8.05.10 -Sources: 2 friends gave Terri Horman cell phones

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Is this an entirely new friend (to us)? Did they give her name out?

They did name her on KOIN, and it was not Andrea L..
This person was the other friend who's home was searched..
I don't know if I can put it in here??
Kimster said I could report stuff as a verified local but I prefer to have those little linkies =)
This information is very disturbing. They didn't want LE to hear their conversations admittedly? WHY? What is wrong with this picture? And one friend has admittedly withdrawn her support of Terri after meeting with Investigators? Why? What is this other name under which the phones were purchased?

I don't see a good excuse anywhere in this picture. When you purchase a phone under a false name you are trying to conceal something.
Friend of Terri Horman used fake name to buy cell phone
Story Updated: Aug 6, 2010 at 4:54 PM PDT

Friends of Terri Horman purchased cell phones to communicate with her after Kyron Horman disappeared two months ago, one of whom did so using a fake name, according to multiple sources on Friday.

The friend, who is not DeDe Spicher, went to the Lloyd Center and bought a prepaid cell phone at an electronic store. The friend now says she regrets using a fake name and that it was “stupid” and “spur of the moment”.

But she insists the three of them, DeDe, Terri and her, only got the phones because they needed AT&T service which allowed them to make calls out of the Horman home at Shelter Nook Road, which is in a remote area and doesn’t service Verizon phones which is what they had.

They also wanted some level of privacy with their conversations which they felt were being monitored by law enforcement.

She insists she’s not guilty of anything besides trying to be supportive of her friend, Terri. But she said as she has cooperated with investigators she has withdrawn her support of Terri.


Now this doesn't make sense. Terri had been living at Sheltered Nook for years. Why would she have a phone service that didn't work there?
They did name her on KOIN, and it was not Andrea L..
This person was the other friend who's home was searched..
I don't know if I can put it in here??
Kimster said I could report stuff as a verified local but I prefer to have those little linkies =)

If you heard it Free because you are a local verified by Tricia you can say it is unverified as heard on the news. When we get the link we can link it.
She insists she’s not guilty of anything besides trying to be supportive of her friend, Terri. But she said as she has cooperated with investigators she has withdrawn her support. She said she has turned over cell phone records, her business line and all relevant e-mails to investigators that could help them in the case.

Interesting that the friend has withdrawn her support of Terri since cooperating with investigators. I am guessing that they may have shared some of the evidence they have?
Ok BeanE.. You are SO on top of things I've decided I'm just looking at WS for the news! =) And I'm a local!! =)

I was watching KOIN ..
here is my post from the other thread that should probably be here =)

KOIN just reported that DS, and TH's other friend who's house was searched both bought cell phones so that they could keep in touch (as they felt their conversations were being monitored by LE) and because they provided better reception up at the H. home..

Also this other friend testified today. KOIN says her name, the other channels blurred her face.

Interesting to me..
They said one person purchased the phones at Lloyd Center, which is across the river..

I do have to say that when a friend and I went a few weeks ago up to Sheltered Nook I was curious about the cell phone coverage..
We checked, my phone had no reception (Sprint) his had reception (AT&T)..
So this answers a big question for me. The fact that the friends bought bat phones for themselves makes the whole thing look much more suspicious from a LE point of view than if only Terri had a bat phone. The property searches make more sense to me now.
Now this doesn't make sense. Terri had been living at Sheltered Nook for years. Why would she have a phone service that didn't work there?

Wow, I didn't catch that. That doesn't make a bit of sense. Once I had a work cell phone that didn't work at my home (out of coverage area) and it was a huge hassle. But that wasn't my decision on which provider to use. It was provided by my employer.

Why wouldn't the Hormans already have AT&T or another service in their area? Didn't they choose their cell provider?
Boy, the more things that come out, if true, makes me sure I don't want to be sitting on that fence.
I think that this is interesting information, but not really relevant. If the friend bought the phones under a fake name, no one would have ever found out--but she chose to tell LE. MOO
This information is very disturbing. They didn't want LE to hear their conversations admittedly? WHY? What is wrong with this picture? And one friend has admittedly withdrawn her support of Terri after meeting with Investigators? Why? What is this other name under which the phones were purchased?

I don't see a good excuse anywhere in this picture. When you purchase a phone under a false name you are trying to conceal something.

Perfect post grandmaj!!
I'll bouce off you.. =)

I do understand the cell phone coverage issue, (see my post above)
along with the fact that I've listened to the local scanner since the night of 6/4..
The reason I heard a lot of scanner chatter on the side channels is because LE uses Nextel's and they did not work well up there..

I agree with what you said above..
"When you purchase a phone under a false name you are trying to conceal something"
If you heard it Free because you are a local verified by Tricia you can say it is unverified as heard on the news. When we get the link we can link it.

Hopefully there will be a link soon but the name said on the news that is unverified at this time was Kerry Sama Rubio..
Maybe it was the two friends who didn't have AT&T, and not Terri (she might have just wanted a new, untraceable phone)...the statement sounds ambiguous...
I think that this is interesting information, but not really relevant. If the friend bought the phones under a fake name, no one would have ever found out--but she chose to tell LE. MOO
But we don't know if she told them or if it's info they found out and she had to fess up to it because LE found out about it.
Now this doesn't make sense. Terri had been living at Sheltered Nook for years. Why would she have a phone service that didn't work there?
I could be completely wrong, but I think that the quote about cell service was because the friends didn't have the correct provider, not Terri. So, when they were purchasing the phones, they got the ones which did have service at Sheltered Nook. Which was before Kaine booted her out...

I think that's what it's saying. Not good reporting, but I don't think there has been good reporting for the last two months, you know?

Herding Cats
Hopefully there will be a link soon but the name said on the news that is unverified at this time was Kerry Sama Rubio..

According to her Facebook she works at Intel. I am assuming a friend of Kaine's. Poor Kaine needs new friends.

eta Kaine is on her friends list.
But we don't know if she told them or if it's info they found out and she had to fess up to it because LE found out about it.

True--maybe they found her phone while searching her home.

Makes me think that this was a few weeks ago--if so, they already have any texts between the ladies...
According to her Facebook she works at Intel. I am assuming a friend of Kaine's. Poor Kaine needs new friends.

eta Kaine is on her friends list.

Interesting--both Terri and Kaine are listed as friends on her FB--maybe she wants to be "neutral" now...
Friend of Terri Horman used fake name to buy cell phone
Story Updated: Aug 6, 2010 at 4:54 PM PDT

Friends of Terri Horman purchased cell phones to communicate with her after Kyron Horman disappeared two months ago, one of whom did so using a fake name, according to multiple sources on Friday.

The friend, who is not DeDe Spicher, went to the Lloyd Center and bought a prepaid cell phone at an electronic store. The friend now says she regrets using a fake name and that it was “stupid” and “spur of the moment”.

But she insists the three of them, DeDe, Terri and her, only got the phones because they needed AT&T service which allowed them to make calls out of the Horman home at Shelter Nook Road, which is in a remote area and doesn’t service Verizon phones which is what they had.

They also wanted some level of privacy with their conversations which they felt were being monitored by law enforcement.

She insists she’s not guilty of anything besides trying to be supportive of her friend, Terri. But she said as she has cooperated with investigators she has withdrawn her support of Terri.



The fact that she purchased this at the Lloyd Center (Mall) is what stands out to me the most..
Adding the purchase under the false name just makes it more hinky..

map of Tualatin, Sheltered Nook & Lloyd Center

I will admit I know about zero about cell phones. I have 2-Virgin mobile and a lowcost one I have from work.

Where I live, there is a "mountain" that impedes my coverage so I have to stand in about a 6 inch area of my deck and I get coverage, sometimes.

My kids all have the latest and greatest, and they get cell here sometimes and sometimes not.

When my hubby had to have one for work, he did find something that worked at MY house.

But what difference does it make as to a person who is calling me? Their cell phones work when they call my house no matter what provider THEY have.

Cell phone towers are not popular, so where I live, it is required that multiple providers are on one tower. I imagine that is the way it is most places.

So why does it matter what kind of cell phones her friends had, except for the secrecy factor?

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