2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

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Guess I will never know, because I have 2 daughters and 3 grand kids and if 1 was missing for a day I would beat the he-- out of my daughter and if she didn't fess up I would be on the phone to 911 and demand she go straight to jail till she told.

By the way they are both upstanding MOM'S and this would never happen.
They are 38 and 40 and I have always known all their friends and all their baby sitters.

You would assault another person and then demand that the person you assaulted go to jail? Good luck with that.:waitasec:
I'll be blunt.

It's not GA and CA who need and deserve a Nassau vacation and elite transpo to and from such, with exquisite accomodations...

It's US, all of US...especially those of US who "see the light" about the murder of Caylee and the subsequent coverup.

Too bad life isn't fair...
It's a unique situation when you have a pile of screaming protestors outside your house, pushing your buttons.

I could never support people taunting, baiting and physically assaulting the Anthony's in front of their home. It was wrong of them, but predictable. I read this on another site; when you build a monster, don't be surprised when the villagers show up with pitch forks and torches.

It went on for so long; at what point should they have understood that going outside to engage them would not ensure their safety, and only give these mob-mentality instigators exactly what they were looking for.

I agree with what you said. Their behavior has been so odd at times that I have had to scrape way down to find a layer of support for them within me. But at the end of the day, compassion always won out over condemnation because I could not imagine myself in their shoes and I don't know how I would react. When this all occurred in '08, I had just learned my only child was pregnant, and now I have an adorable almost 17-month grandson. The thought of losing him in such a horrific way is too painful to contemplate. But I think that I would still try to save my daughter, as we saw the Anthonys do. They have to live with their choices, and the condemnations that go with it. I just can't bring myself to add to it any.

If my daughter murdered my grandchild I would never talk to her again. I know that. It would be a horrible thing to have happen. I can't imagine losing one of my grandkids or greats. If I should speak to her there is no way in heck I would get on that stand and lie for her. I'm not a good liar and my face would give me away every time. I just wouldn't do it period. I would still love my daughter...I think...but I would not like her one bit. I wouldn't do any of the things the Anthonys did right down to that horrible memorial service...CMA...CMA I love you, etc etc.

I agree with what you said. Their behavior has been so odd at times that I have had to scrape way down to find a layer of support for them within me. But at the end of the day, compassion always won out over condemnation because I could not imagine myself in their shoes and I don't know how I would react. When this all occurred in '08, I had just learned my only child was pregnant, and now I have an adorable almost 17-month grandson. The thought of losing him in such a horrific way is too painful to contemplate. But I think that I would still try to save my daughter, as we saw the Anthonys do. They have to live with their choices, and the condemnations that go with it. I just can't bring myself to add to it any.

I wish I could get to that place. I'm eaten up with anger and what I consider an injustice.
Seeing Casey,George and Cindy ,not only get away with crimes ,but reaping benefits from them,is just beyond what I find tolerable.
If there was a pill to get over it I would take it.
The A's were more about saving their daughter who they knew was a liar than getting justice for their dead grandaughter. I have zero sympathy for them especially after all the lies, tricks, ploys ect. That poor baby laid in a trash bag for 31 days in a swamp while everyone just went on their way to work or parties whatever While they were too afraid to confront the killer, their own daughter. They are very much about false appearances.(the hidden pregnancy ect) Sweep everything under the rug, pretend it didn't happen. I feel lots of stuff was kept from George, pretty obvious who wore the pants in that family. Cindy wanted to be in control no matter what. Now she wants to control the media and the public. Not gonna happen.
The "heckler" was a member of the media and camera man who followed Cindy and George to Home Depot. George did ignore him. He merely walked over and looked behind the car to get the license plate number. Maybe he had good reason for doing so, maybe the media was chasing them or maybe they felt the guy had threatened them in some way. Why does anyone care anyway, why not leave this people alone, let them shop in piece. Since when is people buying a leaf blower considered newsworthy?

:lol: I think it was a saw. But it matters not. These people are public figures. So I wouldn't call a reporter a heckler. A heckler to me would be someone standing outside their house shouting obscenities or nasty things.

It is the job of the reporter to ask questions. Do they take it too far, probably. But, as long as the media respects not getting in their personal space, sticking the mic in their face or tripping them up, there is nothing wrong with them asking questions IMO. If they don't want to answer get in your car and drive away. This will all go away if these players just stay off the the news. IMO.
Profits from the book go to the charity. Their salaries come from the charity.

They are proficient at diversion. The ultimate PRO'S
They have been diverting everything from the second we all met them.
:lol: I think it was a saw. But it matters not. These people are public figures. So I wouldn't call a reporter a heckler. A heckler to me would be someone standing outside their house shouting obscenities or nasty things.

It is the job of the reporter to ask questions. Do they take it too far, probably. But, as long as the media respects not getting in their personal space, sticking the mic in their face or tripping them up, there is nothing wrong with them asking questions IMO. If they don't want to answer get in your car and drive away. This will all go away if these players just stay off the the news. IMO.
Reporters report things of interest
WHY be interested in the Anthony’s who are they? Have they contributed to society at large, Are they on the Wanted list?
They no longer mean anything. They are a sorry bunch.
IMHO, Journalism has become Tabloidisem. Just a sign of the brilliant society.
:lol: I think it was a saw. But it matters not. These people are public figures. So I wouldn't call a reporter a heckler. A heckler to me would be someone standing outside their house shouting obscenities or nasty things.

It is the job of the reporter to ask questions. Do they take it too far, probably. But, as long as the media respects not getting in their personal space, sticking the mic in their face or tripping them up, there is nothing wrong with them asking questions IMO. If they don't want to answer get in your car and drive away. This will all go away if these players just stay off the the news. IMO.

No, it was a Ryobi 2 cycle leaf blower. As I said, they did get in the car and drive away, after George got the car's plate number. George and Cindy did not respond or say a single word. They did nothing wrong.
They are proficient at diversion. The ultimate PRO'S
They have been diverting everything from the second we all met them.

And now they hang out with people who know the laws and people who have bent the laws.
No, it was a Ryobi 2 cycle leaf blower. As I said, they did get in the car and drive away, after George got the car's plate number. George and Cindy did not respond or say a single word. They did nothing wrong.

No they didn't do anything wrong. Well except made a big production about getting their license plate which I felt was a bit dramatic.

They are media and protected by the same Constitution that George and Cindy are. They can ask the questions as long as they don't threaten them or try to get into their space. No harm no foul. And this is to be expected for a while. The media has always been there to help the Anthony family when they were begging for help for their granddaughter's return and when they were trying to state Casey's cause.

So in the one hand you can't say I want you when I want you but you are to leave me alone when I don't want you. It cuts both ways IMO.
If my daughter murdered my grandchild I would never talk to her again. I know that. It would be a horrible thing to have happen. I can't imagine losing one of my grandkids or greats. If I should speak to her there is no way in heck I would get on that stand and lie for her. I'm not a good liar and my face would give me away every time. I just wouldn't do it period. I would still love my daughter...I think...but I would not like her one bit. I wouldn't do any of the things the Anthonys did right down to that horrible memorial service...CMA...CMA I love you, etc etc.

I agree completely.

I also understand a parent’s heart of trying to save the one alive,
IMHO there is a much darker side to this story that is not being discussed.
IMHO there are very dark people in the background of this story.
IMHO this case is nothing we really understand - we got a fictional story.
First, I feel your pain! I have rheumatoid arthritis and when I have a flare it's like walking on broken bones.Hands ,wrists and shoulders ,too. Hard to explain what it's like to be dependent on others .

The issue you raised is why I don't think CA is on SSI. It's not easy to get .I believe she got the max Gentiva allowed .She testified to that,but I don't recall anything about gov't disability.
I wonder if she could get unemployment once that maxed out :waitasec:


The only way she could possibly get unemployment would be if she is willing and able to work 40 hours a week (physically and mentally). ALSO since she has only been on disability for over 2 years, I don't "think" she could get unemployment anyway d/t she hasn't met the requirements for the same.
I wish I could get to that place. I'm eaten up with anger and what I consider an injustice.
Seeing Casey,George and Cindy ,not only get away with crimes ,but reaping benefits from them,is just beyond what I find tolerable.
If there was a pill to get over it I would take it.

I understand. KC still gets to me. What I found to be helpful was to give myself a little break from all of this. Right after the verdict, I stopped reading and posting here, I quit watching the TH on HLN and In Session. I prayed for peace to come to my soul over this. I had to have some distance. I will never be able to feel compassion for KC and there is still anger and hate in my heart toward her. I'm not proud of this, but it is what it is. George and Cindy have always been a murkier area for me, as I see them as victims too. So it is easier for me to show compassion for them, even while I am sometimes shaking my head, rolling my eyes and saying, "What are they thinking?!" With KC, I believe that eventually street justice will be enacted on her. I am not advocating this, but it wouldn't make me sad to hear, either. Too many people hate her and the world is full of unhinged people who hate. She will either have to live in exile, which is its own punishment for social butterfly KC, or she will one day come face to face with an avenger.

C'est la vie, bebe!
First, I feel your pain! I have rheumatoid arthritis and when I have a flare it's like walking on broken bones.Hands ,wrists and shoulders ,too. Hard to explain what it's like to be dependent on others .

The issue you raised is why I don't think CA is on SSI. It's not easy to get .I believe she got the max Gentiva allowed .She testified to that,but I don't recall anything about gov't disability.
I wonder if she could get unemployment once that maxed out :waitasec:

Cindy Anthony could be getting SSD. She could get it because she has lost a granddaughter by murder. She would have to have two people fill out paperwork about how she has changed compared to how she was before the murder. She would see a SS Psy. I don't have a problem with her getting SSD or something from the company she worked for. She is on meds and we don't know how she really is out of the public eye. I do know that the murder of a child takes a toll on a person and I would imagine it would be no different with a grandchild. We can all wear a mask out in public while we are dying inside.
I wish I could get to that place. I'm eaten up with anger and what I consider an injustice.
Seeing Casey,George and Cindy ,not only get away with crimes ,but reaping benefits from them,is just beyond what I find tolerable.
If there was a pill to get over it I would take it.

If you find that pill MissJames, please let me know where to get it....I am still just sick and upset over this mess.
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