2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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Thanks. I guess Caylees hair kinda proves this wasn't true.

Were there tests performed on Caylee's hair that proved conclusively this isn't true? I honestly don't remember. Link?

ETA: Never mind. I just saw Kimberly's post. Thank you, Kimberly.
Thanks. I guess Caylees hair kinda proves this wasn't true.

According to Madeline Montgomery of the FBI, that is not true. The hair sample was not tested for chloroform because it was not deemed probative by their lab. It was tested for several other chemicals, though. She goes on to say that "there is little research available on the amounts of drugs expected to be found in hair after limited dosing". She also states "negative results should not be interpreted as proof that the individual was not exposed to the drugs listed." See page 14 of the pdf. http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedfiles/11051-11110.pdf
Were there tests performed on Caylee's hair that proved conclusively this isn't true? I honestly don't remember. Link?

They say chloroform does not show up in a hair test, but others drugs would and her hair was clean, or did the State show evidence she was drugged up on zanny? If there was any drugs in her hair, we all would have known about it and that would be the States proof. Not one search and samples from a cleaned out aired out trunk.
Thanks. I guess Caylees hair kinda proves this wasn't true.
Yes. The hair analysis did not show traces of chloroform, nor of any drugs. Hair analysis reveals months of drug or non-drug ingestion.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. :(

Thank you but I wasn't trying to insert myself in this just giving a personal experience to PROVE that people can and do pass lie detector tests that are guilty.........since we have people on here asking for links and "how do you know that", now everyone knows.... I DO know that! :)
Thanks. I guess Caylees hair kinda proves this wasn't true.

They say chloroform does not show up in a hair test, but others drugs would and her hair was clean, or did the State show evidence she was drugged up on zanny? If there was any drugs in her hair, we all would have known about it and that would be the States proof. Not one search and samples from a cleaned out aired out trunk.

I will admit that I had the Today Show this morning while I was getting ready for work. CM was calling everyone who didn't accept the verdict ignorant and suddenly Today went off the air. Not sure what happened but when it finally came back on, they had moved on to another subject. Was anyone else watching?

VERY Interesting. I had the show on but personally turned the channel the second I saw him, just cause I did happen to be in the room. I often just have it on in the background too while I am going about my morning. Was he really calling people ignorant? WOW! I am glad I turned away, I might have thrown something at the tv.
I will admit that I had the Today Show this morning while I was getting ready for work. CM was calling everyone who didn't accept the verdict ignorant and suddenly Today went off the air. Not sure what happened but when it finally came back on, they had moved on to another subject. Was anyone else watching?

Same thing happened here in NC...I thought it was great...Shut CM down!! LOL
Yes. The hair analysis did not show traces of chloroform, nor of any drugs. Hair analysis reveals months of drug or non-drug ingestion.

What is revealing about that smile is that it didn't emerge until she thought she was safely away from the eye of the camera.

That's what I was thinking too. I'm also wondering about the driver of that car. Anyone know who he is?
I disagree about her taking a lie detector test. I believe she could pass easily. Her lies roll off her tongue and seem like a natural part of her persona. I don't think lying would result in the stressors that register on a lie detector test.

Furthermore, I suspect if she did a live interview, there would be many people who would fall for her BS (and by many, I don't expect many on WS would fall for it). She is truly the most extraordinary liar I have ever seen in my life. She's a natural, and her lies are more than just made up fabrications to her. I think she actually lives inside her lies. It's so freaky.

One other comment. The other night I watched the jail video of her with her parents when Cindy brought up the drowning in the pool theory being touted by media. For the first time, and I have seen that video way too many times, I thought I saw a very subtle but distinct reaction. The corners of her mouth changed from turned up slightly to straight, and her eyes changed from bright to dull. Watch it. I swear it's there. Now I don't think that means anything related to the drowning being true, but I do believe it was a response to the statement "they are saying that Caylee is dead." She was having a fun little convo with her parents, and then Cindy had to bring up the subject of Caylee, which just makes Casey angry since it's moves the focus to someone other than her. And when Cindy said "dead" it took Casey momentarily into reality.

Oh, this has made my day!!!

I friend of mine that works as a High up at the leading integrated media, publishing, merchandising and distribution company,

said that they have sent out there regular routes to store to distribute the latest stuff and stores are turning away anything with FKC, JB or CM on them. :giggle:

They stated some people are seeing them and dropping everything on the counter, walking out and saying they will not shop at a place that has anything to do with that Case.

In addition, other customers are turning the stuff around or taking it off the shelves and hiding it somewhere else in the store…

YAY!!! I was hoping I wasn't the only one doing this LOL
just rec'd a tip in regards to #caseyanthony 's whereabouts from a private investigator/ex US Marshall. more info to come.

Umm, is that a good idea giving he is representing someone suing her? Wouldn't the lawyers want to keep their distance,
Excuse me, I was not speaking to what "others believe". I saw a media interview of the inmate that claimed she said it. Obviously she spoke to a detective and he/she wrote down what she reported. The prosecution didn't use it for whatever reason.

I believe the point is people take what Casey told the inmate as fact when they themselves wouldn't fault the prosecution from introducing it because of credibility issues.
I guess you'll have to ask the State to get an answer to your question.

All I know is what I posted. That according to the notes of an investigator, ICA said she used chloroform on Caylee Marie Anthony.

See second page of this document.

"Casey said used to give chloroform to Caylee. Always in her bed."


:seeya: Hi Neighbor! These are the notes taken by the detectives when they first interviewed Robyn Adams at the jail. Although she NEVER asked for any favors for her case regarding her testimony, prosecution decided her testimony would be hearsay and she would not be viewed as a credible witness.
just rec'd a tip in regards to #caseyanthony 's whereabouts from a private investigator/ex US Marshall. more info to come.

Umm, is that a good idea giving he is representing someone suing her? Wouldn't the lawyers want to keep their distance,

It's okay for them to know where she is, could even help in getting the elusive depo done. As far as tweeting it, IDK. It will be public knowledge soon enough with or without his tweets though.

Come to think of it, ANY interviews will help get the depo done. If she can interview, she can give a deposition.
They say chloroform does not show up in a hair test, but others drugs would and her hair was clean, or did the State show evidence she was drugged up on zanny? If there was any drugs in her hair, we all would have known about it and that would be the States proof. Not one search and samples from a cleaned out aired out trunk.

they were not expecting to find any drugs in the hair after such a long time. drugs only show sometimes even in people who have been taking them. It was a long shot. not prove either way.
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