2016.02.03 Batch 4 Audio/Video Files - Sievers Discovery Documents

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I understand your point and I agree however now- in this particular circumstance- we will have to take the word of Mark Sievers and apparently Lenka Spiska. I am very uncomfortable with this fact and weather or not it was/is even the truth. How convenient for Mark- oh yeah officer that script was made out for me but was actually for my deceased wife...
If I'm not mistaken, if TS was taking an antidepressant, it should show up on the toxicology report. And I say, no big deal if she was. I'd have to have a lot more than that if I was having to deal with that on a daily basis.


Sent from Wonderland
After watching videos of inside the homes, I have been cleaning and scrubbing constantly! Even though I cleaned the interior of my washer not long ago, I still wiped it down again today. Did you see the inside of that washer in the video, I think of where TSh and JR lived? I know everyone might not be able to afford a new washer but it could at least be cleaned up! Even rust! Eww.
Lol, thank goodness it's not just me! Just looking at CWW's place was enough to make me want a tetanus shot.
I think its just something to throw ppl off, causing LE to investigate. She said too much in a negative way and quite frankly i don't believe a word she says.

I agree but it was said and I don't really understand it.
Wasn't she doing something with transgenders? Or am I wrong?
And the thing Mark said about her being with girls was ok.

this is one crazy crazy case Ill tell u.
And just gets crazier
I agree but it was said and I don't really understand it.
Wasn't she doing something with transgenders? Or am I wrong?
And the thing Mark said about her being with girls was ok.

this is one crazy crazy case Ill tell u.
And just gets crazier

I think your correct that she was treating some transgender patients. I'm assuming we will have to wait till the trial to find out more about LS and her plan
I find it curious that MS didn't LLC the new office name, "East Meets West," as per LS' interview. He was all over that LLC (tax shelter?) type of thing. I feel like if he knew for sure that was going to happen, he would have had an LLC registered ASAP. Maybe LS and TS didn't tell him? Maybe not? Who knows...
I agree but it was said and I don't really understand it.
Wasn't she doing something with transgenders? Or am I wrong?
And the thing Mark said about her being with girls was ok.

this is one crazy crazy case Ill tell u.
And just gets crazier
maybe providing/administering female or male hormones to those persons who were transitioning from MTF or FTM. I remember reading something about this in relation to TS awhile back.
I think your correct that she was treating some transgender patients. I'm assuming we will have to wait till the trial to find out more about LS and her plan

I just thought that was a very odd thing to say!
But what did she mean by Teresas sexual orientation?
I'm lost with that statement.
Really, there is only one meaning that I have ever known (I am 50)- your orientation (sexual) relates to weather you are straight, gay or bisexual.

That was an interesting (as well as odd) little tidbit given by Miss Spiska in regards to an answer about addictions? Huh... what?

Oh, and the self esteem being an addiction! Wait- what?

Food- I get that one- but that's not the way she ultimately phrased it- she said it was controlling and that there was a name for it? Was she talking about anorexia or some form of bulimia.

I understand English is her second language but most of what she said felt like something else for me.
Manipulation? The message she wanted to get across not an 'answer' to a 'question'.
Didn't SMS say " as more info is released, more insights into the case will be revealed"? Something like that. I'm really feeling like MS was a real burden to TS,
and changes were on the horizon... changes that didn't include him. I think MS was insanely jealous and wasn't going to let her go on without him.
I am very interested to see/hear/know if Lenka Spiska breaks down and cries- at all- during her interview with police.

NIN if you have listened to it could you comment please!
Did you catch the part where LS said TS depression script was in MS name so there would be no paper trail? I wonder what the first date of the script was? How do we know TS even got those meds? If she did, was it MS who suggested she get them?

Who on earth would care if TS was taking anti-depressants? She wasn't Michael Jackson for example. Being an MD, she could have written her own, but if she wasn't working with a mental health PROFESSIONAL *cough cough - not a masseuse* that doctor would certainly have written it to TS and no one else.

One more thing that doesn't add up.
Really, there is only one meaning that I have ever known (I am 50)- your orientation (sexual) relates to weather you are straight, gay or bisexual.

That was an interesting (as well as odd) little tidbit given by Miss Spiska in regards to an answer about addictions? Huh... what?

Oh, and the self esteem being an addiction! Wait- what?

Food- I get that one- but that's not the way she ultimately phrased it- she said it was controlling and that there was a name for it? Was she talking about anorexia or some form of bulimia.

I understand English is her second language but most of what she said felt like something else for me.
Manipulation? The message she wanted to get across not an 'answer' to a 'question'.

I think she tried to back track once she said the word addiction.
started with the self image stuff....then whispered the (pot) word.
she lived on the edge
I thought the same as you about Franks interview, Lilibet. He doesn't sound like a big fan of either one of them. What I found extremely odd was that TS had supposedly told Sandra to get/find another job. IIRC that come from TS's mom, although I'm not completely sure.
I was surprised to hear that about Sandra from TS's mom as well. I was under the impression that Patients loved Sandra. Maybe she had already started looking for a new job and that's how she was able to start with another doctor in the same building within days? And I could have sworn that TS's mom said in her interview that Frank (Sandra's husband) was asked to leave the practice. In the interview it left an impression on me that he was still working there. Am I remembering this right? I'm interested to hear nurse Sandra's interview as well. Sounds like there was lots of drama behind the scenes in the office.
I think LS knew Teresa pretty well.

Sure- after the first intense Reiki healing in her home where Lenka shook (described apparently by Teresa to her mother) and where Lenka fainted (wow- described in one of the videos or articles- IIRC) I'm sure Teresa felt this powerful energy between them which then became a very misplaced trust in her, in my opinion.

If we find out that Lenka wasn't really who or what she purported to be then it was a GRIFT.

We will see.
Videos released by the State Attorney's Office pertaining to the murder investigation of Bonita Springs doctor, Teresa Sievers.

Hillsboro, MO video
Detective Schuenemann JCSO Video of CWW home 8894 Chapel Hill Ct, Hillsboro, MO.
Video Part 1 Interior of the home.

Kitchen, LR, DR, mail on counter, a clear plastic box of sand with sea shells on the dining room table, rental car key hanging in a door frame, laundry room, master suite with bathroom, unknown tune playing about 6:30, desk with medium size manila envelope, Tommy Hilfiger duffel bag still packed 4:20, looks like empty massingill bottle on bathroom floor 3:48, phones charging 2:25, bedroom closet, regular size envelope 1:49, souvenir Gator head on table 1:04, walks out backdoor where the new storage unit sits, end video 08:21 hrs.
When I first saw that plastic box I thought it was a cat litter box with droppings. I had to watch it twice. Still doesn't quite look like shells but my screen is not so good.
I am reserving my comments until I listen to all of the interviews but I want to make this clear. Teresa was not violent any more than a man raising his voice is violent. Listen to her mother when she speaks about the fact that as kids, Teresa and her siblings never became physical with each other. Teresa abhorred physical violence of ANY kind. She was however, very determined, very expressive, very loud when it came to getting things done - particularly as it related to her practice and what she wanted out of her practice. Never forget, her primary concern was to serve patients to the best of her ability in the manner that would benefit them most. Male doctors who operated in the manner that Teresa operated would be characterized as strong, opinionated, definitive. Unfortunately, when you have a gas-lighting husband who would love to foster the concept that he was the 'nice guy' who did all of the 'woman's work' around the house and with the kids - Teresa (as a professional woman) would have the additional burden of overcoming people's perceptions by this (still) a-typical role reversal. Never forget what her patients have written about her and what others have written/stated about her - Teresa was an exceptional doctor who went above and beyond to find the cause of a health concern. Teresa was an exceptional philanthropist who would use any time she had to help the homeless, the helpless and the disenfranchised. Was she perfect? Of course not - no one is. In fact, Teresa would get a real belly laugh if she was presented as perfect. Teresa was an exceptional person with an exceptional heart and no matter the backstory that is created in truth or FICTION - she was brutally murdered by cowards who were bigger and stronger than her five foot frame could ever handle. When listening or reading to people who speak on what Teresa thought or felt, particularly those that ultimately had motive to financially gain or lose by her presence in their lives, please be discerning.

bbm - perfect description

I was just about to post this very description - everything we've heard about this reminded me of that movie Gaslight and it's textbook manipulation and abuse that I've seen in person (not me, a relative). Textbook. What if MS had convinced TS that he was the one who needed antidepressants and was dosing her? He brought her lunch every day? What antidepressant was it - they behave differently in different people.

I'm curious to know TS' family and friends thoughts on LS especially now that her interviews are public.

As more of information is released, I do hope there is recourse to get the girls interviewed and in therapy to ensure their mental health and well-being. The longer their isolation is continued, the deeper the damage.
When I first saw that plastic box I thought it was a cat litter box with droppings. I had to watch it twice. Still doesn't quite look like shells but my screen is not so good.

It is definitely sand and seashells, but I thought kitty litter at first too. CWW must have "brought the beach" back to AW since she didn't get to go with him to Florida. (or maybe she got it when they went for the funeral)
All I can say is wow. After all this, there are only 2 people whose lives were not a total mess beforehand. That is TS mother and sister. All the rest is the equivalent of 14 incredibly flammable impending train wrecks all meeting at near the same time at the corner of Petticoat Junction and Peyton Place. It is going to take years to sort this out.

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