8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

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I can't even imagine a raging alcoholic sitting alone in the house swilling down 10 shots of vodka in under an hour, much less a woman driving a car with 5 children in tow, stopping for breakfast, shopping for pain meds, filling up the car, making and taking cell phone calls and smoking a joint. It simply does not make any sense that she inadvertently drank too much, that the alcohol hit her differently that day, etc. I agree with you that something else was going on with her.

Sorry to get OT - but years and years ago, we went to local watering hole, and I had 2 small glasses of white wine over dinner. When we left, I felt like I had 10. I felt soooo drunk. When we got home (hubby was driving) he had to help me into the house, and I got so sick. The next day I was convinced I was slipped a mickey (sp). Or, was it a really bad reaction from my body - I'll never know. It hasn't happened since, and still baffles me. If I was driving, Lord know what could have happened :(

If I swilled 10 shots of vodka in an hour, I'd probably be in a comatose state. I did Tequila once in my college days, and have never had it since. I just don't see how someone can function with that much alcohol in their system, let alone drive a car.

Sorry to get OT - but years and years ago, we went to local watering hole, and I had 2 small glasses of white wine over dinner. When we left, I felt like I had 10. I felt soooo drunk. When we got home (hubby was driving) he had to help me into the house, and I got so sick. The next day I was convinced I was slipped a mickey (sp). Or, was it a really bad reaction from my body - I'll never know. It hasn't happened since, and still baffles me. If I was driving, Lord know what could have happened :(

If I swilled 10 shots of vodka in an hour, I'd probably be in a comatose state. I did Tequila once in my college days, and have never had it since. I just don't see how someone can function with that much alcohol in their system, let alone drive a car.


Something similar happened to me, I was around 20 years old and went to a bar with some friends. I had 2 glasses of wine over the course of about 3 hours and I did not even remember getting home. My friends dropped me off and the next thing I remember was my DH (then my bf) coming home and I was in the bathroom praying to the porcelain god.
The cravings *can* be overcome, at least for those people with the will power to do it. Some people get cravings worse than others, and some people have fewer reasons or less willpower or some other factor... overwhelming stress, maybe...but if they *want* to, deep inside, they can change. It doesn't work to *want* to not have diabetes, you can't willpower away heart disease, you have to get at the root of the problem and cure it there.

As for addictions being a disease, comparing drinking to having a heart attack on the road is apples to pumpkins.

And I won't stop saying that if you love your family enough, if you care about other people enough, and if you work at it every minute of every day, you don't *have* to drink. You only have to care more about others than you do about yourself.

/down from the soapbox

Hi, Joanie - I understand your point, but what about the overweight person with diabetes and heart disease who refuses to change their diet? Love those Krispy Kremes tooooooo muuuuuuch?? They are *wanting* that *craving*. They can also die by their own hand, no matter how many pills the doctor pours down them. They must change their diet and the way they think about food. That is also addiction in my mind. And they could easily have a heart attack or diabetic shock behind the wheel, Big Mac in hand. I don't see the difference. It's not about loving other people more than yourself, it about loving (and not hating) yourself enough to not want to do those things......MOO...:blowkiss:
Something similar happened to me, I was around 20 years old and went to a bar with some friends. I had 2 glasses of wine over the course of about 3 hours and I did not even remember getting home. My friends dropped me off and the next thing I remember was my DH (then my bf) coming home and I was in the bathroom praying to the porcelain god.

In my experience, most drinkers/users have a story like this. It's not uncommon!
Something similar happened to me, I was around 20 years old and went to a bar with some friends. I had 2 glasses of wine over the course of about 3 hours and I did not even remember getting home. My friends dropped me off and the next thing I remember was my DH (then my bf) coming home and I was in the bathroom praying to the porcelain god.

She didn't stop at a bar did she? I can't imagine - but if you're desperate. That could splain a lot.

Sorry for what you went thru - it's a horrible feeling, and has always made me leery of bars since then :(

Hi, Joanie - I understand your point, but what about the overweight person with diabetes and heart disease who refuses to change their diet? Love those Krispy Kremes tooooooo muuuuuuch?? They are *wanting* that *craving*. They can also die by their own hand, no matter how many pills the doctor pours down them. They must change their diet and the way they think about food. That is also addiction in my mind. And they could easily have a heart attack or diabetic shock behind the wheel, Big Mac in hand. I don't see the difference. It's not about loving other people more than yourself, it about loving (and not hating) yourself enough to not want to do those things......MOO...:blowkiss:
I do understand that willpower, by one's self, may not be enough for most people, and we all have different experiences... but whatever we call the demon that rides the alcoholic, it certainly took the lives of these people in a terrible way.
I think that she was drinking and maybe even smoking pot before she left on that car ride...she was good at hiding it (as functioning drunks are), if her hubby knew, he sure isn't going to admit it now. She splashed some vodka into her McDonalds drink-- OJ or soda, matters not) and maybe when the headache got bad (a hangover from days of drinking and pot? Or an unresolved toothache?) and she couldn't get meds, she maybe smoked some more and tipped a little more vodka into her cup. What if she did stop again and managed to get pain medication? What if she found some meds in her purse or something? The interaction of, say, a night and morning's worth of vodka, pot, AND one strong pain med, could it have been a perfect storm of mind addling chemicals? Maybe she had one little strong pill in the linty corner of her purse. I remember one time (to inject a small amount of humor, perhaps inappropriately but with good intentions) I had hurt my back, but had to go to a convention. So my roommate offered me a little pill. She had lived with back pain for decades... I hardly take Tylenol. I took the little pill, and about an hour later I had the distinct feeling that my rear end was falling off. It was numb. I kept sort of sneaking a pinch of myself and couldn't feel a thing. Like it wasn't there. Didn't know what to do, in the middle of this serious and costly convention. Luckily, the feeling faded after a few hours, but strong chemicals can interact with pot and alcohol badly, and who knows what she may have swallowed?

She sounded either aggressive/angry, or in a hurry/panic, when she was tailgating earlier in the trip. Neither one of those sounds like someone smoking dope. Panic attack? Heart pounding, sweating, unable to control the fear? Or was she angry about the phone call that they are not releasing?

We don't know enough yet.
Does anyone forsee that any more facts will come out soon? or is it likely nothing will come out until the possible civil trails?

Just wondering..............................
Does anyone forsee that any more facts will come out soon? or is it likely nothing will come out until the possible civil trails?

Just wondering..............................

I guess you never really know, Wonder. The Husband did make some noise about an independent autopsy, but I just don't see that happening. And it seems like the police have released everything pertinent - I can't think of any big timeline holes or unanswered questions (other than the "what was she thinking?" questions that we'll never have answers too).

Also, I will be dumfounded if these civil cases go to trial. I think they will be settled long before then.
Taconic Crash: Schuler’s Brother-In-Law Furious

While the families of those killed in the July 26 Taconic Parkway crash planned to meet to exchange condolences, noticeably absent will be Daniel Schuler, whose wife Diane was driving drunk and impaired by marijuana when she got on the Taconic Parkway going in the wrong direction, killing her, her daughter, three nieces and three men in another vehicle.
Warren Hance, Diane Schuler’s brother, lost his three daughters in the crash and says he is angry that his brother-in-law has denied Diane was drinking and smoking pot before the crash. The New York Post reports that Hance “wants nothing to do with Daniel Schuler.”

The family of Michael and Guy Bastardi, two of the men in the vehicle that Schuler hit head on, will meet with the Hance family to console each other in the wake of the unthinkable crash.


Nothing was mentioned regarding Daniel Longo's family. Daniel Longo was also killed by drunk driver, DS.

I'm sorry to bump an older post but this spoke to my heart. I think her own brother accepts the fact she was drinking and smoking pot and it was her actions that caused the accident that killed so many. My continued prayers for the families that have suffered.


Diane Schuler's family:

Autopsy shows she wasn't alcoholic - though drunk, high during Taconic crash


"It shows that Diane's liver and pancreas have no signs of alcoholic disease."

He said the autopsy found no erosion of her esophagus - another sign of long-term alcoholism

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_...nt_alcoholic__though_she_w.html#ixzz0PbrjC3MI

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_...nt_alcoholic__though_she_w.html#ixzz0PbrBOnRf
I don't know about that.... If so, it would be one darkly creative method of committing murder/suicide. Do you envision that she would've gotten drunk and then on purpose driven the wrong way, to kill all those children, herself, and a few random other victims? Weird plan.
It mentions the hair in that article and this is something I have always wondered about. I think the hair shows what has gone on over time and that could have been very valuable.
I think she was mad about something and the vodka and pot were available. I also believe she strived to hide the drinking and pot from others; however, I don’t think she hid it all of the time from Daniel S.


Is there a safe level of drinking?
For most people, moderate drinking will not lead to alcohol-induced liver disease. Moderate drinking means no more than one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men. (A standard drink is one 12-ounce beer, one 5-ounce glass of wine or one 1.5-ounce shot of distilled spirits.) However, for people with chronic liver disease, especially alcohol-induced liver disease, even small amounts of alcohol can make the liver disease worse. Patients with alcohol-induced liver disease and those with cirrhosis from any cause should stop using alcohol completely.
I too was disappointed to read about the hair sample.

The Bastardis - who plan to sue Schuler - have their own problem with the autopsy: It didn't include a hair sample that could show past narcotic use.
"Diane Schuler could have a cocaine addict or on any number of drugs but we may never know because this test wasn't administered," Anolik said.


Diane Schuler's family:

Autopsy shows she wasn't alcoholic - though drunk, high during Taconic crash


"It shows that Diane's liver and pancreas have no signs of alcoholic disease."

He said the autopsy found no erosion of her esophagus - another sign of long-term alcoholism

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_...nt_alcoholic__though_she_w.html#ixzz0PbrjC3MI

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_...nt_alcoholic__though_she_w.html#ixzz0PbrBOnRf

I'm calling BS. The coroner did not say DS wasn't an alcoholic, the investigator hired by the lawyer is saying that.

I won't get into details which I am not at liberty to reveal, but I will say that I have firsthand knowledge of someone who drank and smoked heavily from his early teens until his 50th birthday, when he went to rehab. There he underwent a complete and thorough physical. Much to everyone's surprise, they found NO DAMAGE to his liver, kidneys, lungs, or any other organs. (He suffered a tremendous amount of guilt for being so healthy while a friend who lived a clean life died quickly of lung cancer caused by asbestos.)

He quit drinking and smoking, took up exercise, and has a clean bill of health 20 years later.

No sign of cirrhosis does NOT prove that DS wasn't an alcoholic, and I'll bet there are plenty of doctors with stories like the one I know who can testify to that.
I'm calling BS. The coroner did not say DS wasn't an alcoholic, the investigator hired by the lawyer is saying that.

I won't get into details which I am not at liberty to reveal, but I will say that I have firsthand knowledge of someone who drank and smoked heavily from his early teens until his 50th birthday, when he went to rehab. There he underwent a complete and thorough physical. Much to everyone's surprise, they found NO DAMAGE to his liver, kidneys, lungs, or any other organs. (He suffered a tremendous amount of guilt for being so healthy while a friend who lived a clean life died quickly of lung cancer caused by asbestos.)

He quit drinking and smoking, took up exercise, and has a clean bill of health 20 years later.

No sign of cirrhosis does NOT prove that DS wasn't an alcoholic, and I'll bet there are plenty of doctors with stories like the one I know who can testify to that.

I agree angelmom,

Only posted the article because I live in the NYC/NJ area and it had been awhile since any new info was posted.

My first thoughts about the family saying that there was no indication of liver disease, pancreas or other signs of chronic alcohol use was that Diane was a young woman and it could take years for damage to liver/pancreas/esphogas (spell), would have taken effect.

The reason why this happened is most likely only known by Diane. I struggle with the thought that she disregarded her own children, let alone her beautiful nieces, and anyone else in her path on that highway. We don't know what she was going through or if she planned this death drive in advance, but there is no excuse for what she did. You simply do not get in a car with that many children and load up with vodka along the ride. Was it a selfish act or was it an addiction that she hid very well from her family?

We may never know, the answer lies within Diane and her reasons for drinking and joint smoking on that fateful day. It was a choice she made that morning to drive under the influence of alcohol and marijuana. The outcome is that many died as a result. I didn't want to even post the article, but thought that it was informative as to how much the family of Diane is trying to protect her reputation. And I wonder why that is so important to them. The loss of so many lives, including their own loved ones, you would think they would be thinking more of the other victims who lost their lives by this tragedy, and not the person that caused this to happen.
I'm calling BS. The coroner did not say DS wasn't an alcoholic, the investigator hired by the lawyer is saying that.

I won't get into details which I am not at liberty to reveal, but I will say that I have firsthand knowledge of someone who drank and smoked heavily from his early teens until his 50th birthday, when he went to rehab. There he underwent a complete and thorough physical. Much to everyone's surprise, they found NO DAMAGE to his liver, kidneys, lungs, or any other organs. (He suffered a tremendous amount of guilt for being so healthy while a friend who lived a clean life died quickly of lung cancer caused by asbestos.)

He quit drinking and smoking, took up exercise, and has a clean bill of health 20 years later.

No sign of cirrhosis does NOT prove that DS wasn't an alcoholic, and I'll bet there are plenty of doctors with stories like the one I know who can testify to that.

I agree and we actually discussed this at some point earlier in these threads. I know plenty of stories very similar to the one you told. You can't look at someone's internal organs and state that they weren't an alcoholic - that's just nonsense.
I only said that because if she were indeed not a regular drinker, and she was seen driving angrily, it would seem that the drinking/angry driving were intentional, not the habitual actions of a seasoned drinker. The angry driving, weaving, honking, on the road just before she got on the Taconic, is what stands out for me.
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