2011.07.09 - Per Mason, Casey is not going home

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OK, I had to run errands today that took me through Amish country...Lancaster County PA where Witness was set and filmed. And it occured to me :eek: you know how ICA takes her ideas from movies? What if she hides out in Amish Country? That would be the perfect cover for her! :floorlaugh:
I think George and Cindy are planning on relocating elsewhere.
I think the "forclosure" was done on purpose so that they could up and leave
when they needed to.

I think she will only agree to have a relationship with them on her terms which will include never being allowed to talk about "it".
I'm sure Cindy would agree to that.

I first thought AL or another defense team member might take her in but I just can't imagine taking your work project home with you to live.
Could you seriously trust them with your family/neighbors/friends?

I think she will make a few adjustments to her appearance; nose job,
colored contacts, etc.
I would expect to see her with long layered blonde or red hair.
I think she grew that hair for her TV debut.
She pictures herself on a show like "Real Housewives" or Jersey Shore".
Although there's nothing left to hear from any of them.
They have all lied and will never admit to the real truth.
Just like OJ.
They have already lost credibility and have used us all up.
We have no compassion left for any of them.
You can't sell someone that isn't even a little bit likeable.

I also think there will be men who will be willing to spend time
with her but none of them will want to have a child by her and I think they
will take the extra precaution to prevent that from happening.
Any man who would seriously want a family wouldn't pick her.
She just doesn't have a very good track record.

She's already learned that motherhood isn't for her.

I could totally see her getting pregnant and then making an effort to "act" like the perfect little mother in order to "disprove" the public perception about her. And unfortunately, as Diane Downs once famously said, "children are so easy to conceive."
Who is to really believe the DF team, but in this case I do believe she will not be going home. KC's family is broken. There is to much to sort out and put together before they can ever come together as one unit. Personally I would rather see them stay apart. All of them need help.
I am sure the DF already have a place for her to go...where that is who knows.
I recall hearing either Baez or CM in an interview saying that she needs help and that there are many people offering their services.(Mental Help serices) Maybe she will go to some fancy facility for a while. Last night on NG the psychiatrist said they could not classify KC with one particular disorder, so if she goes for help I hope they have the wisdom to find out what the heck is wrong with this girl. I hope they don't get bamboozled.
Lee needs to move on with his own life.
GA and CA..I really do not know if they will stay together but who knows maybe this was a lesson to them. One can hope.

That's another thing. What help? Supposedly there is nothing wrong with her. So what can they treat her for besides murdering her daughter?

I do not believe anything any of them are saying. Last night it was Casey refused to talk to Cindy. Know what, I don't believe it. She is getting out of prison the 17th, know what, I don't believe it. They are telling the public all lies at this point because of the threats against this family and Casey.
She could already be out for all we know. It all has to be kept secret to protect the whole deranged bunch so I am sure they are not publicly going to tell the truth!
ITA. When I read this article my attention was drawn to the juror's accommodations as well; specifically being one of many places owned by Harris Rosen.

I'm not sure if anyone else remembers, but there were text messages from someone early on to Harris Rosen indicating that he was going to assist in the reward and/or defense fund.

I was looking for the old threads when I cam across your post. I have to run out for a bit, but if anyone sees this and/or finds the old post(s) will you please bump it for me? These associations are piquing my interest...again!

(Sorry for O/T but wanted someone to help me find and bump post). TIA

Harrie Rosen is the one that Lee A. also went to see/speak to - I find this connection, at the very least, something that should be looked into. Out of all the hotels in Orlando, they just happen to choose this one?
I think she should live with Rosalie Bolin (sp?), the lady who married the serial killer. I think they probably have a lot in common. She could even work for her; maybe help free her husband. Any maybe RB could introduce her to some really nice death row guy. Who knows, even marry one. Match made in heaven!!
I'm not the least bit surprised that Casey will not be returning home to her parents. She is an adult and doesn't need to have Cindy controlling her every move and thought any more. After watching Mrs. Anthony in action over the last three years, it was more than obvious that she has major control issues and has tried to manage every aspect of Casey's life. Once Casey has done a couple of interviews, she will have enough money to move wherever she wants and will be free to do as she pleases. Cindy isn't in charge any more, and she will have to learn to live with this. jmo

I derive a lot of satisfaction from knowing that a couple of interviews, no matter how well-paid, are not going to provide KC with enough income to get her through the next 50 years of living expenses. She may be able to capitalize a little on this, but it won't be significant in the long-term, especially since the only thing people would want to pay for, the plausible truth, will never be up for sale.

If she ends up resorting to boxing a la Octomom to make some cash perhaps some of the more athletic Websleuths women could take it up as well and line up as challengers...:floorlaugh:
5 days ago I never expected I would be typing if I thought she would "go home" or elsewhere.

My speculation is that she has already been transferred from the OC jail to another jail...and will be released from there to throw the media/etc off...for her "protection" of course. She will then live anywhere but on Hopespring Drive...

ETA: I also believe this is why CM's visit was denied...she is no longer housed there, and the Anthony's will be able to do interviews and say they have no idea where she is.
Thanks for the thread and other replies to my post re: Rosen.

I will look through that old thread and my notes from early in the case, when I get home tonight. Maybe nothing at all, but I feel compelled to do a little digging.
Only for the sake of neighbors on Hopespring Drive, I hope Casey doesn't go home. Those poor people have been through he$$ by no fault of their own. I hope they find some peace. I could care less about the A's or CKCA!
Has anyone else read "In The Belly of the Beast"? True story. Norman Mailer took it upon himself to help a convicted murderer get released, took him under his wing, brought him home to live with Mailer. Not long after, they were eating at a restaurant and the ex-con felt slighted by a waiter so he killed him right there. I would think that Mr . Mailer learned a lesson that night. Waste, huge waste.

I have hopes that CM and/or JB will soon learn a similar lesson. Only hope they have the good sense not to expose their families to ICA and that no one else will die for them to GET IT.
:waitasec: IMHO that is a no brainer. Of course she is not going home, after accusing her father for sexual inappropriateness.
IMO - It is the last chapters to make it all seem real.
Besides KC and her parents must have a lot of anger between them, regardless to the fact that they did save her azz.

IF.... BIG IF (I trust none of them) but IF? JB was not paid. Because he may have been paid indirectly by the boys who
did hire him...How else did he live all these many months? he does have a family????? :waitasec:
He will be getting his share now, that must be his deal with KC.

To keep his interest in this - she may get her own place near him
which will probably have a guard for her safety, also hired by the boys that hired him.

ALTERNATIVELY, she may go straight to a cosmetic surgeon for safekeeping. Then she will see her family.
Doubt it - she has to give a few interviews first....:puke:
WHO KNOWS? – but she cant be safe out there

Who are the boys you refer to that hired JB. I thought Casey hired him. Confused here.
I'd guess there's a difference between "competent to stand trial" and "mentally ill".

I think KC is mentally ill, and because of the way the family operated, they never sought help for her. Maybe they never saw it. Remember, CA never took her to a gynecologist until she was pregnant, and everyone knew she was pregnant before her parents did.

Why does everyone keep carrying on about a gynecologist? Who goes to a gyney to see if they are pregnant? Gynecologist's are for abnormal female reproductive health issues.

Like everyone else, ICA would have seen your regular bread and butter General Practitioner down at the clinic to both see her for her pregnancy and deliver her baby.

It's like taking your child to a pediatrician. If your child is run of the mill in good health, quit wasting the specialist's time.
I don’t think JB, CM, DCS, MM or anyone else on the DT will put up the money for her security and housing, nor, would any of them put up the money to send her for counseling. That alone would run in the thousands of dollars unless, they use the Grief Counselor lady and she councils her for FREE.
Posted by Sleuthfortruth

Casey would roll right over that Dr. Grief lady. There would be no meaningful counseling happening there. Besides, I got the feeling that after JA gave HIS hypothetical to Dr. Grief, and she took it in, her feelings towards the inmate changed. She was not nearly as positive and enthusiastic about her defense testimony after learning the truth about the circumstances.

And I agree totally with what you said also about nobody but the Anthony's being able to put up with Casey for long. The only thing that might change that would be if Baez is able to get her a big huge payment for something. If he gets her a half a million for a book or film deal then he will rent her a secure condo and pay someone to babysit her so he can be in charge of the money.

But if he does not get a motherlode of cash then she will have to go home to Cindy.
She'll go off and be like Mary Winkler. I mean who really even thinks of Mary now? What is she doing? Where is she living?? She dropped out of the news quicklike. ICA is hoping she will as well.
Casey would roll right over that Dr. Grief lady. There would be no meaningful counseling happening there. Besides, I got the feeling that after JA gave HIS hypothetical to Dr. Grief, and she took it in, her feelings towards the inmate changed. She was not nearly as positive and enthusiastic about her defense testimony after learning the truth about the circumstances.

And I agree totally with what you said also about nobody but the Anthony's being able to put up with Casey for long. The only thing that might change that would be if Baez is able to get her a big huge payment for something. If he gets her a half a million for a book or film deal then he will rent her a secure condo and pay someone to babysit her so he can be in charge of the money.

But if he does not get a motherlode of cash then she will have to go home to Cindy.

IDK, seems like Baez can't get a deal for himself...least not with a reputable agency.

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