not been held accountable her whole life by her parents or the court.

As of today (may change my mind) I don't care where she goes or with whom she lives. I just do not care.
The same article in post #1 talked about the jury:

It said that they were staying at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel and were booked into a hotel as the "Rosen Transfer Students Conference". They used codes names such as “Rosen Student One,” "Two," etc.

It said that they always traveled with deputies. Most interesting to me is that court spokeswoman Karen Levey said: For the last 10 days, the jurors had no television because of the heavy Anthony trial promotion on channels such as even Cartoon Network and Syfy.

That alone indicates to me that they definitely wanted to get the whole thing over with as quickly as possible.

It went on to say: "Jurors had special meals at places ranging from the Citrus Club and the University Club to Tony Roma’s and Olive Garden. The food costs were nearly $25,000. The jurors went to movies, such as “Super 8″ and “Green Lantern.” The deliberating jurors declined to watch the Lake Eola fireworks but the alternates watched the holiday festivities."

Its an interesting little article.
This does not surprise me. Casey is finally free of Caylee, that family and their control w/a potential bucket of moola, to boot. IMO, she's just using the excuse of George testifying against her to further punish him/them, to make it HIS fault, scapegoat him, can't be hers, right? Nothing ever is. IMO, she couldn't care less about them. They've served their purpose. On to Hollywood and the fast life...or so she hopes. imo

If she did not blame other people she would have to take responsibility.
I do not think the word responsibility is in her range.
Blame erases shame – and then she can make it through the day.

Sorry I just read the stay on topic... will not post other things
I can't even imagine where she will go.I can't see anyone , distant family or not, being willing to put up with her. I can't imagine anyone trusting her. She may get money in the future, but who is going pay the bills in the mean time..Who would rent to her? I anticipate someone connected with the defense team, having a vacation or second home somewhere...But who on earth wants to live with her? IMHO she would almost have to go to some sort of treatment center..For what IDK..they are not cheap, and who is gonna pay for that? I don't see anywhere for her but home, but don't really see how it could happen. IDK.CM seem to be able to be able to commander the celebratory restaurant in the building where his office is. I assume he has connections everywhere.
I said it around 7/5 and I'll say it again. It feels good.

"Here is what I feel is so ironic.

Cindy finally has won. She repeatedly said she couldn't loose her daughter after also loosing Caylee. So she won.


Has she had a little inkling sometimes paining her soul, that she lost her daughter somewhere along the way after all? Despite all that she did, and I know she did everything she thought she could do, and more, I feel she has also lost Casey. She loves her daughter but Casey doesn't love Cindy anymore. I predict she will never call, she will never visit. Cindy will never hold any of her babies, she'll never meet her new friends. She'll not know where she is or how she is doing. I really am sorry to say that I don't think Casey wants anything to do with anyone from her past again. I predict she will turn against the family even more as soon as she is allowed to begin to talk. She will make up more lies about them, and bring up things from the past, twist stories and lie lie, lie. Ironically, Cindy and George will have to deal with the loss of Casey after all."

They still have Lee, their son. For that, they should be grateful.
Cheney Mason has said in few interviews I have seen on TV that Casey will not be going 'home' to live with Cindy and George. I don't find that particularly surprising.
George did more than testify at the GJ. He had a friend come from Ohio who stated GA got up in ICA's face screaming at her to tell them what happened to Caylee,but Cindy made him back off. That was the day he was seen walking off and Lee went after him in the car. TM also told of GA asking ICA to just mark an X on a map of where Caylee was. He knew,he didn't pretend,initially and that ticked her off.He did not get with CA's program soon enough and he became disposable,just like Caylee.
Didn't Cindy reference something about AL helping her get into law school in one of her jailhouse letters?
I think the DT will try to actually help KC get her act together as it will look better on their end. They will be able to say "see she just needed the right guidance!"
However, I also think the DT won't have the time to spend in making KC into a Liz Fryer either! JB has dreams of Telemundo and being a talking head like his bud GR. CM is going to be busy with his next trial coming soon. Liz F. is a young promising lawyer who won't have the time to babysit nor will DCS or any of the other DT peeps. KC will have the tools to move on in her life in a positive way-but she won't know how to use these tools and will become bored quickly. So, without KC's own self control and will power to become a professional-it ain't gonna happen!!
That said, I think going back to Hopesprings Dr. is the last thing KC will do! I see her becoming involved with perhaps one of her security guards (I'm sure she will have some for a while) and probably becoming pregnant soon!:banghead:
Didn't Cindy reference something about AL helping her get into law school in one of her jailhouse letters?
I think the DT will try to actually help KC get her act together as it will look better on their end. They will be able to say "see she just needed the right guidance!"
However, I also think the DT won't have the time to spend in making KC into a Liz Fryer either! JB has dreams of Telemundo and being a talking head like his bud GR. CM is going to be busy with his next trial coming soon. Liz F. is a young promising lawyer who won't have the time to babysit nor will DCS or any of the other DT peeps. KC will have the tools to move on in her life in a positive way-but she won't know how to use these tools and will become bored quickly. So, without KC's own self control and will power to become a professional-it ain't gonna happen!!
That said, I think going back to Hopesprings Dr. is the last thing KC will do! I see her becoming involved with perhaps one of her security guards (I'm sure she will have some for a while) and probably becoming pregnant soon!:banghead:
:floorlaugh: BBM PERFECT solution :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
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