4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #94

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I was on a jury where the accused phone was turned off during the violent assault crime at another location. He said he shut it off that so he could rest (at home). It was impt evidence because they were able to show that he didn’t shut off phone any other times.
Exactly, BK historical phone data will be used to show his usage pattern. Was it typical he went out driving late at night stargazing as he's said? Location and pics will tell us if that is true.

If BK's data shows he traveled 3 or 4 nights of the week after midnight, how many of those times did he also turn his phone off for 2 hour period? If none, except for the night of the murders, that dog won't hunt. Sorry AT, you need a real alibi, but there isn't one because BK is guilty IMO.

Always Thompson's fault then
Timing is faulty with producing data then
AT complains she needs to hire someone to sort the evidence for her because "it is like a snow globe" Then they need more time then
Prosecution isn't fast enough.....ETC....

Very unimpressive......2 Cents
I had professional respect for AT at the beginning, but lately, IMO, she comes off as a whiney complainer blaming everyone for her problems. Her voice has turned from authoritative and strong to almost <modsnip>nasal. <modsnip>

I don't think a jury is going to respond positively to this at all. JMO
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Does anyone have the cell tower maps at hand?

I seem to recall there are only a handful of public/commercial cell towers covering Moscow -- maybe four? Presumably similar coverage in Pullman. But I find it hard to imagine there would be any towers BETWEEN those.

Entirely MOO
There are 3 cell towers in Moscow and 4 cell towers in Pullman. There are also several towers near Wawawai Park and in other smaller communities South and West of Pullman and Moscow - the people who live in the area of Wawawai have 95+% cellular coverage. There may be no coverage inside the park, but on the way, there is coverage. There are various towns west and south of Pullman and Moscow which have cellular coverage.

However, the entire area is covered sparsely by cell towers, with some areas which have no coverage whatsoever, unlike large cities that have cell towers every 1 or 2 miles. However, the usable range of a cell tower is up to 25 miles and the possible range, where you could connect but not necessarily call is 45 miles. There seems to be possible overlap between Pullman and Moscow towers. In the early part of this case, LE thought BK might have driven by 1122 King Rd on the morning of the 13th, then changed their mind and decided he didn't.

Here are the cell tower maps:

The cell tower 1122 King Rd would have used is at 608 Residence St. It is only 1.5 miles from the crime scene and only 10 miles from BK's apartment in Pullman.

There were 2 events going on in the Pullman-Moscow area on the night of November 12-13. In Moscow, there was the UofI Vandal-UC Davis Berkley football game and in Pullman it was "Family Weekend" at WSU. Both events would have brought thousands of additional people into both towns and hotels were fully booked up that night for at least 40 miles. UC Davis Berkley has the most rabid football fans of any college program and are known to have as many as 10,000 fans go to away games. The Vandals would also have had many, many fans come in for that game. Then at WSU, family weekend would have packed the town full of parents and siblings of not only Freshman students, but often those of other classes as well. All of these visitors in both towns would have put additional stress on the cellular infrastructure.
Per PCA, BKs phone stopped communicating with towers whether in airplane mode or off.
I would have to see what SR is using for his evidence.
Sy Ray would be using the AT&T cellular timing report for BK's phone. This report shows date, time, which tower BK's phone was connected to, the side of the tower used and distance from that side of the tower. Sy Ray WILL be able to trace all of BK's movements that night by taking this data and plotting cell towers over a map of the area and BK's phone location as it moves throughout the area, as long as BK's phone was on and with him, which is apparently what BK has claimed. Sy Ray has done this in numerous other cases and been able to direct the police to specific locations such as the clandestine graves of murder victims and locations where murder weapons were thrown away, etc.
So you think that anyone who travels back and fourth between two MAJOR colleges in college towns go without GPS for a chunk of that travel? Interesting take.
I could (easily) be wrong, but I was under the impression that GPS relates to satellites, not to cell towers. Also, the two towns are close enough that I thought the town towers might easily cover the few miles between them. (I live in a valley 60 miles long and we have only two towers. Not great coverage, but certainly more than 10-15 miles from a tower still receives service.)

@Balthazar , thanks for the maps and additional cell tower info. I stand corrected. On an entirely unrelated note re your post, "UC Davis" and "UC Berkeley" are two different universities. They are each part of the UC system but are not the same school. (UC Davis alum here). :)
If you have a link showing LE changed their minds about the morning of the 13th, please provide. I see this in the PCA, which is for the 14th:
View attachment 510794
I meant the 14th. IMO, this was a cell tower capacity issue caused by a handoff due to the all the people leaving Moscow and Pullman that morning after the football game in Moscow and after parents weekend at WSU Pullman. The cell tower used by 1122 King Rd was within 10 miles of BK's apartment so it would be available to his phone. If the towers in Pullman were busy, they would hand off to the next closest cell tower and I believe that is what happened.
I meant the 14th. IMO, this was a cell tower capacity issue caused by a handoff due to the all the people leaving Moscow and Pullman that morning after the football game in Moscow and after parents weekend at WSU Pullman. The cell tower used by 1122 King Rd was within 10 miles of BK's apartment so it would be available to his phone. If the towers in Pullman were busy, they would hand off to the next closest cell tower and I believe that is what happened.
Interesting theory! But do phones get shunted in this way when they aren't being actively used, just pinging because they are on and in range?
I could (easily) be wrong, but I was under the impression that GPS relates to satellites, not to cell towers. Also, the two towns are close enough that I thought the town towers might easily cover the few miles between them. (I live in a valley 60 miles long and we have only two towers. Not great coverage, but certainly more than 10-15 miles from a tower still receives service.)

@Balthazar , thanks for the maps and additional cell tower info. I stand corrected. On an entirely unrelated note re your post, "UC Davis" and "UC Berkeley" are two different universities. They are each part of the UC system but are not the same school. (UC Davis alum here). :)
UC Davis originally opened as an extension of UC Berkley in 1908 and did not formally separate until October 1959. I'm not that old, but my father always referred to Davis as UC Davis Berkley so I still think of it that way. I vividly remember visiting The Silo and that it was originally built in 1909. That is a very unique student union. The whole campus is beautiful. I agree UC Davis and UC Berkley are 2 separate universities now.
UC Davis originally opened as an extension of UC Berkley in 1908 and did not formally separate until October 1959. I'm not that old, but my father always referred to Davis as UC Davis Berkley so I still think of it that way. I vividly remember visiting The Silo and that it was originally built in 1909. That is a very unique student union. The whole campus is beautiful. I agree UC Davis and UC Berkley are 2 separate universities now.
Yes, UC Davis started as the "University Farm" and was connected to Berkeley at first. But I never heard anyone call it with both names like that! Learn something new every day...
Interesting theory! But do phones get shunted in this way when they aren't being actively used, just pinging because they are on and in range?
Yes. If a cell tower is busy or down, your cellphone will ping other nearby towers until it gets a connection. If there are not many cell towers - like the situation in Pullman and Moscow, then your phone will try to ping the nearest tower, then the next nearest tower and so on until there is a connection. It is possible that all towers in an area with so few towers may be completely busy so you would not get a connection at all. Geographic features can also impact where you connect. People who were at the bottom of the cliffs in Dover have reported their cellphones connected to Calais, France 21 miles away as opposed to Dover since the cliff blocks the cell tower signal. 1122 King Rd was interesting in that way because it was at the bottom of a significant hill and there were large apartment buildings nearby, all of which may have impacted the signal at the house.
Sy Ray would be using the AT&T cellular timing report for BK's phone. This report shows date, time, which tower BK's phone was connected to, the side of the tower used and distance from that side of the tower. Sy Ray WILL be able to trace all of BK's movements that night by taking this data and plotting cell towers over a map of the area and BK's phone location as it moves throughout the area, as long as BK's phone was on and with him, which is apparently what BK has claimed. Sy Ray has done this in numerous other cases and been able to direct the police to specific locations such as the clandestine graves of murder victims and locations where murder weapons were thrown away, etc.
SR has data that the police dont have from ATT?
SR has data that the police dont have from ATT?
If you watched the last 2 public hearings AT was establishing that LE definitely received the cellular data from AT&T and AT asked Payne where it was and Payne said that he did receive it and that he gave it to the Prosecution. SR has the partial data the Prosecution gave to AT. SR stated that the data they do have is exonerating but reserved the right to change his opinion after he has all of the data and the opportunity to analyze it.
Interesting theory! But do phones get shunted in this way when they aren't being actively used, just pinging because they are on and in range?
I should add, if your phone is not moving, just sitting somewhere, it will ping a tower once, then pause up to 8 hours as long as it is not moved. The length of the pause is set by the specific cellphone company - but essentially, if the cellphone is not moving at all, the cellphone is considered in a "sleep mode." So no need to have a cell phone ping when it isn't moving at all. Once you move the phone, even just a tiny bit, it will "awaken" and immediately ping again. If the closest tower is busy, it may ping the next closest tower that has space for it instead of the closest tower it pinged before. This can happen even if you didn't leave your house and/or just moved the phone a few inches.
Yes, UC Davis started as the "University Farm" and was connected to Berkeley at first. But I never heard anyone call it with both names like that! Learn something new every day...
Same here.

I've lived in Sacramento my whole life and I've never hear of UC Davis being called UC Davis Berkeley either.
If you watched the last 2 public hearings AT was establishing that LE definitely received the cellular data from AT&T and AT asked Payne where it was and Payne said that he did receive it and that he gave it to the Prosecution. SR has the partial data the Prosecution gave to AT. SR stated that the data they do have is exonerating but reserved the right to change his opinion after he has all of the data and the opportunity to analyze it.
Meaning there is an accusation that LE is either misinterpreting the data or withholding exhonerating evidence.

DNA says no.

Game plan:
Flankig cell evidence with an altenative theory, and suppression DNA on constitutional grounds.

These strategies can and have won court, but they are not innocence, only successful gamesmanship.
Meaning there is an accusation that LE is either misinterpreting the data or withholding exhonerating evidence.

DNA says no.

Game plan:
Flankig cell evidence with an altenative theory, and suppression DNA on constitutional grounds.

These strategies can and have won court, but they are not innocence, only successful gamesmanship.
Sy Ray won't end up demonstrating anything sinificant or credible re BK's phone activity for the two hours surrounding and including the time of the murders imo. Smoke and mirrors at the MTC hearing on the 30th. Dna will not end up being suppressed either. Gamesmanship will fail imo. Moo
Meaning there is an accusation that LE is either misinterpreting the data or withholding exhonerating evidence.

DNA says no.

Game plan:
Flankig cell evidence with an altenative theory, and suppression DNA on constitutional grounds.

These strategies can and have won court, but they are not innocence, only successful gamesmanship.
The cellular information Sy Ray is going to analyze has a 96% to 98% accuracy in larger cities and accuracy can actually be higher in areas with fewer cell towers like Moscow and Pullman.

Usually Sy Ray works for law enforcement in these cases. I really don't understand why the MPD didn't call him for help, especially when the white Elantra NEVER showed up along the route of the map that LM made in CASTviz and they couldn't find it on nearby streets either. If a vehicle is NEVER where it should be + or - 1 hour, I would think that the source data must be wrong and that expert help was needed.

connection to the network is disabled (such as putting the phone inairplane mode), or that the phone is tumed off.

Phones can be tracked in airplane mode.
Having a phone turned off doesn't eliminate the possibility of tracking.
Phones can be tracked when on and in an area without cell coverage.

This makes zero sense to me....please feel free to explain.

Cell phones work only by sending a signal to a cell tower. The 3 major cell companies have different configurations for their band width - some may transport longer signals - but all of them operate by sending a signal to a cell tower.

When a phone is off it stops signalling and will not hit a cell tower. Are you suggesting cell phones can never be turned off, in other words never stop signalling?

Or suggesting cell phones can be traced by a satellite system?
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