2011.07.19 Casey Anthony possibly spotted back in Orlando

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I find this hard to believe. Why has she waited so long to phone the police? The calls must have been coming in from the start if they were true. I will just mark it down as another low CM dirty trick to keep his worthless client in the news. Old what's her name??????
Hated the verdict, hated the smarmy defense team. But they did their job. We can't have a legal system that denies a trial to despicable people. Where would you draw the line?
I draw the line at the defense lying, telling fairy tales, and defaming victims of the defendant's crimes.
I know that it is not okay to threaten people. But is it okay to make up vile stories about rape and incest, and accuse an innocent man in front of the world, just to allow a guilty woman to walk free?
I know, but threats are just sinking to the level of the opponent. Always pays to take the high road.
Can the jurors sue Casey Anthony and her attorney for not being forthright with the state about what they allege happened to Caylee Marie instead of dragging this out almost three years, costing the taxpayers many thousands of wasted dollars on a bogus investigation, etc. all leading to a trial by sequestered jury? (Of course, I am not serious - just pointing out the obvious that it appears everyone's been taken for a ride at the expense of a DEFENSELESS little girl named Caylee Marie Anthony.)
Okay, I have to ask.....who is "LF?" :waitasec:


I think the LF is Elisabeth Fryer (sp ?) ... the attorney who works for CM and the one who argued about appealing the 4 GUILTY COUNTS of lying to LE ...

Please correct if it is not EF...

I know that it is not okay to threaten people. But is it okay to make up vile stories about rape and incest, and accuse an innocent man in front of the world, just to allow a guilty woman to walk free?

And at the same time expect the same LE that you vilified and accused of breaking the law to assist you when YOU need help. CM can't have it both ways and he can't talk out of both sides of his mouth.

Is it wrong, yes. But CM and company should have realized this when she got off on murder. And CM flipping off the world didn't help matters.

I'm of the opinion people shouldn't waste their time on CM and company. A higher power will handle them. Only CM and company know if they have something they should feel guilty for, and my guess is they do.

I think our main concern should be to make sure that news reports stay accurate and that Casey and Company are NEVER allowed to cash in on the murder of Caylee and the Murder that Casey Anthony was able to get away with.
I had the same problem when she told me the story! It must be a 1950's term for nightie! I wondered "well what's wrong with wearing a knit sweater set?!

Oh you kiddies!!!! You made me laugh so hard!!
I draw the line at the defense lying, telling fairy tales, and defaming victims of the defendant's crimes.

So we can pick and choose which decisions we agree with and which should cause us to threaten the defense team?
Hated the verdict, hated the smarmy defense team. But they did their job. We can't have a legal system that denies a trial to despicable people. Where would you draw the line?
I don't blame the DT for the verdict or for doing their job. I do blame them for the way they did it and the people they damaged along the way. That's where I draw the line.
I think a better way to frighten the defense team would have been something far more terrifying than physical harm.

I think the best way to frighten them would be to tell them to live it up here on Earth, because what awaits you once you leave this life isn't going to be pretty. Someday they will have to answer to a higher power, and that higher power isn't going to buy what 12 foolish jurors bought. Playing the good ole boy routine isn't gong to work on God CM ... not in the least.
:rocker::rocker: Good Point, Dr. Fessel !! :great::great:

If I was the 9-1-1 dispatcher and it was CM or JB or one of the Anthony's calling for help, I would tell them an officer will be there in 31 Days ...

Seriously ...


Talk about crying wolf, lord help those people if they really do have an emergency.
I know, but threats are just sinking to the level of the opponent. Always pays to take the high road.

I agree. I have made no threats and have asked others not to. But Mrs. Mason should not be surprised because her husband played dirty and crossed a lot of lines. He is scum, imo. And my father was a defense attorney,so I have a lot of respect for them as a rule. But I have no respect for this DT at all. And I am ashamed to say I am glad they are feeling some fear right now.
I know, but threats are just sinking to the level of the opponent. Always pays to take the high road.

Though I completely disapprove of stalking or seriously threatening people, that type of behavior does sometimes result when the guilty are not held accountable, or when the not guilty are blamed without cause...which is why I believe it should be just as important to convict the guilty as it is not to convict the innocent. When there is corruption or serious inefficiency in government systems, a by product of those failures may be that people, frustrated and angry, may resolve to take matters into their own hands. That's why it's important to constantly improve our legal system and not allow sleazy, underhanded tactics to free the guilty. There is truth (both ways) in the saying, "No justice, no peace."
I don't blame the DT for the verdict or for doing their job. I do blame them for the way they did it and the people they damaged along the way. That's where I draw the line.

But to their credit it worked. The jury foreman thought IIRC that it was George who killed little Caylee, even though there wasn't an ounce of evidence to prove it. They smeared GA enough that the jury thought it was GA and not FCA who actually did the crime.

I'm a little less angry at the jury today after watching what happened yesterday and watching how quickly people were willing to buy that LDB was less than ethical in supplying the defense with discovery. They didn't wait for the evidence or even bother to go watch the Court video. People can be swayed, and swayed easily without any proof. And for whatever reason the jury bought what JB said in his OS. Maybe not everything that he said but enough that they let a murderer walk and to be free to kill again if someone/something gets in her way. And I fear for Casey's future friends, children and spouse. Should they set her off she won't hesitate to kill again and this time she'll make sure no body is ever found.
Though I completely disapprove of stalking or seriously threatening people, that type of behavior does sometimes result when the guilty are not held accountable, or when the not guilty are blamed without cause...which is why I believe it should be just as important to convict the guilty as it is not to convict the innocent. When there is corruption or serious inefficiency in government systems, a by product of those failures can be that people, frustrated and angry, may resolve to take matters into their own hands. That's why it's important to constantly improve our legal system and not allow sleazy, underhanded tactics to free the guilty.

In other words, YOU wouldn't ever threaten or stalk anyone, but the people are angry and you can't fault them if their moral code isn't your own.
I know, but threats are just sinking to the level of the opponent. Always pays to take the high road.

how's that working out for Caylee? I certainly don't condone threats to anyone, but you reap what you sow. They knew there were lunatics out there but they just had to thumb their collective noses at them. Can't really feel too sorry for them.
Please think again. I lost my child to a drunk driver. It's both stupid (senseless) AND evil.

I totally agree, chefmom. I do not condone vigilantiism or violence under any circumstances. But I would think that Mason's actions after the verdict did nothing to quell the understandably angry citizens. In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say I'm sure it fanned the flames. One would think a gentleman of his breeding would know better. Very disappointing. JMO

The whole world's become a cesspool. I'm not at all surprised that CM jumped right in.

My opinion only
In other words, YOU wouldn't ever threaten or stalk anyone, but the people are angry and you can't fault them if their moral code isn't your own.
That's not really what I said. I'm fine with people being angry.
That's not really what I said. I'm fine with people being angry.

And possibly taking things into their own hands. So we shouldn't have any expectations for our fellow citizens?
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