Another revolution of planet Earth around our central Sun and it is time to bring in the supplies. Break out the party hats and horns, release the confetti and pass out the crackers and other favors! January 22 is The Birthday of Roy M. Kronk. Roy, of the sweet heart, came onto this earth with Venus on the Sun and Venus is right back there for the anniversary of his birth.
Never forget that Roy has the Sun in the Sign of Uranus and Uranus in the Sign of the Sun and he will triumph over this vat of muck emptied by The Team. There are so many in your corner, Roy that it is no longer a corner~it is a vast Hall of Supporters and celebrants. Yes, we revel in what you accomplished and we lift you and lift our toasts. Here is to the birth of Roy M. Kronk and may you enjoy many, many more! Happy, Blessed Birthday, ROY!