2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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Saw this on twitter

"She did it." sticker
$2 from each bumper sticker sold will be donated to support Caylee's Law, a petition to make it a felony for a parent or guardian to not notify law enforcement of a missing child within 24 hours.

[ame="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330588204101&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT"]Casey Anthony "She Did It." Sticker - eBay (item 330588204101 end time Aug-12-11 12:34:17 PDT)[/ame]
Lat night, when the information about the computer searches came to light, I tried, nicely, to explain to my fellow WS members that this was important and why. I tried to explain the implications and what could have happened because of them and how this does constitute misconduct by the state and that regardless of how much weight should be placed on it did not matter, even stating and sourcing case law. Misconduct in any form is a violation of the defendant's constitutional rights and carries serious penalties for the state. Had she been convicted, her conviction could have been overturned. I ended up feeling attacked and apologizing to others I felt were being attacked for understanding what I was saying before it was over with. I assume, people now think I am some sort of Casey Anthony sympathizer. I can assure you all, that is not the case. I still feel that she is just as guilty as I have always felt she was.

One of the things that I loved about WS was the fact that it was a group of people who were not interested in anything but the truth, even if that truth revealed something other than what they initially believed about the case. While I understand that emotions are raw because justice for Caylee was not served. I can understand that. I really can. But it would seem that if there is any information out there that would even suggest that the state was wrong in any way, it is not welcome here. If that is the case, clearly, WS is not the place that I thought it was. Regardless, of what anyone wants to think or believe, this is a big deal. CFCA may now sue the state for violating her Constitutional rights. I know that no one even wants to discuss the situation since it was put up on blogs (that were fully trusted before this, I might add) but now it HAS hit mainstream media. And if you think for five seconds JB and CM and their little group won't at least attempt to sue over this you are sorely mistaken. I think that we can all agree that they are all about the dollar. If my posts are no longer welcome here because I am trying to be a voice of reason and explain so that other members understand why this is a big deal, I won't let the door hit me. But seriously, it's time that everyone take a look at what is being stated, especially tax paying citizens of Florida, for they are the people who will pay her settlement if this is proven true and she sues and they are the people who, if this is allowed to continue in other cases, will be disappointed when other murderers are allow to go free and they are the people who will live under a false sense of security when innocents are imprisoned and murderers are still walking the street.


Ignoring this because no one wants to think that the state did anything wrong, will not change the fact that this is VERY bad.
I'm wondering when pliant KC is going to turn into Free KC, the one who wants to do what she wants! Pretty soon, if not already, she's going to equate this type of limited living to incarceration of another type. Baez is nearing the edge, imo, she's going to push him, and soon.
I'm wondering when pliant KC is going to turn into Free KC, the one who wants to do what she wants! Pretty soon, if not already, she's going to equate this type of limited living to incarceration of another type. Baez is nearing the edge, imo, she's going to push him, and soon.

I want a front row seat to that show. :popcorn:
Can you help me understand what he means by this statement. Bolding mine. To me, it sounds like the results were correct. Am I missing something?


What he was saying was that there was a glitch in the program when they initially ran it. When he "re-tooled" it, he fixed the problem with the program so that it did get the correct results. He then goes on to claim that he contacted the state after retooling it he ran new reports to disclose the proper number of searches and gave them to the state.
Oops...posted this in wrong thread...bringing over here too.

Well...looks like she has re-ignited her social life via Twitter...I do believe this is her "new" account, as per Google search results...BUT I CAN'T CONFIRM because I don't have a twitter, don't know how to tweet and even if I did, I wouldn't be tweetin' FCA.

Guess she hasn't made it here yet or she would've went with "FCA86"...<snark>

Excuse me while I puke!

Casey Anthony
@RealCasey86 Gods Child
Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. ... JUDGE not, that you may not be judged - My heart has a empty spot for life ; Love you Caylee

@RealCasey86's Tweets are protected.

Only confirmed followers have access to @RealCasey86's Tweets and complete profile. You need to send a request before you can start following this account.


I saw this last night, please don't give her the time to request to follow her. who cares what she has to say.

eta: fwiw,
Flori_dame Flori_dame
by Free_Casey@
@Free_Casey @33jeff @jessbest80 Yeah that account (@RealCasey86) is also closely assoc'd w fraudlnt gambling sites & get rich quick scams.

I doubt it's her!
Lat night, when the information about the computer searches came to light, I tried, nicely, to explain to my fellow WS members that this was important and why. I tried to explain the implications and what could have happened because of them and how this does constitute misconduct by the state and that regardless of how much weight should be placed on it did not matter, even stating and sourcing case law. Misconduct in any form is a violation of the defendant's constitutional rights and carries serious penalties for the state. Had she been convicted, her conviction could have been overturned. I ended up feeling attacked and apologizing to others I felt were being attacked for understanding what I was saying before it was over with. I assume, people now think I am some sort of Casey Anthony sympathizer. I can assure you all, that is not the case. I still feel that she is just as guilty as I have always felt she was.

One of the things that I loved about WS was the fact that it was a group of people who were not interested in anything but the truth, even if that truth revealed something other than what they initially believed about the case. While I understand that emotions are raw because justice for Caylee was not served. I can understand that. I really can. But it would seem that if there is any information out there that would even suggest that the state was wrong in any way, it is not welcome here. If that is the case, clearly, WS is not the place that I thought it was. Regardless, of what anyone wants to think or believe, this is a big deal. CFCA may now sue the state for violating her Constitutional rights. I know that no one even wants to discuss the situation since it was put up on blogs (that were fully trusted before this, I might add) but now it HAS hit mainstream media. And if you think for five seconds JB and CM and their little group won't at least attempt to sue over this you are sorely mistaken. I think that we can all agree that they are all about the dollar. If my posts are no longer welcome here because I am trying to be a voice of reason and explain so that other members understand why this is a big deal, I won't let the door hit me. But seriously, it's time that everyone take a look at what is being stated, especially tax paying citizens of Florida, for they are the people who will pay her settlement if this is proven true and she sues and they are the people who, if this is allowed to continue in other cases, will be disappointed when other murderers are allow to go free and they are the people who will live under a false sense of security when innocents are imprisoned and murderers are still walking the street.


Ignoring this because no one wants to think that the state did anything wrong, will not change the fact that this is VERY bad.

Your reasons are the same reasons why I found the article on Hinky so interesting yesterday.

In no way does this change how I feel about KC or what I know she did, however, there is a big difference between searching a word 84 times and searching a word 1 time.

I guess maybe I missed this part of the article, or it wasn't included in the article...I wonder why the expert that was put on the stand didn't make it clear that he knew there were big flaws? Because he was a state witness?

The thing that bothers me the most is that this is the second time that something like this has happened and both times it involved Mr. Ashton. I think he's a stand up guy and a good lawyer. Why would he let this happen again?
Lat night, when the information about the computer searches came to light, I tried, nicely, to explain to my fellow WS members that this was important and why. I tried to explain the implications and what could have happened because of them and how this does constitute misconduct by the state and that regardless of how much weight should be placed on it did not matter, even stating and sourcing case law. Misconduct in any form is a violation of the defendant's constitutional rights and carries serious penalties for the state. Had she been convicted, her conviction could have been overturned. I ended up feeling attacked and apologizing to others I felt were being attacked for understanding what I was saying before it was over with. I assume, people now think I am some sort of Casey Anthony sympathizer. I can assure you all, that is not the case. I still feel that she is just as guilty as I have always felt she was.

One of the things that I loved about WS was the fact that it was a group of people who were not interested in anything but the truth, even if that truth revealed something other than what they initially believed about the case. While I understand that emotions are raw because justice for Caylee was not served. I can understand that. I really can. But it would seem that if there is any information out there that would even suggest that the state was wrong in any way, it is not welcome here. If that is the case, clearly, WS is not the place that I thought it was. Regardless, of what anyone wants to think or believe, this is a big deal. CFCA may now sue the state for violating her Constitutional rights. I know that no one even wants to discuss the situation since it was put up on blogs (that were fully trusted before this, I might add) but now it HAS hit mainstream media. And if you think for five seconds JB and CM and their little group won't at least attempt to sue over this you are sorely mistaken. I think that we can all agree that they are all about the dollar. If my posts are no longer welcome here because I am trying to be a voice of reason and explain so that other members understand why this is a big deal, I won't let the door hit me. But seriously, it's time that everyone take a look at what is being stated, especially tax paying citizens of Florida, for they are the people who will pay her settlement if this is proven true and she sues and they are the people who, if this is allowed to continue in other cases, will be disappointed when other murderers are allow to go free and they are the people who will live under a false sense of security when innocents are imprisoned and murderers are still walking the street.


Ignoring this because no one wants to think that the state did anything wrong, will not change the fact that this is VERY bad.

Thanks you for this post!!
He underestimated the public.

Seems that if the public was interested in hearing from Casey, a deal would have been struck by now. I think everyone has heard enough of Casey's lies for the past three years; no need to hear more. She's toast. jmo
Your reasons are the same reasons why I found the article on Hinky so interesting yesterday.

In no way does this change how I feel about KC or what I know she did, however, there is a big difference between searching a word 84 times and searching a word 1 time.

I guess maybe I missed this part of the article, or it wasn't included in the article...I wonder why the expert that was put on the stand didn't make it clear that he knew there were big flaws? Because he was a state witness?

The thing that bothers me the most is that this is the second time that something like this has happened and both times it involved Mr. Ashton. I think he's a stand up guy and a good lawyer. Why would he let this happen again?

I completely agree with you! I believe that Casey is guilty as sin and deserved to spend the rest of her life in prison. I also believe that the contradiction in the evidence was damaging and may have contributed to her being released. I am not clear on exactly why this was not addressed by the state. From my understanding of the articles, he was only asked to read and state what was on the paper. It is also my understanding that he may have found out after his testimony, since he claims he offered to come back at his own expense and explain the mistake, but I am not totally clear on that because the way his statements read, it sounds like he may have known at the time but was only asked to say what was on the report that they gave him at trial.

When the discrepancy came out at trial, I really thought that the state would address it and I was surprised when they did not. And it saddens me if this is all true. Especially since the article in the NYT would seem to say that LDB did know. It is also disturbing to me that the case law that the defense team could cite on this includes not only JA, but HHJP as well. I just don't know what to think at this point, but if all of this is true and if what the expert is claiming is fact, it was just another in a long line of injustices to Caylee. Especially if her murderer ends up being paid by the state foor having her Constitutional rights violated.
I just don't know what to think at this point, but if all of this is true and if what the expert is claiming is fact, it was just another in a long line of injustices to Caylee. Especially if her murderer ends up being paid by the state foor having her Constitutional rights violated.

respectfully snipped

I wouldn't worry, HRCODEPINK. She was acquitted of the crimes related to this evidence, so I don't see how she could claim damages in this case.
Thank you for this.

I don't think it's her because she would never use a picture like that. It's not flattering to Casey.

Just reading those tweets...Is she claiming she missed In-N-Out Burger? Since when did they move to Florida? You can't miss something you've never had before.:aktion1:
I still don't completely understand the problem with the computer searches, but I did remember Baez addressing a problem with them right before LDB's rebuttal. It starts at 10:45 in this video. http://www.wftv.com/video/28440654/index.html

In a nutshell, the creator of the program that was used to go through the computer and count how many times certain words were search has admitted that, in order to be absolutely sure because a person's life was on line, he went back and re-did his testing of the computer. He found a big flaw in his program. After he fixed the flaw, he discovered the word "chloroform" was searched only ONE time, not 84 times.

He, and the pros. team, knew this during the trial, but, yet, they did not correct the information given to the jury.

To top it off, this type of situation has happened involving Mr. Ashton before. AND, HHJP was residing judge when it happened before.

I hope I explained this correctly.

This page says it is fake.

The chloroform really never entered into it for me. So the idea that the case hinged on 84 searches or 1 is laughable.

I think many people have stated as well that they have searches that are quite odd in their browser history. Google searches are not evidence.

In my opinion people are acting like if it's not first degree murder then she must be innocent. But she was not there for her daughter when her daughter needed her. I don't care how disassociated you can be, she doesn't seem to care about her daughter at all even years later. That's enough for me.

The only thing I am still wondering about is who is Caylee's father. If it turns out that George is the father THEN I'll maybe consider what stories she's been pedaling. But otherwise no.
Totally taken out of context! She gave interview to get the press off her back and get freedom from them hounding her

If the press was hounding me and I didn't want to talk to them, I would call the police.

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