2011.08.05 Hearing on Casey's probation

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Thank you Aedrys. But I (only speaking for myself) have no problem being identified as a Casey Hater. In fact, I would wear a t-shirt and ballcap if there were any being sold somewhere. I will never, never, never get over the injustice done to Caylee in this matter. NEVER. Hate should not be a part of me....as it doesn't hurt FCA one bit. But I can't help it. It's there. And I will admit it any day of the week.

Thank you for saying what many of us wanted to say at some point in this case but couldn't. I have shared your passion. I find now that I have to get over it because if not it dominates my emotions and I can't move forward. So I am trying to drown out the hate I have for what happened to little Caylee by loving my children all that much more. So I do have hate in my heart- but I am trying to let go.
I don't have a link; sure I could find one if I tried, but I have heard exactly the same thing over and over on news shows by lawyers - first time offenders are usually not sentenced to jail time but a given a suspended sentence and if they repeat that is a different story.

KC was definitely treated differently as far as that went. But the murder charges - she was not. There is no bail in Florida for first degree murder - so that was that.

Truth can't be ignored because more than likely she killed her daughter, imo.

But was it one offense. She did not just write one check or was it just one offense. There were thirteen and there were different days, different locations and different venues. BOA, Target, Publix, AT&T (the transaction that did not go through because of insufficient funds). Each time she wrote a check it was separate from the other. Imagine what would happen if CA had reported KC for all the checks she wrote on her account. Hundreds of checks and probably an equal amount of credit card charges on CA's card. jmo
Will the state go after the remaining check charges or is there some resolution to them?
I watched the hearing today but forgot to look - were ga and ca there? Or are they still in Texas or Scottsdale, AZ?
In order to sentence an offender you have to have a trial first. Baez was delaying and delaying and delaying the trial on the check charges trying to get that put off until after the murder trial.

That is not the fault of the State. That is Baez's fault and that of Casey for agreeing to that defense.

You can't sentence a person to straight probation if they have sat in jail for a year. Instead you give them time served. She couldn't stay out on bond. So the reason Casey got a harsh sentence is because they refused to allow the state to go to speedy trial with the check counts.
Here is one article mentioning the probation from right after the check fraud hearing...


A probation officer will soon visit her at the jail to explain the conditions of her probation and what to do if she is released from jail, said Gretl Plessinger, spokeswoman for the Department of Corrections.
The probation officer may take a photo of her during the visit for the Web site, Plessinger said. Afterward, the probation officer will check on Anthony's status at the jail regularly.
"She's in jail, so we know where she is," Plessinger said. "She is not out in the community like our other offenders."
He sentenced Anthony to time served — 412 days she has already been jailed — and one year of probation. He also ordered her to pay the court and investigative costs associated with the check-fraud case.


The state's Web site also offers another detail about Anthony's check-fraud punishment: Her probation is scheduled to end Jan. 24, 2011."

So it seems it was on the DOC site? Doh!

What I am seeing in this article is the part I bolded - if she is released from jail

Thank you for finding that article. Maybe Baez think this is the MSM article indicating probation and a probation officer soon to visit Casey.
I also found this entry. Amusing me to no end.
BAEZ JOSE ANGEL 7/2/2010 19:32:06 7/2/2010 20:37:35 JAIL MINISTRIES


:floorlaugh: This is HILARIOUS !

:waitasec: What did he do ... bring her a "bible" ?

I don't have a link; sure I could find one if I tried, but I have heard exactly the same thing over and over on news shows by lawyers - first time offenders are usually not sentenced to jail time but a given a suspended sentence and if they repeat that is a different story.

KC was definitely treated differently as far as that went. But the murder charges - she was not. There is no bail in Florida for first degree murder - so that was that.

Truth can't be ignored because more than likely she killed her daughter, imo.

In this case, it's about the stats.No stats, no sale. And are you talking about first time offenders for felonies or misdemeanours? Moreover, since when has "truth" come out of the mouth of a TH?
One of my favorite parts of today's hearing is on this video, starting around the 11:00 mark. Judge Perry reminds the DT that Jose Baez strongly argued, during the check fraud sentencing hearing, that he felt that Casey would be acquitted. Jose Baez also said that it was a foregone conclusion for the prosecution to say that probation was unnecessary or redundant. And true to form, Mr. Baez was correct. At 12:42 Jose squirms in his seat.

What gets to the depth of my soul is that on the day of the check fraud hearing with everyone fully aware of when probation was to start, why the heck didn't Baez say something to the court when the probation officer showed up to start the probation interview with Casey?

I just can't wrap my brain around this one at all! :furious:

Patty, Patty, Patty...

C'mon, you're not surprised, are you? This is Jose Baez you're speaking of. He dances on the ethical line. You know he was feeling all superior thinking he'd put one over on the system.
Am I missing something? I was watching and heard JP say that she wasn't in jail serving time. She was being held pending charges/trial. So don't tell me that the procecution/state didn't know that she was on probation, and serving it at the time she was held. The procecutors/state were watching every move she made and taped all conversations and visitations. If they didn't know that the probation officer was involved then the Florida system is totally inadequate. I think that if this was another person and case, this topic wouldn't even be visited. They would be out and free and not on probation. The judges, law, in Florida need to quit using the tax payers money on this sort of thing. Maybe they are rolling in the doe.
It is very evident what is going on here. She was found "Not Guilty", but I beleive that she is not innocent, but let this all die down. Maybe it is just me but enough is enough. They should move on.

I believe they are. Once a person is sentenced it becomes an issue between the defense and the Department of Corrections. FG said the State did not receive any notice regarding probation and the only information they were aware of was the Order HHSS issued in court. That was their belief. Once sentence is handed down SA is pretty much out of the loop. Their job is done. What HHSS is saying is he issued an Order in court and it was not followed up by either defense or the State so it should stand. Judge Perry said you cannot serve probation and a sentence at the same time. He sentenced KC to 400 plus days for the lying to LE charges. If defense wants KC to get credit for the probation while she was in jail, the judge may have to think about the fact that KC did not serve her full sentence and she will be called back to jail. If I were defense I'd go for the probation and be done with it. It won't hurt KC to be on probation and I don't think she would want to go back to jail. Didn't the judge make KC stay in jail those couple of days longer because of a miscalculation? He could do the same here but I truly don't think Judge Perry wants to send her back to jail. I also don't think JP wants to overrule Judge Strickland's Order. jmo
i have to agree w/ logicalgirl...yes it may be theraputic, but i WOULD get caught, i doubt anyone would bail me out, id be away from my girls..and i just dont think i would cope well w/ being big berthas girlfriend(behind bars)...nope...not worth it at all..just have to pray for karma/god to catch her...and in meantime not risk my freedoms either. who had the picture of a billboard saying " to caylee's warriors- dont worry i got this- god" thats what i keep in mind to keep me ( somewhat) sane. i loved that pic..
so are they STILL doing the hearing..spongebob is still going on!
I'd love to see that billlboard.
I hope I am not being a pain but could someone point me in the direction where I could find exactly what sentences KC served and for how long?

In this case, it's about the stats.No stats, no sale. And are you talking about first time offenders for felonies or misdemeanours? Moreover, since when has "truth" come out of the mouth of a TH?

What is a TH?

As I am reading it felonies too - they can be pled down with admitting the crime and making restituion - first time offenders. It is what it is Elementary. There is no doubt in my mind that the reason KC was brought back and arrested at her house was because she was out on bond by Padilla and LE wanted her back and in their charge because they were looking for a missing toddler. I think everyone is aware of that. If this were Jo Schmo and it was a first time offense and he admitted what he did - had no other "murder" charges coming at him and his family made restitution, they would have pled him out.
This was considered by many Talking Heads, legal analysts etc., the trial of the century. Every effort was taken to bend over backwards to protect the constitutional rights of Casey Anthony.

Now, why in heaven's name would an Administrative Arm of the State not seek guidance before going off on their own accord regarding this probation? These people are not the judge. They are employees of the State of FLA. If this case dropped in my lap as an employee of the State of FLA I surely would have been asking questions before going off half-baked and making it up as I went.

Because they didn't consider the Felon special? Or because they did?
I'd love to see that billlboard.

Don't worry RR0004, my guess is she will reoffend. She's already offending the public with her "Where's my check" attitude. At this point there is no one getting her the help she needs. Her attitude is "I got away with it...you deal with it and oh, the world owes me for taking my life from me." And what about that little "dead child" issue Ms. A. "Well, I am so over that now. Oh, and by-the-way how much are we getting for this little interview???" This is KC's idea of rehabilitation. jmo
And don't we all just want to move on...as angry as we all can get over this whole case we do want to move on. The problem is this family still is trying to make money off of the death of this child, both Mom and the Grandparents and that is what keeps us tied to the case. It is against nature's law to kill your child. If you believe in a God, it's against your religious beliefs to kill your child. And yet, here we are with this family doing exactly what normal people feel is an outrage to use the tragic death of your child as a means to make money. Their very actions in and of itself precludes us from believing that this was ever an accident. Does not matter what the jury has ruled as we had our eyes open a long time ago by doing the exact thing the jury didn't. Paying attention and reading and viewing the evidence the State provided. We did not get paid by the State of Florida by we did have enough interest to consider, debate and conclude all the views which were presented here.

If anything should happen to Ms. Anthony, God forbid, I would blame her team. Shopping in NYC for the best deal for KC does not show KC has learned anything from her time spent in prison. You sleep with dogs...you get up with fleas and she's already scratching. Let's hope she comes to her senses. She's already been given enough luck to last her a lifetime. Will she continue to gamble, probably, but the luck is always on the side of the house. This is another hallway in her life and I'm guessing she'll try to make it all the way to the end. jmo

ITA .. I would be very disappointed if Caylee's murder were forgotten, ever ... it's exactly this kind of victim and circumstances of her death that needs to stay a priority with law makers and child services ...

As far as the Anthonys and KC, they deserve whatever they get IMO ... Their "in your face" attitude about making money off of this murder is what will keep the inciting public anger and hatred ... the defense team trying to prevent KC from paying a dime of her restitution and fines will inflame the public and taxpayers ... Baez's and KC's shopping around to make big money from Caylee's murder is also just inflaming the public even more ...
They all need to crawl under a rock and hope things die down, but they won't so they deserve whatever harm comes their way .. JMO
I believe they are. Once a person is sentenced it becomes an issue between the defense and the Department of Corrections. FG said the State did not receive any notice regarding probation and the only information they were aware of was the Order HHSS issued in court. That was their belief. Once sentence is handed down SA is pretty much out of the loop. Their job is done. What HHSS is saying is he issued an Order in court and it was not followed up by either defense or the State so it should stand. Judge Perry said you cannot serve probation and a sentence at the same time. He sentenced KC to 400 plus days for the lying to LE charges. If defense wants KC to get credit for the probation while she was in jail, the judge may have to think about the fact that KC did not serve her full sentence and she will be called back to jail. If I were defense I'd go for the probation and be done with it. It won't hurt KC to be on probation and I don't think she would want to go back to jail. Didn't the judge make KC stay in jail those couple of days longer because of a miscalculation? He could do the same here but I truly don't think Judge Perry wants to send her back to jail. I also don't think JP wants to overrule Judge Strickland's Order. jmo

As much as I want to see KC doing the rest of her time in jail then a year's probation like anyone else would have to, I will settle for a year's probation ... IMO it's very important to keep tabs on her especially because of all the pending lawsuits and charges for restitution, etc. She's got some very large law suits that she needs to face, if necessary, forced to face and I have a feeling if it all got to be too much for KC and she saw her future wealth being eaten up by judgments against her that she would flee the country .. I have no doubt about it
Her probation officer would also know her location and serving her with future subpoenas, etc would not be a problem should her lawyers at some point say they don't know where she is ...
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