She lived what she learned.
Most loving grandparents don't profit
off their grandchild's death
Lying and stealing was second nature in that family.
CA tried to take her own mother's house from her.
She built a wedge between her mother and her brother.
She told her mother if she pressed charges against KC she'd
never speak to her again.
Now her mother isn't "allowed"to discuss KC in her prescence.
They disgust me.
Caylee didn't stand a chance in that pressure cooker.
I don't agree totally with 'she lived what she learned'. Imo, she was to a large extent born the way she is and this was exacerbated by her environment
No, most loving grandparents don't
imagine they'll ever try to profit from their grandchild's death. Some never try to profit that way. Others do, although they usually try to do so in a way that won't reflect badly upon them in their own and other's eyes. Nevertheless, the media relies upon people telling/selling their tragic stories, doesn't it. And there's no shortage of takers. GA and CA doubtless rationalised and justified their motives when the money was pouring in during the Search. Additionally, they were very probably clinging to denial as far as Caylee's disappearance was concerned. Afterwards, during the 3 years leading up to the trial, they were probably of the belief their daughter would be accorded the death-penalty and would have been advised large amounts of money would be required to fund appeals -- so again, rationalisation and justification (remembering we ALL rationalise and justify, all the time, in matters great and small)
Now, KC is free. No LWOP, no death penalty. Shock to everyone, including CA and GA, no doubt. Shock even to the DT, as evidenced by the fact they tried at the last minute to build an escape clause via the urgent necessity to have their client psychiatrically assessed. So sure, if CA finds a publisher for the book she's alleged to have been writing all through the trial, it will be profit clear and simple on the back of her grandchild's murder
I know nothing of your claim that CA tried to take her mother's house from her - I don't know the circumstances or anything about it. Children robbing their own parents is reasonably common within society though. Not nice, but happens quite a bit. Many people are greedy and ruthless
However, most would understand why CA would insist her mother not press charges against KC in light of the circumstances - same with insisting her mother not speak to the media. CA's far from being the most controlling individual I've known and/or heard about though. Life's full of them
To sum up and as JA reportedly stated, the Anthonys are no more or less dysfunctional than the average family, with the exception imo, of KC
What my post attempted to convey was this: it's fine for us to sit here criticising CA and GA from behind our screens. It wasn't our grandchild who was murdered. It wasn't our daughter who was accused of that crime. It isn't us being exposed to the media spotlight - everything we say, do and wear as we fight to save the life of our daughter in the aftermath of the murder of a grandchild we virtually raised
If it were you or I or any of us here in that position, we'd doubtless be criticised and reviled also. Because under pressure of fear, grief, shock, shame, etc., we'd undoubtedly make mistakes. We'd reveal aspects of ourselves that we usually control or conceal. We certainly wouldn't show ourselves at our best
The post to which you obviously object was not intended to condone the Anthony's actions. What it attempted to express is that the Anthonys are at best 'average'. They have their problems, as we all do. And that's all they had to work with. They didn't get a booster-pack of brains and coping-ability after Caylee was murdered. To that point, they'd been muddling through, trying their best in their own way, no doubt. Then they were hit by a nightmare that would unhinge most of us. So GA and CA, in extremis, allegedly tried to choke the truth out of KC
They were out of their minds at that point with grief and worry and she was reportedly 'declining' to provide them information
They'd hardly be the first parents to throttle a family member out of extreme provocation, would they ?
Maybe if they were Rhodes Scholars with IQ's of 145, they would have approached the situation differently throughout. Instead, with their average intelligence, they handled things as they did. But they didn't kill anyone. They didn't rob a bank. They made mistakes because that's what average people do under those sorts of circumstances and when their grandchild is missing/murdered and their parents have been robbed and are facing expulsion from care-homes and their daughter has been accused of her child's murder
There are no manuals to help the average person under those circumstances. Yet there are hundreds, thousands of examples of basically decent people twisting the truth and lying barefaced, in order their child will evade imprisonment, capture, death penalty, etc. That's the human condition. We go into seige mode, most of us - we revert to atavistic survival mode. And sure, it's not pretty. But it's human
Anyway, I suspect most people who've observed the Anthony family during the past 3-plus years have said, at some point, ' Thank God none of this happened to my family '