2016.02.26 Mark D. Sievers: Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree

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Does anyone know his defense attorneys track record? If he goes in there with this defense about being an over worked "emotionally abused" husband I'm gonna come unglued.

Record is "Books and Movies" part2. Google

I think a homeless man was arrested for the abduction of her daughter. I wouldn't discuss this too much as we are not allowed to sleuth other "victims."

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Irishchook, thanks. I didn't know and that's all I wanted to know.
I will definitely heed your advise. I was not going to take her case any farther than that one question as I thought CWW, being the he is was on my radar about it.

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Does anyone know his defense attorneys track record? If he goes in there with this defense about being an over worked "emotionally abused" husband I'm gonna come unglued.

No one has reported on his record yet. At first glance he appears to be a dud, but who knows if this is just an act. He may be very crafty and just playing uninterested and lazy? I'd be curious to know why MS chose him. Has he done impressive work for someone close to MS in the past? Did he have a great advertisement in the phone book? Is he a friend of the family?
Who and how is this lawyer getting paid? Can he put a lein against any possible insurance monies, if one can out a lein against insurnace money? If MS is found guilty, he has no chance at the money...right?

With no one paying bills.....what happens to all the items in the house, the house and the cars?

Thanks for any answers or ideas.

I bet, CWW, has hard documents, maybe burner phones hidden somewhere....justbin case this happened. That wouls sink MS fast. JMO
Coming out of lurker mode to express my joy at seeing MS finally arrested. I'm ecstatic along with all of you.

But the sadness of this crime really hit me when I thought about the two girls finally having to accept that the loss of their mother was an actual evil plan by their father. I'm sure they haven't been able to believe he could possibly be involved, but now the truth will trickle into their thoughts like drips of water for a very long time.

Like anyone who has ever been fooled and lied to by a psychopathic liar, it's later when the pieces start to fall into place. Now, they will have intrusive thoughts pop into their minds at odd times as they start putting stuff together. Their happy memories will probably trigger these new thoughts. They'll realize they were fooled, used, lied to and manipulated. They'll remember that prayer they said when Teresa was flying off heading home to unspeakable brutality that MS knew was going to happen, and MS praying with them and acting like he really cared.

What MS did to Teresa and to his own daughters is the ultimate damage and betrayal.

I will have those girls in my prayers.
Wowowowow! I've had a lot going on personally and haven't been able to check in as frequently, but am so beyond thankful to have come on to see the title of this thread and know that there will be justice finally. Mixed feelings on the bargain wth CWW but if that's what it took ok. I hope when MS realizes he isn't going anywhere that superior smug smirk is wiped off his face for good.

My heart aches for the girls though.
No one has reported on his record yet. At first glance he appears to be a dud, but who knows if this is just an act. He may be very crafty and just playing uninterested and lazy? I'd be curious to know why MS chose him. Has he done impressive work for someone close to MS in the past? Did he have a great advertisement in the phone book? Is he a friend of the family?

Hahaha!!! That made me literally laugh out loud.
Thank you for this information!! That helps explain the plea being sealed at this time at least. ;)
Does anyone know his defense attorneys track record? If he goes in there with this defense about being an over worked "emotionally abused" husband I'm gonna come unglued.

I don't know anything about his track record, but if his actions with his client thus far are anything to go by... imo, this is going to be a short trial. [emoji39]

Here's a rating, one star, lol

I'm over a day late hearing this incredible news. That's what I get for doing laundry, regular life and obliviously hanging out on other threads. Silly me!

I'm so glad the little girls are safe. I held my breath, afraid of a Josh Powell rerun. Let the healing begin for them and for all who were close to Teresa as family, friends and patients. Congratulations to Sheriff Scott and his team. I'm sure they have built an airtight case. A huge thank you to KateB, NIN, Amazon Rain, other VI's and all who helped on the threads. I don't think WS has ever seen anything like this!

In the midst of the celebrating, let us also remember Ronnie Bolin and his family. The thought of CWW being free in 20-25 years must be chilling. I hope MS will get even by revealing what he knows.
I have never had jail food but, I bet MS is going to be in shock and probably pitch a hissy. I have heard it's not very appetizing, to say the least.
He will probably opt for the Jewish diet. It's a bit better, with fresh fruit and stuff in a bag you can take to your cell which is also a bargaining tool. (saw that on tv)
Does anyone else still believe there could still be more arrests that are not related to the murder? I have always believed that MS is involved in other crimes. If MS is involved in other crimes I believe MS would of told CW about it/them in detail. It sticks out to me that it has been said that CW needs to cooperate on all cases, or something close to that. I would think that the murder would be one case, so why say cases?
I still have the feeling there is more to the story. Perhaps the simple "husband hired hitman" story was not the fancy twist and turns of the "movie and book worthy" SMS lead us to believe. And all the statements about the public knowledge only scratching the surface...
This is all I could find: very ODD wording
Fla. man accused of hiring two Missouri men to kill his wife

one more:

I'm assuming the term used for murder in Missouri is slay.
I know the meaning is the same, but I can't say I've ever heard it used in all the cases I have followed.
Sorry but people in MO don't go around saying the word "slay" instead of murder! Murder, Kill, Shootings, Beatings...all common terms. Unless your talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Then yeah, she's not the Vampire Murderer of course, but Hollywood probably picked that term and that's CA for ya.
Coming out of lurker mode to express my joy at seeing MS finally arrested. I'm ecstatic along with all of you.

But the sadness of this crime really hit me when I thought about the two girls finally having to accept that the loss of their mother was an actual evil plan by their father. I'm sure they haven't been able to believe he could possibly be involved, but now the truth will trickle into their thoughts like drips of water for a very long time.

Like anyone who has ever been fooled and lied to by a psychopathic liar, it's later when the pieces start to fall into place. Now, they will have intrusive thoughts pop into their minds at odd times as they start putting stuff together. Their happy memories will probably trigger these new thoughts. They'll realize they were fooled, used, lied to and manipulated. They'll remember that prayer they said when Teresa was flying off heading home to unspeakable brutality that MS knew was going to happen, and MS praying with them and acting like he really cared.

What MS did to Teresa and to his own daughters is the ultimate damage and betrayal.

I will have those girls in my prayers.

Yes, those little girls have a very rough road ahead. But I really hope that they don't realize that their mother was brutally murdered...yet. And I hope for now that they are shielded from knowing that their Daddy planned this evil deed that robbed them of their mommy, even though they saw their father's arrest. I pray that the truth will be revealed to them gradually, with great care and sensitivity. I can't imagine them dealing with this information at this age, suddenly. They are certainly in my prayers. Poor darlings.
Holy shizzlesticks at what has unfolded. At long last they got you Mark. ROT IN HELL!

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I keep having to pinch myself and look at the booking photo to reassure myself that MS really IS in jail! GB SMS and his department! GB everyone who aided in the apprehension of these sub-humans who participated in this grotesque murder.

The thought has crossed my mind that Teresa's precious daughters might be relieved to get out of that locked, closed up murder house! They are in my thoughts and prayers always! Dr. Sievers can rest easier now!


Yes, those little girls have a very rough road ahead. But I really hope that they don't realize that their mother was brutally murdered...yet. And I hope for now that they are shielded from knowing that their Daddy planned this evil deed that robbed them of their mommy, even though they saw their father's arrest. I pray that the truth will be revealed to them gradually, with great care and sensitivity. I can't imagine them dealing with this information at this age, suddenly. They are certainly in my prayers. Poor darlings.

I pray for those precious girls every day too.

IMO - in this day and age of the internet, it's going to be very difficult to shield these 2 from details of the case, if they don't know already.
I simply put his name in a Google search and the first 1-1/2 pages of the search are all about him. (there's even an article from the UK there)

Even my 2 year old Grandson knows that he can go to Google, click on the microphone and say something and he gets "blue information" on the word he said and that's a link that takes him to what he's looking for.

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