2011.07.15 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Tracy just said the first night Casey was home, when anyone said anything that sounded like they were saying Casey was lying, Casey would clam up, not talk and say "don't tell me I'm lying. I'm the only one that knows what happened."

Did Casey really say the words "I'm the only one that knows what happened", or is that just Tracy's impression of Casey's reaction?

ETA: Tracy saying it was actually tape of her on Dr Drew.
wow we had house fire and lost almost everything and 5 days later my husband had a heart attack ( he is fine now)
nobody sent me checks

why would anybody send her money?

Q&A with Cheney Maso

CM: Today alone, I received 75 pieces of mail specifically offering places for her to live. You’d just be surprised the outpouring of mental health counselors, doctors and nurses. Also people with homes on ranches or farms or places for her to stay and protect her.

TP: And money, too. Checks? Cash?

CM: Checks.

TP: Are you going to cash them, give them to her?

CM: Absolutely.

TP: How much money are we talking about?

CM: Well, I’m not going to tell you.

TP: Well give me an idea thousands? Hundreds?

CM: Thousands. Thousands of dollars in checks

So now sending her a check is considered an "offer"? To me offers are for future interviews, books, movies, etc, not some person sending her money in exchange for nothing.
So now sending her a check is considered an "offer"? To me offers are for future interviews, books, movies, etc, not some person sending her money in exchange for nothing.

I think the offers are the ones that include a place to stay, mental health treatment etc...I've read about both being offered.
wow we had house fire and lost almost everything and 5 days later my husband had a heart attack ( he is fine now)
nobody sent me checks

why would anybody send her money?

Wow. Glad he is ok! I'm with you. Why people would send her anything other than hate mail is beyond me.
Why do people want to hear KC's story when it's not going to be a true story? Why pay so much money for a lie? I'm just totally confused and sick about this.
Does anyone really think FCA will be able to leave the jail to places "unknown"? No WAy!
any paparazzi worth their weight in salt would split up and follow ALL vehicles to whichever destination. How difficult is that? they may have 7-8 vehicles leaving the jail. she will be found immediately. Anyone to discover her location will make millions on her pic. Heck, I'm thinking about going over to the jail on saturday night and picking any unmarked dark vehicle and just following it just in case! :waitasec:

Personally I think they're flying her out in a helicopter, but that's just my speculation. I dont see why not...We'll see.

Q&A with Cheney Maso

CM: Today alone, I received 75 pieces of mail specifically offering places for her to live. You’d just be surprised the outpouring of mental health counselors, doctors and nurses. Also people with homes on ranches or farms or places for her to stay and protect her.

TP: And money, too. Checks? Cash?

CM: Checks.

TP: Are you going to cash them, give them to her?

CM: Absolutely.

TP: How much money are we talking about?

CM: Well, I’m not going to tell you.

TP: Well give me an idea thousands? Hundreds?

CM: Thousands. Thousands of dollars in checks

Now that makes me truely sick.:sick:
wow we had house fire and lost almost everything and 5 days later my husband had a heart attack ( he is fine now)
nobody sent me checks

why would anybody send her money?

Our house caught fire one year ago....lost most all things, house has since been rebuilt....

It was a very traumatic time here

Q&A with Cheney Maso

CM: Today alone, I received 75 pieces of mail specifically offering places for her to live. You’d just be surprised the outpouring of mental health counselors, doctors and nurses. Also people with homes on ranches or farms or places for her to stay and protect her.

TP: And money, too. Checks? Cash?

CM: Checks.

TP: Are you going to cash them, give them to her?

CM: Absolutely.

TP: How much money are we talking about?

CM: Well, I’m not going to tell you.

TP: Well give me an idea thousands? Hundreds?

CM: Thousands. Thousands of dollars in checks

And how much do you want to bet 90% of those checks are from skeevy pervs and the other 10% from your run of the mill oddball.

No doubt mental health professionals want to open their doors to her. I can imagine a lot of them want to study this peculiar person and write a journal-published paper based on their observations.

Sorry, but no decent person with zero ulterior motives would help this girl or touch her with a 10-foot pole.
I don't know if I should be proud of George or skeptical. lol.

I mean, let's assume he was in on the defense's scheme to cry sexual abuse. Would he pretend to be angry at her so it wouldn't be completely obvious to the public, who are for the most part ticked off enough as it is? I could be reading too much into things, but you never know with these people! :dunno:

I totally agree, he knows darn good and well she can't go back home to them for security reasons......

Q&A with Cheney Maso

CM: Today alone, I received 75 pieces of mail specifically offering places for her to live. You’d just be surprised the outpouring of mental health counselors, doctors and nurses. Also people with homes on ranches or farms or places for her to stay and protect her.

TP: And money, too. Checks? Cash?

CM: Checks.

TP: Are you going to cash them, give them to her?

CM: Absolutely.

TP: How much money are we talking about?

CM: Well, I’m not going to tell you.

TP: Well give me an idea thousands? Hundreds?

CM: Thousands. Thousands of dollars in checks

well... they better be wary of those offers of shelter. I'm going to take a wild guess and say most of those aren't...."genuine"
She is NOT unique in MH. There are plenty of her around. She is a sociopath and most likely borderline...noting special. She is self-centerd and feels entitled.

The only thing that will bother her is if anyone tries to get HER money. Money and sex are her driving forces...and will be her downfall.

She is a con...she is empty and has no thoughts. She has a few feelings which are basic in nature..none of which is love. She will use her sexuality to get what she wants. She feels powerful with it as she used it to control men.

I've seen many of this type, unfortunately all at once. There wer fourteen of them. It put me out of my field...like forever. They are something YOU don't want to know or even attempt to treat...they will bite you in the back. She is a malignant narcissist and everyone should be wary...but I suspect they won't (especially men). I get shivers whenever I have to think of working in a place with fourteen of these...Two of which were evil, very evil.
well... they better be wary of those offers of shelter. I'm going to take a wild guess and say most of those aren't...."genuine"

I hope those checks bounce LOL. It would be funny to send her fake checks for $10,000+ knowing she can't cash them. If it wouldn't get me in trouble I'd do it.
wow we had house fire and lost almost everything and 5 days later my husband had a heart attack ( he is fine now)
nobody sent me checks

why would anybody send her money?

Will she have to pay taxes on this money? I sure hope the IRS and everyone else she owes money to is paying attention every time CM talks about how much money in coming in for FCA.
Why do people want to hear KC's story when it's not going to be a true story? Why pay so much money for a lie? I'm just totally confused and sick about this.

I understand how you feel, but it's not that anyone wants to hear anymore of her lies, the reason anyone would pay for her story would be to make money off of it, period. She is gold for the bottom-feeders out there, including a lot of our media. No one genuinely cares to help her or to get her story out there, but they know it means viewers will tune in out of morbid curiosity, or it could sell their magazines or whatever.

There is going to be a lot of scum jumping on her bandwagon to make money off of her while they can. It's happened time and time again with these infamous criminals in our history.

It makes me sick too, but it's comforting to see that so many of us will voice our disgust with the media outlets who pay her or her family, lawyers, etc. for anything. We just have to let it be known that we won't participate with our viewership or money and they'll have to listen. I hope sponsors and advertisers are brave enough to do so as well.
My thoughts are that her Mommy dots and daddy baez/mason have her bat phones ready and I'm sure they got her a laptop. She is off to a resort and will relax by the pool, all the while chatting on her phone and calling her guys to tell them what she needs. She does not do ALONE; she is just like her mother.

The time will come when she gets tired of them and that will be when she has a "guy" she's hooked for awhile. She will fight the people that helped her and demand her money. She can easily charm baez, but I thknk she will meet resistence with mason.
I don't have a problem with the money. People like ICA and JB can never have enough.They will blow right through it and still end up in bankruptcy. What bothers me is the attention. Both of them crave attention even more than money. .

I'll be happy when we talk about ICA in the past tense the way we talk about Susan Smith.No more media hoopla for her,although we see her ex husband from time to time.
That girl who was mistaken for ICA does look like her...without the aura of evil.
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