2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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This question about the car keeps coming up:

Cindy didn't lead them to the car. She kept them busy with other stuff. They didn't hear the 911. They were responding to a domestic situation. Things evolved but it was a lot to decipher. Cindy had one outside talking about credit card receipts....good grief. Why did she do this? To muck up the waters...

The car was sprayed with an entire can of febreeze and sealed up tight. Of course LE wasn't going to smell it. This spraying was most likely done immediiately before LE arrived. Cindy could have told them all about it but you notice she steered them away from the car.

And Lee lied in the depo about the smell in the garage just to muddy the water. That car did not smell when Lee opened the door. He sat in the garage with Casey talking.
I'm just dumbfounded at the statements that the jurors are coming out with. According to juror #11 (the jury foreman), some of these jurors think that GA murdered his own grandchild. Where do they get this speculation from? GA is such a "villian" that they discount everything about this case?

I've been discussing the verdict with my husband and I get angry every time I think about what happened. The jury fell in to the "rabbit hole", IMO, I just can believe what I'm hearing from juror #11.

Greta's face interviewing this juror on her show "On the Record" show though is priceless, she's got a look of wonderment on her face.

And yet she failed to challenge any of his inane answers or ask any pertinenet follow up questions. Good job, Greta. :rolleyes: I don't understand all the pussyfooting around these jurors.
The sad part is I think GA was the only Anthony who tried to respect Caylee and get justice for her and look where it got him....sending extra prayers his way tonight!

Bold mine.

Respectfully, not me! I think GA did a damn fine acting job....he played his 'role' to perfection. Only one thing I still wonder about...does the blade of the sword George fell on hurt? I AM DONE with all the Anthonys. I'm so angry I could spit!
Why didn't the tow yard guy call when he went to look for the vin# he smelled decomp even before George got the notice? Since the car was towed left abandoned,maybe the owner was in the trunk? George was glad Caylee andICA were not in the trunk,he was covering for ICA not knowing it was his own Caylee he was smelling at that time.Wonder who thought the smell came from?

He was covering for more then just Casey at that point.

Think about it, he said a prayer it was not Casey or Caylee in the trunk.

The only way he could think it was possibly Casey in the trunk was if Cindy had been lying to him about talking to Casey for the last two weeks since the car had been impounded.

He thought Cindy might have killed Casey.
My prediction... Many of these jurors will be haunted with nightmares over the next several years.

That's my hope. But sadly I think, like ICA, their nightmares will relate only to how this has affected THEM. To hell with justice for Caylee.
The jury didn't care much about Casey's lies because that's just the way she is yet they (or juror whatever number he is) believes the OS story that came out at the last? How insane. The story Casey told her attorneys makes her have no guilt at all. How likely do they think that would be! What a disgrace.
I blame them all.

If GA had called the cops at the tow yard, there would have been a police investigation. That would leave CA out in the cold. SHE would have been questioned. My take is the case would have taken an entirely different direction. The jury would have had a clearer picture of what happened.
That guy right there is the reason Casey got off. I would bet a million on it. He led that jury around with his double talk.

Agreed, and how much you want to bet that Ms. Jennifer Ford was the other strong-armed one. She is what Dr. Phil calls a 'right fighter'....has to be right, thinks she is right. She cannot keep her mug off of the TV and her attitude is one of a bully. She just keeps talking and talking and talking!
If GA had called the cops at the tow yard, there would have been a police investigation. That would leave CA out in the cold. SHE would have been questioned. My take is the case would have taken an entirely different direction. The jury would have had a clearer picture of what happened.

And if RC had done his job, they would have found her when Kronk called them in August.
This jury couldn't find their butts with both hands, without a video.

And what would Cindy be questioned about? She's the one who finally found her lying hiding daughter.
What's hilarious about Juror #11 and the others is that they FORGOT that CASEY ANTHONY lied all the time. So everything she LIED about they just disregarded. It was like George Anthony was on trial not CASEY ANTHONY. Is that not BIZARRE or what.
I mean these people were in la la land. They deserve all of the anguish they get.

Hmmmm :waitasec: maybe we should put George Anthony on trial and that would make casey guilty.

Think it would work? Kind of like the reverse psychology that works so well with children
All I can say is-There is something very very wrong with this jury and its not good what I am thinking!Something happened here!!

First, let me say I did NOT watch the Jury Foreman's interview -- because I REFUSE to watch any of the Jurors on tv. But I have read all the great posts here tonight. A great big THANKS to all of you who had the "stomach" to listen to this bull.


BBM: I totally agree !


<mod snip>

Seriously -- THINK ABOUT IT -- what we have heard from this Jury Foreman is ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE and OUTRAGEOUS ... and what we have heard from a few of the other Jurors is OUTRAGEOUS and does not "add up" ... and now one of the Jurors is supposed to be "HIDING" !

Hmmm ...the "Jury Foreman" used some "words" in his interview that the DT used at trial and the DT stated in interviews ...

Hmmm ... it's been almost a WEEK since the "VERDICT FROM HE77" came down ... so what took you so long, Jury Foreman, to do an interview ?

How did you vote on the first go round ? As "Foreman", I wonder if you persuaded the other jurors to your point of view ? I wonder when the jury started "deliberating" this case -- from day 1 of the trial, and you had the time to "persuade" to your viewpoint ?

And the Jury Foreman goes on to say that ICA is likeable and bright -- didn't one of the DT say this about her -- he HAD to get that "quote" from the DT. Then the Jury Foreman goes on to say that he is NOT sure if Cindy lied -- they brought in Cindy's employer to prove she LIED and DID NOT do the computer searches because she was at work ! Jury Foreman obviously does NOT know what PERJURY is ! And as to George -- he was NOT EVEN ON TRIAL -- doesn't Jury Foreman KNOW that LE RULED GEORGE OUT ?

Tonight's interview by the Jury Foreman was DAMAGE CONTROL !


How can 12 people watch the same Trial the WORLD watched and get it totally and completely opposite of what the EVIDENCE PROVED ! ABSOLUTELY MAKES NO SENSE !

I smell a RAT here ... a BIG STINKY RAT !

That is the ONLY EXPLANATION I can conclude from the Foreman and the Juror's statements ... as well as their NG Verdict !

I can only assume that Ms. Drane-Burdick, Mr. Ashton, and Mr. George are all pouring themselves, good, long, stiff drinks right about now, assuming they're hearing this news tonight. I know I am.

At least after this latest juror interview, everyone will know that the loss had NOTHING to do with the State's presentation of their case and everything to do with this <less than intelligent> jury.

JA, LDB and FG are totally exhonorated as far as I am concerned.
Bernie "blown away" by the outrage--"foreman did a GREAT job" from what he heard him say.

Jim Hammer--"He was very impressive".

Guess what Jim & Bernie? You guys really need to the raise the bar on what you consider great and impressive
I wish if something did happen with that jury, they would just come out and say it. I'm not sure if anything could be done, but if money was exchanged before the verdict I would think so. I mean, how would juror #3 know to tell all her family to be ready to go to Disney so soon? Who could just drop everything and go, unless they already knew when they were going. If something illegal did happen, they need to come clean.

If so, hopefully soon so we can get a new trial started ASAP.
Don't blame the jurors - blame GA. He should never have driven that car home!! He didn't know who had died in that trunk AND he didn't want to know! He should have called the cops at the tow yard. If he had done that, KC would have a lot of explaining to do. But no, cowardice and fear (better go home to CA & get advice) overtook the logical, reasonable thing to do. How dare he drive that car home.

I agree about GA's actions, but this jury did not consider the facts as they were presented. There is no reason to believe they would have considered some other set of facts more diligently.
You should ask in the legal question area. But I believe I have heard a few TH's including Judge S say they would have to have been coerced into their verdict and that it would be fraud also.. there ARE ways it can be overturned, its up to the jurors to come forward if they feel they should.

Thank you so much - if this happened and I say if, I hope the Juror has the guts to come forward. It's just very odd how they went from 10 - 2 on 1st and 6 -6 on 2nd to not guilty in a few hours
The sad part is I think GA was the only Anthony who tried to respect Caylee and get justice for her and look where it got him....sending extra prayers his way tonight!

George is such a sad creature. He knew that Casey was stealing and lying for 1-2 years before the tragedy. But he was completely under Cindy's evil thumb. George lost all that money in the internet scam. He had no real job. His knee was ruined. Just no power to fight Cindy with at all. He was always just a hair from Cindy throwing him out on the street again. It is Cindy that allowed things to get out of hand. And poor George could only watch as Cindy and Casey fought out there evil war of who was going to "own" Caylee like another doggie pet. I wonder if Cindy will even throw a bone his way for giving up all his last dignity to save Casey just as Cindy told him to?
I wish if something did happen with that jury, they would just come out and say it. I'm not sure if anything could be done, but if money was exchanged before the verdict I would think so. I mean, how would juror #3 know to tell all her family to be ready to go to Disney so soon? Who could just drop everything and go, unless they already knew when they were going. If something illegal did happen, they need to come clean.

I have a hinky feeling about the whole Richard Gabriel connection. He baled. He didn't bale...jury consultant went on air and said, "Yeah the defense team called us for help. RG baled."
Then on Dr. Drew, RG said he fought for this jury.
I smell another rabbit hole and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car.
That juror should be calling Greta and begging her not to show the rest of the interview.
I bet that vehicle was shut up as tight as a sardine can and Fabreeze was also used just prior to LE's arrival as well as earlier that afternoon (as CA stated). CA probably propelled LE right past it - fast.


Plus it was probably wrapped in the three bags at that time.
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