8.05.10 -Sources: 2 friends gave Terri Horman cell phones

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I have told everyone I know to never answer the question regarding your personal information at any store. They don't need it for anything other than advertising/demographic purposes and it just seems like one more way for me to keep myself off the grid, yanno? If I use my bank card, I withhold any information unnecessary to the purchase, like email address, personal address, phone number, etc. It isn't any of their business.

I agree- sometimes they "ask" you for info like it's a command: "Your email please". Of course people will often just give it because it sounds like it is required the way they "ask"...Yes, I should give you my email so you can continue to send me spam etc, yeah right...Take $20 off my bill and I'll think about it, lol...

But, that being said, I wouldn't give misinformation, I would just say, No thanks...
Sorry can't resist this is a Lilly Tomlin Moment. :biggrin:

Friend of Terri Horman used fake name to buy cell phone
Story Updated: Aug 6, 2010 at 4:54 PM PDT

Friends of Terri Horman purchased cell phones to communicate with her after Kyron Horman disappeared two months ago, one of whom did so using a fake name, according to multiple sources on Friday.

The friend, who is not DeDe Spicher, went to the Lloyd Center and bought a prepaid cell phone at an electronic store. The friend now says she regrets using a fake name and that it was “stupid” and “spur of the moment”.

But she insists the three of them, DeDe, Terri and her, only got the phones because they needed AT&T service which allowed them to make calls out of the Horman home at Shelter Nook Road, which is in a remote area and doesn’t service Verizon phones which is what they had.

They also wanted some level of privacy with their conversations which they felt were being monitored by law enforcement.

She insists she’s not guilty of anything besides trying to be supportive of her friend, Terri. But she said as she has cooperated with investigators she has withdrawn her support of Terri.


The bold part is causing me to start sliding down the fence. There would have to be very compelling reasons for me to stop supporting a friend I had believed was innocent.
OMG Grandma, have not seen that video in years!!!Thx
Agreed, but I don't think she will... Like Casey Anthony, after it was so crystal clear that she did something to Caylee and her body was found, I really did expect for Casey to at least slip (or more so while she was at home), or just admit that she did something, claim an accident, SOMETHING, and she didn't.... So now with Terri, I am equally as frustrated, but not surprised.

I hope her friends are innocent bystanders, just trying to help their friend. I don't know one way or the other about Dede either (haven't followed it as closely), but I have to believe as someone said a few posts ago, I can not imagine a senario in which I would jeopardize my family, because how could you really know? I personally also have no girlfriends that I am close enough with that I would ask that of either, but I know that is just me.

The friends had cell phones with Verizon service. Terri's home, in a remote location, did not get Verizon cell service. Therefore, the friends had to get AT&T phones and service, because that is what worked at Terri's house.

LNL, ok, I'll buy it...if it is a fact that Th et al bought these kinds of phones to communicate with each other before Kyon went missing.
The camera maybe was larger on her personal cell???

Ok I am sorry that wasn't nice of me,lol.

One can't help but to think. I mean, seriously, hundreds of sexual texts and pictures to MC within a few days of a stepson's disappearance? One or two I could buy, even, under strain and desperation...but hundreds!? A sexual addiction, perhaps?

What does it say about a person if this is true? What kind of person does that?

These pictures and videos will come out on the internet eventually. I want to throw up even thinking about it.
The friends had cell phones with Verizon service. Terri's home, in a remote location, did not get Verizon cell service. Therefore, the friends had to get AT&T phones and service, because that is what worked at Terri's house.

Except of course, if they just had to make a call when at Terri's home, they could have used the land line. And, Terri was making the calls to MC on something LE could see.

I wonder what the friend that has withdrawn her support was told about the case to make her decide that. Or, maybe she just felt it was no longer worth the trouble she was in with the LE?
Nora Roberts has a series of books out and IIRC it is about a group of women called "the sisterhood." For some reason, this reminds me of them. JMO

I love the Sisterhood, but TH's friends do not remind me of the Sisterhood.

A 7 year old boy has been missing and if stashed for some reason, I doubt if he finds it enjoyable.
The phones were said to be purchased after KH moved out Kyron was already missing for a month at this point why would they wait to all get cell phones if this had anything to do with Kyron. Therefore I really want to believe that it was to avoid the press, privacy etc but can someone explain this to me I think my brain is on overload as i'm not getting it:

Why would they need so many? It was said Dede bought one, one friend kept one, Supposedly one was purchased for TH and two unaccounted for. Okay so if there is no service at TH home only why do they all need one and not just TH, It's not like they are sitting around Th's coffee table calling each other on their new phones is it....


okay maybe they sat around texting each other as they thought the house was bugged and needed their privacy :waitasec: This is reminding mevof my son playing spykids I just know i must be missing the obvious :banghead:
I disagree with this if we're looking at convenience factor. Lloyd is HARD to get into and park at and there is a nasty group of people that frequent that place.

NOT the 1st place any normal 40 something boring lady (me?) would go to get a phone. So many other easier places...

I totally agree....I lived close in on the east side of PDX (Hawthorne) until just last year, and worked downtown as well. In Portland, the big divide is the Willamette River, the East Side, where Lloyd Center is located, is not a place that people who live on the West Side (the other side of the Willamette- Beaverton, Tualatin, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, Skyline, etc) visit unless absolutely necessary, OR maybe, with a group, to visit a new trendy restaurant- lot's of foodies and great chefs in Pdx.
Trust me, the commute is a nightmare, and people avoid it like the plague.
There are no services on the East side that they could not obtain on the West Side, or as noted, even downtown PDX. The people who purchased the phones, DeDe Spicher, and Kerry Sama Rubio both lived, worked and socialized on the West Side. Like you said Heather, Washington Square, Wal Mart, Plaid Pantry etc. would have been as anonymous and much closer.

No, I do not believe this was an errand that was done at this location for convenience becasue they were "over there anyway". I believe they deliberately went out of thier way in efforts to avoid LE's eyes, as well as hoping the people they interacted with when purchased would forget them. It is an area with a high crime rate, and there have been random gang shootings/robberies and other violence at Lloyd center more than once in the last couple of years.

In addition, I do not believe this was simply friends acting immaturely and making a stupid mistake. Sama Rubio is a project manager @ Intel, Spicher who knows, but this was deliberate. Sama rubio admitted it herself. To avoid LE scrutiny and engage in private conversations.

Last, but not least, Heather~ I'm very sorry that your family, especially the youngest members, had the potential for interaction with someone who, to me, is knee deep in the manure. And, I am very happy it was an almost, and not an actual.
I have told everyone I know to never answer the question regarding your personal information at any store. They don't need it for anything other than advertising/demographic purposes and it just seems like one more way for me to keep myself off the grid, yanno? If I use my bank card, I withhold any information unnecessary to the purchase, like email address, personal address, phone number, etc. It isn't any of their business.

Right, I understand that, to a point. But how likely is it that your buds who agree with you (b/c surely not all of them care) would use the same exact fake name that you give? I'm guessing there's no chance, unless you planned it that way.
Except of course, if they just had to make a call when at Terri's home, they could have used the land line. And, Terri was making the calls to MC on something LE could see.

I wonder what the friend that has withdrawn her support was told about the case to make her decide that. Or, maybe she just felt it was no longer worth the trouble she was in with the LE?

Well, I also wonder if she really has withdrawn her support? We have no one's word but hers, and she isn't flying high on the trustworthy scale quite yet. It would be interesting to know if they still talk via text/cell, social networking, etc.

I did have a terrible thought about whose name they may have used, but now think they would avoid that as her name is as well known as TH, and has been since the beginning.
I have told everyone I know to never answer the question regarding your personal information at any store. They don't need it for anything other than advertising/demographic purposes and it just seems like one more way for me to keep myself off the grid, yanno? If I use my bank card, I withhold any information unnecessary to the purchase, like email address, personal address, phone number, etc. It isn't any of their business.

I'm with you debs. I've had more than one standoff with a salesclerk that wanted my name and address. Never had one that didn't back down, but I can see how some people would find it easier to just give a false name.

I popped into Radio Shack last week to pick up $10 worth of batteries and got the name/address interrogation. I was in a hurry and a lousy mood and just gave the salesclerk a steely glaze and said, "Do you want my money or not?" Of course, I shouldn't have been rude. It isn't the poor salesclerk's fault.

Years back Nordstrom's Rack was asking customers to provide the the e-mail addresses of friends in return for coupons. That was outrageous.
Right, I understand that, to a point. But how likely is it that your buds who agree with you (b/c surely not all of them care) would use the same exact fake name that you give? I'm guessing there's no chance, unless you planned it that way.

I've convinced every one of my friends who I've talked to about this to be more diligent in protecting their electronic privacy.
Okay, don't know if KOIN will put it on their website but I took a picture just now of the t.v. and they again said KSR's name and did not blur her face..
She is on the left
I've convinced every one of my friends who I've talked to about this to be more diligent in protecting their electronic privacy.

okay great, let's assume that every single one of your friends are on board with being "more diligent." And let's assume also, that being "more diligent" means that every single one of your friends declines to provide their personal information every single time they are asked to do so. Let's further assume that every single time each and every one of your friends that is asked to provide their personal information and declines to do so, they don't merely decline, they provide false information. Do each and every one of those friends who decline to provide personal information and, instead, provide false information, provide exactly the same false information as you and all of your/their other friends do? I don't think so. jmoo
Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants to her friend who used the fake name to buy the anon phone for TH and then for TH to go to another store and use the same fake name to buy two more phones?

I'm assuming only TH and her friend knew the fake name the friend bought the anon phone under.

If true, talk about throwing your friend under the bus! Surprised? Not.

Guess those buy-over-the-counter phones aren't so private. How many minutes do you get with them, anyway? I hear they're a favorite tool of drug dealers and other criminal ne'r-do-wells.
Dr. Fessel put these on another thread but I thought they were relevant for here as well.

Mystery Woman (KSR)...responded to a FB message I sent her in the early days after Kyron's disappearance thanking her for the work she & another Intel employee had put together for rescue workers.

KSR's 6/29/10 reply took me by surprise..."Thank you, that is very sweet of you. Doing our best to support Terri."

Just not what I expected at the time...
One can't help but to think. I mean, seriously, hundreds of sexual texts and pictures to MC within a few days of a stepson's disappearance? One or two I could buy, even, under strain and desperation...but hundreds!? A sexual addiction, perhaps?

What does it say about a person if this is true? What kind of person does that?

These pictures and videos will come out on the internet eventually. I want to throw up even thinking about it.

Icing on the cake DeDe was living with Terri H for reportedly for approx 10 days after Kaine left, so DeDe was there during the 100s of sexts. ewww As far as giving a fake name to buy phones? She's right, it was dumb, but I think criminal how about hindering prosecution. When will these "friends" learn? As my Dad used to say, "If you fly with the crows, you get shot with the crows." :twocents:
But she insists the three of them, DeDe, Terri and her, only got the phones because they needed AT&T service which allowed them to make calls out of the Horman home at Shelter Nook Road, which is in a remote area and doesn’t service Verizon phones which is what they had.


Whaaaatttt?? Makes no sense. Terri had lived there at the Sheltered Nook residence for how long? Long enough to have found out that her Verizon phone wasn't working and have gotten another one WAY before Kyron's disappearance.

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