2011.08.05 Hearing on Casey's probation

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Here is how I look at this.

Say the Probation order said 12 months probation with the ordinary and regular items of probation.

But just say that in addition it said that as a part of probation Casey must perform 200 hours of community service.

Now, how in God's green earth would she have been able to do that while in jail? Would the probation department have waived that too? Just like they did the court ordered administrative costs?

Probation is not meant to be served while lying on your cot in protective custody. While fiddling with your hair or writing fantasy letters and passing them to other inmates.

Probation is a process of proving that you can be a law abiding citizen in a culture where laws must be followed for the good of all.

I really hope whoever is in charge of that probation department takes a good hard look at the policies and practices and if a few heads need to roll for lazy enforcement then do it.
I don't even see this as the problem - she was given appropriate credit for the check fraud and immediately following she was given "appropriate credit" for time served on the lying to LE charges which brought her up to her release date. So legally if she was serving those two sentences including the one that was ROLLED back, how the heck was she serving probation at the same time? To me - serving those two sentences didn't give her time to be swanning around in jail on probation.

Hello HHJP - Elephant in the Courtroom?

Pretty special, huh? the way I look at it is KC spent a year serving her sentence for felonies, which also ended up being the 1st year of her next sentence for lying ... the second year was her 1 year probation and second year of her 4 year sentence for lying convictions ... very special ... and of course got away with murder ... very, very special ... :banghead:
Ya know...I thought that this is ultimately what the State was hoping for...was there ANY mention of the (mis)calculations?

Not that I know of .. I haven't watched the video yet ...
Keeping my fingers crossed though ..
I understand that yes, many first offenders do get given probation in place of a jail sentence but of course this does not apply to this case. FKC was given time served for the 7 felony cheque charges, 7 were adjudicated and she was given one years probation upon release. So your soft reminder while interesting is moot is it not?

It was only a 'reminder' if someone had already posted it previously.

I was posting what I considered 'probation' to be in my view. I've never heard of anyone serving probation while in jail. But, I'm not so young anymore, either.
And, since my only brush with probation was when my older brother served when I was a kid, I don't know what and how laws have changed since. The place I quoted from just so happened to speak it in the same terms I was familiar, so I posted.

That's all.
I am following this on my blackberry so can't check the visitor log posted, but has anybody found the visit by the PO? If it helps, the supervisor stated today that the visit was on Feb 2, 2010.

Well, HHJP did say he was going to have a little chat with the Probation Supervisor. For her sake, let's hope she wasn't "fudging" on the only one visit factorama and that there really wasn't even one visit....

I suspect he will want a bit of documentation to confirm...such as a jail visit report....:innocent:
She was such a pretty little girl, looked very much like her grandmother, and I think she is pretty, not a nice person maybe but she is attractive.

Yes, she certainly was, but her mother's looks are superficial. She needs to stop looking in the mirror and start looking to her heart.
Why was the probation supervisor on the phone and not in court? I missed that very beginning.
It was only a 'reminder' if someone had already posted it previously.

I was posting what I considered 'probation' to be in my view. I've never heard of anyone serving probation while in jail. But, I'm not so young anymore, either.
And, since my only brush with probation was when my older brother served when I was a kid, I don't know what and how laws have changed since. The place I quoted from just so happened to speak it in the same terms I was familiar, so I posted.

That's all.

Oh dear - I hope you didn't think I was "getting at you" - not at all - agreeing with you - I think it many cases it's appropriate! :great:

Just added in this case - don't think so and was asking if you agreed is all....
I'm not holding my breath that she'll have to serve probation. The devil owns her soul and she's riding her lucky streak IMO. I just don't want to be let down again, so I'm going to believe she'll get a pass on this too. I've lost faith in the whole system.
It's one thing for me to raise my hand and (LG raising hand..) and say yes, I hate FKC, but would I ever commit any kind of violence against her? Absolutely not - under any circumstances...risk my freedom for hers? Not a chance - ever!

i have to agree w/ logicalgirl...yes it may be theraputic, but i WOULD get caught, i doubt anyone would bail me out, id be away from my girls..and i just dont think i would cope well w/ being big berthas girlfriend(behind bars)...nope...not worth it at all..just have to pray for karma/god to catch her...and in meantime not risk my freedoms either. who had the picture of a billboard saying " to caylee's warriors- dont worry i got this- god" thats what i keep in mind to keep me ( somewhat) sane. i loved that pic..
so are they STILL doing the hearing..spongebob is still going on!
Yes, she certainly was, but her mother's looks are superficial. She needs to stop looking in the mirror and start looking to her heart.

The picture was of Caylee, who can't look into her heart now. Or is this Casey we're talking about? That wasn't a picture of Casey as a child. That was Caylee. I am so confused by this conversation, lol.
What gets to the depth of my soul is that on the day of the check fraud hearing with everyone fully aware of when probation was to start, why the heck didn't Baez say something to the court when the probation officer showed up to start the probation interview with Casey?

I just can't wrap my brain around this one at all! :furious:
Administrative Probation is a form of non-contact supervision in which an offender who represents a low risk of harm to the community may, upon satisfactory completion of half the term of regular probation, be placed on non-reporting status until expiration of the term of supervision. The department is authorized to collect an initial processing fee of up to $50 for the offender reduced to administrative probation. Periodic record checks are completed to ensure the offender has not violated the law.


She's definitly not a low risk ... look what she did ... murdered her daughter and threw her away like trash ... stole from everybody who's money or checkbooks she could get her hands on .
If you research through other cases of check fraud and forgery you will find that many, if not MOST, first time offenders get NO JAIL TIME at all for the same charges as CA faced. They are put on diversion programs, limited probation terms, etc. So in essence, she WAS treated differently from other offenders....she was sentenced much more harshly than an "average" person would have been.


Care to link to the stats on that?
Not that I know of .. I haven't watched the video yet ...
Keeping my fingers crossed though ..

No there wasn't any mention of it - there was mention that Baez knew this probation serving was inappropriate and did nothing...:innocent: .

Despite me yelling at the computer as loud as I could, HHJP couldn't seem to hear me....:waitasec:

Maybe he's already thinking about it and just didn't want to get into that this morning....since it was a different case..
Even more so. We know for a fact that KC was writing to another inmate...against the rules, had her attorney sneaking in contraband along with messages/letters from her parents (admitted in her jailhouse letters), and made an attempt through her attorney to have Amy H contact her to show there were no hard feelings in direct violation of HHSS order for her probation after her sentencing. So if this probation officer was monitoring her they did not do a very good job. At the time we were all appalled at JB's suggestion that Amy H should be encouraged to contact KC. jmo

Well according to the guards that were asked, KC was always pleasant .. even when they would wake her up in the morning !! Guess that's all that mattered !! OK, so don't these guards have to deal with sociopaths frequently ... many playing nice for extra privileges or guards "looking the other way" ... jeeze ... wasn't one guard fired and one suspended because of her "good behavior" ... :maddening:
For anybody that missed the hearing, In Session is getting ready to show the hearing.
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