8 Mitigating Factors Proffered by Def Team

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Great thread!!

Can someone please explain how/why the DT is trying to use her age (27) as a mitigating factor? I don't see what they're trying to do with this one.

Nurmi has been so obsessed with the little school girl stuff in regards to Jodi that he now thinks that 27-year-old women qualify as little girls?
Here is a list of mitigators available for Jodi's DT to look into for this stage, there are a few that might have been used, but haven't been .. her personality disorder could have come into play, and since the state has already agreed it could be compelling to a jury, although in the end since the argument on impairment is whether the defendant knew right from wrong, I think it would have been dismissed, would have been more interesting in court than her art show however.

REMORSE / GRIEF If she had shown genuine grief it would have been a mitigator .. is that why she sent out this tweet after Nurmi visited her at the jail?

Jodi Arias ‏‪@jodiann_arias‬
Snc U been gone Everythins goin wrongWhy'dyou have to say goodbye Look what you've done to meI can't stop these tears fromfallinfrom my eyes

TY for the well thought out post.

I've included the remorse part above, as it has not been proven that this twitter account in under the direction of JA. FWIW, the tweets on this account are very different from the account that has been claimed as hers, @jodiannarias.
Great thread!!

Can someone please explain how/why the DT is trying to use her age (27) as a mitigating factor? I don't see what they're trying to do with this one.

Yes, it doesn't make sense to me either. She wasn't a minor/juvenile, nor was she elderly. She was an adult & at an age where she understood there would be consequences to her actions. I think it is just a factor thrown in by the DT because in some other cases, age can be considered as a mitigating factor. CKja could have insisted that her DT use age as mitigating a factor because to her, 27 is a young age for the DP. I could see where in HER mind, her age is a mitigating factor, even though no one else sees it this way.

IMO, I actually think this could possibly backfire. At 27, she was an adult capable of making choices. She chose to throw her life away when she took it upon herself to savagely end another's life. Travis was 30 when she murdered him.
well, we'll never know now if Jodi could have been helped. maybe it would not have done any good but I don't think her parents even tried. When the mom was being interview by Det. Flores she told how some of Jodi's "friends" called her late at night saying Jodi needs help. IF the mother had taken her for help she would have said "and we took her to see a therapist or_______" and the mom never said that.

Wasn't this call made when Jodi lived in Mesa? They were able to get Jodi to move home at some point before the murder but she was 26/27 and as we can see no one tells her what to do. The DT can't get her to do what they say to try and save her life, I don't think her mom could have gotten her to a therapist. I'm not saying she tried but I don't think it would have mattered. If I am remembering the call/timeframe correctly that is when her parents got her to come home. JA doesn't think there is anything wrong with her so I don't see her listening to her parents or anyone.

IMO, I actually think this could possibly backfire. At 27, she was an adult capable of making choices. She chose to throw her life away when she took it upon herself to savagely end another's life. Travis was 30 when she murdered him.

I agree. JA's whole plan has consistently backfired on her but she'll never learn and will be waiting for that call, believing she's getting a pardon while the needle is going in her arm.
Wasn't this call made when Jodi lived in Mesa? They were able to get Jodi to move home at some point before the murder but she was 26/27 and as we can see no one tells her what to do. The DT can't get her to do what they say to try and save her life, I don't think her mom could have gotten her to a therapist. I'm not saying she tried but I don't think it would have mattered. If I am remembering the call/timeframe correctly that is when her parents got her to come home. JA doesn't think there is anything wrong with her so I don't see her listening to her parents or anyone.

It wasn't clear to me from watching the interview with the mom when that call or calls came to the mother. I agree that when Jodi was 27, the mom probably could not have gotten her to a therapist. But there were signs Jodi was not "right" when she was a teen and running away, dropping out etc. Maybe there was no helping her even way back then but I don't think the mother ever even tried. So we will never know.
It will be interesting to hear how these mitigating factors are presented. I feel especially sorry for her grandparents.....only because they opened their home up to her and being up in years and living in a small town all of the repugnant sordid details must be humiliating to them. I would venture to say that every 27 year old girl has been hurt by a boyfriend. Many 27 year old girls have had nasty comments made to them by a boyfriend but they cry and work it through and move on with their lives! I would also say that many or most 27 year old girls don't have the comfort of their grandparents home to turn to when they don't have a pot to plant flowers in.
Great thread!!

Can someone please explain how/why the DT is trying to use her age (27) as a mitigating factor? I don't see what they're trying to do with this one.

Hi nyvictoria, it's all they got!! :floorlaugh: Nurmi talked with her yesterday, 5.00 says he got no where! She will speak I'm sure of it. She acts like she can turn the PROVEN vote!! she will not accept the fact the fat lady (me) has sung.There is no changing her mind. I feel sorry for the DT. they didnt want the case in the first place but had to. Geez Looize there is no way to handle her except a swift clop to her chops and they cant do that!:nono::laughcry:

I went back and watched that again.
"Changed person"?
Yes, she thought she hit the jackpot w.Travis.

Thanks for the link and pointing that out.
I picked this quoted post in the Insiders/?Courtroom Observers Thread to bring over here for further discussion (since I'm not thre in ct).

Who Phoned JA's Mom to Tell Her to Get Help for JA?
Originally Posted by GetSmart
I posted this in the side bar thread ... But I think I will get an answer here easier It is just bugging me so much !!

JAM: JA has mental problems. JA would freak out all the time. I had quite a few of her friends call me and tell me that I needed to get her some help. In fact had one call me in the middle of the night and tell me that she needed some help. JA would call me. We don't have a good relationship me and JA. She would call me in the morning all happy and call me an hour or two later in tears crying or sobbing about something she didn't want to talk about and that happened constantly. She was a totally different person. And her friends saw it too. I had one friend even call me in the middle of the night. He even called a hotline for bipolar people and said that JA is bipolar and she needs help that's why we talked her into coming back up here so we could get her some help and she could be around family

I have thought about this statement from her mom since I first heard it. I want to know who THESE FRIENDS ARE !! Do you think Travis was one of them????? It would make sense that she would not say his name after all Her daughter has been arrested for his murder !!

he also said Quite a few ..I did not think she had that many friends..Was DB one of them ...

I just wish we knew who these "FRIENDS" were !!


Yes. Who???
When Mama Arias said this in July 2008 to Det. Flores in the vid (linked in post 1 of the 8 mitigating Factors Thread, sorry can't retreive it right now), I wondered ---
--when did people call her?
Was it when Jodi lived in...
... Oregon (Ashland or Crater Lake area)?
... Monterey or Big Sur CA area?
... Palm Desert, CA area w. Darrell & in house they bought together?
... Mesa, AZ ~ __ , 200_ to April 2008 (help me pls w. dates)

--who called Mama Arias? the boyfriends themselves?

Her parents said JA was so secretive.
On same vid link referenced above,
Papa Arias said he never saw a pix of Travis, until after Jodi told him he was dead.
Papa also said she was going to marry Travis.
Did she say this as part of her grieving friend, 'official couple' or fiancee act?

That said, I wonder how these callers even located Mama Arias to call her.
Was JA forthcoming w her friends or boyfriends about her Family of Origin (thx for the phrase Alyce LaV),
and where they lived, etc.?
Did the friends or boyfriends sleuth JA's belongings or online?
Perhaps check her cell phone directory?

At some point Travis would know her family was in Yreka, because in spring 2008
ostensibly he planned to visit her in Yreka (in May?).

GetSmart, excellent post.

I think Travis could have been one of those friends who called Mama Arias.
Or possibly other boyfriends.

Anybody else have ideas?
That call came from someone in Mesa because of this line: ..

call me in the middle of the night. He even called a hotline for bipolar people and said that JA is bipolar and she needs help that's why we talked her into coming back up here so we could get her some help and she could be around family

I wonder if it was Travis too, or the girl and guy Jodi was living with in Mesa, you know the ones that got 'married' over the weekend, so she had to move out (LOL).

The fact that nobody has come forward and claimed ownership makes me think it WAS Travis, he had their number as he threatened to call them in the last text exchange, and he certainly had cause.

Yes, employment history can be a mit/factor.

IIRC, Dr DeMarte testified that JA told her, she had had at least 10 restaurant jobs, 3 non-restaurant jobs (spa-receptionist, something, and caregiver :scared: to child).

If we start the employment clock at age 16 to time of murder, then counting ~10-11 years. Admittedly, some jobs probably 'overlapped.' Average was one job per yr?
No promotions I've heard of.
IIRC JA moved to a new city at least two times, without securing a job or housing first, so maybe gaps in employment.
We heard mutliple times, she left in mid-shift to go confront girls about horning in on JA's 'official' boyfriends.
I doubt JA was nominated for employee of the year.
(Not knocking waitress/service work, just hers.)

Guessing that few would call JA's employment a mitigating factor.
Well...:truce:About the only thing I can give JA is that she worked more than Casey Anthony. Casey only worked about 6 months total her whole life.
The only reason she had no criminal history is because she was never reported for trespassing.
This is worse than pathetic!
I agree with JA. There is nothing.

No reason for her to speak either. The jury will not believe anything she says now.

I agree. I also got to thinking about the issue of buying a house with DB. How did she qualify for a loan for even half of the responsibility? She can't have made that much as a waitress, at least not consistently. She moved from one job to another over and over and over, yet she had the means to buy a house AND buy a nice car? She MUST have lied in her application(s) to qualify. I could be wrong, of course, but this is JA we're talking about.

Wouldn't applying for a loan under false pretenses be considered criminal? Of course, there is no criminal RECORD, but this is a RECORD is JM decide to comb through it. Since a lot of people lie/fudge details for things like that, though, he might not think it's worth it to pursue. The housing market is a pretty touchy subject these days.

OTOH, KN DID bring it up to show how responsible she was. She was so responsible that she repeatedly dropped everything to take off on long trips with Travis, even when he questioned here about her ability to afford to do so. It ticked her off, because she was a free spirit and fun and spontaneous (contemporaneously).
Nothing eats away at her. She loves that she killed Travis. She loves that she hurt his family and got to hear how so.

She is enjoying every second of this. I truly believe that.

I was thinking about that and how she is still so defiant (throat-slitting gesture, for instance). She still blames everyone else (evident in her interview). Then she had to sit through listening to his family talk about how devastated they are.

What can she POSSIBLY say on the stand. What if she gets up there and just gives a big FU to everyone, including (maybe ESPECIALLY) the jury. Certainly mean old Juan would bear the brunt of it. She may just get up there and let loose about how it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of her: she got Travis, and she got him GOOD! SHE was the last person he had sex with! SHE was the last person he saw before he died! "Go ahead, put me to death! I SLAUGHTERED Travis and it felt GREAT! Of COURSE I planned it! I'm THAT focused. He never saw it coming until that first stab to the heart! Little me got the drop on BIG Travis and came out of it victorious! No matter what happens, he's STILL gone, and I managed to outlive him for 5 years so far, so, even if I die tomorrow, *I* STILL WIN; *I* made that happen! You can never take THAT away from me!"

Can they taze her based solely on what she SAYS in court?
Yep she sure did, she also said that TA would go to her funeral even if it was in Antarctica. Very interesting that now she faces death in hot, hot Arizona.

Ha! I went to dinner tonight with my mother. She was telling me about the chef at her retirement community who recently left. If you've ever spent time with people in a retirement community, you know that the rumor mill rivals that of any Jr. High. So she was telling me that there are three stories going around about WHY the chef left. The third story is that he left to open a restaurant in ARIZONA.

Me: Maybe he's going there to fry JA :biggrin:
I'm coming into this late, but is the defence really claiming that age 27 was too young to know better? I wish I'd known that when I was in my late 20s; I could have got away with a lot more than I did.
I don't think the defense team wants the focus only on the fact that she was 27 when she comitted the crime but that they also wanted to highlight how young JA is. They're hoping the jury won't send someone so young to deathrow. I think the jurors know how cruel this crime was. It will come down to them wanting to end JA's life or not. Even though they are death qualified, it will still be hard to make that decision. The DT is hoping some won't be able to go through with it. :twocents:
NOT A FUTURE DANGER She most likely is.

If she were to get LWOP or even LWP (heaven forbid!) and is eventually put into general population or even carefully selected population, it would only be a matter of time before she shanks someone. She IS a future danger to anyone that she perceives as crossing her, outside the pen or INSIDE the pen. She'll find a way -- she's very resourceful when it comes to things like that. She's probably biding her time and making one NOW from pencil shavings, petrified french fries and a dab of dung.

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