9/11 TV Film Sparks Clinton Administration Outrage

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Maral said:
The 1993 parking garage bombing of the World Trade Center was completely ignored by the Clinton Administration? Well, I'm sorry, but the FACTS speak differently. Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. And they WERE caught and punished.

The Clinton administration sent legislation to Congress to TIGHTEN AIRPORT SECURITY. The legislation was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the airlines.
The Clinton administration sent legislation to Congress to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF TERRORIST FUNDING. It was defeated by Republicans in the Senate because of opposition from banking interests.
The Clinton administration sent legislation to Congress to add tagents to explosives, to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF EXPLOSIVES USED BY TERRORISTS. It was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the NRA.

Clinton also BEGGED for greater wiretapping privileges, similar to what Bush has today. Only Clinton went and asked Congress first. Orin Hatch and others said NO.

No wonder the guy was fiddling around in the oval office; they wouldn't let him do anything.

The truth is the Republican Congress was not interested in terrorism at that time. They were more interested in getting Clinton out of office; that was their main goal.
Karole28 said:
And, we Americans are too stupid to watch a fictitional representation of a historical event (as stated!!) and decide for ourselves what's true and what's not?

How stupid does everyone think we are??

This happened only 5 years ago, and was a traumatic event - tantamount to Pearl Harbor, or the Assassination of the President.

We all remember where we were and what we were doing when it happened.

If it's "fiction", they should say so. Why are they presenting it right before the elections? No, people can't tell the difference always between truth and fiction in this case. None of us really knows exactly what happened - it's very complicated.

If it's fiction, that makes it "propaganda" right now. And as far as I'm concerned, that's blasphemous almost, and it's WRONG.

Yes, the American Public can be very stupid, very naive, if you will. We are influenced by the media; and often in a very negative way.

If this is Disney, or ABC, I feel confident that they will edit the movie, and make it truthful. I think it's rather odd that it's coming out at this time.
Marthatex said:
This happened only 5 years ago, and was a traumatic event - tantamount to Pearl Harbor, or the Assassination of the President.

We all remember where we were and what we were doing when it happened.

If it's "fiction", they should say so. Why are they presenting it right before the elections? No, people can't tell the difference always between truth and fiction in this case. None of us really knows exactly what happened - it's very complicated.

If it's fiction, that makes it "propaganda" right now. And as far as I'm concerned, that's blasphemous almost, and it's WRONG.

Yes, the American Public can be very stupid, very naive, if you will. We are influenced by the media; and often in a very negative way.

If this is Disney, or ABC, I feel confident that they will edit the movie, and make it truthful. I think it's rather odd that it's coming out at this time.
Zenia Mucha..... Sixth highest on President/ Ceo Iger's corporate team at Disney
Ms. Mucha served, first, as press representative and, later, communications director to then-Sen. D’Amato. She trained in The Lee Atwater (R.I.P.) Attack Now, Attack Then, Attack Always School of Politics, Spin, and Personal Interest. Ms. Mucha learned well. Think Ann Coulter. Only nastier. Much, much nastier. And far more powerful.

Ms. Mucha’s favorite ploy, many have noted, was most likely the pre-dawn telephone call to a reporter’s home. Ms. Mucha, known to be fond of using language that would make even the most hardened longshoreman blush, would scream at a half-asleep reporter who had written a story not to her liking. The term “spin” really did not do Ms. Mucha justice; her antics reminded one more of a tornado that left only destruction in its wide path.

Journalists may not have adored Ms. Mucha's behavior, but Michael Eisner evidently loved her “scorched-earth” tactics. In 2001, Eisner hired Ms. Mucha as senior vice president of communications for the Disney-owned ABC Broadcasting Group and the ABC Television Network.
My husband is in the DOD...what Clinton did or failed to do is so horrific...even if you like him you have to admit that he was wayyyyyy weak on defense ...
lilsister said:
My husband is in the DOD...what Clinton did or failed to do is so horrific...even if you like him you have to admit that he was wayyyyyy weak on defense ...

Can you be more specific? What was weak?

We've said over and over, the Republicans ran Congress. I believe the Republicans wanted to lessen defense at that time, lessen the budget.

He sent troops over to Bosnia, did the job, and came home. He was very aware of the terrorism, but again, his hands were tied. At that time it was accepted policy to try terrorists as common criminals.

The Cole thing should have been handled faster IMO. But Clinton decided to leave it for the Bush admin. to take care of. They did not. They put it off for almost a year. Clinton supposedly came up to Bush and said "Al Queda is the biggest problem you will face - your biggest challenge." By that time operatives had gotten in, easily, (our visa, immigraton policies way too lax), and were headed for flight schools or just about anywhere they wanted to go. It was amazing. Sad really, that our government was so loose, naive, thinking "nothing bad will happen".

In the Bush administration, the airlines should have been notified promptly. (after the memo, maybe before). If the airlines had tightened up, this might have prevented the whole thing.

It is really not fair to point fingers at any one particular person or govt. entity; tho I'm sure if you know the true secrets, there might be someone. But alot as been kept secretive. (By the Bush admin., by the way, who fought tooth and nail not to have a 9-11 independent Commission investigaton) What were they hiding?

Oh - Your husband DOD. great. My father worked in 2 different administrations, and flew in Air Force One a number of times.

Not that that makes me know any more, but HE knew alot and he talked to me alot, and he wrote alot.

My air force 1 playing cards that he brought me are right here - they're red, blue, gold stripe around the edge and a plane in the middle.

I've always treasured them; he died in Februrary. He was a great man.
Maral said:
The 1993 parking garage bombing of the World Trade Center was completely ignored by the Clinton Administration? Well, I'm sorry, but the FACTS speak differently. Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. And they WERE caught and punished.

The Clinton administration sent legislation to Congress to TIGHTEN AIRPORT SECURITY. The legislation was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the airlines.
The Clinton administration sent legislation to Congress to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF TERRORIST FUNDING. It was defeated by Republicans in the Senate because of opposition from banking interests.
The Clinton administration sent legislation to Congress to add tagents to explosives, to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF EXPLOSIVES USED BY TERRORISTS. It was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the NRA.

There you go again, Maral. Confusing people with facts.
Karole28 said:
Lighten up Francis. Unless you have computer access from your cardboard box down by the river, this hysteria is unecessary.

Global warming has resulted in me enjoying nice 60F weather here in Georgia, I remember as a child being warned about the impending ice age which would surely kill all of us. Tens of thousands have not died as a result of George Bush's conception. And, GWB isn't poisoning any wells.

Karole, even in my cardboard box down by the river, we receive casualty figures from Bush's war in Iraq. And we count Iraqis as well as American dead because, oddly, we consider Iraqis human beings.

As I said: tens of thousands dead. Oughta put that *advertiser censored* (and even the lie about it) in perspective.
Maral said:
Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. And they WERE caught and punished.

al Qayda was responsible for the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 - and if they were all caught and punished, the bombing of the USS Cole and 9/11 would have never happened...if I recall correctly, 5 were arrested and 1 was convicted.

We all want to know the truth of what exactly happened....we may never know it but this comes close:

Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Robert "Buzz" Patterson was a military aide to President Clinton from May 1996 to May 1998 and one of five individuals entrusted with carrying the "nuclear football"—the bag containing the codes for launching nuclear weapons. This responsibility meant that he spent a considerable amount of time next to the president, giving him a unique perspective on the Clinton administration. Though he arrived at the job "filled with professional devotion and commitment to serve," he left believing that Clinton had "sown a whirlwind of destruction upon the integrity of our government, endangered our national security, and done enormous harm to the American military in which I served."

Dereliction of Duty is not a personal attack on President Clinton or a commentary on his various scandals; rather, it is a "frank indictment of his obvious—to an eyewitness—failure to lead our country with responsibility and honor." Lt. Col. Patterson offers a damning list of anecdotes and charges against the President, including how Clinton lost the nuclear codes and shrugged it off; how he stalled and lost the opportunity to launch a direct strike on Osama bin Laden at a confirmed location; how the President and the First Lady, and much of their staff, consistently treated members of the military with disrespect and disdain; and how Clinton groped a female Air Force enlisted member while aboard Air Force One, among other incidents large and small. A considerable portion of this slim book is devoted to the myriad ways in which President Clinton undermined the military, and hence the security, of the nation. He seriously questions Clinton's decisions to send troops to Somalia, Rwanda, Haiti, and Bosnia to accomplish non-military tasks without clear objectives. Having participated in each of these engagements, Lt. Col. Patterson personally "experienced the frustration of needlessly wasted lives, effort, and national prestige" as well as the alarmingly low morale that Clinton inspired.

For crine out loud people, if you think politics and politicians in this country--or anywhere else--can solve any problem more complicated than getting a pot hole on your street filled in, then you haven't been paying attention for decades. Republican. Democrat. Conservative. Liberal. What's the difference? They're all incomptent *advertiser censored* incapable of Playing Well With Others.

The two most destructive forces known to civilization are politics and religion, and with the terrorist situation you've now got both wrapped together in a nasty Gordian Knot. If you think things will be different or better once we're out of Iraq, I hate to tell you this, but this is our country's own 100 Year War--and it actually started in 1977, with the deposing of the Shah of Iran and the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism/Fascism, so I figure we have another 75 years of scenarios like Iraq, Afghanistan, Bali, etc to go.
BillyGoatGruff said:
For crine out loud people, if you think politics and politicians in this country--or anywhere else--can solve any problem more complicated than getting a pot hole on your street filled in, then you haven't been paying attention for decades. Republican. Democrat. Conservative. Liberal. What's the difference? They're all incomptent *advertiser censored* incapable of Playing Well With Others.

The two most destructive forces known to civilization are politics and religion, and with the terrorist situation you've now got both wrapped together in a nasty Gordian Knot. If you think things will be different or better once we're out of Iraq, I hate to tell you this, but this is our country's own 100 Year War--and it actually started in 1977, with the deposing of the Shah of Iran and the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism/Fascism, so I figure we have another 75 years of scenarios like Iraq, Afghanistan, Bali, etc to go.

Aw, Billy, I am so afraid you are right.
Lady GL said:
1/al Qayda was responsible for the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 - and if they were all caught and punished, the bombing of the USS Cole and 9/11 would have never happened...if I recall correctly, 5 were arrested and 1 was convicted.

We all want to know the truth of what exactly happened....we may never know it but this comes close:

2/ Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Robert "Buzz" Patterson was a military aide to President Clinton from May 1996 to May 1998 and one of five individuals entrusted with carrying the "nuclear football"—the bag containing the codes for launching nuclear weapons. This responsibility meant that he spent a considerable amount of time next to the president, giving him a unique perspective on the Clinton administration. Though he arrived at the job "filled with professional devotion and commitment to serve," he left believing that Clinton had "sown a whirlwind of destruction upon the integrity of our government, endangered our national security, and done enormous harm to the American military in which I served."

Sorry, but on #1, CNN says different:

NEW YORK (CNN) -- As his mother sobbed behind him in the courtroom, a young Palestinian who federal authorities believe drove a bomb-laden truck into the parking garage of the World Trade Center in 1993 was handed a 240-year prison term Friday.

The sentence means that Eyad Ismoil, 26, has no hope of parole. He was convicted last November on conspiracy charges for his role in a bombing attack that killed six people and injured more than 1,000.

U.S. District Judge Kevin Duffy also ordered Ismoil to pay more than $10 million in restitution "just to make sure that you never make a dime out of this."

Ismoil is the sixth and last conspirator sentenced for the trade center bombing. The other five were given the same 240-year sentence.

2/ I think this explains the viewpoint of Lt. Patterson:

Buzz Patterson, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF (Retired). He is the author of the New York Times bestseller 'Dereliction of Duty' and 'Reckless Disregard'. He is the host of 'The Buzz Cut' at Rightalk Radio Network.

He also misrepresented information about John Kerry:


Lt. Col. (Ret.) Patterson gets a "Buzz" out of distorting Kerry's record
Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Robert "Buzz" Patterson, >>>>>appeared as a guest on the July 19 edition of Hannity & Colmes and the July 20 edition of FOX & Friends (both on FOX News Channel), where he issued a series of unfounded attacks against Senator John Kerry (D-MA) and the Democratic Party.

On Hannity & Colmes, Patterson joined co-host Sean Hannity in distorting Kerry's record on defense and intelligence spending:

PATTERSON: He's voted against every major weapons system that the military ...

HANNITY: Every one of them.

PATTERSON: Every single one of them.>>>>>>>>>>>>

Patterson also distorted Kerry's Senate voting record on FOX & Friends, saying Kerry spent "Twenty years voting against every single major weapons system that the military is fighting the war on terror with today," and that Kerry "served on the Senate Intelligence Committee for eight years, never voted for an increase of funding, voted for cuts three times, voted for cuts during the 1990s during the war on terror."

As Media Matters for America previously noted when Hannity made similar false claims about Kerry's voting record on military funding, Patterson's and Hannity's claim that Kerry "voted against every weapons system" presently in use by the military echoed Bush-Cheney '04 campaign advertisements and a February Republican National Committee research brief that misrepresented the facts on Kerry's record. As the Annenberg Political Fact Check explained, "Kerry's votes against overall Pentagon money bills in 1990,1995 and 1996 were not votes against specific weapons. And in fact, Kerry voted for Pentagon authorization bills in 16 of the 19 years he's been in the Senate."
I could write a lot here, but I won't.

Some people just want to go on believing that everything is all hunky-dory with the Bush administration, and that's just too bad for our country.

Clinton did this, Clinton did that, it's all Clinton's fault...blah blah blah.

My suggestion is, take a GOOD HARD look at what Bush is doing NOW.

Nobody can change what Clinton did years ago, but its still possible to change the future....

No president is perfect, they are human beings. However, some of the Bush followers seem to think he is above reproach. He's not, and 49% of the country appeared to know it in the last election. And the approval ratings dropped since then.

If somebody is going to make a dramatization blaming the Clinton administration for 9/11...a lot of people will probably believe it if its aired on national TV.

It's too bad so many people believe every little thing they see on TV.

Maybe they are expecting to be sent to an island and voted off one by one.

Maybe they will become the next big singing star.

Maybe they will get locked in a box full of snakes, or maybe they will have to go live in a house with a bunch of strangers and have their actions documented.

Heck, maybe Donald trump will give them a chance to run one of his companies.

That's "reality" TV...but when was the last time any of these things spontaneously happened to anyone on this forum...or to anyone for that matter?

Don't believe everything you see on TV. What's going on right now is real, it's not a Lifetime drama. And it's not all Clinton's fault. He's no longer president, hasn't been for 6 years. Despite whatever we may see on the TV.
How either man got elected is beyond me!

Clinton was said {in a newspaper article} to have helped cover up a murder when he was governor, in that he had knowledge of it and did nothing he should have in reporting it. By the way, I believe Hilary was knowledgable of this as well, and did nothing to spill the beans on the perp. Their real estate biz was not above board from what I understand. Plus, Clinton obviously was traumitized in some way when he hit puberty, as he had a forever mindset on thinking he was owed sexual gratification by other women besides his wife.

Bush was a drunk in his younger years, and he graduated from Yale! I really wonder how, as at that time it was one of the toughest schools to get into. When he first ran for President, the world talked about how he didn't even know his LOL world geography. And he won by a fluke because the chads were not designed to show a true vote.

It's history. and we can only learn from it. Clinton was overpowered because
the Republicans controled the Congress. The diddling didn't take that much time! Bush was all programmed to save the oil at whatever cost to the people and country of the USA.

So it is no wonder that the threat of terrorism was ignored, as there was either no control or desire to put their feet on it to squish it like a bug on a rug.

Ineffective power, so Bin Laden ruled. It must be why he has never been captured. There is no need!

Bush should have joined AA

Clinton - SA

Both were addicted to something

Clinton had a poor, traumatic childhood, watched his alchoholic father or stepfather beating his mother; he got into the "protector" role, from what I read. His mother was very strong, and he was quite bright - Rhodes scholar and all. They overcame.

Bush was born with silver spoon, but lost his sister; that was traumatizing for the family.

So why don't they give personality tests, IQ tests, history/geography tests, just like for other jobs? I mean you can go from Pest Control to Congress - boom just like that, with the right backing. Who would have thought a movie star would be President - and he turned out fairly well.

So really, they have similarities. Elder Bush helped Clinton with Katrina fund raising.

Why can't the parties work together a little more; compromise. Now it's all about special interests and there's little compromise between parties. Govt. is no long constructive, it's destructive.

"Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers, the dreamers and me"
Marthatex said:
Bush should have joined AA

Clinton - SA

Both were addicted to something

Clinton had a poor, traumatic childhood, watched his alchoholic father or stepfather beating his mother; he got into the "protector" role, from what I read. His mother was very strong, and he was quite bright - Rhodes scholar and all. They overcame.

Bush was born with silver spoon, but lost his sister; that was traumatizing for the family.

So why don't they give personality tests, IQ tests, history/geography tests, just like for other jobs? I mean you can go from Pest Control to Congress - boom just like that, with the right backing. Who would have thought a movie star would be President - and he turned out fairly well.

So really, they have similarities. Elder Bush helped Clinton with Katrina fund raising.

Why can't the parties work together a little more; compromise. Now it's all about special interests and there's little compromise between parties. Govt. is no long constructive, it's destructive.

"Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
the lovers, the dreamers and me"
I'm amazed at how the Far Left seems to ignore the fact that the elder Bush and Clinton are such close friends. You would think that would tell you just how much they have in common. In many way, Clinton has found in the elder Bush the father figure that was missing during much of his childhood.

I'm from Arkansas and my family knew Bill on several different levels. My late father helped him get into the governor's office the first time. My 2nd cousin was in charge of the secretarial pool at the sate capital for at least 10 years of his administration. He banged one of my 1st cousins, who was a Miss Arkansas contestant, and he did cocaine with a buddy of mine who was a major contributor to the Democratic Party in Arkansas. Also, his younger brother shared a drug dealer with a (now deceased) 3rd cousin of mine. Arkansas is a small state, socially speaking.

As a governor, Clinton was one of the best the state ever had, but he proved extremely disappointing as a president. I knew about his foibles before he was elected. What soured me on him for good was his lying to his aides and leaving them to hang in the wind.
Great post Martha, and very interesting BillyGoatGruff. Such interesting people here.

My mother couldn't stand Bill Clinton, and I think she wrote him a letter every day of his Presidency to tell him why.

Towards the end of his term she sent all of us six kids a copy of the article talking about the murder that had been covered up while he was Governer. I know it is long gone from my house, but will talk to her tomorrow and see if she remembers the name of the person or the particulars. Since you are so up on his Governership BillyGoat, I'm wondering if you have read anything about this matter.

Isn't it amazing what he got away with - I can't believe it! Gee, in Oregon we had Sen Packwood and ex-mayor Neil Goldschmidt who both ended up in deep doo-doo the minute the word was out they were messin' around while in public office. It literally ruined both of their careers ane lives.

BillyGoatGruff said:
I'm amazed at how the Far Left seems to ignore the fact that the elder Bush and Clinton are such close friends. You would think that would tell you just how much they have in common. In many way, Clinton has found in the elder Bush the father figure that was missing during much of his childhood.

I'm from Arkansas and my family knew Bill on several different levels. My late father helped him get into the governor's office the first time. My 2nd cousin was in charge of the secretarial pool at the sate capital for at least 10 years of his administration. He banged one of my 1st cousins, who was a Miss Arkansas contestant, and he did cocaine with a buddy of mine who was a major contributor to the Democratic Party in Arkansas. Also, his younger brother shared a drug dealer with a (now deceased) 3rd cousin of mine. Arkansas is a small state, socially speaking.

As a governor, Clinton was one of the best the state ever had, but he proved extremely disappointing as a president. I knew about his foibles before he was elected. What soured me on him for good was his lying to his aides and leaving them to hang in the wind.

That's interesting. I didn't know that much about Clinton's Arkansas history. Drugs don't really bother me, as long as they quit. Let's face it, George Bush had wild days too, who didn't in the 60's?

I know he had a sex problem - an ego. So did JFK, FDR. The Reps were out to get him from Day 1 -why elect him in the first place?

I don't know what to think - I just don't see that he's that different from all the other smooth, or even slimy politicians. Tom Delay - ugh. I just liked his personality and the way he explained economic things, with charts, in his speech. I think he's incredibly bright (Rhodes Scholar)

I didn't know anything about a murder (surely that would have been exposed?)

I'm thinking of becoming an independent, or Libertarian, or just nothing. Politics is making me sick.

My father was born in Arkadelphia, Arkansas; the Osarks are pretty.
scandi said:
Great post Martha, and very interesting BillyGoatGruff. Such interesting people here.

My mother couldn't stand Bill Clinton, and I think she wrote him a letter every day of his Presidency to tell him why.

Towards the end of his term she sent all of us six kids a copy of the article talking about the murder that had been covered up while he was Governer. I know it is long gone from my house, but will talk to her tomorrow and see if she remembers the name of the person or the particulars. Since you are so up on his Governership BillyGoat, I'm wondering if you have read anything about this matter.

Isn't it amazing what he got away with - I can't believe it! Gee, in Oregon we had Sen Packwood and ex-mayor Neil Goldschmidt who both ended up in deep doo-doo the minute the word was out they were messin' around while in public office. It literally ruined both of their careers ane lives.

I'm not sure what murder you're talking about, unless its the suicide of his aide in Washington, which was spun into a murder by conspiracy theorists.
Marthatex said:
That's interesting. I didn't know that much about Clinton's Arkansas history. Drugs don't really bother me, as long as they quit. Let's face it, George Bush had wild days too, who didn't in the 60's?

The drug use was in the late 1970s/1980s, while he was in office. The fact he was fan of Fleetwood Mac--the cokehead band for cokeheads--was always amusing to me.

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