2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

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The only people suffering "burn out" is us.

I think the pop tart jurors had approximately 4 weeks if not less of testimony displayed in front of them. Between the sidebars, the depositions, the 2 hour lunches, the "special" breaks, Casey sick days,..........

Exactly - and well said - pop tart jurors - nothing real in pop tarts at all - great comparison.

And I agree with the burn out - I was just sitting here thinking I am getting a headache again and I'd been doing quite well for a while...
Yeah...some comment came out that he was so hostile and antagonistic towards JB on the stand...so they didn't believe hi,. WTH do they expect a man to act like??? The attny questioning him accused him of putting his penis in the mouth of his 8 year old daughter.....of freaking course he was hostile.

They keep making it look worse IMO. They say on one hand they didnt say she was innocent and then they say they think it was an accident. So which is it. So they chose to believe a women that they convicted for lying to LE but in the same breath say they didnt believe GA. If they bought the accident theory then they had to by all of it to let her walk but what she was charged with. Then juror 2 says they didnt know who the caretaker was thats why they couldn't say manslaughter. Well would it make sinse if ICA says it was an accident she was present and didnt call for help to even see if she could save her daughter.ICA is the only one with the bizzare behavior the 31 days and then stalls police more by saying her child was missing. IMO they all need to just stay quiet from now on.
Why wasn't it ever brought to light the DC and JB were in cahoots? Could that have tied KC directly to the crime scene. I know that's probably reaching...

I'll never figure this out

IIRC, the State almost brought it out but JB whined and Judge Perry sustained.
I think HJBP was surprised by the verdict also........

HHJP sure was surprised with the verdict. If you can watch it again you will notice HHJP reviews the verdict forms and then reviews them a second time before giving them to the Clerk.
They keep making it look worse IMO. They say on one hand they didnt say she was innocent and then they say they think it was an accident. So which is it. So they chose to believe a women that they convicted for lying to LE but in the same breath say they didnt believe GA. If they bought the accident theory then they had to by all of it to let her walk but what she was charged with. Then juror 2 says they didnt know who the caretaker was thats why they couldn't say manslaughter. Well would it make sinse if ICA says it was an accident she was present and didnt call for help to even see if she could save her daughter.ICA is the only one with the bizzare behavior the 31 days and then stalls police more by saying her child was missing. IMO they all need to just stay quiet from now on.

and what does the foreman says about ICA-she is disgusting!!!
I just don't get it..they make no sense to me!!
they should quit while they are ahead!!
Cool - another one off my bucket list - I've never been part of a lynch mob before! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Use of that term is supposed to deter those who disagree with the verdict and are vocal and firm in their belief.

There was only one Lynch mob in this case, Caylee's mother, a party of 1!
So, is there anything that may come to JB for for his OS? The coverage seems to have gone to all of his statements prior to the trial, talking about how FCA didn't know what happened. If it is proven that his OS is fictional, could he be in trouble? Anything we can do to help bring charges? Any news on what the sanctions that were promised to JB will be?
IIRC, the State almost brought it out but JB whined and Judge Perry sustained.

Who is the "DC"? Dept of corrections? If so I don't remember this at all. I'm totally lost here. tia!
I also believe that Casey and Casey alone covered up and murdered her daughter.

I just think that George did not come across well on the stand. I believe that he was trying so hard to show that he was innocent that he came across as uncooperative. After being accused of sexually molesting your 8 year old daughter and duct taping and covering up the drowning of your granddaughter, it is completely understandable.

While I believe George had ZERO involvement in the death of Caylee, I do think that George just didn't come across well on the stand. MOO

Thank you. I absolutely agree with you.
I am boycotting everything except here. When I hear or read of any sponsors I will write them an email and protest loudly and enclose a picture of Caylee Marie.

As someone else said on another thread, I will also turn any magazine, etc. that I see in the grocery store around backwards so it won't be purchased.

It ain't much but it makes me feel better.

Brilliant!! Thanks for the idea!
whoa hold on. Mark Lippman atty for G&C said they were never contacted by the defense about molestation allegations but George writes a letter to KC in jail after a visit from CM's office about her destroying the family.

I didn't think I could be any more confused about the aspects of this case.

Somethings wrong here.
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