2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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I think that 1:00 a.m. flight was a charter of tourists and they arranged a decoy, ironically it was going to Ohio. I doubt she is in Ohio, and Kathi was correct about the 3:00 flight, too bad no one got the tail number.

I think she is in Puerto Rico. There are some very rural areas there. No passport needed. Several small airports that are not part of that tracking system. Many residents don't know about the case. Both Baez and Geraldo have ties.

I just heard on HDLN news Baez is trying to pimp photos of her "newly released". I hope the public looks at them at the store and does not buy the publications that they appear in.

And when in the store flip all magazines picturing her so that the front cannot be seen. Gives a momentary sense of satisfaction.
Just watched the video of her leaving and had 2 thoughts pop in my head.

1. JB just HAD to have his face there in front of the camera leading her out!

2. I hope she makes a friend when she gets where she is going. A friend with about $10,000 in a checking account. Then, I hope that friend has to go on a "trip", and just happens to leave their checkbook in KC's eyesight. This "friend" can then check their bank account everyday until the balance is $0 or in the negative. Then, this "friend" can charge her with the theft, and as a convicted felon, she should do a good bit of time in prison.
the jury has not spoken for me. FCA is a murderer and her Mother at the least committed perjury to help her get off...there wasn't much left to bury by the time they found poor Caylee...yet her murderer and parents are the ones to feel sorry for? NOT.

I hope the jury has doubt and regret for the rest of their lives...they set her free!
One of the local Orlando stations had an interview with a former prisoner. He was talking about the culture shock she is going to have now that she is out. He was saying, he had no clue how to order coffee at Starbucks, how to use cell phone etc.

I was just thinking about what she has missed in three years. I don't think Twitter was around three years ago...what else do you think is going to be new for her?

I still would love to be a bug on the wall when she hops on the Internet to read stories about herself. Course this sick part of her may get a thrill people are talking about her.

I dont think the world has changed that much. All the twitter /facebook pages have been pushed in the media so I am sure she would know what they are and be signing up and finding pretend friends.

Why is baez trying to sell pictures she has taken ? Does Casey think this is her way to be a professional photographer? Okaaayy.
But...... why is he having to pimp instead of the media going to him? Lack of interest? Afraid to tick off the masses of people? Strange. Backlash?

We, "the jury of her peers" do have a voice to make sure that Casey isn't rewarded for the cold blooded murder of Caylee. I think he will have to pimp like a madman to make a dime for Ms. Unpopular.
I hope the jury has doubt and regret for the rest of their lives...they set her free!

If they were capable of introspection, a certain accused wouldn't have walked free

So to be suspected is that all their doubt and regret are for public consumption and for a price

link to yellow dress girl running into airplane hanger (thanks A news junkie)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNQfXbwDmwY&feature=player_embedded"]‪RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
He's probably tracking her down as we speak. We all know he won't let this one get away without inserting himself. :floorlaugh:
This is one time I won't mind him inserting himself. :woohoo:
We, "the jury of her peers" do have a voice to make sure that Casey isn't rewarded for the cold blooded murder of Caylee. I think he will have to pimp like a madman to make a dime for Ms. Unpopular.

The words Pimp and Baez go together like flies and *****

That makes sense because people were saying that one of Todd Macaluso's planes were in the hangar a few hours ago.

He is a licensed pilot.

However, just tweeted:

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
We're working in tracking #CaseyAnthony - all I can tell you right now is she is still in area- not on a plane. Details Coming -jfell
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Also, nothing else is on FlightAware.

Unfortunately while all planes are encouraged to file flight plans in case of emergencies, private jets do not have to do so. It won't show up on FlightAware I don't think.
JVM hasn't slept in 24 hours and she says she's running on adrenaline. I had to mute her. :gasp:
Maybe she is on a boat somewhere...maybe Geraldos boat?
Just a guess.
But I think a boat would be a pretty good hiding spot for her....

That's always been my thought. What better place to do her first interview? And what better person to do it. And before it goes on air she can take off and get her face redone.
The video is on post #411 :)

If you mean the video I posted - it is 410
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6918571&postcount=410"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey Anthony Released From Jail[/ame]
Someone say something about a girl in a yellow dress?

The only one that matters.
Wonder how long it will be for C & G to be boarding a private plane for their big reunion with their "lovely" dtr??? IMO, just a matter of time.......
That's always been my thought. What better place to do her first interview? And what better person to do it. And before it goes on air she can take off and get her face redone.

As long as Geraldo's wife is not present...apparently Mrs. Rivera likes KC as much as I do.
News sources last night stated just before Casey departed the jail, that George Anthony was down at the jail with another person awaiting daughters release. With the Ants home dark last night, I suspect they were at Mason's office waiting for her arrival to say good bye, since Mason's office is so close to the jail.
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