8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

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I'm glad to see this up top and so much discussion. I remember when this happened and watched the HBO special when it first aired. I Google it every once in awhile to see if anything happened with the lawsuits. I don't know if I can watch the special again as it was infuriating. but, maybe I will so I have something more to add. [emoji6]
Dave, based on the video which is linked here somewhere, it didn't strike me as all that difficult to make Diane's mistake is one were at all impaired. (And I don't doubt that she was.) The exit curves to the left and at first seems to be merging with the traffic going to the left (IIRC), but then merges with the traffic going to the other way (wrong way to Diane, obviously). After seeing the video, I didn't have trouble imaging a drunk driver making the mistake in question.

In the horrible example you give, you have two groups of victims: the ex and his family (who might well be seen as the cause of the failed marriage) and the killer's children (who were possibly killed so they wouldn't be left as orphans). In addition, there's the cousin, who no doubt had her own reason: a suicide pact, but that's still a ways from killing your nieces and nephews while their parents are alive and capable of raising them. Or so it seems to me.

As for showing photos of the dead, death is my its very nature undignified and I can understand withholding photos out of respect. But when there is a question as manner or method of death, then I think we need to see such pictures. Of course, that's easy for me to say because I'm not particularly bothered by such things.
I'm glad to see this up top and so much discussion. I remember when this happened and watched the HBO special when it first aired. I Google it every once in awhile to see if anything happened with the lawsuits. I don't know if I can watch the special again as it was infuriating. but, maybe I will so I have something more to add. [emoji6]

Jessen, don't be too disappointed if the suits are settled out of court and all parties sign confidentiality agreements. Most civil suits end that way.
If I am repeating I apologize--------if this was suicide Diane added a middle finger to Danny and to Warren and Jackie by killing the children. Maybe she thought that killing herself takes away her paycheck and all the non-paid contributing she did to the house. There is a potentially added benefit of him being held out as a bad husband, bad human being rather than a stance of "Danny is a victim too".
I think Diane and Danny had a blow-up or two that weekend and both hit the bottle hard. She probably wanted him to drive the kids back b/c she was really hung-over and wanted to sleep an hour or two more and he wouldnt do it or could not be trusted to do it.
Just occurred to me----Diane's mother abandoned her----she would not have left Brian and baby Erin with just Danny.
So, you're thinking that's why she wanted to take them with her? Or that she wouldn't have purposefully done it with the possibility that they would be left with Danny?
Today marks the fifth anniversary of this tragedy- my thoughts are with all the affected families. I sincerely hope time has healed to heal some of the pain of each of their losses.
After watching the HBO documentary for the first time, I'm struck by the amount of alcohol consumed and especially the undigested amount at the time of the accident. This indicates someone drinking vodka as though it was water or soda. Coupled with Schuler's apparent complaints that she couldn't see (and some indications that she did not seem to understand why she was having this trouble), I wonder whether she knew she was drinking alcohol. I have no doubt the marihuana smoking was intentional, but the drinking seems inordinately excessive for someone on the road (with or without children in the car). I don't know enough about marihuana use to know if that can distort someone's perception to the point of thinking vodka (with or without any non-alcoholic additive like juice) was water or orange juice or what have you. This is the only part of the story that still gives me pause, and I'm not inclined to write it off as binge drinking or alcoholism (given the amount and the circumstances) or self-medication for tooth or migraine pain or suicide. What am I missing that has at least one foot in the evidence or logic?
After watching the HBO documentary for the first time, I'm struck by the amount of alcohol consumed and especially the undigested amount at the time of the accident. This indicates someone drinking vodka as though it was water or soda. Coupled with Schuler's apparent complaints that she couldn't see (and some indications that she did not seem to understand why she was having this trouble), I wonder whether she knew she was drinking alcohol. I have no doubt the marihuana smoking was intentional, but the drinking seems inordinately excessive for someone on the road (with or without children in the car). I don't know enough about marihuana use to know if that can distort someone's perception to the point of thinking vodka (with or without any non-alcoholic additive like juice) was water or orange juice or what have you. This is the only part of the story that still gives me pause, and I'm not inclined to write it off as binge drinking or alcoholism (given the amount and the circumstances) or self-medication for tooth or migraine pain or suicide. What am I missing that has at least one foot in the evidence or logic?

Idk...vodka is my drink of choice and even I can't stand to drink it straight or without a significant amount of mixer. I don't smoke marijuana but it's hard to imagine it could blunt one's sense of taste to the point that straight vodka would be mistaken for a refreshing, thirst-quenching beverage! Especially if you were a seasoned smoker as it seems Diane was. JMO, though.
Perhaps I am to hasty at assessing what heavy drinkers are capable of. I don't recall any evidence from the documentary that Schuler was a heavy drinker, but her blood alcohol level was .19 at the time of the accident. By comparison, Henri Paul (the driver when Lady Diana was killed) had a blood alcohol level of 1.75 grams per liter, which translates to .228 in the US. He got behind the wheel without much thought, so maybe my puzzlement is not justified.
Perhaps I am to hasty at assessing what heavy drinkers are capable of. I don't recall any evidence from the documentary that Schuler was a heavy drinker, but her blood alcohol level was .19 at the time of the accident. By comparison, Henri Paul (the driver when Lady Diana was killed) had a blood alcohol level of 1.75 grams per liter, which translates to .228 in the US. He got behind the wheel without much thought, so maybe my puzzlement is not justified.

No, it definitely IS puzzling how she could drink such a large amount of apparently undiluted alcohol in such a short time, seasoned drinker or not. I can see why some might speculate that it was accidental, but as someone who has tried to down a too-stiff vodka cocktail on several occasions, I just can't see how it would go down as smoothly as water. I share your puzzlement but my speculation is that it was an intentional act due to some sort of situational anger and frustration. Thanks for resurrecting the discussion, misterjones. It's such a baffling case and always interesting to hear different perspectives!
After watching the HBO documentary for the first time, I'm struck by the amount of alcohol consumed and especially the undigested amount at the time of the accident. This indicates someone drinking vodka as though it was water or soda. Coupled with Schuler's apparent complaints that she couldn't see (and some indications that she did not seem to understand why she was having this trouble), I wonder whether she knew she was drinking alcohol. I have no doubt the marihuana smoking was intentional, but the drinking seems inordinately excessive for someone on the road (with or without children in the car). I don't know enough about marihuana use to know if that can distort someone's perception to the point of thinking vodka (with or without any non-alcoholic additive like juice) was water or orange juice or what have you. This is the only part of the story that still gives me pause, and I'm not inclined to write it off as binge drinking or alcoholism (given the amount and the circumstances) or self-medication for tooth or migraine pain or suicide. What am I missing that has at least one foot in the evidence or logic?

How exactly could it be unintentional? Alcohol has a specific taste, you are not going to confuse it with water. And as I recall, a bottle of vodka was found at the crush scene. I presume she had it in the car and was drinking it while driving. Which is how she could get so drunk in a short period of time.
Idk...vodka is my drink of choice and even I can't stand to drink it straight or without a significant amount of mixer. I don't smoke marijuana but it's hard to imagine it could blunt one's sense of taste to the point that straight vodka would be mistaken for a refreshing, thirst-quenching beverage! Especially if you were a seasoned smoker as it seems Diane was. JMO, though.

Same here. Although I drink vodka when I do drink, I cannot drink it straight. And supposedly she wasn't a big drinker so it would taste even stronger to her if that were the case I would imagine.

I just don't see the possibility that she would not have known she was drinking vodka, or at least alcohol. It's one thing to not realize how much you're ingesting due to other issues (i.e. the marijuana) but a completely different thing to confuse vodka with water. Cannot fathom that could be the issue, under any circumstances. MOO.
Same here. Although I drink vodka when I do drink, I cannot drink it straight. And supposedly she wasn't a big drinker so it would taste even stronger to her if that were the case I would imagine.

I just don't see the possibility that she would not have known she was drinking vodka, or at least alcohol. It's one thing to not realize how much you're ingesting due to other issues (i.e. the marijuana) but a completely different thing to confuse vodka with water. Cannot fathom that could be the issue, under any circumstances. MOO.

Yes, "supposedly she wasn't a big drinker." Since her husband worked nights, it's very conceivable that she was in fact a heavy drinker, but he just didn't know about it. She wouldn't have been the first heavy drinker to conceal it from friends and loved ones.

Also, I believe she purchased a large OJ at McDonald's. That's a common mixer with vodka and significantly reduces its "yuck" factor.
Perhaps I am to hasty at assessing what heavy drinkers are capable of. I don't recall any evidence from the documentary that Schuler was a heavy drinker, but her blood alcohol level was .19 at the time of the accident. By comparison, Henri Paul (the driver when Lady Diana was killed) had a blood alcohol level of 1.75 grams per liter, which translates to .228 in the US. He got behind the wheel without much thought, so maybe my puzzlement is not justified.

M. Paul notwithstanding, .19 is pretty high for American drivers. Most states have cracked down on anybody who registers .08 or higher.

As for affecting vision, .19 would certainly do it for me. But judgment is also impaired, so I don't have a problem believing Diane had trouble seeing, but thought she could "push" through the impairment.
Yes, "supposedly she wasn't a big drinker." Since her husband worked nights, it's very conceivable that she was in fact a heavy drinker, but he just didn't know about it. She wouldn't have been the first heavy drinker to conceal it from friends and loved ones.

Also, I believe she purchased a large OJ at McDonald's. That's a common mixer with vodka and significantly reduces its "yuck" factor.

I for one don't believe she "wasn't a regular drinker"--not with that alcohol level at midday.
I just don't see the possibility that she would not have known she was drinking vodka, or at least alcohol. It's one thing to not realize how much you're ingesting due to other issues (i.e. the marijuana) but a completely different thing to confuse vodka with water. Cannot fathom that could be the issue, under any circumstances. MOO.

I would think so, as well. But I just don't know the extent that marihuana (of whatever "quality") can create delusions that would affect taste or, as you note, knowledge of amount ingested.
I would think so, as well. But I just don't know the extent that marihuana (of whatever "quality") can create delusions that would affect taste or, as you note, knowledge of amount ingested.

It's not just the taste... vodka and similar spirits produce a warm (if not burning) sensation all the way down the throat and into the stomach. It is physically difficult to "chug" more than one shot at a time. I think it would take something a lot stronger than pot to completely eliminate that sensation. I had sinus surgery recently where they gave me a cocktail of both sedatives and numbing agents, but I could still tell that the stuff they were spraying down my throat burned and tasted horrible. But I don't know, maybe she was smoking some reeeeaaallly good weed!
I for one don't believe she "wasn't a regular drinker"--not with that alcohol level at midday.

I agree Nova. I have a friend who is a very high-functioning drinker. She is one that has a dozen projects going at once and alcohol energizes her and, she claims, helps her to focus better. I on the other hand am a light-weight and drink very rarely because it puts me to sleep... My point is that I think it's especially difficult for high-functioning drinkers to accept that they have a drinking problem because, until that one time when something catastrophic happens (as in this case), they don't experience many of the typical negative consequences that often go along with abusing alcohol (e.g., job loss, poor decisions, lost relationships...) JMO ~
Perhaps I am to hasty at assessing what heavy drinkers are capable of. I don't recall any evidence from the documentary that Schuler was a heavy drinker, but her blood alcohol level was .19 at the time of the accident. By comparison, Henri Paul (the driver when Lady Diana was killed) had a blood alcohol level of 1.75 grams per liter, which translates to .228 in the US. He got behind the wheel without much thought, so maybe my puzzlement is not justified.

For me, I does not matter if she was or wasn't a heavy drinker, or what she did in the past. All that matters to me are the actions of DS on that day during these hours. IMO - DS chose to drink a massive amount of alcohol and smoke pot, knowing she was responsible for 5 children (her own family) while driving that van.

Its been reported that DS left the campground around 9:30am and, with about a 2 1/2 hour drive, they all should have been home around 12pm. DS never drove home, rather she chose to drive around and around until she caused this fatal accident around 1:30pm. Her accident site is about 1 1/2 hours from her home - so she was nowhere near home after about 4 hours of driving.

I suggest that alcohol levels found in her system and stomach don't reflect the actual amount she consumed that morning. Several witnesses reported that they saw DS vomiting twice, once at the rest stop and another on the side of the road. If this is true, then DS stopped to vomit 2 times - and then continued to drink more alcohol.

IMO - DS took very deliberate actions that day, and we know the outcome of her actions. Why she chose to do this is the mystery - but she had a reason to do it, and it could be that this reason only made sense to her. What could anyone say now for a reason that would explain all of this? That she was mad at her husband, she did not want to get caught being drunk? Some deep seeded resentment at her mother? No reason could explain away the horror and pain DS has caused. I just know she did it.

In the news now, there is a father who is alleged to have killed his five young children - "Jones, 32, would lead investigators to his children’s bodies, wrapped in five trash bags on an isolated Alabama hilltop, but it’s still not clear — and may never be — why he killed his children, authorities said."

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