2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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Make sure that you are all actually changing the channel when you see things with them on and not just turning off the TV. While I have no proof whatsoever, I believe that the boxes, at least for DirecTV do count ratings. We have never been told that we were a Neilsen Family, we had some issues with our cable box once before where a black box kept popping up on the screen with a web address in it so that we couldn't see the picture. When I went to the web address it was something for Neilsen and I no longer trust that they are not counting what we are watching because of it, so better safe than sorry.

Great point thank you. My son is home from college so what better time to get addicted to Swamp People.
I am very sorry too. :hug:

Me too.

Still, thank you for demonstrating the point about lie detectors...they don't detect lies, just the body's reaction to, well, something. It seems like most WS people know this, but in general I think it's still a big misconception.
Years ago, my parents didn't want to upgrade their cable because their neighbor called the company and the rep said, "I see that you are watching xyz now...." So, yeah, I think they know what we watch and DVR.
That is interesting. We don't have cable at home
Although I believe Casey IS responsible in some way for Caylee's death, I do NOT believe the Chloroform had anything to do with her death. I BELIEVE, but cannot prove, that the Chloroform was used to try to clean up the trunk of the car (that's why levels were so high) as Chloroform is used in dry cleaning. The stain could not be identified as human decomposition nor anything else for that matter. IT WAS AN UNIDENTIFIED STAIN. I'm not even sure I believe that the Chloroform levels were THAT high, because of the fact that it dissipates quickly and of how many times that truck had to have been opened and aired out. The last possible date Casey COULD have used Chloroform on Caylee was June 16th if the date of her death is correct. That's over a month later that they found the car at the tow yard. The trunk had to have been opened numerous times in between those dates. Once to take Caylee's body out, another time to give George the gas cans, another time for Tony's trash to be put in there, another time when George opened it at the tow yard, and yet another airing-out for hours in the garage of Cindy and George's house. I'm just saying WE DON'T KNOW that this is how Caylee died. WE DON'T KNOW if Casey made or used Chloroform on Caylee just because they proved she looked it up on a google search. I've looked up how to make Meth, but I have never made any nor used any for any purpose. Yes, I would have like for the prosecution to have had some kind of proof that Chloroform and duct tape was the murder weapon, but they did not do that...they just SAID it, just like JB SAID it was an accidental drowning....no proof of that either, so THAT is reasonable doubt of both the theories presented at trial. It doesn't matter what we BELIEVE; what matters is that neither side proved their case. IMO

I disagree. Duct tape across a child's mouth and nose along with the mother hiding the child's body in the woods, hiding out and lying for 31 days about where the child is, partying like there's no tomorrow and falsely accusing an imaginary person of kidnapping the child are all evidence of murder by the mother.

There is no evidence that Caylee drowned and there was no testimony presented to show that she drowned. Baez's statement should not have been considered by the jury and if any of the jurors did consider it, they violated the rules. Putting that aside, consider Dr. G's testimony that 100% of times when a child drowns, 911 is called. No one hides a child's body to cover up an accident. No one covers up an accident by making it look like murder. It's simple common sense.

It was, IMO, proven that the stain in the trunk was decomp. The chemical in the stain were 'consistent' with decomp which, in science, is as definite as you get. It's like with paternity tests when the results show 99.9% that someone is the father. Nothing is ever 100%.

Seriously, what are the chances that a stain consistent with decomposition would somehow appear in the trunk of a woman's car at the same time that her child goes missing and is later found dead in the woods and that it would be an innocent coincidence. How would a person accidentally create a stain with chemicals consistent with human decomp?
Morgan & Morgan is tracking #caseyanthony 's every move. She can run but she can't hide!! #Zenaida will get justice!! 6 minutes ago via web

Dude, you sound 5 years old.
Casey has nothing to gain by taking a lie detector; if she passes it will only be because she is a "sociopath" according to most people. So really, there is no point in her taking one, IMO.
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Morgan & Morgan is tracking #caseyanthony 's every move. She can run but she can't hide!! #Zenaida will get justice!! 6 minutes ago via web

Dude, you sound 5 years old.

Why do you say that? Just curious...
Not really ... chloroform is a very volatile substance and dissipates very rapidly. Which makes the high levels of chloroform in the trunk even more damning ...

Exactly! But apparently 12 people didn't or rather COULDN'T understand that concept.
Thanks. I guess Caylees hair kinda proves this wasn't true.

With all due respect, please visit www.wftv.com and watch the videos of the trial and the testimony of the expert witnesses. Most of us here watched the entire trial and know the evidence backwards and forwards. And sadly what was or wasn't found in Caylee's hair wouldn't prove anything one way or the other due to many factors.
If Casey had told LE from the start where Caylees body was then her hair could have been tested right away right?
Oh wait !!
If she had called 911 when the 'drowning happened' Caylee could have either been revived or had a real funeral with a whole body .
Well if LP is half the bounty hunter he says he is I'm just surprised he hasn't found her yet.

He's probably not looking for her because there is no bounty on her at this time. If however she fails to make her appearances in court in the future I bet we'll see him hard at work. KWIM?
A quick Google search on "Sociopaths and Lie Detectors" brings up "about 79,500 results" most of which agree that sociopaths can pass a lie detector. I believe that she could pass one with flying colors.

ETA: And I most certainly believe she could pass a lie detector a lot easier than passing the classes required to become a paralegal.

Was there a pic of KC beside these entries? :floorlaugh:
Mason wouldn’t confirm that Anthony boarded a plane, but said her life would be difficult for a long time. Mason said “volunteers” are funding her new life and she has security. Curry asked if Mason could understand the public’s anger over the acquittal. “There’s people that are going to be to upset based a lot on their ignorance or intolerance,” Mason said. “The lynch mob mentality — that will subside.”

The signal subsided at that moment, and the screen went black. And that was the end of the interview.


Volunteers are funding her new life? This girl never has to pay for anything does she??:mad:
I wonder if the volunteers are any of the team? Just citizens? If private citizens I hope they know she is a convicted felon, she is "unstable right now" and is not necessarily safe to have around. Also, I hope they have some very strict rules that make KC blow and then she is on her way back to JB's office with no where else to go. I worry about the kind hearted, positive thinking citizen offers. Couldn't anyone that hooked her up with one of those offers be held liable if KC harms them in some way? Her attorneys keep saying she is not okay right now.
On a side note, is it an omen that just after Mason said all of the anger and mob mentality would subside, the network lost signal, went black, then they moved onto something else? Hmmmm..
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