2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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I'm in Nebraska. She would hate it here and people here do think she is guilty and would give her a very hard time. It's a small place even in the biggest city in Nebraska. If I saw her on the street or in Target I would certainly use my freedom of speech on her. The river is flooding and flowing at a pretty fast pace. If someone fell in they would surely perish. She had better be careful if she sets foot on our pedestrian bridge to enjoy the wonderful view of the flooding disaster.

There are really so many places in the country that she could hide and never be found. The only problem is she will need $$$$$ to live.
Believe it or not there are actually parts of out country that are so rural some do not have TV because they do not want it!
I think I have a different take on her release and the jail's stance. To me, they pretty much opened the front door and said, see ya, don't let the door hit you on the way out. They could have arranged massive hidden security but they didn't. Says to me, they were very ready for her to just get out.

Also, someone better keep a watch on JVM. That poor thing isn't going to know what to do when this is done. I think she thought of herself as a big time journalist, quite the opposite for me. She was never really in the thick of the action. She just seemed to rehash what everyone else was saying.

And if I hear one more time that Cindy was destroyed because Casey didn't see her one last time, I may just scream.

Ditto!...JVM seems to get quite worked up when nothing is really happening.
IMO her comments don't really reflect the general opinion...Maybe she should check out the blogs once in awhile to see what people are actually saying?
NancyGraceHLN Nancy Grace
#JoseBaez has not told #CindyAnthony where #CaseyAnthony has gone. Cindy's heart still breaks.
HLN is now reporting that Jose Baez asked George and Cindy to be decoys and they refused.

Also just reported that Baez reached out to certain media offering the sale of pictures taken by Casey on her first few days outs. Media said we don't want pictures she is taking we want pictures of her. OK we can put her in the pictures Baez said? Baez allegedly said she has her camera or a camera.

Called George & Cindy last night to ask them to be a decoy for Casey & ML said not only the Anthony's but he himself said NO! Wonder why he didn't have it under control...after all CM was packing, was he not?
:innocent:Would not matter to me...she would still be FCA for another reason.:seeya:
That's the way I see it...Love those four letter words!
HLN is now reporting that Jose Baez asked George and Cindy to be decoys and they refused.

Also just reported that Baez reached out to certain media offering the sale of pictures taken by Casey on her first few days outs. Media said we don't want pictures she is taking we want pictures of her. OK we can put her in the pictures Baez said? Baez allegedly said she has her camera or a camera.

She's taking pictures of herself? :sick:
HLN is now reporting that Jose Baez asked George and Cindy to be decoys and they refused.

Also just reported that Baez reached out to certain media offering the sale of pictures taken by Casey on her first few days outs. Media said we don't want pictures she is taking we want pictures of her. OK we can put her in the pictures Baez said? Baez allegedly said she has her camera or a camera.

Could Baez be anymore of a PIMP???? Seriously???? The NERVE!!!
I think Justice for Caylee should include Cindy and George building a suitable memorial for Caylee that is NOT in the woods where she was found in trash bags. I would encourage anyone on websleuths or reading websleuths to not go to Caylee's place where she was found and not to support George and Cindy financially. I know that's a no duh, but I had to get it out of my big mouth!

While I have given thought regarding the "site" where Caylee was found, I guess I would not want further covering up or prettying up by erecting some fake memorial, the intention partially of which would be to deflect from the depraved nature of this crime and the criminal. JMO.

Called George & Cindy last night to ask them to be a decoy for Casey & ML said not only the Anthony's but he himself said NO! Wonder why he didn't have it under control...after all CM was packing, was he not?

Goes to show you how much support she has on the outside....... I'm not talking about the Anthony family. But that he couldn't find decoys?????
IF you were running for your life..... where would you go? I highly doubt Casey has an international/tourist passport, unless JB worked that out in the last 12 days. She is not a convicted felon and she can leave the state obviously. So.......... where does she go?

If she were on DR, she would be safe and well protected. No sunshine, etc, but at least she's safe. So........ where would you go?

She's not safe wherever she goes. WHY DO I CARE? :floorlaugh:

I think that 1:00 a.m. flight was a charter of tourists and they arranged a decoy, ironically it was going to Ohio. I doubt she is in Ohio, and Kathi was correct about the 3:00 flight, too bad no one got the tail number.

I think she is in Puerto Rico. There are some very rural areas there. No passport needed. Several small airports that are not part of that tracking system. Many residents don't know about the case. Both Baez and Geraldo have ties.

I just heard on HDLN news Baez is trying to pimp photos of her "newly released". I hope the public looks at them at the store and does not buy the publications that they appear in.
Reporting on HLN that JB was working a deal with some media for an interview, with pictures of (an acquitted murderer.) Wonder if this could be People mag.
Her pimp is working his contacts.
I B Boycotting.
They said he was shopping pictures. Steve Helling told WESH after the verdict that People Mag won't be paying for anything with her because of the threat of a potential boycott.

HLN is now reporting that Jose Baez asked George and Cindy to be decoys and they refused.

Also just reported that Baez reached out to certain media offering the sale of pictures taken by Casey on her first few days outs. Media said we don't want pictures she is taking we want pictures of her. OK we can put her in the pictures Baez said? Baez allegedly said she has her camera or a camera.
Someone on here said that they saw camera flashes going off in their getaway car last night.
Could Baez be anymore of a PIMP???? Seriously???? The NERVE!!!

But...... why is he having to pimp instead of the media going to him? Lack of interest? Afraid to tick off the masses of people? Strange. Backlash?
Reddit last night linked to an article in which the woman who was supposedly attacked for resembling KC claimed the media had invented that aspect

The woman was reported as saying there was no mention of KC by the alleged attacker, nor is KC mentioned in the police report of the incident

So I'm taking all media claims and reports with HUGE pinches of salt
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