4937 Hopespring Dr Goes into Foreclosure

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Let's see...

They are able to travel all across the US to do tv interviews
They are able to travel all over creation for their Caylee Bears program
They are able to oversee and manage a legal Foundation for Caylee
They are able to go on cruises and sit for tattoos
They are able to attend every single court hearing involving their darling daughter
They are able to leap small buildings in a single bound

But they cannot work?

I am sure there is "savant" work, mindless, mind numbing, work that they could do that would keep their minds OFF their sorrow...

Caylee died in June of 2008...That was over a year and a half ago...
Most jobs give you three days to grieve the loss of an immediate family member...not a year and half...
Not that surprising: Florida posted the nation’s second highest state foreclosure rate in November with one in every 165 housing units receiving a foreclosure filing during the month. (Dec 09)

true, the house behind us is in foreclosure right now....
Out of curiosity I just looked at Careerbuilder and Monster websites and searched RN positions in Orlando. So far I have 25 pages .... there are many telephonic Case Manager positions available, no public contact, on the computer and phone, she would not even have to give her last name to clients- M-F hours. She could do that work and pay her own bills.


Wonder if Dee Dee Moore wants to sell her company? George and Cindy could run it!

Some posters have speculated the foreclosure is a calculated move to hide and protect monies and assets. The state of Florida has a Homestead act which protects homeowners from losing their principal residence due to lawsuits, etc. I assume a lien could still be attached to a property and would have to be paid before the property sold, but you are protected from losing your home in Florida. That is why OJ moved here, so the Goldmans could not sue and take the house away from him.
So we seem to have a pattern emerging here....

Brad C, atty for CA/GA, also had a recent foreclosure..May 09...about the time the Anthonys quit paying the mortgage.... (condo in downtown Orlando...most likely investment property?)


Case #: 2009-CA-014729-O (Civil Cases)

So that makes:

Brad C
D Casey

And I am hearing rumblings that another is heading down the pipes???

Makes you wanna go HHHMMMMMMMMMM.......

BBM ... oooh who is the other person?
LP made an offer to help with the back mortgage payments that he knows will never be accepted by Cindy or George. Think about the property where Caylee's remains were found. His offer was so low that he had no chance of ever getting that property. Think about all the rewards offered in both the Caylee and Hayleigh cases, the time limits were so short that they had very little possibility of ever being collected and then he withdrew them. He knows that Misty's attorney will never let her accept his offer to bond her out. And now he is going to buy the A's home? This will never happen. When is attention seeking/publicity seeking deemed to be a mental illness?[/QUOTE]

Quote Respect Lexington :)

Yes! That is an excellent question. I think it should be its own thread.

On the subject of the foreclosure...So, the foreclosure proves they did not receive any money...we know that is untrue/a lie...why connect the two and why lie?

What if the Anthonys said: "yeah, so what we got money in exchange for information about Caylee, interviews, etc." Okay. We get an honest picture of who they are. It's not what I would do but that's me. But, they say "of course we did not get money for our granddaughter's death" when we all know that is not true. So, they themselves must feel that taking that money is wrong, that they wish to hide it. Casey learned well. Go ahead and do what you and others would find wrong, then just tell a mistruth about it-lie.

Do they think it would be wrong to accept money for interviews, etc? Or is that just what they are trying to portray?

It seems they find it despicable that people would think that and should be ashamed now that they have been proven wrong?

The way Cindy was willing to so easily accuse(in public and to LE) JG and so many others, of the murder of her granddaughter was and still is shocking to me. Most people have not judged her daughter of this murder with as much certainty and quickness.

Whatever they are up to with the house, only time will tell. But I do know this: losing their house does not prove they have not received money. We know for a fact they have received money. They are lying.

How crazy is it for Cindy to fight against people saying she did something that she knows she did? Pretty crazy. :crazy:

Pops said he can't get a job b/c of who he is, he might be recognized. Mama got the stress ( ya think)? Hey, they could deliver news papers. It's normally done very early morning, who would see them? They could do crime scene clean up, in all the gear ya where, who would know them? They could shovel cow patties in some field, who would walk thru that to interview them? Get the point?

I LOVE IT!!!! crime scene clean-up, perfect!!! they're practically EXPERTS already!!! :D OR, they could just follow the crops and pick the farmers' fields.......that's a good, honest living where nobody would recognize them.....
Not paying their mortgage? I just think it is just one more instance of the A's thinking their entitlement due to their "grief" (that is ever so much more than the rest of humans, sarcasm intended) allows them to not have to follow the normal rules of life that all the rest of us have to follow.

We have seen it time and time again. And more often then not they get away with it.
I'm inclined to think that KC's claim of indigence is a factor here. That Anthonys could have simply stopped making mortgage payments in anticipation of the defense looking to them for money. It is also possible that they have already been giving money to Baez and company for her defense. I think it's totally plausible that they would sacrifice their own financial security for their daughter. It's something that happens frequently to families of those charged with serious crimes.

You have to wonder about that little cruise that they took, along with the photos of their silly tattooes and bling jewelry....these people were sorely in need of a reputable PR person or advisor. They've succeeded in making themselves completely unworthy of sympathy and that's a shame because they have suffered an unimaginable tragedy in their lives.
I'm inclined to think that KC's claim of indigence is a factor here. That Anthonys could have simply stopped making mortgage payments in anticipation of the defense looking to them for money. It is also possible that they have already been giving money to Baez and company for her defense. I think it's totally plausible that they would sacrifice their own financial security for their daughter. It's something that happens frequently to families of those charged with serious crimes.

You have to wonder about that little cruise that they took, along with the photos of their silly tattooes and bling jewelry....these people were sorely in need of a reputable PR person or advisor. They've succeeded in making themselves completely unworthy of sympathy and that's a shame because they have suffered an unimaginable tragedy in their lives.

They had one (NeJame) and wouldn't follow his advice.
They have a Media coach, if Kathi Belich's report is correct. He sits in court with Cindy each time.
They have an Attorney who can't control them now...
They have had plenty of good advice but they are too arrogant to follow any of it...
Anyone else feel a Fox exclusive interview with Holly coming soon?:doh:
Your right. I must be imaging things, but I thought he was interested in buying it also. I looked through the current news and the offer was to help with the mortgage, not to buy it.

Yeah, that was a joke in this thread, that he should buy it. lol

Actually if they lose it, which I doubt, LP should buy it like someone said and make it his FL base, that would get CA's goat.

It would frustrate Casey off even more...since she planned on moving into the house her parents were going to give her. :crazy:
Then LP can tell Casey to get the (bleep) outta my house

Well, the A's have refused his offer to help pay the mortgage and IMO LP was just trying to stir things up again. :innocent:
I'm inclined to think that KC's claim of indigence is a factor here. That Anthonys could have simply stopped making mortgage payments in anticipation of the defense looking to them for money. It is also possible that they have already been giving money to Baez and company for her defense. I think it's totally plausible that they would sacrifice their own financial security for their daughter. It's something that happens frequently to families of those charged with serious crimes.

You have to wonder about that little cruise that they took, along with the photos of their silly tattooes and bling jewelry....these people were sorely in need of a reputable PR person or advisor. They've succeeded in making themselves completely unworthy of sympathy and that's a shame because they have suffered an unimaginable tragedy in their lives.

I don't think they are that well thought out personally. I think this was intentional and a scam, but I don't think it is tied to Casey's defense personally.

Casey is an adult, they could simply say no we are not paying for legal fees. They could honestly say their home has almost no equity in it and they can't leverage it for legal fees.

The Anthony's know how to work the system. They know in the current environment they can stop making mortgage payments, go into foreclosure, apply for a loan modification, and pretty much have the slate wiped clean with the arrears rolled into the modified loan. What use to take three months to end up with a notice on your door now takes 7-10 because the banks are overloaded and they are suppose to be working harder to keep people out of foreclosure. Apply for the mod postpones the auction date, still no payments being made, process takes 2-4 months.

I think it is as simple as them not caring about their credit rating and having no concern for being humilated in public (bit late for that) and seeing an opportunity to take a year off from payments at a minimum or having some schmuck swoop in and save the "only place they ever had their precious Caylee".

That is a win win for the Anthony's.

Casey knows how to work the system, clumsy, but knows how to work it. She learned her bull in a china shop approach real close to home.

I mean really, if they wanted to pay that note off completely you don't think they could sell a tell all interview? a video that hasn't been seen? there has been no, and I mean zero attempt to raise a very manageable sum of money by either of two adults in this situation. That is a conscience decision all day.
FWIW Dominic Casey is also in foreclosure- I saw this on another site- his home in Longwood is being foreclosed, according to a filing with Seminole County... do any of them pay their bills?

Now this is down right weird! We have how many people now connected to KC's defense in foreclosure??? It's like it's planned out with all of them I swear!


Or could just be "reap what you sow".
Is anyone familiar with Florida State property laws?

In Alberta where I live we have what's called the Dower Act.

I notice the Bank of America mortgage is in Cindy's name alone, and I'm not even sure if George Anthony is registered on title or not. If George is registered on title and a mortgage was taken out in Cindy's name alone, I would have to wonder why the Bank of America allowed such a mortgage to happen.

But back to the Alberta Dower Act, and my question is about any similar legislation applicable in Florida. George Anthony would have first entitlement to the property, and putting that in simple terms, if he has not signed a legal waiver, the Bank of America is SOL and can't kick him out.

Just curious to know......
My thoughts and prayers go out to the George Anthony family. I can't imagine going through such horror.

Thank you Lord for the lesser trials and tribulations I've been through which keep me from worrying about a roof over my head and food on my table. Thank you Lord for the compassion and concern you have instilled in me which helps me see that I too, at times, fall short of your Grace. Thank you Lord that I am not in GA and CA's shoes because I don't whether or not I could endure their problems.

If KA is found quilty, I pray that you will surround the entire GA family with your love, not only then but throughout their lives. I also pray for justice for Kaley Anthony that we shall never forget her.....

Tuba, I remember, a while back, reading a post from you that GA & CA was experiencing financial difficulties which prepared me to understand why their home is being forclosed on. Thank you for that post and all other work you do.

I am not sure how to make corrections to my post; however, should I mess up and send twice......GOSH
I am not savy when it comes to foreclosure filings, but why are the following listed as defendants as well as the Anthonys? (JBean?)


Also known as ANTHONY, GEORGE



(second mortgage holder?)





B - the State has some kind of lien on the property would be my guess
While it's true that KC is the ultimate cause of this, I also believe that George and Cindy have done this to themselves. There is absolutely no reason for Cindy not to be working, IMO. She saw a golden opportunity to take time off and milk the government for disability for who-knows-what so she can devote herself full-time to working on her proving her KC's "innocence." We all saw her during the Morgan depos. Does she look disabled to you? :furious:

As far as George being unemployable, dang right he is. The way the two of them have behaved has done nothing but make them look ridiculous. I ask you, based on what you've seen of them in public, would you hire either of them? I rest my case.

If I were Amy Huizenga, I'd be packing my bags right about now! :dance:

Do we know for sure Cindy is on Government Disability or SS Disability? My understanding of that is not that one can't work in their field, but, can't do ANY paid work. My thought is Cindy certainly does not seem disabled by that definition, so she is probably drawing private disability insurance,like ASFLAC (sic) or something similar where the standards (to my understanding ) are lower - they pay if one can't do the job one is doing when one is covered/paying for the insurance.

I wouldn't hire either one of them for anything. They have proved themselves (to me) to be dishonest and are hopefully going to be charged with something criminal over this all.
Caylee went missing as far as the Anthony's knew July 15th 2008. Payments were stopped being made June 2009, one year later.

Weren't they in foreclosure at KC's bond hearing. My memory could be wrong, but, I thought there was something about this then?
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