2015.12.04 DCF Hearing today (Friday) - continued to Monday

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'While the DCF attorney said there are no signs of abuse or neglect, he mentioned a medical neglect report that was made on Nov. 23. DCF officials did not elaborate on the report, citing HIPPA and state law regarding ongoing child protection investigations.'

IIRC, TS's family noticed behavioral changes in the girls on Nov. 21. Fingers crossed the medical neglect report was initiated by the family after what occurred on the 21st and nothing more. I hope they will be reunited soon.
With a medical neglect report made on 11/21, why is DCS just now involved after the document dump (IIRC)?

Are these shelter hearings considered an emergency? And get on the Court docket right away?

These poor girls.. Has there been any mention of MS's mother visiting? Just looking for any loving family member to be a constant in their lives. IMO
"A judge at a Friday afternoon hearing ordered representatives from the Department of Children and Families and representatives for Mark Sievers to return to court on Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Sievers, who appeared in court with his daughters for the Friday hearing, is not required to attend Monday's hearing.

The girls, aged 8 and 11, remain in his custody.

They have been living with Mark Sievers at the family's Jarvis Road home in Bonita Springs, where Teresa Sievers was found murdered in June. They arrived to the courtroom with Mark Sievers, then exited from the building with another family member."

Back with link shortly!
update email from NBC2 news reporter Jaclyn Bevis
(original unredacted email sent to a WS administrator)

From: Jaclyn Bevis <jaclyn.bevis@nbc-2.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 2:53 PM
To: "." <redacted>

Jaclyn here

Just figured I'd reach out and let you know there was a hearing today involving Mark and the children. DCF requested the shelter hearing. It was continued with no decision made, and the children remain in Marks custody.

The question of when DCF got involved was answered in court. It says the involvement began in August.

Thought you'd want to know.


Sent from my iPhone
What a peach, the person MS designated to take the girls if he's arrested has a "verified sexual abuse report".

Also a report of medical neglect. MS may no longer be able to afford health insurance and now that his wife is dead, he now has to pay for medical care. Gotta love the irony.

The person MS DESIGNATED, (to place his children in case he gets arrested) HAS A VERIFIED SEXUAL ABUSE REPORT!!????
FighttheOstrich (bbm above) Why does this not surprise me?
And "some" still want to nominate this Bozo (no insult to the real Bozo the Clown) as Daddy Dearest of The Year??? (delete simmering resentment emoticon and insert WTF emoticon!)
BEACH...Where'd ya' go?? lol. The thread I was about to post on closed. Uhm, so MS doesn't have money or health insurance, so he can't provide medical care??? Am I understanding that correctly?? Did an attorney really say that or did Hard UP Romeo say it???
He does not pay his taxes, office rent, health insurance premiums and also fails to seek medical treatment for a minor child under his care??? Is his attorney working for free, too???
update email from NBC2 news reporter Jaclyn Bevis
(original unredacted email sent to a WS administrator)

From: Jaclyn Bevis <jaclyn.bevis@nbc-2.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 2:53 PM
To: "." <redacted>

Jaclyn here

Just figured I'd reach out and let you know there was a hearing today involving Mark and the children. DCF requested the shelter hearing. It was continued with no decision made, and the children remain in Marks custody.

The question of when DCF got involved was answered in court. It says the involvement began in August.

Thought you'd want to know.


How nice of Jaclyn to email you to let you know!!!

Well, now we know they have been on this since August!
With a medical neglect report made on 11/21, why is DCS just now involved after the document dump (IIRC)?

Are these shelter hearings considered an emergency? And get on the Court docket right away?

These poor girls.. Has there been any mention of MS's mother visiting? Just looking for any loving family member to be a constant in their lives. IMO

BBM. I think DCF is concerned that the doc dump, impending arrest may cause MS to do something drastic. And it would be traumatic for the girls to see their father arrested for their mother's murder. Prior to the doc dump, DCF had less to worry about re: stability and best interests of the girls. MOO.
With a medical neglect report made on 11/21, why is DCS just now involved after the document dump (IIRC)?

Are these shelter hearings considered an emergency? And get on the Court docket right away?

These poor girls.. Has there been any mention of MS's mother visiting? Just looking for any loving family member to be a constant in their lives. IMO

I am wondering if TS family felt the girls should be in counseling after their Mom's death and MS refused.
BEACH...Where'd ya' go?? lol. The thread I was about to post on closed.


I posted up a "Heads Up" over 10 minutes before I closed it. Did I slam your foot in the door when I threw the locks?:blowkiss:
I just wanted to make the point that, when a DCF representative says "verified sex abuse report," they generally are not talking about a public-record conviction or registration as a sex offender, but rather about a DCF complaint made against the person, which DCF ultimately determined was verified.

That sentence was way too long. But you get my point. It is certainly possible MS didn't know about the DCF history of whomever-it-was. But once he was told, you would think he could have rattled off the names of several other responsible adults who could take the kids. Unless he just has no friends or relatives who could pass a background check.

ETA: And please note that this also means that the sex abuse was almost certainly sex abuse of a child.
BBM. I think DCF is concerned that the doc dump, impending arrest may cause MS to do something drastic. And it would be traumatic for the girls to see their father arrested for their mother's murder. Prior to the doc dump, DCF had less to worry about re: stability and best interests of the girls. MOO.

yes, you are right

Case regarding custody of Sievers&#8217; children continued to Monday | WINK NEWS

It was the details in those documents, including investigators&#8217; theory regarding Mark Sievers, that led DCF to schedule the Friday afternoon emergency shelter hearing. DCF Attorney Kristin Allain said the department fears the children are in &#8220;impending danger&#8221; due to concerns regarding Mark Sievers&#8217; reaction if he is arrested.

also in the article:

Lee County Circuit Court Judge Lee A. Schreiber said the details in recently released documents about the case were not enough to determine whether the children are in any danger. She determined there was no probable cause to immediately remove the children, but gave the state Department of Children and Families until 1:30 p.m. Monday to gather more information.

Sievers&#8217; had no comment as he left the courthouse. The family of Dr. Teresa Sievers said they will wait for Schreiber&#8217;s decision before deciding whether to comment.

another article with new to me info:

Mark Sievers to keep children this weekend, follow-up hearing Monday

&#8220;The protective investigator said that other than the fact he might be arrested, she really had no concerns for the kids," Hollander said.

Hollander said DCF officials were unable to prove the children were in immediate threat of abuse or neglect, with Schrieber questioning why the children should be removed when they've lived with their father since the homicide.

"They couldn't come up with an answer other than the State Attorney's Office released all those documents Tuesday," Hollander said.

Teresa Sievers' sister, Annie Lisa, said the hearing was regarding recent revelations that detectives believe Mark Sievers was involved in planning his wife's death. Hollander said DCF officials told the judge that they didn't have access to the documents released Tuesday before they became public.

Lisa said the Department of Children and Families took action, not the family of Dr. Sievers.
The person MS DESIGNATED, (to place his children in case he gets arrested) HAS A VERIFIED SEXUAL ABUSE REPORT!!????
FighttheOstrich (bbm above) Why does this not surprise me?
And "some" still want to nominate this Bozo (no insult to the real Bozo the Clown) as Daddy Dearest of The Year??? (delete simmering resentment emoticon and insert WTF emoticon!)
BEACH...Where'd ya' go?? lol. The thread I was about to post on closed. Uhm, so MS doesn't have money or health insurance, so he can't provide medical care??? Am I understanding that correctly?? Did an attorney really say that or did Hard UP Romeo say it???
He does not pay his taxes, office rent, health insurance premiums and also fails to seek medical treatment for a minor child under his care??? Is his attorney working for free, too???

Just wanted to clarify that I made the assumption about health insurance and not being able to afford a doctor based on what we know about MS.

Isn't MS an LPN? Depending upon the medical issue it might be more damning if MS (a nurse) didn't seek treatment vs. someone with no medical training.
I am wondering if TS family felt the girls should be in counseling after their Mom's death and MS refused.

This is what I think also, with the surprise visit on 11/19 and a noticeable change in behavior along with sadness/despondency, I wouldn't be surprised if they reported their concern and that's the basis for the medical neglect report 2 days later. Of course they need counseling, but it wouldn't surprise me if he stopped or never got it for them for reasons that have nothing to do with money.
Since the news of the Shelter hearing this morning and Mark designating a male friend with an abuse history to care for his little girls- a sex abuse history (WTH) in the event he is arrested are we to assume that his mother was good enough to care for his pets but not good enough to care for his children- her grandchildren?

Or are we to assume that Bonnie Sievers has become persona non grata since the investigation began?

Who is Mark sievers best friend in Florida? Is it the man that he insisted be present before he would give an interview to LE after his wife had been found murdered? Was the man designated named in court?

I can hardly believe this.
Also, if MS had nothing to do with the murder, and seemingly had a good enough relationship with TS family that he'd stay behind for the girls to spend more time with them, why on earth would he now try to choose someone other than family to place them with (if in fact the attempted designated person wasn't his family, but I got the impression it wasn't)
I just wanted to make the point that, when a DCF representative says "verified sex abuse report," they generally are not talking about a public-record conviction or registration as a sex offender, but rather about a DCF complaint made against the person, which DCF ultimately determined was verified.

That sentence was way too long. But you get my point. It is certainly possible MS didn't know about the DCF history of whomever-it-was. But once he was told, you would think he could have rattled off the names of several other responsible adults who could take the kids. Unless he just has no friends or relatives who could pass a background check.

ETA: And please note that this also means that the sex abuse was almost certainly sex abuse of a child.

In Teresa's will she chose her brother to care for the children....if MS wasn't around.
The wording is a little different, but wouldn't it be the same circumstances as losing both parents??
And another question, will insurance money go to whoever has the kids? Does anyone know? AZlawyer, or CS

MS obviously knows he's going down.
I just wanted to make the point that, when a DCF representative says "verified sex abuse report," they generally are not talking about a public-record conviction or registration as a sex offender, but rather about a DCF complaint made against the person, which DCF ultimately determined was verified.

That sentence was way too long. But you get my point. It is certainly possible MS didn't know about the DCF history of whomever-it-was. But once he was told, you would think he could have rattled off the names of several other responsible adults who could take the kids. Unless he just has no friends or relatives who could pass a background check.

ETA: And please note that this also means that the sex abuse was almost certainly sex abuse of a child.

Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. Wouldn't that RIGHT there be enough to at least concern DCF and the Judge?

If Mark knew then well, my god, I'm in upside down world.

If he didn't know then well, shouldn't he have and wouldn't that raise suspicion in terms of the friendship? His choices? His state of mind in terms of the well being of the girls. Doesn't this show that he is keeping the girls from Theresa's family?

I. Do. Not. Understand.
Well, I guess there will be collective breath-holding on WS until Monday. I hope there is someone from TS's family in town who will go to the home and keep checking on the girls. If MS doesn't allow access, that can be brought up at the hearing on Monday. I just wish MS could be arrested for SOMETHING and held until Monday. Unpaid traffic tickets? Anything? Please!!!
I would hardly consider living in a home with media camped out front (hostile environment) and denying the children access to Teresa's family a stable environment...The kids probable already have a guardian ad litem representing them...looking at all these factors. JMO
Also, if MS had nothing to do with the murder, and seemingly had a good enough relationship with TS family that he'd stay behind for the girls to spend more time with them, why on earth would he now try to choose someone other than family to place them with (if in fact the attempted designated person wasn't his family, but I got the impression it wasn't)

MS would choose someone he could control. That is his mode of operating. It isn't about the girls or their well being, it is about CONTROL.
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