2011.07.18 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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I thought it was interesting for JoyB to have Stacey Lannert on and hear the differences between Stacey and KC.

She was sentenced to LWOP for killing her father whom she claimed abused her (orally too) beginning when she was EIGHT years old. Where have we heard that before? Her sentence was later reduced to life and and was then paroled out.

Stacey Lannert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is also an article that tells her story here.


I remember Stacey's story and the prosecutor totally did NOT believe her at all. And whether the jury did or not, they convicted her. I don't know how any girl or woman can really prove her father abused her. Stacey was a "wild child" acting out etc...possible symptoms of abuse, or not, depending on who you ask. Anyway I am glad she is out now and remember seeing a show where she talked about learning to train service dogs and how she fell in love with doing that. I wish her the best.
You know - I don't see her enjoying a swimming pool unless she is at a private house. Someone would report seeing her and would take pictures if she was seen at a hotel pool.

Same thing with going out to eat. Does she get all her meals brought in just like it was in jail?

If she was at a hotel, she would have to hide from the cleaning people. How would she be able to leave her room and get on an elevator? Someone would see her.

The more I think of it, the more I believe she hasn't left Orlando and is in someone's house with them or staying in a vacation house unless she is on GR's boat.

I don't think she is going to change her appearance - she thinks she's it now - and the way she let her hair down and was stroking it over and over shows me that she is proud of it - she's not going to cut it.

This is interesting I hope it is ok. It is a link to the gated community that Cheny Mason lives at....
My best guess (and, it's only a guess), would be that they would try to hide FCA for a while. While LA and NY seem to be the obvious places she would go, to rake in on her photos/interview. I suspect they could do the interview from where ever she's at. The DT talked about her getting counseling of some sort (I know, ridiculous given FCA's past history). Having her in such a place (discreet) would keep her out of the public eye, for a while. ALSO, when her "therapy" is over the ones promoting her could point out that she has had treatment, and is a different person. To put her in front of a camera now, would not convince anyone that she is any different from the mother, who killed her young child. Bad publicity for any network involved. Plus, at this point they know she has nothing to offer but more lies.With time, some of the emotions may die down and she can present as a person who has (through the help of her psych professionals) "turned her life around". I'm not saying any kind of transformation is possible, given her history, but a bad mother who has "seen the light" may make for a more acceptable viewing audience and networks may be more inclined to give her an interview.

Now, the question is, can she stay with any treatment/counseling program long enough to make this work. My guess is no. She may appreciate, for a bit, that they have saved her from the angry public, but soon Casey will want to follow her own rules. Seldom does that go over real well with good therapy programs.
My best guess (and, it's only a guess), would be that they would try to hide FCA for a while. While LA and NY seem to be the obvious places she would go, to rake in on her photos/interview. I suspect they could do the interview from where ever she's at. The DT talked about her getting counseling of some sort (I know, ridiculous given FCA's past history). Having her in such a place (discreet) would keep her out of the public eye, for a while. ALSO, when her "therapy" is over the ones promoting her could point out that she has had treatment, and is a different person. To put her in front of a camera now, would not convince anyone that she is any different from the mother, who killed her young child. Bad publicity for any network involved. Plus, at this point they know she has nothing to offer but more lies.With time, some of the emotions may die down and she can present as a person who has (through the help of her psych professionals) "turned her life around". I'm not saying any kind of transformation is possible, given her history, but a bad mother who has "seen the light" may make for a more acceptable viewing audience and networks may be more inclined to give her an interview.

I don't think getting treatment would be ridiculous. She has not been officially diagnosed as far as I know. And she probably came out of jail with more issues, not less. Why do you think treatment would be ridiculous? She may be feeling giddy for a few days, but the real world will set in soon enough and she may well need help.
Apparently last week they went to Home Depot and the media was there. Yes, it is a new SUV.

How can they afford a new SUV? I thought they were unemployed, with CA drawing disability (from the State?).

Or do they have a money tree growing in their backyard?
I don't think it's possible to cure psychopathy, and I'm sure it's not possible to treat the compulsive lying problem.
How can they afford a new SUV? I thought they were unemployed, with CA drawing disability (from the State?).

Or do they have a money tree growing in their backyard?

They must have sold their souls to the devil ... and a book deal.
I don't think getting treatment would be ridiculous. She has not been officially diagnosed as far as I know. And she probably came out of jail with more issues, not less. Why do you think treatment would be ridiculous? She may be feeling giddy for a few days, but the real world will set in soon enough and she may well need help.
I'm not saying that treatment can't help. BUT, for someone to benefit from treatment, there has to be some sort of self admission that they need help. From what we know, Casey has blamed ALL of her troubles on her family, friends, anyone that she could. The only time that she took responsibility for her actions was during the check fraud case, and that was at the advice of counsel, because she plead guilty, and was standing in front of the judge for sentencing. Treatment requires a certain amount of insight, we have seen NONE from FCA.

As FCA said, in the jail video, she's as much of a victim as the rest of her family. She is a victim, in her mind, and those with that mentality rarely view themselves as the problem. This is why sociopaths, BPD, etc are very hard to treat, almost impossible...NO INSIGHT.
He wants total control of the she devil ..fair is fair she played her family and friends and now she is getting played by baez imo

Haven't read the entire thread yet, but you are right on the money about JB wanting total control over Casey. He may not be brilliant, but Jose is smart enough to know that his client only thrives in a symbiotic relationship. If not enmeshed with her mother, who better than Jose for Casey to consume with her overly-dependent emotions? jmo
Really? Well that solves the whole problem. Now it all makes sense. Thank You.

This is from Google maps........... San Carlos is a small community northeast of the city of San Diego.

I don't think getting treatment would be ridiculous. She has not been officially diagnosed as far as I know. And she probably came out of jail with more issues, not less. Why do you think treatment would be ridiculous? She may be feeling giddy for a few days, but the real world will set in soon enough and she may well need help.

I think the point she was making was that IF FCA is a sociopath, and many believe that she is, then 'therapy' is useless and ridiculous.

Besides, even the forensic shrink that the DT asked to make the rounds on HLN
has said himself, that she has no mental health issues, no diagnosis can be made. Then he said that she USED TO BE immature, and had traces of narcissism. So how do you treat someone for any of that?

p.s. I LOVE your kitty pix
How can they afford a new SUV? I thought they were unemployed, with CA drawing disability (from the State?).

Or do they have a money tree growing in their backyard?

The Anthony finances have baffled a lot of people over the past few years. There were rumors early on that their church was helping them out financially which could be true but I don't see a church helping them out for years. Also they were rumors about them misuing a donation given to them.
Has anyone heard anything about rumor of FCA arriving @ San Carlos CA airport? I have been talking to airpot personnel. They said after 9:00pm nothing is tracked. No tower, no staff.

What I found interesting is she said the staff has heard this rumor since yesterday. I said, "I just heard X20 min ago". I then asked who was talking to them about her possilble arrival there and she said News Media were inquiring 24 hrs. ago....WTH?

No way could a Lear Jet of any size land here. It would have to be very small. This is a very small airport. It sits on the Bay and there is one very upscale hotel here in Redwood Shores (sits right on San Carlos line), in fact, the Peterson Jury were rumored to stay there.

Many flights here between LA small area airports and this airport.

I've spent a lot of time at that airport- there's an aviation museum attached and a ton of activities for kids there (ironic if CFCA did land there). I agree: it is a VERY small airport. There's a lot of $$$ in the area (think Oracle, EA, Apple, Google, Facebook and about every software company you can think of), but this isn't where the rich guys keep their big jets. It's a lot of small planes- Cessnas, etc. Also lots of helicopters. It's a place where they do flight lessons. It's also RIGHT on 101- a large plane landing there would be VERY noticeable.

There are quite a few high end motels between Palo Alto and San Francisco. I believe the Peterson Jury was sequestered at the Crowne Plaza in Foster City, right off 92. But I have a feeling the high end hotel you were mentioning would be the Sofitel, which is a 10 minute walk from the airport.

I sure hope she's not hanging around my neighborhood! :maddening:

I do keep thinking about what Geraldo said last night: that he knew where she was and it wasn't anywhere glamorous. She's got to be really laying low.
I'm not saying that treatment can't help. BUT, for someone to benefit from treatment, there has to be some sort of self admission that they need help. From what we know, Casey has blamed ALL of her troubles on her family, friends, anyone that she could. The only time that she took responsibility for her actions was during the check fraud case, and that was at the advice of counsel, because she plead guilty, and was standing in front of the judge for sentencing. Treatment requires a certain amount of insight, we have seen NONE from FCA.

As FCA said, in the jail video, she's as much of a victim as the rest of her family. She is a victim, in her mind, and those with that mentality rarely view themselves as the problem. This is why sociopaths, BPD, etc are very hard to treat, almost impossible...NO INSIGHT.

But she hasn't spoken for herself in three years, I am willing to at least think that maybe she had time to realize she needs help. I am not counting on it, have nothing at stake, but will at least consider she may have had time to think things over.
But she hasn't spoken for herself in three years, I am willing to at least think that maybe she had time to realize she needs help. I am not counting on it, have nothing at stake, but will at least consider she may have had time to think things over.

When I saw Cindy doubled over in tears and pain during the trial, I truly felt for her. I thought that she had finally come to her senses and was prepared to tell the truth for the sake of her granddaughter. Fastforward a couple of weeks and what do we see? There's gramma lying under oath about searching for chloroform. I was fooled when I saw gramma crying about the days when she learned that Caylee was gone. If the death of a granddaughter is not enough to sober someone up enough to be truthful during the investigation and trial, nothing is. With Casey, it's the same. Absolutely nothing will result in her changing. She is like Joran van der Sloot. When he did not suffer any consequences after the disappearance of Natalee, he became more bold in every way. I suspect that Casey will do as Joran did, and become more bold as her mental disease soars to new heights.
She'll be on the prowl again ... as soon as Baez isn't looking. She was always sneaking around, lying to everyone to hide what she was up to ... that isn't going to change.

Maybe she will invent another job she has to be at to get out from his reach.
But she hasn't spoken for herself in three years, I am willing to at least think that maybe she had time to realize she needs help. I am not counting on it, have nothing at stake, but will at least consider she may have had time to think things over.

I wish that was the case, but sociopaths don't introvert and question their actions. They just keep on victimizing people. I put one in jail for a year for credit card fraud, she is out doing the same b.s. And she wrote me an email saying she would get even. She blames me. LOL.
I'm thinking that the A's will take her back and it's all a ruse from molestation to now. She's going home maybe, oh my. Too much denial for it not to be possibly true to me. Lippman is not a good actor! Nor is Jb, CM, and the others! Like a cheap show I just watch. I have been played like many others but expected it! (I just came down from the mountain & have caught up some on this) Where's the webcam gurl? Tom's girl something?

Caylee didn't deserve any of this. RIP beautiful child. My heart breaks for you.

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