8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

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We will never know what was in Diane's mind and heart that day. Never. IMO, it's pointless to try to determine it.

And Danny doesn't know, either. IMO.

Dear Fairy1, I think you know exactly what was in Diane's mind and heart that day..Diane was trying with all her heart and mind to get those kids back home as I am sure if you were in her place you would have been doing the same.
Dear Nova, It does not "jive"..which is my point.
I believe Diane injured herself during one or more of her attemps to purge the poison from her system.
To speculate about Diane's behavior and for those who portray her as irresponsible, etc.,
after a certain point in her travels that day is itself irresponsible.

That doesn't answer my question, foilsman. Perhaps I wasn't clear.

My question was how did she keep an illegal amount of alcohol in her stomach if she had food poisoning? My experience with food poisoning is that anything I ate or drank came right back up. I can only imagine what would have happened if I tried to drink alcohol.

As for irresponsibility, the woman killed all but one of the most important eyewitnesses and left the other with no memory of the events. What are we left with but inference drawn from circumstantial evidence (which isn't quite the same as sheer "speculation")?

Also, if Diane had food poisoning, why didn't her husband know and say so?
Dear Fairy1, I think you know exactly what was in Diane's mind and heart that day..Diane was trying with all her heart and mind to get those kids back home as I am sure if you were in her place you would have been doing the same.

No, I do not. And I don't believe anyone else knows, either. Perhaps her brother. But if that's the case, my guess is, we will never know.

I will not cut Diane any breaks in this, regardless of any issues she may have had. And I do believe the responsibility of what happened is 100% on her.

Since she's dead, I don't understand the need to belabor the issue or to make someone else pay for her actions. I really just don't understand. She paid the ultimate price for her decisions that day. IMO, whatever lead to the accident is a moot point.
Diane died and killed innocent people because she was drunk. That's it.
I'm not challenging your opinion; I'm just asking for clarification.

How does food poisoning jive with the alcohol in her system and stomach? The last time I had food poisoning, I couldn't have kept alcohol down for days afterward.

Isn't that the truth. And when I've had a bad stomach, I've always had to have a toilet close by. I just don't see getting around her BAC levels.

MOO - thanks.

That doesn't answer my question, foilsman. Perhaps I wasn't clear.

My question was how did she keep an illegal amount of alcohol in her stomach if she had food poisoning? My experience with food poisoning is that anything I ate or drank came right back up. I can only imagine what would have happened if I tried to drink alcohol.

As for irresponsibility, the woman killed all but one of the most important eyewitnesses and left the other with no memory of the events. What are we left with but inference drawn from circumstantial evidence (which isn't quite the same as sheer "speculation")?

Also, if Diane had food poisoning, why didn't her husband know and say so?

Dear Nova, You are on the right track by answering your own question..you can't keep it down.
You are also right about the "circumstantial evidence". This is the blinding infuence that has enveloped this thread. Almost without a wimper the toxicology and autopsy reports have trumped all reason and sanity here..
and no I do not accept them as true because I was not there when fluid samples were taken from Diane then follow them to their lab and witness their processing and I doubt anyone who has trashed Diane and kicked Danial around here was either. I have have delt with top county employees before, once, many years ago, nothing confrontational, but it taught me that if a situation needed to be resolved stat a simple form could be produced with the decimal points in the right place and fluid samples could just as easly be munipulated for outside testing...why? because reporters were camping out in the hallways at the court house and Danial was lawyering up. This was national news and every out of work lawyer was about to decend on this court house and potentionaly expose politicians and others who were buying and selling real estate, etc., so I believe the whoever govenor's assistant made a phone call.

How would Danial know about Diane's plite unless he was there when it started to take effect or she called him?..and or why would he keep such knowledge, if he had it, to himself? I think Diane put it on her shoulders and the weight was too much because of her being handicapped by the injuries she sustained to her head.
No, I do not. And I don't believe anyone else knows, either. Perhaps her brother. But if that's the case, my guess is, we will never know.

I will not cut Diane any breaks in this, regardless of any issues she may have had. And I do believe the responsibility of what happened is 100% on her.

Since she's dead, I don't understand the need to belabor the issue or to make someone else pay for her actions. I really just don't understand. She paid the ultimate price for her decisions that day. IMO, whatever lead to the accident is a moot point.

Dear Fairy1, How can you not put yourself in Diane's shoes that day and not feel
her agany and fear
Diane died and killed innocent people because she was drunk. That's it.

Dear SuzieQ, I am going to disagree with you when you make a statement
like this without backing it up with some personal inside information.
Hi I've never commented on this thread, because I've had nothing to add. I lived and worked in that area, I knew some of men and women who responded to this incident, and I knew mr. Bastardi from Bridge Auto Parts, in Elmsford.
If I were the husband, I would have a problem accepting the cororner's report, too. I would grasp at any straw I could, to clear my wife's name.
I hope he can find peace eventualy.
Hi I've never commented on this thread, because I've had nothing to add. I lived and worked in that area, I knew some of men and women who responded to this incident, and I knew mr. Bastardi from Bridge Auto Parts, in Elmsford.
If I were the husband, I would have a problem accepting the cororner's report, too. I would grasp at any straw I could, to clear my wife's name.
I hope he can find peace eventualy.

Hey PHB, I also have been waiting for some poitive resolution..I am sobbing
it is difficult to respond..cudos to the responders..and regret the loss of Mr. Bastardi.
I want to say what a beautuful sentiment you paid to Danial.
Dear Nova, You are on the right track by answering your own question..you can't keep it down.
You are also right about the "circumstantial evidence". This is the blinding infuence that has enveloped this thread. Almost without a wimper the toxicology and autopsy reports have trumped all reason and sanity here..
and no I do not accept them as true because I was not there when fluid samples were taken from Diane then follow them to their lab and witness their processing and I doubt anyone who has trashed Diane and kicked Danial around here was either. I have have delt with top county employees before, once, many years ago, nothing confrontational, but it taught me that if a situation needed to be resolved stat a simple form could be produced with the decimal points in the right place and fluid samples could just as easly be munipulated for outside testing...why? because reporters were camping out in the hallways at the court house and Danial was lawyering up. This was national news and every out of work lawyer was about to decend on this court house and potentionaly expose politicians and others who were buying and selling real estate, etc., so I believe the whoever govenor's assistant made a phone call.

How would Danial know about Diane's plite unless he was there when it started to take effect or she called him?..and or why would he keep such knowledge, if he had it, to himself? I think Diane put it on her shoulders and the weight was too much because of her being handicapped by the injuries she sustained to her head.
You were clear Nova I was cryptic and did not take into account your numerious pokers in the fire.
Thats it I will no longer cut you or anyone else who post here any slack who
do not conduct themselves in a civil maner concerning Diane or Danial.


what injuries to her head?
Dear Arielilane, Your many post have been ,to me, hearfelt although when you say "She
started drinking and smoking early... indicates you were present at the time of these
What indications are you refering to "it appears she had plenty of time to stop what she was doing....
You seem to have some inside knowledge as to Diane's intensions that day. as do many who have posted here in the last three years

Good morning, foilsman,

I was not clear in my post; I was referring to what I have read when I allege she started drinking and smoking that morning/afternoon. The toxicology report backs this information as well.
http://www.autopsyfiles.org/reports/Other/schuler, diane_report.pdf
I recall there was a bar where Diane was a regular customer. Is that correct?
The evidence proves what Diane S did that day, it&#8217;s the why that some people contemplate here.

Would we still contemplate this horrific situation today if Daniel had simply said; I love my wife and family. I don&#8217;t understand what happened here, but I knew Diane to be a good wife and mother. I am sorry to everyone so gravely affected by this and I mourn as deeply as they do.

Most reasonable people I would say would have nothing but compassion for all those affected by Diane&#8217;s action that day. What caused me to question things were the actions of certain family members who continuously denied the truth and to further that, IMO told mistruths about what they knew of Diane and made excuses for her actions (no need to rehash this, simply read this thread). I can&#8217;t accept this from them &#8211; and I am disgusted that they did this in a public forum at a most vulnerable time for Diane&#8217;s victim&#8217;s families.

I holey believe that judgment is not about destruction, it&#8217;s about setting things right. Diane&#8217;s victims deserve the truth, every victim deserve the truth. What right does Daniel have to reinvent the truth about Diane so that it suits his needs? If he said this to himself, to help himself through this unimaginable pain, that's one thing - but to publically state these mistruths, in the face of all that has been proven - was wrong, and remains deeply disrespecful to Diane's victims and their families.
Schuler, a manager in Cablevision's accounting department, would suck down screwdrivers at a Long Island saloon, where she was a regular the past few years and usually came by herself, her pal said, adding:

"I wouldn't say she was an alcoholic, but she liked her drinks.

"She liked her vodka."

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/regional/item_Mr6vxWRqeoQ7jj0oHM4T5L#ixzz22gQ0gYa0

bondobbs, My recoletion of this piece of trash is that it was debunked about a year ago.
Dear SuzieQ, I am going to disagree with you when you make a statement
like this without backing it up with some personal inside information.

What personal inside information do I need when widely available public documents back up the BAC? There is no getting around the fact that Diane was drunk off her you know what when she loaded the kids up in her van then proceeded to kill them and the men in the other car. There is no explanation or excuse that will ever dispute what Diane did. She was drunk.
The evidence proves what Diane S did that day, it’s the why that some people contemplate here.

Would we still contemplate this horrific situation today if Daniel had simply said; I love my wife and family. I don’t understand what happened here, but I knew Diane to be a good wife and mother. I am sorry to everyone so gravely affected by this and I mourn as deeply as they do.

Most reasonable people I would say would have nothing but compassion for all those affected by Diane’s action that day. What caused me to question things were the actions of certain family members who continuously denied the truth, and to further that, IMO told mistruths about what they knew of Diane and made excuses for her actions (no need to rehash this, simply read this thread). I can’t accept this from them – and I am disgusted that they did this in a public forum at a most vulnerable time for Diane’s victim’s families.

I holey believe that judgment is not about destruction, it’s about setting things right. Diane’s victims deserve the truth, every victim deserve the truth. What right does Daniel have to reinvent the truth about Diane so that it suits his needs? If he said this to himself, to help himself through this unimaginable pain, that's one thing - but to publically state these mistruths, in the face of all that has been proven - was wrong, and remains deeply disrespecful to Diane's victims and their families.
Dear Zippiy, Fantastic post.
I also aganized over the seemingly lackidaisical attitude that creped in as I was
watching the documtery, and media coverage bits.
I believe Danial was under the influence of his dirtbag lawyer.
This does not dismiss Danial's behavier in that he was probably given a set of rules to follow by his council which he stuck to.
I believe he regrets this and at a time when he needed help from someone
no one was there.
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