911 call - 1043 Ocean Blvd.

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It just struck me just now: AS was super questionable, because:

1. I watched many films about southern states racists punishing/killing colored people by PUBLICLY hanging/tying/stripping/gagging/etc, and RZ's death reminds me of such tremendously.

2. RZ's death/hanging scene was preserved amazingly well, except for the cut rope. If AS was directly involved in RZ's death, then it would explain why he DID NOT WANT to cut the rope before the 911 call, then during the 911 call he realized he HAD NO CHOICE but to cut the rope, but then he did not cut the knots around RZ's wrists or the noose around RZ's neck. The only additional thing he did was taking the gag out of RZ's mouth.

3. It just struck me, as if AS was intending to preserve the death scene details other than trying to rescue RZ, as if the death scene details were worth preserving, as if AS wanted to preserve the completeness/integrity of the death scene as much as possible so as to have done the minimum to damage it: only cutting rope, only taking out the gag, as if the whole death scene was a masterpiece, a public showoff...

Always, just IMHO.
I have to respectfully disagree with the racism aspect. Adam wasn't even raised in Tennessee. Racism is everywhere. I don't think it is logical to put an umbrella of racism over a state or person just because they are southern.

Anyway, the above was just IMHO. Generally it is traceable whether a person has racist tendency, and the consoling thing is: hate crime is federal and the statue of limitation on a hate crime resulting death is unlimited. So this option/possibility is always open.

I have to respectfully disagree with the racism aspect. Adam wasn't even raised in Tennessee. Racism is everywhere. I don't think it is logical to put an umbrella of racism over a state or person just because they are southern.

Anyway, the above was just IMHO. Generally it is traceable whether a person has racist tendency, and the consoling thing is: hate crime is federal and the statue of limitation on a hate crime resulting death is unlimited. So this option/possibility is always open.

I like the unlimited statute. In my opinion, there has been a lot of hate coming from other defendants in this civil suit. Tons of online cached history and screenshots. I am wondering now if this could be pursued as a hate crime. The Housemaid video, the Asian bondage *advertiser censored* and the online history. Thanks, Heal.
One more point from me, just IMHO: Regarding racism or similar matters, it may be important partially where a person was raised, but what may be far more important is where a person chooses to live/reside after he/she becomes an adult and is able to choose where to live/reside. For instance, a liberal adult person is more likely to live/reside in places like San Francisco other than some not-liberal places; etc.

I have to respectfully disagree with the racism aspect. Adam wasn't even raised in Tennessee. Racism is everywhere. I don't think it is logical to put an umbrella of racism over a state or person just because they are southern.
IMHO, one more point from me on the (possible) racial hate crime on RZ's death, the black painting on the white door "she saved him can you save her" could be racist vandalism/graffiti.

If I were to interpret the meaning of "she saved him can you save her", I would say: the killers wanted to say, "she (RZ) said she saved him (MS) after he had such a heavy fall, now let's see, can you save her after she has such a heavy fall?" ("you" here could have many different possible meanings).
AS can be clearly heard dragging the table used to better (!) reach and cut the rope. You can even hear the broken leg falling off as he drags it into position. Unless he called twice, he cut the rope while already on the 911 call. Could that explain the missing seconds? I've yet to review all the available info on the call so my recollection could be way off. Thanks.
IMHO, one more point from me on the (possible) racial hate crime on RZ's death, the black painting on the white door "she saved him can you save her" could be racist vandalism/graffiti.

If I were to interpret the meaning of "she saved him can you save her", I would say: the killers wanted to say, "she (RZ) said she saved him (MS) after he had such a heavy fall, now let's see, can you save her after she has such a heavy fall?" ("you" here could have many different possible meanings).

The problem with the writing for me is this: it sounds like something a hateful wife would say. I can't read it any other way.
The problem with the writing for me is this: it sounds like something a hateful wife would say. I can't read it any other way.

To me, it sounds hostile to whoever was expected to discover it. Since the message was written inside the home, I would guess JS was expected to read it. IIRC, there was also a document addressed to JS in the room, though the details were not publicly shared.

I suspect "she saved him" was a comment JS made in defense of Rebecca. If so, the message on the door would be throwing that back in JS's face, perhaps even suggesting he knowlingly lied about what happened.

All of the above is just my opinion and a very wild guess.
To me, it sounds hostile to whoever was expected to discover it. Since the message was written inside the home, I would guess JS was expected to read it. IIRC, there was also a document addressed to JS in the room, though the details were not publicly shared.

I suspect "she saved him" was a comment JS made in defense of Rebecca. If so, the message on the door would be throwing that back in JS's face, perhaps even suggesting he knowlingly lied about what happened.

All of the above is just my opinion and a very wild guess.
Wow! I had totally forgotten about an old reference somewhere to the document addressed to JS in the room. Could it be something as simple as that day's mail? Suicide notes are not normally released to the public. But, why would LE not have already identified it as such long ago if that's in fact what it was? What do you all make of it? Was it already discussed somewhere else? If so, where please...
The problem with the writing for me is this: it sounds like something a hateful wife would say. I can't read it any other way.

Sounds to me like something a hateful Ex-wife would say. Particularly since the 2nd EX-wife has not at all been shy about sharing what she thought/ thinks of her ex-husband's new GF. Before OR after the death of the new GF, Rebecca.

I think JS knew DS was on the "warpath" immediately after Max's accident and admission to Rady-- that she was filled with rage and revenge when she found out JS was not home when Max's accident occurred, and perhaps Dr. Peterson implied abuse may have lead to Max's death. I still give Dr. Peterson a LARGE amount of slack in this area, as I am not at all convinced Dina's story of what he said is accurate.

DS's hatred of Rebecca was not a big secret. The painted message on the door has always seemed to me to be directed to JS. I think Jonah knew Dina was mightily PO'd, but didn't necessarily know Rebecca was in mortal danger. IMO, AS was a patsy-- set up to take the fall for murder, or persuaded into being an accomplice, if it ever came to murder charges.

IMO, DS feels "secure" in her divorce agreement with JS, so that she would not dare criticize him in ANY way publicly. I think her Paradise Valley home and all of her current monetary resources are dependent on her NOT criticizing Jonah in any way, publicly. I believe that there is a gag agreement in place as part of their divorce agreement. (The "big" agreement that nullified the prenup.)

IMO, DS has turned all her rage at JS for divorcing her and "replacing" her, onto Rebecca. This has always been a case of "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", IMO, but with a decidedly racist twist. IMO, DS was/ is MORE bothered and disturbed because Rebecca was Asian, and an immigrant. "More" bothered than if JS had dated or married a caucasian AZ or CA socialite, IMO. Maxie's awful accident just gave DS the ultimate excuse to go after the other woman, (verbally and otherwise), before and after the gruesome death of that woman, IMO. She couldn't say a thing about Jonah-- but Rebecca was open season. And that Max actually liked spending time with Rebecca was, IMO, something DS could not tolerate on a deeply visceral level. Of the 3 named respondents in the civil suit, only Dina has an ax to grind with Rebecca. The other 2 are just "loyal" accomplices because of close family ties, IMO.
Sounds to me like something a hateful Ex-wife would say. Particularly since the 2nd EX-wife has not at all been shy about sharing what she thought/ thinks of her ex-husband's new GF. Before OR after the death of the new GF, Rebecca.

I think JS knew DS was on the "warpath" immediately after Max's accident and admission to Rady-- that she was filled with rage and revenge when she found out JS was not home when Max's accident occurred, and perhaps Dr. Peterson implied abuse may have lead to Max's death. I still give Dr. Peterson a LARGE amount of slack in this area, as I am not at all convinced Dina's story of what he said is accurate.

DS's hatred of Rebecca was not a big secret. The painted message on the door has always seemed to me to be directed to JS. I think Jonah knew Dina was mightily PO'd, but didn't necessarily know Rebecca was in mortal danger. IMO, AS was a patsy-- set up to take the fall for murder, or persuaded into being an accomplice, if it ever came to murder charges.

IMO, DS feels "secure" in her divorce agreement with JS, so that she would not dare criticize him in ANY way publicly. I think her Paradise Valley home and all of her current monetary resources are dependent on her NOT criticizing Jonah in any way, publicly. I believe that there is a gag agreement in place as part of their divorce agreement. (The "big" agreement that nullified the prenup.)

IMO, DS has turned all her rage at JS for divorcing her and "replacing" her, onto Rebecca. This has always been a case of "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", IMO, but with a decidedly racist twist. IMO, DS was/ is MORE bothered and disturbed because Rebecca was Asian, and an immigrant. "More" bothered than if JS had dated or married a caucasian AZ or CA socialite, IMO. Maxie's awful accident just gave DS the ultimate excuse to go after the other woman, (verbally and otherwise), before and after the gruesome death of that woman, IMO. She couldn't say a thing about Jonah-- but Rebecca was open season. And that Max actually liked spending time with Rebecca was, IMO, something DS could not tolerate on a deeply visceral level. Of the 3 named respondents in the civil suit, only Dina has an ax to grind with Rebecca. The other 2 are just "loyal" accomplices because of close family ties, IMO.

I agree with the majority of this. I think there is a possibility, however, that AS was brought in to silence Rebecca ( permanently). I think that Dina may have shown up and rage overtook her. I tend to think that Nina was involved in the cover up. I just don't see three people conspiring to murder. That is too many people. I also am not so sure that JS wasn't involved in the planning stage. If RZ was a threat to his fortune, reputation and lifestyle, she may have been disposable. Who knows? It's all speculation. I DO believe that RZ was killed by AS and DS. JMO
I tend to think that Nina was involved in the cover up. I just don't see three people conspiring to murder. That is too many people.

I also don't believe that Nina was involved in the interrogation gone wrong. She would've had, however, strong reason to believe that her twin sister was involved. Given Dina's impulsive and sometimes violent personality, if one also believes LE reports of the domestic violence, I think she might have been threatening to go beat the truth out of Rebecca from the moment she learned that MS was in the hospital - which Nina would've known.

From the very beggining of the investigation Nina volunteered information without, as far as I remember being able to tell at the time, being actually asked about these things by LE:

BTW, I (too) doubted and wanted to question Rebecca. BTW, I (too) was at the house that evening but left immediately. BTW, I (too) touched her phone that day (and sure don't want you to think it was me when you examine it.) And, no, I didn't touch the gate (but that's the way I believe the killer got into the house).

Her statements, in other words, point to having knowledge that it was a murder in all likelyhood. My thoughts, in parentheses, might've been the exact same thoughts she was contending with as she spoke with LE. If I was afraid of incriminating the only blood family I've ever known, and my twin sister at that, I too would've likely been reluctant to go downtown and scared witless by the poly.

Since this thread is about the 911 call, and everyone reacts to an emergency differently, courts do compare the actions of an individual to the actions of a PRUDENT PERSON. How many times has it been asked in court, "Are these the actions of a prudent person?" So, I am going to present a scenario to you and ask yourselves..."What would a prudent person do?": A recent visitor to California walks out of his bungalow, to get a cup of coffee at the clubhouse. As he/she walks across the courtyard, notices a body floating face down in the swimming pool. Not only floating face down, but also has their feet tied together, and their hands bound behind their back! DOES A PRUDENT PERSON CALL 911? Yes, of course. DOES A PRUDENT PERSON ANNOUNCE TO THE 911 OPERATOR, "I got a boy, drowned himself." When the 911 operator asks, "What is the address?" DOES A PRUDENT PERSON SAY, "I'll call you back?"Or, would a prudent person, then decide they are a "can do, responsible kinda guy" and decide to take care of EVERYTHING himself? Doesn't bother to scream out to near by neighbors, asking for help? "Hey, I need some help! Does anyone know the address of this place? Somebody, anybody PLEASE, PLEASE HELP..THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!" No, AS doesn't perform any of the actions of a prudent person...not even bothering to unbind the victim before performing CPR. These are but a few of the problems I have with the 911 caller. Why did he take it upon himself to "Huff and puff to get the address? Huff and puff to get the knife?
Huff and puff to drag the table across the courtyard, even though their were chairs in the same room he had just retrieved the knife? Huff and puff to cut her down? And never once scream out to a neighbor for assistance, if this was truly a life and death scenario? Ask yourself, "Are these the actions of a prudent person?"
I think these are the actions of someone wanting us to believe he was acting in a prudent and responsible manner.... Frankly, parts of it sounded like an old time radio show drama...the prop man makes the sound of a dragging table, makes the sounds of exerting energy, embellishes the airwaves with huffing and puffing...quite a drama, huh?
Since this thread is about the 911 call, and everyone reacts to an emergency differently, courts do compare the actions of an individual to the actions of a PRUDENT PERSON. How many times has it been asked in court, "Are these the actions of a prudent person?" So, I am going to present a scenario to you and ask yourselves..."What would a prudent person do?": A recent visitor to California walks out of his bungalow, to get a cup of coffee at the clubhouse. As he/she walks across the courtyard, notices a body floating face down in the swimming pool. Not only floating face down, but also has their feet tied together, and their hands bound behind their back! DOES A PRUDENT PERSON CALL 911? Yes, of course. DOES A PRUDENT PERSON ANNOUNCE TO THE 911 OPERATOR, "I got a boy, drowned himself." When the 911 operator asks, "What is the address?" DOES A PRUDENT PERSON SAY, "I'll call you back?"Or, would a prudent person, then decide they are a "can do, responsible kinda guy" and decide to take care of EVERYTHING himself? Doesn't bother to scream out to near by neighbors, asking for help? "Hey, I need some help! Does anyone know the address of this place? Somebody, anybody PLEASE, PLEASE HELP..THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!" No, AS doesn't perform any of the actions of a prudent person...not even bothering to unbind the victim before performing CPR. These are but a few of the problems I have with the 911 caller. Why did he take it upon himself to "Huff and puff to get the address? Huff and puff to get the knife?
Huff and puff to drag the table across the courtyard, even though their were chairs in the same room he had just retrieved the knife? Huff and puff to cut her down? And never once scream out to a neighbor for assistance, if this was truly a life and death scenario? Ask yourself, "Are these the actions of a prudent person?"
I think these are the actions of someone wanting us to believe he was acting in a prudent and responsible manner.... Frankly, parts of it sounded like an old time radio show drama...the prop man makes the sound of a dragging table, makes the sounds of exerting energy, embellishes the airwaves with huffing and puffing...quite a drama, huh?

So strange to "quote myself" but the above comment leads into what I ultimately want to say. DS asked, "Why didn't Rebecca make the 911 call herself?" BECAUSE REBECCA WAS PERFORMING THE ACTIONS OF A PRUDENT PERSON! Rebecca was performing CPR and tending to the needs of the injured child. She told her sister to call 911...she did not move away from the injured child, she asked for help and continued to perform the most important task at hand, trying to resuscitate the injured. Would any parent want life savings measures to stop, so she could make a phone call and run out front to find the address?
So strange to "quote myself" but the above comment leads into what I ultimately want to say. DS asked, "Why didn't Rebecca make the 911 call herself?" BECAUSE REBECCA WAS PERFORMING THE ACTIONS OF A PRUDENT PERSON! Rebecca was performing CPR and tending to the needs of the injured child. She told her sister to call 911...she did not move away from the injured child, she asked for help and continued to perform the most important task at hand, trying to resuscitate the injured. Would any parent want life savings measures to stop, so she could make a phone call and run out front to find the address?

I've taken quite a few life-saving/CPR classes (American Red Cross, local EMS) over the years and that's part of the training - look directly at another person and tell them to call 911 while you continue to perform first aid. Unless there's a more qualified person at the scene, you have to use your training to assist the victim while others make the call.
A slight distraction
Originally Posted by IQuestion
Since this thread is about the 911 call, and everyone reacts to an emergency differently, courts do compare the actions of an individual to the actions of a PRUDENT PERSON. How many times has it been asked in court, "Are these the actions of a prudent person?" So, I am going to present a scenario to you and ask yourselves..."What would a prudent person do?": A recent visitor to California walks out of his bungalow, to get a cup of coffee at the clubhouse. As he/she walks across the courtyard, notices a body floating face down in the swimming pool. Not only floating face down, but also has their feet tied together, and their hands bound behind their back! DOES A PRUDENT PERSON CALL 911? Yes, of course. DOES A PRUDENT PERSON ANNOUNCE TO THE 911 OPERATOR,"I got a boy, drowned himself."
"I got a boy, drowned himself."
Really, IQuestion, how does a drowning suicide compare and contrast to RZN's nude hanging suicide. I realize that you are mocking AS in the 911 call but, "drowned himself"?
<respectfully snipped>

So strange to "quote myself" but the above comment leads into what I ultimately want to say. DS asked, "Why didn't Rebecca make the 911 call herself?" BECAUSE REBECCA WAS PERFORMING THE ACTIONS OF A PRUDENT PERSON! Rebecca was performing CPR and tending to the needs of the injured child. <respectfully snipped>

Not so fast, IQuestion. The #1 post in the CFD EMT/Paramedic Report thread created by Salem on 09/25/2012:


You, IQuestion, boldly yet erroneously stated, as fact, the following:

Rebecca was performing CPR <snipped again>

No, IQuestion, no. Rebecca was not administering CPR to Max. You simply must stick with the facts and not be intentionally misleading. The link below is to the report of the Coronado Fire Dept. in response to the emergency call to the 1043 Ocean Blvd address that Salem posted 09/25/2012:


In the report by the Coronado Fire Dept. regarding their care and observations of Max, in the ninth sentence from the end of topic History.
The report clearly states that no CPR was performed prior to their arrival on the scene.

This directly contradicts previous information that RZ was giving "rescue breaths" or CPR at any time prior to of the Paramedics/EMTs'. And do you know why it was impossible for RZN to administer CPR to Max? It's also listed in the Coronado Fire Dept. report under topic Physical Exam. It is documented that CFD arrived on the scene at 10:16 and their assessments began by 10:18. Disclaimer: times may be approximate as stated on the report This is what they found.

Physical Exam
Head: Noted blood in airway and pooling airway secretions.

It is strictly my reasonable conclusion and only my opinion that Rebecca could not and did not give any rescue breaths to Max due to the blood, vomit, and other secretions accumulating in his passageways. Medical staff could not do it either. They could not secure an airway for this broken child because of the continual need for suctioning out his fluids. Rebecca could not give any rescue breaths to Max due to the body fluids, blood, vomit, and other secretions that were steadily accumulating in his passageways and filling up his tiny mouth. So, did Rebecca lie about performing any CPR type actions by claiming that she did? How is that for prudence?

The proper form for administering CPR is to clear the patient's airway first. She didn't do it because she would have said there was a blockage preventing her from doing so. No puffs. No rapid breaths of air. There was no room in his small mouth for the air from her puffs or CPR attempts. There was no room because his tiny body's passages were filling with mixed fluids.

This small child may not have been pronounced dead until days later; however, Max was not breathing when medical help arrived at 10:16. Max was already turning blue from lack of oxygen. That's what cyanosis is. His brain was swelling from the fracture in his skull. His pupils were fixed and dilated. This was caused by his TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). Max was "flatline". That is what asystole means. His heart did not have electrical currents. Max was pulseless which essentially means that he was experiencing cardiac arrest. If others have told you otherwise, direct them to the CFD EMT/Paramedic Report Post #1 so they can learn the truth.

I noticed in photos that apparently the medics loaded by lightly lifting and sliding Maz's battered body onto a product so he could be moved from the area where his body was located upon CFD's arrival. There is a pic to prove it. The experts may have already figured this one out and I missed finding the posts.


Notice under the small arrow in the middle of the screen. Under that arrow is where the medics worked their skills on Max. The clues are the plastic strewn on each side of the path made by where Max was laying. The path has discarded trash and plastic from the varied apparatus, iv lines, etc. tossed on each side.

Notice further, to the far left in the photo, locate the first-floor newel post attached near the first riser. Max's head was alongside and near the staircase almost even with the first-floor newel post. His head was toward the door when medics arrived. His feet were toward the wall. That small space is crowded. The scooter's wooden footboard and back wheel of the scooter was atop his leg. The shattered 30"w chandelier was near his left shoulder. One of the medics moved the chandelier so he could access Max.

His tiny body must have been carefully moved a short distance, still head first, into the open area and closer to the front door exit as the medics continued their many good works. That is what the trail of discarded plastic from medical supplies says to me in this photo. Max was transported to the nearest hospital within 14 minutes after emergency medical help originally arrived.

MOO & OMO unless linked to credible sources
No, IQuestion, no. Rebecca was not administering CPR to Max. You simply must stick with the facts and not be intentionally misleading. The link below is to the report of the Coronado Fire Dept. in response to the emergency call to the 1043 Ocean Blvd address that Salem posted 09/25/2012:

We have discussed this extensively. I think it was KZ who had some excellent posts on it. As I remember, Rebecca probably started to administer CPR, she actually gave a few rescue breaths, but Max was either vomiting or there was some similar reason it could not be completed. I could be off a bit and hope others will chime in. I beleive this all resolves into, not a question of whether Rebecca did everything she could, but semantics and choice of wording.

I'm really surprised you are accusing IQuestion of being intentionally misleading?
We have discussed this extensively. I think it was KZ who had some excellent posts on it. As I remember, Rebecca probably started to administer CPR, she actually gave a few rescue breaths, but Max was either vomiting or there was some similar reason it could not be completed. I could be off a bit and hope others will chime in. I beleive this all resolves into, not a question of whether Rebecca did everything she could, but semantics and choice of wording.

I'm really surprised you are accusing IQuestion of being intentionally misleading?

Hi Time :)

KZ examined the report and thoroughly opined with her expertise.

Here is the thread that was created by KZ.

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