2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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IF you were running for your life..... where would you go? I highly doubt Casey has an international/tourist passport, unless JB worked that out in the last 12 days. She is not a convicted felon and she can leave the state obviously. So.......... where does she go?

If she were on DR, she would be safe and well protected. No sunshine, etc, but at least she's safe. So........ where would you go?

She's not safe wherever she goes. WHY DO I CARE? :floorlaugh:

She pled and was convicted of felonies on the check charges.
Sounds like Ann Finell would be more than willing to hire the paralegal wannabe. I hope not since that means she would be living in my city. :maddening:

Did he really say that?! :doh:

Boo freakin' hoo, Cindy. Her heart should be broken for what her evil spawn did to her granddaughter. She got me for a few minutes with her performance on the stand but never, EVER again will I feel an ounce of sympathy for anyone in that family.


It does make sense though. She has a lot of experience with the law. Maybe she could help with the first case to be tried using Caylee's law.
I don't wish any harm on Casey. I do hope the media drops the story sometime this week, there are plenty of important things going on the world...where she is sent to hide out is not one of them.
Actually, I want to know where she is so I can BOLO since I heard she wants to be in my state!!!:eek::eek::eek:
I don't think they're really trying to hide her. It's all part of the hype. Reading thru' previous posts, they are contacting the media already.
JB texted CA
JB pimping photos

Shouldn't he be helping her prepare for her $million interview? If it's with GR, the script is prob'ly already written.

Yup - This case has made me extremely cynical.

She left the exact same way every inmate does when released from the Orange County Jail. There was no flaunting.

:maddening: She's out! And she's flaunting it - right out the front door.
I just heard DC has been staking out the A's house. He reports that everything looks normal so something must be going on inside it.

Is he waiting for GA to leave so he can wisk CA off for a walk at the Ritz?

He must not have got the memo that the state of the marriage is good>>>>?:floorlaugh:
JVM also said she can't believe that they asked the Anthony family to be decoys. Cindy has tried so many times to see Casey and Casey has refused. She said it is like a dagger into the heart of Cindy to do this.

Where is JVM getting this info? We know of one visit and that's it. I think JVM's lack of sleep is making her delirious. :innocent:
A bright yellow dress highly visible at night? Could have been to make people assume it was a decoy, but it really was her. Another reason could be that it is meant as an in your face, look at me gesture.

Baez: "Run like you're dodging bullets, Casey."
Where is JVM getting this info? We know of one visit and that's it. I think JVM's lack of sleep is making her delirious. :innocent:

CA has been trying many times to see Casey since August/September 2008. Jane is correct.
ETA-CA was requesting no video recording at visitations because she thought that's why KC didn't want to see her. She was right, at least this last time...KC did not want to talk to CA post-acquittal because CA would ruin the big debut that KC and JB were planning.
She left the exact same way every inmate does when released from the Orange County Jail. There was no flaunting.

Wait, they have a armed guard with bullet proof vest and AK-47 (or whatever that mean looking gun was) for all inmate/felon releases?

Geez, no wonder Florida is broke.
(Sarcasm, it is really because of a massive liar) IMHO, etc.
link to yellow dress girl running into airplane hanger (thanks A news junkie)


FWIW, I think it was her. JB has enough media advisers (hello Geraldo) that know how to keep a tabloid story going. Now it's like finding Waldo, except insert Casey instead of Waldo. She will stay in hiding long enough to keep some portions of the public interested then jump on any/all media deals she can get. She has a small window of opportunity then the public will move on quickly.

I thought LDB won a motion to keep her in Orlando for 30 days until they figured out how much she owed the state for the searches? Anyone know if they ever gave a dollar amount?

What a stark contrast to sweet Princess Diana being chased by the paparazzi (?) to her death in that tunnel.
I couldn't agree with you more! I think this whole thing has been one big "act" by all the A's. I think Baez was the producer of this whole charade. This was done to get Casey off. And, it worked! I am sure they will all be together soon, if that hasn't happened already. This is all they have worked for in the last 3 years and now they will all be rich too! Sad, just sad!

You know those hours between dawn and sunrise -- they're the bane of those suffering deep depression. They awaken in those dark, lonely hours and it's when depression is heaviest. Then, as the first streaks of colour appear in the sky, they listen as the world prepares for another day. But for the depressive, this just makes things worse, because they feel alienated from the real world. They're lost in their private hell for which there's no cure

I have a feeling that even if the wildly exaggerated 'millions of dollars' pads up the Anthony's bank account, nothing will compensate for the loss in their lives of that little girl

Later in the day, they might smirk in supermarket car-parks in response to people's catcalls. They might buy a succession of coloured vehicles and try to keep busy polishing them. But in those hours before dawn, it will probably be a case of GA out in the garden while CA smokes endlessly in the kitchen. One won't be able to help the other. Each will be trapped for life in their recurring hell. Nothing will have the power to erase from their minds that while they orchestrated searches and ate and slept and showered -- little Caylee's remains were being subjected to graphic desecration just a five minutes walk from where they were

I wouldn't be in their shoes for anything on earth. Because nothing can erase Caylee's presence, every time they see or even hear about her mother - and their own daughter - KC
Hope it destroys whatever's left of Geraldo's career.

I'm convinced that like the cockroach he'd survive a nuclear war. How many times has that man effed up? He drew a MAP in the sand of an upcoming operation when he was in Iraq. Who has a career after that?
Where is JVM getting this info? We know of one visit and that's it. I think JVM's lack of sleep is making her delirious. :innocent:

Same place HLN gets all of their "scoops..."
Casey won't have trouble adjusting---after all she never lived in the real world-- her world was just a pack of lies she created!!! Myself, I will not buy a book or magazine with anything about her in it. The best way to deal with FCA is to ignore her and the entire Anthony family. They aint selling anything we want or need........Other felons have ended up with law degrees. She would be a good defense attorney------ability to lie with a straight face.
I think that 1:00 a.m. flight was a charter of tourists and they arranged a decoy, ironically it was going to Ohio. I doubt she is in Ohio, and Kathi was correct about the 3:00 flight, too bad no one got the tail number.

I think she is in Puerto Rico. There are some very rural areas there. No passport needed. Several small airports that are not part of that tracking system. Many residents don't know about the case. Both Baez and Geraldo have ties.

I just heard on HDLN news Baez is trying to pimp photos of her "newly released". I hope the public looks at them at the store and does not buy the publications that they appear in.

And everyone remember to flip over the magazines that have FCA on the their cover LOL try it, it feels good!! :)
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