3:45 am cops search georges trunk

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It was pretty sad when he picked on the dude in the blue shirt...pick the smallest one out there GA.....

On the other hand - I thought it was pretty obnoxious of those 2 gawkers to set up chairs, a large beach umbrella, table, cameras, etc on the edge of George's property. This man is a grieving grandfather that is in deep denial about the truly cunning & sociopathic nature of his spoiled deceitful daughter. He obviously loves & adores his missing granddaughter & is literally torn apart from her bizarre & tragic disappearance from his life. He has stated repeatedly he would give up anything (house, cars, $) - "everything" to have Caylee back. (I believe him.)

From time to time - his patience level is severely tested by an intrusive bunch of thoughtless gawkers & obnoxious protesters that have no business setting up shop on his lawn, sidewalk & easement. Can you even imagine what he has been living through with LE, Cindy, Casey, Baez, the media, protesters, securing/holding a job, etc...

My God - How would any of you feel in his place? I would be livid. :furious:

As much as I want justice for Caylee - and Casey incarcerated .. I would never stoop to such trailer trash tactics as many of these folks have been perpetuating at the Anthonys home & the entire neighborhood. It's just *WRONG* to behave that way. LE is methodically doing their job - why can't people just let them do it without interferring?!

:::End of rant. Thanks. Blowing off some steam this morning:::

Rummy in Orlando :cat:
We are getting very much off the topic of the search on George's vehicle here.

What fits in the wheel well besides a spare tire?

1) wedge
2) tire gauge
3) tire
4) jack
5) clothing/rags
6) keys
7) small containers
8) other

Anything besides items 1-4 would be unusual to find there, imo.

I wonder if "fix a flat" has any components of Chloroform?
Here's another theory...since the Anthony's were having such money troubles...wonder if LE has looked into whether or not Caylee had a life insurance policy? Not saying they'd kill her for it, but they could certainly make it LOOK like she was dead and still collect the policy...
Man..you can't even sleep without something going on in this case. Unbelievable. IMO someone tipped them. It's like they knew where they were going in his car and grabbed what they needed...fishy. I certainly hope someone is talking..it's about time we bring this princess home.

I know!!!! I took a break from things last night and just logged on and saw this. I should know better than to take a break right now. Fast and furious as Fox said yesterday. ;-)

Sorry I couldn't resist......
Why charge her now? They've got all the time in the world to look for a body. And charged her now would mean they'd have to go to court in 150 days right? Maybe they don't want to be pressured on time?
No problem with them looking for evidence but then quit with the leaks and sources until they are ready to charge her and present and prove that evidence in court.
We are getting very much off the topic of the search on George's vehicle here.

What fits in the wheel well besides a spare tire?

1) wedge
2) tire gauge
3) tire
4) jack
5) clothing/rags
6) keys
7) small containers
8) other

Anything besides items 1-4 would be unusual to find there, imo.

I wonder if "fix a flat" has any components of Chloroform?

A small body of a child would fit.
As much as I want justice for Caylee - and Casey incarcerated .. I would never stoop to such trailer trash tactics as many of these folks have been perpetuating at the Anthonys home & the entire neighborhood. It's just *WRONG* to behave that way. LE is methodically doing their job - why can't people just let them do it without interferring?!

I agree. I have never even once clicked on the webcam or "crazy cam", because I just don't support that. I am a court$%&*er extraordinaire according to my husband. I get totally obsessed with some cases. But, I won't go there. I think those people suck, but I don't support watching them all the time or telling them that on their lawn.

The end.
We don't know for sure who it was. If it was in fact Caylee, why haven't they charged her? JMO:confused:

And this question is a valid one. Even Scott Peterson's jury said that if the bodies hadn't shown up when they did, they may not have convicted him.

However, the State Attorney's office has 175 days from the arraignment to charge her differently to avoid double jeopardy. If Caylee isn't found by month's end, I do believe they will still charge Casey with some count of homicide: it just depends on the evidence what that will be.
LE decided right away the Ramsey's were guilty and refused to ever let any other evidence deter that thinking. IMO there is so much we do not know about this case and all the leaks are only bad ones towards the Anthony's and of course never are we shown any real proof, only this one said that or this one said this, sources said this or that, etc. If in fact all these sources and leaks are right, prove them or quit letting them leak. It does not help if there is ever a trial for murder (if there was a murder or it she is ever charged with murder) except poison the jury pool and do we really want a justice system that can convict in the media BEFORE there is even an arrest for murder as in this case?

I read so much about this family from people who do not know them yet they are so sure they know their every thought and deed. Where did they get those crystal balls? Yes Casey lies but we do no know the reasons but so many THINK they have her all figured out without ever meeting her. I certainly can't understand Casey's actions with her partying after Caylee was missing but I am not in her shoes or can read her mind. Cindy and George may lie too and again we do not know the reason. They do not want to believe their granddaughter is dead and therefore they are vilified too. I just can't understand why so many want to knock others down when they are at their lowest and need a little understanding. IF in the end they are found guilty of whatever what harm has it done to have been nice to them rather than nasty and accusing? These people who are "protesting" what useful purpose does it gain? Do they really think they are so powerful that Casey will "confess" to them because they are acting like jerks?? The main person in this situation is Kaylee and all this hate and accusations towards her mother or grandparents does nothing to find her IMO.

VERY WELL SAID! I've been afraid to post something like this, but my feelings exactly.

Maybe "Mama" was in there.

Don't attack me, but I still think Caylee is alive.

Against my better judgement..so do I.

My reasons for believing so
1. Hair that was found in trunk has not been identified conclusively as that of Caylee.

2. No body yet found. Note... Yet

3. Too many people in KC's life traveling around the time Caylee went missing.

4. Interviews with prople involved too vague.

5. Still other possibilities as to where Caylee might be.

6. If LE had evidence to prove Caylee is indeed dead KC would have already been charged with murder.

I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time!
She looks like a midget in that pic. Just saying... with the big ole backpack and all
(RED HUBER, ORLANDO SENTINEL / September 6, 2008)
Investigators search early Saturday in the trunk of George Anthony's car.
Orange County Sheriff's deputies collected evidence from the wheel well area
of the trunk. The car was located in the garage of the Anthony's home.

(RED HUBER, ORLANDO SENTINEL / September 6, 2008)
Orange County Sheriff Commander Spike Hopkins (right) carries a bag of
evidence taken early Saturday from the trunk of George Anthony's car
(background) in the area of spare tire wheel well.
The car was located in the garage.

source: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/crime/orl-caylee-anthonypics-photos,0,5614814.photogallery

The pic above looks like she is holding a meter to read or detect something...and it looks to me like it is a teddy bear with a dress on..Caylee's missing bear perhaps?
A small body of a child would fit.

I thought that for a second but then if they thought that...they would have taken the car right? So I think it was something they had been told was there...it could be anything,
How do you start a new thread? Does the Mod have to do this.

I'm going to start one called "I believe Caylee is Alive" to take the topic out of here.
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