48 Hours Mystery

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There will be no apologies, because no one will change their position. Sad, but true.

The guy left saliva, I remember this from the early news segments, not having his DNA was not an oversight on the part of the BPD, if they don't have it,IT IS CRIMINAL IMO on their part, it means they didn't want it!

An interesting comment, heard last night, "never has blood found comingled with dna of a murderer been put aside as insignificant before" ,"there was no area of foreign dna in the panties other than the amount comingled in two different areas". "Areas without blood, were free of foreign dna". IMO this leads me to think the "nice little fraternity of LE will say crap to back each other". Lee doesn't know better, okay he found the preservative in the sample of OJ's blood, leading a jury to set OJ free, but, did he consider EDTA could have been in the tube? He really isn't our brightest bulb, we are just easily impressed. However he should have known that foreign dna in the underwear of a molested/murdered child points to a killer!
TexMex said:
from the link

Correspondent Erin Moriarty also reports that there is new evidence that JonBenet's killer, who investigators now believe was an intruder, may have tried to kill again. Her report will be broadcast on 48 Hours Mystery, Saturday at 10 p.m. ET/PT.
That single paragraph should tell all of us that the news story is highly speculative and NOT based on facts... "who investigators believe was an intruder". Which intruder? Who? If the answer to that question is not known, how can they suggest the "killer" tried to kill again?

The 48 Hours Mystery? Is Al Capone's vault buried in Jon Benet's basement? If there was any REAL news, it wouldnt be limited to a CBS special "Mystery Report".
Nobody can explain those things. They just choose to ignore them. The note is the key. It doesn't fit an intruder theory. Its a stupid note written by an naive person trying to sound tough to cover up. Intruders don't need to cover up a connection with the victim because there is none. The people in the house need to stage it, not an intruder.
I admit I dont follow this case near as close as most of you, but I do have a question. Just for a moment, say the DNA under JBR's fingernails and in the panties should end up matching the DNA from the other little girls case...how would that be explained?
Timex said:
I admit I dont follow this case near as close as most of you, but I do have a question. Just for a moment, say the DNA under JBR's fingernails and in the panties should end up matching the DNA from the other little girls case...how would that be explained?

John or Burke is a rapist :confused:
I haven't followed the case for years, but as I remember the dna evidence, it was miniscule. Nothing like bodily fluids. But I haven't heard much lately. Wasn't there talk that the dna may have just been from some worker in a factory that made or packaged garments? that it was so small that it was unlikely from direct contact? I am sure someone in here has the latest info on the amount of dna.
mihaff said:
I haven't followed the case for years, but as I remember the dna evidence, it was miniscule. Nothing like bodily fluids. But I haven't heard much lately. Wasn't there talk that the dna may have just been from some worker in a factory that made or packaged garments? that it was so small that it was unlikely from direct contact? I am sure someone in here has the latest info on the amount of dna.

Im in the same situation..but what is being said is the DNA in the panties have the same markers as the DNA found under JBR's finger nails. IF that is true, then I dont see how it could have came from a factory worker.
lisafremont said:
I am convinced that Patsy Ramsey wrote that "ransom letter". No way she'd write it for an intruder but she would write it for a Ramsey. Burke had a Hi-Tek boot that made the boot print. And what about the pineapple?


same here....
luvbeaches said:
I think a break in the case is going to come when Burke starts talking. I've always thought that once in college, and after having a few beers at a frat party, he's going to tell us what he knows. And no, I don't think he had a thing to do with JonBenet's murder.

you're right....that could happen...
he's how old now?...17?
This is nothing but 48 Hours trying to sell a show. I mean really - do you honestly think that the bona fide investigators and experts involved in this case have shared confidential information with a network television???
No, but who would "share" THEIR so-called "information" (spin) with a network television program? One who is eager to boost ratings?
That's right. Lin Wood and company. Ramsey spin teams.
That's NOT information or FACTS being shared - but more spin.
John Ramsey lost his bid for election in Michigan.
Guess they need to keep working, er, spinning to try and obtain that elusive "good name" again which of course would only happen if people truly believed the Ramseys were innocent.

To say that the case of the FOURTEEN yr old girl who was assaulted in her bedroom after JonBenet's murder is in any way connected to JonBenet's case is ridiculous.
You would have to ignore the many facts in the Ramsey case that are in NO WAY similar to this other case to make even the most remote connection.

They are grasping at straws. There is nothing new in the Ramsey case.
And if there was - you certainly wouldn't get wind of it from a show like 48 Hours that tapes their program weeks and months in advance of airing!

Give me a break!
Let us not forget that Tracey, San Augustin & Co were SO DESPERATE to make a case against Mr X that they IGNORED the fact that the 6ft 2in, dark eyed, dark haired 50+ year old did not even remotely resemble the blonde haired, 5ft 6in, jutting chin 20+ year old perp who was witnessed by the victim's mother!
DocWatson said:
Given that Steve Thomas is a proven liar, you may wish to reconsider your position. Even if he weren't a proven liar, it's hardly "fair and balanced" to essentially stick with one set of "facts" you elect to believe and then conveniently discard all contrary evidence. If you even-handedly weigh ALL the evidence, you will realize an IDI.

I'm not reconsidering anything. Sorry, I still believe in Steve Thomas. The "facts" are there and there was no intruder. I believe Burke will finally spill the beans, one of these days. The "facts" are that money talks and in this case, they "lawyered up" early, and refused to speak to the authorities. Like I said the first thing that went DING DING DING, in my mind was the little coffe klatch they had that morning! Yeah, they weren't the least bit worried about the kidnapper beheading their daughter.... :(
close_enough said:
you're right....that could happen...
he's how old now?...17?

I think he's a senior in high school his year. Next year, he'll be a freshman in college, and I think it's a matter of time before he has a few too many beers, and talks. Poor kid, he's carried a heavy load all these years. I'm sure he heard something, even if it was just his mom in JonBenet's room in the middle of the night. If Patsy was in JonBenet's bedroom, and there was a bedwetting accident, I'll bet doughnuts to dollars he heard some of the commotion.
tabbykiki said:
When the Ramseys first moved into town "full time" I thought people were eating out of their hands.

Then John's run for 105th district. LOL! He got skunked in the primary! One of my instructors the other day was mentioning how he ran into John at the store... The instructor made a comment about how it's nice that you can murder your child and still be in good social standing.

I just have to roll my eyes at the many antics of the Ramsey's, Patsy's stupid business and red hot rod car... I hope they will get sick of living the quiet life and go back to Boulder or Atlanta and leave our town alone!

LOL...my MIL spends part of each summer in Charlevoix (with friends), and I remember way back when asking her about how the Ramsey's are taken. She rolled her eyes...and just said. "Oh, those people." Needless to say, they were looked down on (at least by my snooty MIL).

Your instructor is right. IMO, they have don't nothing to try and find the "real" killers. I know it's been a long time since Jonbenet was murdered, but I can remember enough to say that the Ramsey's know more than they telling the rest of us. I think Burke is going to be the one that fixes their little wagons....
He looked to be possibly blonde with a possibly jutting chin. Face looked sort of heart-shaped, pointed chin.

I may even have a bookmark, or a printout of the sketch in one of my big 3-ring binders, but I wouldn't know how to send it, once it's scanned. You email someone? Maybe someone else has it?
IMO, an intruder DID NOT feed JonBenet pineapple, kill her, and then sit down and pen a LENGTHY RANSOM note on a piece of paper he got off of a tablet already in the home..............
poco said:
IMO, an intruder DID NOT feed JonBenet pineapple, kill her, and then sit down and pen a LENGTHY RANSOM note on a piece of paper he got off of a tablet already in the home..............

Don't forget he took her red top off, washed it out and left it in a wadded ball on the sink top. Very considerate killer.
luvbeaches said:
Thanks, TF!

So it's CBS who says the Ramsey's are no longer suspects, not the police. Hmmm...struck by similarities? I'd have to see the program, but from reading the brief story, there doesn't seem to be many similarities...other than they both live in Boulder, and they were at the same dance school.

Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, in the 58 years I have been following crime and modus operandi feats of perps, IF IF IF they are trying to tie the nine month later case to JonBenet, the dog is barking at the wrong tree, nothing on the limbs to see. IMOP.


HEY lets see the investigators find out who tried to hire the undercover narc agent for the MI police, to create a deadly accident with JONBENET in the boat with the would be employer of the narc agent. LETS HAVE that fellow look at some pictures of friends and family of the Ramsey. JOHN SR. said it was an inside job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas, I am sitting waiting to see this PROGRAMME this evening, cannot wait.

Can't figure why the DNA is soooooooooo important now, LE has sat on it for 8 years, duh.

I don't recall whether LE caught the perp in the second case, someone help me out here.

I am always open to rethinking my position, AFTER all missed/slipped opportunities are retraveled.

America has more than its share of criminals with rotten behaviors. The man in the second case, appears to not have been fond of writing epic ransom notes.

Saw 48 hours. more speculation by two publicity seeking PI's. In the other case, where is the note. Who wrote the note with so many personal references to John, southern common sense, etc.

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