2016.01.07 Discovery Docs Batch 3 - Crime Scene Images included

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Wow, Kate, that's great work!! Thank you very much!


You helped! Still working on it and if you can see from the originals the numbers that I had to xx, please do PM or alert for me. Thank you, too. :)

As always, proofing and corrections are wanted and welcome.
does anyone know why they take so many pictures? i thought they took them where could help with crime scene. seem like so many are irrevelent.
That hammer at the crime scene looks placed to me. If it was dropped or flung wouldn't it leave some type of blood smear? I have a feeling it was delicately laid down where it was found.
Agreed. Sheriff Mike Scott said yesterday .....don't read too much into the crime scene because much of it was staged...and I think he was referring to the hammer among other things.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
does anyone know why they take so many pictures? i thought they took them where could help with crime scene. seem like so many are irrevelent.

In reply to your question… :bump: AZlawyer posts from yesterday:

We should be careful about thinking that anything included in the doc releases has significance. Officers take pictures of lots of unimportant things, and all the pictures except those that fall within statutory exceptions (like ongoing investigation issues or pictures of deceased persons) will be released. Even the totally unimportant ones. None of this is "evidence" at this point. It's just a record of what LE collected/photographed.
And this:
Basically, the lowest person on the totem pole is assigned to take pictures, and they take pictures of literally everything that is important, might be important, is in any way unusual, is in any way messy (because they don't have time to figure out if anything important is in that mess lol), or even if they just haven't taken a photo in a while to show the pathway they were taking between photos. At the early stages of an investigation, they realize that just about anything could turn out to be important down the road, so they don't want to miss anything. E.g., what if they don't take a photo of some hamburger wrapper on the counter and it later turns out that the primary suspect went to that hamburger place just before the murder? So they take the photo. More than likely the homeowner just left a hamburger wrapper on the counter, but the officer doesn't want to take that chance.
Post on closed thread from Dmacky here: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...00-crime-scene-photos&p=12277557#post12277557

The photos included shots of:•Teresa Sievers walking through an airport terminal
•A pool of blood on a kitchen floor
•Blood splatter on the dishwasher and fridge
•Shredded life insurance policy addressed to Sievers ~ ?????
•A white Hyundai with Missouri plates
•A phone log from a cell phone
•Sievers’ wallet and its contents
•Sievers’ suitcase and its contents
•Multiple guns inside a case
•Jewelry and other personal effects with blood on them
•External and internal shots from Sievers’ Bonita Springs home
•Home alarm keypads


I can't remember seeing the LI policy in the MSM pics. If anyone sees it, please could they point it out.

A hopeful TIA.

ETA: just seen Dmacky's post below. It probably doesn't exist. MSM error.

ETA again: Thanks so much to NIN it's posted below.
The amount of money stashed in drawers here and there around the house puzzles me. Most of it doesn't appear to be extremely large amounts as far as I can tell...a few hundred here, a thousand there, two thousand somewhere else. But why do that? We use cash for our everyday purchases, but it's in our wallets and we go to the bank ATM when we need more. If we put it in drawers we'd forget we had it!

Surely, if this was intended to look like a burglary gone bad, the "burglars" could have found that cash easily. I honestly believe that this is another symptom of the messed up mind of MS. JMO
Post on closed thread from Dmacky here: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...00-crime-scene-photos&p=12277557#post12277557


I can't remember seeing the LI policy in the MSM pics. If anyone sees it, please could they point it out.

A hopeful TIA.
What's even weirder is that link no longer works. I got a OOPS 404
The page your looking for doesn't exist.

So I googled "wink news shredded life insurance policy addressed to Sievers" and it took me here with a NEW list.

•Sievers’ wallet and its contents
•Sievers’ suitcase and its contents
•Multiple guns inside the home
•Jewelry and other personal effects with blood on them
•External and internal shots of the home
•Home alarm keypads
•Facebook memes depicting violence

So apparently that "shredded life insurance policy addressed to Sievers"
doesn't exist either. Wink must have been jumping the gun on that one.
Am way behind myself so appreciate if anyone can tell me if a ballpein hammer was found w/the other JR stuff in MO?

"When the couple and their children arrived home, Shomaker said Rodgers unpacked. She said inside their trailer, there was a white cooler with a cardboard box inside containing blue latex gloves, a ball peen hammer and black shoes, as well as a black backpack with a navy jumpsuit inside."

So maybe the hammer found and photographed @crime scene wasn't the actual hammer used, just staged (excuse me) w/TS's blood and hair? Trying to go along with making this look like a home invasion instead of the hit it was??

IIRC, in this batch I only came across pictures of regular claw hammers. One by the body, one under the front end of Mercedes SUV. I'm guessing the hammer found under the Mercedes was part of the staging the scene. JMO since it was near the staged entry point, the pedestrian garage door. Why bring two hammers if you're staging a break in? Also, I'm assuming these are the two hammers that MS could neither confirm nor deny were his.
Bates #27935 Universal Communications business credit card in TS's name.

Still wondering what (if any) 'business' MS was actively operating.
Bates #27935 Universal Communications business credit card in TS's name.

Still wondering what (if any) 'business' MS was actively operating.
Me too! I wonder if that's why the investigation is ongoing. Maybe MS was investing money made from the practice into his own (possibly) shady business venture.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk
What's even weirder is that link no longer works. I got a OOPS 404
The page your looking for doesn't exist.

So I googled "wink news shredded life insurance policy addressed to Sievers" and it took me here with a NEW list.

•Sievers’ wallet and its contents
•Sievers’ suitcase and its contents
•Multiple guns inside the home
•Jewelry and other personal effects with blood on them
•External and internal shots of the home
•Home alarm keypads
•Facebook memes depicting violence

So apparently that "shredded life insurance policy addressed to Sievers"
doesn't exist either. Wink must have been jumping the gun on that one.

Here it is, addressed to TS:




  • shred1.png
    465.5 KB · Views: 530
  • shred2.png
    710.4 KB · Views: 539
I have been in Dr's homes before, but never seen a mess like this home. I feel like I am being invasive looking at the pics and I am not judging, but in my opinion a messy car, home etc usually mimics a messy life. After seeing Mark's vehicle and the furniture, I definitely think this was about money.

At the very least, the disorganized state of things leads me to believe home life was dysfunctional. MS's (or at least I think his) office is so cluttered with paper. He couldn't possibly use it as an actual office, looks more like a place to shove documents away and avoid dealing with them-- with like tax notices. A mess within a mess. Especially for someone who runs a medical practice using EMR, he could've used a scanner or two at home!
Yes children will listen.
Excuse me for if this is not allowed, but it breaks my heart:
OMG ~ It did exist!
You are amazing Nin

This is pretty damning- IMO.

That psycho loser couldn't make a decent living on his own so he rode the coat tails of a brilliant woman who studied and worked her *advertiser censored* off to become an MD- one of the most difficult and prestigious professions in our country.

That ride was coming to an end so his best option was to snuff the life out of her- for money. The mother of his own daughters.

This guy can't get arrested fast enough for my taste. What is taking so long?
Photos released 2016.01.07
img01072016_0001.pdf 27295 - 27644
img01072016_0002.pdf 27645 - 27684
img01072016_0003.pdf 27685 - 27723
img01072016_0004.pdf 27724 - 27763
img01072016_0005.pdf 27764 - 27801
img01072016_0006.pdf 27802 - 27841
img01072016_0007.pdf 27842 - 27881
img01072016_0008.pdf 27882 - 27922
img01072016_0009.pdf 27923 - 27964
img01072016_0010.pdf 27882 - 27922 (duplicate of 8)
img01072016_0011.pdf 27923 - 27964 (duplicate of 9)
img01072016_0012.pdf 27965 - 27999
img01082016_0001.pdf 28000 - 28021 and 28255-28272
img01082016_0002.pdf 28273 - 28312
img01082016_0003.pdf 28313 - 28352
img01082016_0004.pdf 28353 - 28390 and 28668-28671
img01082016_0005.pdf 28672, 28392, (2 unknown) 28410-28411, 28414, 28469-28501
img01082016_0006.pdf 28502 - 28541
img01082016_0007.pdf 28542 - 28581
img01082016_0008.pdf 28582 - 28621
img01082016_0009.pdf 28622 - 28661
img01082016_0010.pdf 28662 - 28705
img01082016_0011.pdf 28706 - 28745
img01082016_0012.pdf 28746 - 28785
img01082016_0013.pdf 28786 - 28825
img01082016_0014.pdf 28826 - 28867
img01082016_0015.pdf 28868 - 28900
img01082016_0016.pdf 28956 - 28996
img01082016_0017.pdf 28997 - 29036
img01082016_0018.pdf 29037 - 29076
img01082016_0019.pdf 29077 - 29116
img01082016_0020.pdf 29117 - 29166
img01082016_0021.pdf 29167 - 29196
img01082016_0022.pdf 29197 - 29237
img01082016_0023.pdf 29238 - 29277
img01082016_0024.pdf 29278 - 29317
img01082016_0025.pdf 29318 - 29357
img01082016_0026.pdf 29358 - 29397
img01082016_0027.pdf 29398 - 29437
img01082016_0028.pdf 29439 - 29478
img01082016_0029.pdf 29479 - 29519
img01082016_0030.pdf 29520 - 29559
img01082016_0031.pdf 29560 - 29600
img01082016_0032.pdf 29601 - 29640
img01082016_0033.pdf 29641 - 29682
img01082016_0034.pdf 29683 - 29723
img01082016_0035.pdf 29624 - 29763
img01082016_0036.pdf 29764 - 28796 and 29841-29842 and 29864-29869, then 29843-29844
img01082016_0037.pdf 29845 - 29863, 29797, 29804-29818, then 29793-29799
img01082016_0038.pdf 29800 - 29803 attic and 2xxxxx - 2xxxxx (7 photos closeups alarm system) and 29826-29841 and 28022-28035
img01082016_0039.pdf 28036 - 28075
img01082016_0040.pdf 28076 - 2811x
img01082016_0041.pdf 2811x - 28160
img01082016_0042.pdf 28161 - 28191 and 9 black background screenshots of witness' phone (see JL Sworn Statement and consent)
img01082016_0043.pdf 28239-28251
JR FB01082016_0002.pdf 7142 - 7192
JR FB01082016_0003.pdf 7193 - 7232
JR FB01082016_0004.pdf 7233 - 7272
JR FB01082016_0005.pdf 7273 - 7286

Consolidated files for quick reference.
Doc Dump 3 Binder 1 (01072016 1-9).pdf 27295-27964
Doc Dump 3 Binder 2 (01072016 10-12 and 01082016 1-5).pdf (27882) 27965-28501
Doc Dump 3 Binder 3 (01082016 6-14).pdf 28502-28867
Doc Dump 3 Binder 4 (01082016 15-23).pdf 28868-29277
Doc Dump 3 Binder 5 (01082016 24-30).pdf 29278-29559
Doc Dump 3 Binder 6 (01082016 31-39).pdf 29560-29841 and 28022-28075
Doc Dump 3 Binder 7 (01082916 40-42).pdf 28076-28191 and 28239-28251
Doc Dump 3 Binder JR FB(JR FB 01082016 2-5).pdf 7142 - 7286

I went through the photo batches and did a rough index of what's included in each file for reference. Be forewarned, my index is not completely thorough as I'm sure there were a few pictures in some that I overlooked when listing what's included. If while looking through, you notice some that were not included, feel free to quote and edit this list to include them. And if anyone wants to take my list and combine it somehow with Kate's index of Bates numbers, I think we'd have a pretty good reference index of the photos.

img01072016_0001 TS clothing, jewelry, hammer, aerial photos
img01072016_0002 Aerial photos
img01072016_0003 Dr. Petrites, Petrites car, aerial photos
img01072016_0004 Petrites car, CWW credit/debit cards
img01072016_0005 RHHC dumpster, White Hyundai Elantra
img01072016_0006 White Hyundai Elantra
img01072016_0007 Silver Hyundai Elantra
img01072016_0008 Silver Hyundai Elantra, hammer, wallet, receipts, bottles
img01072016_0009 TS wallet contents, right shoe
img01072016_0010 Silver Hyundai Elantra, hammer, wallet, receipts, bottles
img01072016_0011 TS wallet contents, right shoe
img01072016_0012 Shoes, earbuds, suitcase and contents
img01082016_0001 Suitcase contents, exterior crime scene photos
img01082016_0002 Backyard, Pried door and doorjamb
img01082016_0003 Pry marks on door, garage interior
img01082016_0004 Vehicles in garage, laundry room, house interior
img01082016_0005 Crime scene, pantry
img01082016_0006 Living room, bedroom, bathroom, blood on door frame
img01082016_0007 Home interior, blood on door frame
img01082016_0008 Bathroom, children’s rooms
img01082016_0009 TS study, MS study
img01082016_0010 Master bedroom
img01082016_0011 Master closet, master bath
img01082016_0012 Lanai, pool, door
img01082016_0013 Lanai, pool, cupboard and drawer contents
img01082016_0014 Cupboard/drawer contents, crime scene items, stains on gate and door
img01082016_0015 Measured crime scene photos
img01082016_0016 Bloodstain patterns on tile and appliances
img01082016_0017 Items in kitchen, toothpicks, items in garage
img01082016_0018 Items in garage, van interior
img01082016_0019 Van interior
img01082016_0020 Mercedes interior, bloodstain patterns, alarm keypad
img01082016_0021 Alarm keypad, home computers
img01082016_0022 Electronics, cameras, security system, cash
img01082016_0023 Electronics, digital media, safes, child art, washer/dryer
img01082016_0024 Washer/dryer, Internet equipment, garage keypad
img01082016_0025 Broken fridge dispenser, neighbor ext., screwdriver, laundry sink, bloodstain patterns
img01082016_0026 Bloodstain patterns
img01082016_0027 Stains on freezer, laundry sink, drawer & cabinet contents MBR
img01082016_0028 Handgun, drawer and closet contents, Dining room cabinet contents, MJ
img01082016_0029 Desk, file cabinet contents, girl’s room drawer contents
img01082016_0030 Child drawer contents, bloodstain patterns, clean-up evidence
img01082016_0031 Bloodstains, clean-up, various house interior and garage photos
img01082016_0032 Search warrant, stain on laundry floor, various photos
img01082016_0033 Safes and contents
img01082016_0034 Firearms and safe contents
img01082016_0035 Firearms and safe contents, video tapes
img01082016_0036 Firearms, laundry sink, various house interior
img01082016_0037 Scrub brush, various house interior, attic space
img01082016_0038 Attic space, tools, cash, needles, motorcycle, pry bar
img01082016_0039 TS clothing and personal effects
img01082016_0040 Handbag and contents, medications
img01082016_0041 Medications and supplements
img01082016_0042 Medications, JRR coveralls on roadside, Jerry Lubinski phone log
img01082016_0043 Airport photos, receipts, phone, home exterior.

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