26 October 2011 Main Stream Media coverage of Baby Lisa

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[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152704"]Baby Lisa's brothers to be questioned and DNA tested - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
GMA covering Lisa's case, parents will now allow their two boys to be interviewed by LE, they will also allow the boys to submit to DNA tests.

If it is true that Social Workers will again interview the boys, maybe we will find out if there really was a kitten and how kitty came to be in the home & in the bed with one or both of the boys and mommy.

Perhaps we will find out if the younger son had a nightmare and got into bed with mom & the kitten or brought the kitten with him to mom's bed.

Finding out when that kitten came into the house might tell us if Moms was really drunk. Because if it came in late and Mom set up a box, put out food and water for it and possibly bathed it then it will be real hard to convince me that she was stupor drunk.

Also, hope they ask what brought the child into Mom's bed. Did the noises wake him, did the kitten keep him awake. Was he going to school the next day and had his lunch been packed, clothes laid out, book bag/backpack readied, any prep for school?
This is a reporter stating that both boys were in bed with them, NOT the parents stating this. We know how much the reporters have screwed up.
Bill Stanton the PI hired by a wealthy family member was talking to MK on Fox News yesterday and said both boys were in bed with Deb. He was using it as an excuse why it had to be an intruder that took the baby.
If it is true that Social Workers will again interview the boys, maybe we will find out if there really was a kitten and how kitty came to be in the home & in the bed with one or both of the boys and mommy.

Perhaps we will find out if the younger son had a nightmare and got into bed with mom & the kitten or brought the kitten with him to mom's bed.

Finding out when that kitten came into the house might tell us if Moms was really drunk. Because if it came in late and Mom set up a box, put out food and water for it and possibly bathed it then it will be real hard to convince me that she was stupor drunk.

Again, I think we need to clarify what is a "stupor" vs blackout.

In my past, I could win a game of cards or scrabble and not remember it.

Someone who is .1 drunk, as I believe she was, could certainly feed and bathe a kitten and still have patches of the evening she doesn't recall.
I understand where you are coming from, but even us fence sitters really aren't as concerned as much about Lisa as we are about the boys. I am glad to here CPS is involved with the interviewing and will hopefully get good information from them without making them feel badgered or perhaps even responsible for not knowing more. My guess is that these kids know absolutely nothing, but maybe there is just a little something that may come up that may help. I hope!


Bill Stanton the PI hired by a wealthy family member was talking to MK on Fox News yesterday and said both boys were in bed with Deb. He was using it as an excuse why it had to be an intruder that took the baby.

I missed that. so now we have abc and fox saying that! moo
do the parents need to agree for them to be interviewed now CPS is involved?
(IF they are regarding it as neglect/endangerment due to DB's admission to being so drunk so could have blacked out)

i have no knowledge of CPS procedures etc so im just curious :)

No, IF and big IF, CPS has opened an investigation and they find there is any child endangerment, they can remove the children from the home. This is SOP and the parents then have to deal directly with Social Services through Family Court. Typically, if the parents temporarily lose custody of their children, counselors do not have to get the parents consent for any questions asked of the children.

DB & JI are walking a thin line on this issue. Because, IMO, they have been advised that if they do not allow Social Workers through LE to interview the children that there is adequate evidence and legal standing to forcibly remove the children from their bio family. (From Professional experience & knowledge/degree in Social Services Administration.)

Here is the rub: Confidentiality is a sticky wicket with juveniles. Their testimony will probably be sealed.
Bill Stanton the PI hired by a wealthy family member was talking to MK on Fox News yesterday and said both boys were in bed with Deb. He was using it as an excuse why it had to be an intruder that took the baby.
Thanks. I didn't hear that, but he is another one I have kind of tuned out. He is seems to be as full of bs as the media to me.
One condition that Short has set on the interviews is that two detectives who previously interviewed Bradley not sit in on any new sessions. That isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker, one former investigator noted.

Retired FBI agent Jeff Lanza said that fresh eyes and a new perspective might make an interview more productive.

“If she trusts someone and would rather speak with them, have at it,” Lanza said. “Let’s throw them in.”

Lanza said the only condition he would reject out of hand is a limitation on a necessary line of questioning.

“What the defense attorney and the couple has to realize is that they are viable suspects in the case,” Lanza said. “Even if they didn’t have anything to do with the disappearance, they are still suspects.”

So far, investigators have received 976 tips and cleared 793 of them. The rate of tips coming in has started to slow, Kansas City police said. Many calls now are from psychics or people offering suggestions for how police should conduct their investigation.

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Bill Stanton the PI hired by a wealthy family member was talking to MK on Fox News yesterday and said both boys were in bed with Deb. He was using it as an excuse why it had to be an intruder that took the baby.

You know Judge Jeannie mention this last week on her show, that they were both in the bed. I questioned it back then.
You know Judge Jeannie mention this last week on her show, that they were both in the bed. I questioned it back then.
Musical beds was being played in the Aliayah Lunsford case too.
What a time gap to wait! Little minds running so fast, what could they remember now?

Depends on the child, my almost 6 yr old GD is like an elephant. She wore a shirt the other day that she hadn't worn in at least 6 mths and she asked me if I remembered what movie we watched the last time she wore it. I didn't, she did. She also can recall little details of trips we took 2 years ago. If I need to remember something, I tell her to remind me :crazy:
One condition that Short has set on the interviews is that two detectives who previously interviewed Bradley not sit in on any new sessions. That isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker, one former investigator noted.

Retired FBI agent Jeff Lanza said that fresh eyes and a new perspective might make an interview more productive.

“If she trusts someone and would rather speak with them, have at it,” Lanza said. “Let’s throw them in.”

Lanza said the only condition he would reject out of hand is a limitation on a necessary line of questioning.

“What the defense attorney and the couple has to realize is that they are viable suspects in the case,” Lanza said. “Even if they didn’t have anything to do with the disappearance, they are still suspects.”

So far, investigators have received 976 tips and cleared 793 of them. The rate of tips coming in has started to slow, Kansas City police said. Many calls now are from psychics or people offering suggestions for how police should conduct their investigation.

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AYup...suspects. So I don't get yelled at....yes, I realize that is not from LE working this case....but I still agree with him.
Unbelievable!! People were complaining that they weren't letting the boys be interviewed and now that they agreed to, it must be something that was forced upon them.

I guess these parents can't get a break. D@mned if they do. D@mned if they don't.

Mind boggling.

I think this is excellent news. :woohoo:

I understand your sentiment, and I can't speak for others, but the reason I was so shocked by the sudden turn-around is because DB was adamant that she would not allow the boys to be interviewed again....under no circumstances.

She may have just had a change of heart, but I can understand why people would think that it came about not from choice, but from something forced....Purely because of her own statements that she would never allow it.

I don't think the questions or shock are unreasonable when that is all taken into account.

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