911 call - 1043 Ocean Blvd.

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They should investigate if AS was having a drug issue, and if he was having a head to toe lycra/spandex body suit.

"she saved him can you save her", unless RZ was having a serious multiple personality disorder, it would be very hard to explain a suicide. If AS was having a drug issue, it would explain it.
Welcome to Websleuths, Heal. While this may not answer some of your questions I have posted (courtesy of BettyP's timeline post dated 10-20-12) the following:

July 13

6:30 AM – Adam Shacknai said he awoke and made his way to the main house.
- He saw Rebecca hanging, ran to the kitchen to find a knife, pulled a table underneath her and cut her down.
6:48 AM - 911 is called. Adam stating he found Rebecca and was attempting CPR. He claims the t- shirt was covering Rebecca’s mouth so he removed it in order to try to perform CPR as instructed to do by the 911 dispatch (told him to take the gag out of her mouth).

– Coronado Police Dept are the first to respond. Unable to locate a pulse they began CPR.
- At this time, Jonah claims he received a text message from Adam advising Rebecca had hung herself.

6:54 AM - Coronado Fire Dept arrived. Rebecca was cold to the touch and rigor mortis was present in her jaw. They pronounced Rebecca deceased. They quickly decide they do not have the resources to deal with a homicide and call in San Diego County to help.

7:00 AM – Dina, who was at Max’s bedside, received a call from Jonah telling her Rebecca had killed herself. At this time Jonah returns to the hospital.

8:09 AM - The ME is called.
9:20 AM - SDSO arrives at Spreckels’s Manson
– Jonah calls Rebecca’s sister Mary, but reaches her husband Doug instead. Jonah informs him that Rebecca has killed herself.
– Adam Shacknai is interviewed by Detectives Lebitski and Hillen. He claims he was viewing *advertiser censored* on his Iphone just before he found Rebecca hanging from balcony.
– Attorney Paul Pfingst shows up at the mansion, won’t say who he’s representing, but does say it’s not Jonah.
– Later Adam is given a polygraph examination by Paul Redden. Redden says he couldn’t draw a conclusion. He recommends that Adam be given a 2nd test but was never asked by SDSO to do the follow up.
– Special Agents Resendiz and Burtis from the DOJ interview Dina. She tells the agents she left Rady Hospital on the 12th at about 8:00 AM and returned at 8:00 PM.
– Jonah Shacknai is interviewed by Detectives Norton and Palmer.
7:15 PM - 13 hours after Rebecca’s body is discovered the ME finally arrives. They determine Rebecca’s death to be somewhere between 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM

Well, I noticed something:

Per the 911 call, within the 1st 40 seconds:

AS: I’m not sure, uh…, 19… on the back house it’s 1928 something, uh, I’m not sure. Let me call you back.

(AS remains on the phone, however)

911 Operator: Okay sir, is she still alive?

AS: I don’t know.

1. "Let me call you back": don't people generally say something like "I'll get back to you" instead of "let me call you back" in such circumstances? It gives me an impression that AS was caught off guard when being asked the address.

2. "I don't know": seriously? "I don't know."? If AS really did finish the whole process of cutting off the rope and laying RZ on the ground before the 911 call, would he not feel she was already dead? RZ's body was cold already, no heart beat, no breathing.

3. While trying rescuing RZ at any point, before or during the 911 call, did AS ever try mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? If he knew RZ was already dead, then trying mouth-to-mouth would be sickening for him to do since it would be like kissing a corpse on the lips, then likely he would not do.

4. I read online in multiple sources, such as the one below, that AS only started cutting off the rope DURING the 911 call, not before:


Welcome to Websleuths, Heal. While this may not answer some of your questions I have posted (courtesy of BettyP's timeline post dated 10-20-12) the following:

July 13

6:30 AM – Adam Shacknai said he awoke and made his way to the main house.
- He saw Rebecca hanging, ran to the kitchen to find a knife, pulled a table underneath her and cut her down.
6:48 AM - 911 is called. Adam stating he found Rebecca and was attempting CPR. He claims the t- shirt was covering Rebecca’s mouth so he removed it in order to try to perform CPR as instructed to do by the 911 dispatch (told him to take the gag out of her mouth).

– Coronado Police Dept are the first to respond. Unable to locate a pulse they began CPR.
- At this time, Jonah claims he received a text message from Adam advising Rebecca had hung herself.

6:54 AM - Coronado Fire Dept arrived. Rebecca was cold to the touch and rigor mortis was present in her jaw. They pronounced Rebecca deceased. They quickly decide they do not have the resources to deal with a homicide and call in San Diego County to help.

7:00 AM – Dina, who was at Max’s bedside, received a call from Jonah telling her Rebecca had killed herself. At this time Jonah returns to the hospital.

8:09 AM - The ME is called.
9:20 AM - SDSO arrives at Spreckels’s Manson
– Jonah calls Rebecca’s sister Mary, but reaches her husband Doug instead. Jonah informs him that Rebecca has killed herself.
– Adam Shacknai is interviewed by Detectives Lebitski and Hillen. He claims he was viewing *advertiser censored* on his Iphone just before he found Rebecca hanging from balcony.
– Attorney Paul Pfingst shows up at the mansion, won’t say who he’s representing, but does say it’s not Jonah.
– Later Adam is given a polygraph examination by Paul Redden. Redden says he couldn’t draw a conclusion. He recommends that Adam be given a 2nd test but was never asked by SDSO to do the follow up.
– Special Agents Resendiz and Burtis from the DOJ interview Dina. She tells the agents she left Rady Hospital on the 12th at about 8:00 AM and returned at 8:00 PM.
– Jonah Shacknai is interviewed by Detectives Norton and Palmer.
7:15 PM - 13 hours after Rebecca’s body is discovered the ME finally arrives. They determine Rebecca’s death to be somewhere between 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM
IMHO, the 911 call tape is a very important piece of evidence.

1. Only several hours after the death. The involved people were having a hard time concealing everything, no matter how well they had planned.

2. The call lasted rather long, about 4 minutes 45 seconds. It was extremely hard for anyone to fake EVERYTHING on such a long call, with or without a script.

3. Overall, after listening to the 911 call, I perceive that AS was questionable.
Does anyone here have the MS 911 call made by RZ? If so, could you post a link? Thanks.
IMHO, the 911 call tape is a very important piece of evidence.

1. Only several hours after the death. The involved people were having a hard time concealing everything, no matter how well they had planned.

2. The call lasted rather long, about 4 minutes 45 seconds. It was extremely hard for anyone to fake EVERYTHING on such a long call, with or without a script.

3. Overall, after listening to the 911 call, I perceive that AS was questionable.

I wonder if the Zahaus were successful in obtaining the missing 8 seconds of 911 tape. I suspect they were not. I wonder if it still exists somewhere or if it has been destroyed. IIRC, the missing part occurs when AS gets his first close-up look at Rebecca.

As for not knowing if Rebecca was dead, not knowing the address, perceiving a woman with ankle bindings and a gag as a suicide victim, and claiming to perform CPR with wrist bindings still in place, I sometimes wonder if all this was intentional. I go back and forth between a couple scenarios that make sense to me.

I imagine a scenario in which the scene screams murder with no attempt to cover it up at all. In fact, it seems to me the murderer is someone who thinks people are idiots and need to see knives, bindings, bumps on the head, a clear rope trail over a balcony, and even a message painted on the door equating the two incidents to be sure they understand Rebecca's murder was a direct response to what happened to Max. To me, it seems like an assault against the person discovering her body, in addition to an assault against Rebecca. But the subsequent tampering with evidence and 911 call has my mind going in two different directions.

Sometimes, I wonder if AS really did discover Rebecca's body that morning, perhaps then reaching out to JS and getting instructions to call it in to 911 as a suicide, perhaps without knowledge of the scene that would later be discovered inside the house. Other times, I wonder if the 911 call was just an extension of the heavy-handed attempt to simulate what someone believed happened to Max (death scene doesn't match what was reported to police, reporting person doesn't know address, reporting person claims to provide CPR, etc).

All of the above is just my opinion.
Found the transcript of a conversation between AS and the polygrpher. Thanks!

So, per:

"I got a knife with the butcher block thing -- came back out -- cut her down -- and tried called 9-1-1 shortly thereafter -- if not before"

AS could have cut her down AFTER/DURING (not before) the 911 call, and per the 911 call, it seems so.

Originally Posted by Carioca View Post
Oops, posted this on wrong thread, so have moved it here... Apologies.
Not easy to discern certain AS' words at times. His thoughts often jump nonsensically. All corrections welcome:

News 8 Exclusive - The polygraph examination of Adam Shacknai

Date: 7/13/2011
Time video begins: 7:33:17PM

AS: I think.. I got to reach her and realized I wasn't going to be able to get her off without a knife. You know I tried -- I realized -- quite quickly. You know I realized this thing will happen like this. I went around the back into the house which the door was open. I got a knife with the butcher block thing -- came back out -- cut her down -- and tried called 9-1-1 shortly thereafter -- if not before.

PR: OK. Did you at any point think she was alive?

AS: I'm well.. you know. Call me a can-do person or something -- but -- probably not. But I thought, how would I answer -- for this if I didn't try something. I'm a responsible person.

PR: OK. Tried some CPR?

AS: Yeah

PR: OK. Have you been trained in that? With the boat stuff?

AS: Years and years ago. Not enough to amount to anything.

PR: OK. So, tried some CPR. Now -- and so -- was there anything else unusual? What kind of chain (unintelligible?) was it, like a bed sheet or what?

AS: It was a ******ing rope, man. Red rope. Unless my memory is failing me, you know, something -- it wasn't just something that you would be laying around, somewhere. I wouldn't think.

PR: Alright. So could you tell whether it was a material or something?

AS: Kinda like a Kevlar, synthetic

PR: OK. Like nylon...

AS: Yeah

PR: Or something like that?

PR: OK, and -- so what, there were no shoes, not a stitch on?

AS: Not that I recall

PR: So her hands were hanging down by her side then?

AS: I don't know because here's the thing. I don't remember about her hands. Because after I cut her down I went to take her pulse -- you know -- at some point, which I didn't even do at first. I remember having to get something out of the way -- of her hands -- and that's why I've been asking these detectives and stuff if she was tied up or what. I mean I'm like, I'm kind of in all a blur [cross talk]...

PR: Blur yeah.

AS: You know but -- but I remember having to move something to try to get her pulse out of the way -- you know very much [cross talk]

PR: You don't remember anything unusual?

AS: I don't remember that, but I just -- I fear -- I hope to God she wasn't tied up but -- and again -- I asked the detectives there -- you know -- I don't recall.

PR: Now as far as the CPR. You did the chest compressions and you did blow in her mouth, in her nose?

AS: I got the -- once I got 9-1-1 on the line, I went ahead and blew in her mouth.

PR: OK. And her mouth was open and clear and everything?

AS: I didn't even do all that at first. I should have. I didn't. I didn't do that tilt. I think they said tilt the head back and do that. I didn't do any of that stuff.


AS: I just put my mouth over hers and said **** it, it's my brother's girlfriend and I'll do it. And I did it.

PR: And there was no tape across her mouth or anything like this?

AS: No. There was a ******ing gag in her mouth though.

PR: A gag in her mouth?

AS: Yeah

PR: What was that?

AS: Something, yeah. I had to pull something out of her ****ing mouth. It was like a blue scarf.

[time stamp jumps from 7:36:54PM to 7:40:29PM]

PR: Does it seem to you like it's a suicide then at that point?

AS: YES ABSOLUTELY [AS sits forward in chair, then leans back]

PR: OK, and what makes you think that?

AS: It's just what crossed my mind you know -- just because -- I thought she was THERE, when Max got hurt,supposedly. UM UM -- you know maybe she just can't LIVE with it, you know. I've never been in that situation. I'm not going to -- I can't say that I could, especially if it was someone else's kid, you know.

PR: Did she seem suicidal or anything like that?

AS: No. I don't get -- you know, I mean -- you just don't ever think of that.

[time stamp jumps from 7:40:29PM to 8:11:49PM]

PR: Look straight ahead listen and concentrate on each question.


PR: Only respond yes or no


PR: But the most important thing of all is what?

AS: Be honest?

PR: That's it. Be honest, don't lie, be honest in your answers [unintelligible]

PR: Regarding the death of Rebecca, do you know for sure if anyone did anything to hurt her that resulted in her death?

AS: No

PR: Regarding the death of Rebecca, did you yourself do anything to her that resulted in her death?

AS: No

PR: Regarding the death of Rebecca, were you in that guest room that she was found hanging from at any time during the night?

AS: No

[time stamp jumps from 8:22:47PM to 8:40:19PM]

PR: These are hard tests to do when you're this close to what's going on here like you said...

AS: Yeah

PR: Because it's hard to get rid of that emotional factor

AS: Right

PR: Um, and you could have done a whole lot worse on the test (AS shakes head). And you could have done a whole lot better too.

AS: (makes a psshoo sound - snaps finger)

PR: Based on what I've got here -- we're kind of in the inconclusive range. But it clearly doesn't bother me that much, because I think that if you were (unintelligible) that close, there is no way I could prevent you from giving me SOME reaction. But as far as being involved in it, I am not INCLINED to believe that. Um, but you're definitely not flunking my test, so that's kinda -- somewhat of a good thing.

[Time stamp jumps from 8:41:44PM to 8:44:44PM]

PR: Appreciate your cooperation. I know it's a tough thing to do and certainly appreciate you working with us on this. Wasn't so bad, was it?

AS: It was.

PR: It wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be though?

AS: It was.

PR: It was?

AS: Yeah.

[Time stamp ends 8:44:56PM]


There were 10 questions. The video only includes 3 of them. Within the first 12 hours Rebecca's death was being investigated as a homicide. AS discovered her body, thus any investigation would consider him a POI. Why is Mr Redden so darn appreciative and accommodating to AS?! Will comment more on this under separate comment.
Since it seems obvious that AS did not cut the rope BEFORE the 911 call, I wonder what he did immediately after discovering RZ's body hanging if he was not involved in RZ's death. I speculate that AS called his brother JS immediately and the two talked, and AS was instructed by JS to text JS later notifying JS of RZ's death via writing, a traceable way.

I am not saying JS was directly involved in RZ's death. Both JS and DS seem to have very tight alibi and seem to not have the opportunity/time to have gone over to JS's house to do anything that night.
Since it seems obvious that AS did not cut the rope BEFORE the 911 call, I wonder what he did immediately after discovering RZ's body hanging if he was not involved in RZ's death. I speculate that AS called his brother JS immediately and the two talked, and AS was instructed by JS to text JS later notifying JS of RZ's death via writing, a traceable way.

I am not saying JS was directly involved in RZ's death. Both JS and DS seem to have very tight alibi and seem to not have the opportunity/time to have gone over to JS's house to do anything the night.

Adam and Jonah's phone records would show if a call was made earlier. Jonah's phone records were requested via a SW including any existing landline. Adam's phone records were not.


In my opinion, Dina does not have a tight alibi. She was not seen on video surveillance, but Jonah was captured. Why was she not seen and Jonah was? The only alibi we know of at this time for Dina is her cellphone. Since cellphones are not surgically attached to our bodies, I believe Dina could have been anywhere while her phone was at the hospital.
Does anyone here have the MS 911 call made by RZ? If so, could you post a link? Thanks.

Hi Heal!

The 911 call for Max has not been released to the public. There was a portion played on the Dr. Phil show. A small snip of XZ, but not Rebecca. I believe it is near the beginning of the 2nd DP show.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xY9hKtT0hI"]DrPhil 9/21/2012- YouTube[/ame]
Adam and Jonah's phone records would show if a call was made earlier. Jonah's phone records were requested via a SW including any existing landline. Adam's phone records were not.


In my opinion, Dina does not have a tight alibi. She was not seen on video surveillance, but Jonah was captured. Why was she not seen and Jonah was? The only alibi we know of at this time for Dina is her cellphone. Since cellphones are not surgically attached to our bodies, I believe Dina could have been anywhere while her phone was at the hospital.

Completely agree about DS's cell phone and alibi (or lack of alibi).

Incidentally, per Nina's audio interview, DS and JS shared a room at RMH. Not that they were in the room at the same time, but she claimed they both utilized the room. Gore said DS's cell phone pinged in the vicinity of the hospital, so that would cover the RMH room, I suppose.

As for whether calls were exchanged between JS and AS, I'm not certain that would have been revealed, even if phone records indicated calls were placed. The public only became aware of NR's late night text to Rebecca when Rebecca's phone records were published. Before then, I didn't even know DS had a sister, let alone a sister who texted Rebecca that evening.

All of the above is just my opinion.

IMHO, AS is very questionable:

1. He did not cut the rope before the 911 call. Why? When you see someone hanging in your house (even if you are only visiting), your first response is to immediately cut off the rope so as to try rescue. If the body is too heavy, you will shout and get neighbors/help to do it together. However, if AS was involved in RZ's death, then he knew RZ was already dead, then certainly his 1st response could be not cutting off the rope. Also, since he did not cut the rope before 911 call, why was he having very heavy and frequent panting/breathing within the 1st 40 seconds of the 911 call while maintaining an overall calm voice tone? What did he do could have caused the panting? Or was he simply faking it? Then he realized he had not even cut off the rope yet, so he panicked and rushed starting to cut off the rope.

2. JS could have used a prepaid disposable phone for AS to call (just a possibility).

3. AS's video interview with the polygrapher shows he seemed extremely far away from being classy.

Adam and Jonah's phone records would show if a call was made earlier. Jonah's phone records were requested via a SW including any existing landline. Adam's phone records were not.


In my opinion, Dina does not have a tight alibi. She was not seen on video surveillance, but Jonah was captured. Why was she not seen and Jonah was? The only alibi we know of at this time for Dina is her cellphone. Since cellphones are not surgically attached to our bodies, I believe Dina could have been anywhere while her phone was at the hospital.
Hi Heal!

The 911 call for Max has not been released to the public. There was a portion played on the Dr. Phil show. A small snip of XZ, but not Rebecca. I believe it is near the beginning of the 2nd DP show.

DrPhil 9/21/2012- YouTube

DR has access to the 911 tapes for MS, but has chosen to only make public the small snippet on the Dr. Phil show. I wonder why she has chosen to keep the rest private?
Adam and Jonah's phone records would show if a call was made earlier. Jonah's phone records were requested via a SW including any existing landline. Adam's phone records were not.


In my opinion, Dina does not have a tight alibi. She was not seen on video surveillance, but Jonah was captured. Why was she not seen and Jonah was? The only alibi we know of at this time for Dina is her cellphone. Since cellphones are not surgically attached to our bodies, I believe Dina could have been anywhere while her phone was at the hospital.

IMO, of the 3 named defendants/ respondents, the explanation for Dina's alibi/ whereabouts is the weakest. There have been comments here and elsewhere that there are hospital staff who will verify her presence at the bedside. I'm looking forward to these witnesses being called to clear this up. Hopefully, these nurses and staff documented the presence or absence of parents at the bedside in their notes for Max's care, as their memory alone of who was at the bedside that night is unreliable. For this reason, to alibi Dina, I believe Max's medical records will have to be subpoenaed as evidence in RZ's wrongful death suit that names Dina a defendant/ respondent.

IMO, it is completely unrealistic that Dina would not show up on a single security camera. Hospitals have lots of security cameras, and even more stringent security after hours limiting which entrances and exits can be used, etc. that she could not be seen on any camera in the hospital or RMH is very suspicious, to say the least.
Since it seems obvious that AS did not cut the rope BEFORE the 911 call, I wonder what he did immediately after discovering RZ's body hanging if he was not involved in RZ's death. I speculate that AS called his brother JS immediately and the two talked, and AS was instructed by JS to text JS later notifying JS of RZ's death via writing, a traceable way.

I am not saying JS was directly involved in RZ's death. Both JS and DS seem to have very tight alibi and seem to not have the opportunity/time to have gone over to JS's house to do anything that night.

When did AS cut Rebecca down? When asked by polygraph examiner Paul Redden AS said it was after the call to 911 if not before. Which is it AS? For goodness sake AS could remember the color of what he worded as a "gag" he found in Rebecca's mouth but he couldn't remember when he cut Rebecca down? In my opinion, it is possible the detailed memory of the "blue gag" could be because AS had more to do with the "blue gag" other than removing it from Rebecca's mouth. The gag that was blue was stored in his memory bank from a previous encounter with it. AS labeled the blue shirt as a gag. Where did gag come from? Why didn't he just say something was in her mouth? People who commit suicide don't usually gag themselves. It seems off to me because I would not have thought suicide if I had found someone hanging with a gag in their mouth. I don't know, i guess we really don't know how we would react or what we might remember if we really found ourselves in that situation.
Since it seems obvious that AS did not cut the rope BEFORE the 911 call, I wonder what he did immediately after discovering RZ's body hanging if he was not involved in RZ's death. I speculate that AS called his brother JS immediately and the two talked, and AS was instructed by JS to text JS later notifying JS of RZ's death via writing, a traceable way.

I am not saying JS was directly involved in RZ's death. Both JS and DS seem to have very tight alibi and seem to not have the opportunity/time to have gone over to JS's house to do anything that night.


Jonah does have an alibi.

Dina R. has no alibi and she was seen lurking around Jonah's mansion.

I read online in many widely-known news websites stating DS has an alibi (staying at bedside all night, etc) and the hospital has record proving such etc... but after reading the threads here I think DS's alibi is still questionable.


Jonah does have an alibi.

Dina R. has no alibi and she was seen lurking around Jonah's mansion.

I read online in many widely-known news websites stating DS has an alibi (staying at bedside all night, etc) and the hospital has record proving such etc... but after reading the threads here I think DS's alibi is still questionable.

It didn't help either at the 9/2 SDSO press conference we were told Dina and Jonah were on surveillance. It wasn't until later after the first Dr. Phil show in Nov. when the question was pushed further and SDSO decided to be truthful about Dina's alibi was her phone triangulation.
When did AS cut Rebecca down? When asked by polygraph examiner Paul Redden AS said it was after the call to 911 if not before. Which is it AS? For goodness sake AS could remember the color of what he worded as a "gag" he found in Rebecca's mouth but he couldn't remember when he cut Rebecca down? In my opinion, it is possible the detailed memory of the "blue gag" could be because AS had more to do with the "blue gag" other than removing it from Rebecca's mouth. The gag that was blue was stored in his memory bank from a previous encounter with it. AS labeled the blue shirt as a gag. Where did gag come from? Why didn't he just say something was in her mouth? People who commit suicide don't usually gag themselves. It seems off to me because I would not have thought suicide if I had found someone hanging with a gag in their mouth. I don't know, i guess we really don't know how we would react or what we might remember if we really found ourselves in that situation.

LASH! I am going to change your name to FLASH! as in NEWS FLASH!! You are a genius. I could hardly keep up with the articles you were posting when the lawsuit was first announced....you do so many things in a FLASH.... and awfully smart too! Yep, "gag in her mouth", "girl hung herself", "ya know not bein' her kid and all"....this guy has the entire death scene and reasoning down pat, huh? But can't remember when he cut her down....I would think that is a pretty significant event in a person's life...especially for a "can-do-responsible-guy".....oh my!
LASH! I am going to change your name to FLASH! as in NEWS FLASH!! You are a genius. I could hardly keep up with the articles you were posting when the lawsuit was first announced....you do so many things in a FLASH.... and awfully smart too! Yep, "gag in her mouth", "girl hung herself", "ya know not bein' her kid and all"....this guy has the entire death scene and reasoning down pat, huh? But can't remember when he cut her down....I would think that is a pretty significant event in a person's life...especially for a "can-do-responsible-guy".....oh my!

IQuestion - Thank you for the compliments :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
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