A Celebration of ROY M. KRONK

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Happy Birthday Mr. Kronk! Thank you for being Caylee's hero! You have thousands of people supporting you and praying for you. We know you are yet another victim in this case. May you have a day filled with love and laughter. Stay strong, keep the faith and know the truth will prevail!

Happy Birthday Roy!!:dance::blowkiss:

:blowkiss: to Tuba, Angel and all you other wonderful sleuthers!
Happy Birthday, Roy!!!

(~ And, thank you again for finding Caylee)!

If you read here, read post #78 by Tuba, nobody says it better.

We need more of your kind buddy!
Another revolution of planet Earth around our central Sun and it is time to bring in the supplies. Break out the party hats and horns, release the confetti and pass out the crackers and other favors! January 22 is The Birthday of Roy M. Kronk. Roy, of the sweet heart, came onto this earth with Venus on the Sun and Venus is right back there for the anniversary of his birth.

Never forget that Roy has the Sun in the Sign of Uranus and Uranus in the Sign of the Sun and he will triumph over this vat of muck emptied by The Team. There are so many in your corner, Roy that it is no longer a corner~it is a vast Hall of Supporters and celebrants. Yes, we revel in what you accomplished and we lift you and lift our toasts. Here is to the birth of Roy M. Kronk and may you enjoy many, many more! Happy, Blessed Birthday, ROY!

Roy Kronk, Caylee Anthony's HERO, we honor you this day. I can hear the roar of the crowd.

Roy Kronk, Caylee Anthony's HERO, we honor you this day. I can hear the roar of the crowd.


Happy Birthday, Mr. Kronk!
Happy Birthday!

You are Caylee's hero, the one who got her out of the dirt and mud when her own family refused. Surely you have many blessings awaiting you.


Have a great day, Roy!

Would a chart show how truthful or eventful the depo with Jill K. will be?

Prosecutors will question Kerley under oath via Skype on February 25.

I wasn't sure if this should be asked here or in Roy Kronk's thread. :confused:

Fifth if it should be bumped to his thread let me know or feel free to bump it over for me! TIA :blowkiss:

"Happy Belated Birthday Roy Kronk!"

"Caylee's Angel & Hero!"


"Happy Valentines Day To You Too!"


:woohoo:Happy Birthday, Caylee's Hero:woohoo:

Be brave and stand up for your rights and justice for Caylee.

On Lincoln's Birthday, Angel asked if a chart would reveal the quality & nature of the deposition of Jill Kerley. To date, we have not been able to determine when Ms. Kerley will sit for deposition--and I scoured Knoxville too. What can, sadly, be said is that on 25 February Mars will exactly oppose The Eagle, Roy M. Kronk. That is a wound attempting to develop into a scar. What we can do is wrap our Eagle in prayer and protection. DONE!
I'll tell you what I find funny. The Team wants a ruling excluding lay opinion. Jill Kerley had defamatory remarks for the private investigator about Roy Kronk and his culpability in this case. Defense elicited this "testimony" and sought to preserve it, so valuable did they find it. Jill Kerley is none other than a lay person.
Major C.G.M. Adam, astrologer whose career spanned the 20th C. until his death circa 1970, denominated just four special degrees in the zodiac for comment. One of them was 3° Aquarius, which he felt singled out the native for a Divine mission. This is the conjunction of Roy M. Kronk's Sun and Saturn. His Venus is just a degree away. He performed a mission with deliberation, acuity and persistence until he arrived at RESULT.
I just found this post and am wondering if Roy Kronk has seen this website in his honor? I sure hope so! He is truly a hero and it is a shame that he has to deal with the nastiness and slurs that have been lobbed at him. I admit that I did not read the entire thread, my old eyes are just so tired trying to follow the Caylee posts.
ITA about Jill Kerley! A typical ex with an axe to grind.
Next week, Roy Kronk will be defamed again. Defense argues once more that he may well be the criminally liable party, not the prisoner. More preposterous hypotheses, more aspersions. "We want to introduce our evidence against him." If their motion and supporting attachment are found legally insufficient, they will tweak their papers and their oral arguments and try another time.

Changes in the defense were predicted from the transit conjunction of Uranus to the prisoner's Sun simultaneous with the transit opposition of Saturn to that Sun. She sought the disqualification and removal of Judge Strickland. Next week retrograde Mercury stations and begins direct motion. This too will produce a change.

In the very near future, May 23rd, Jupiter will oppose Saturn, again on Prisoner's Sun and on May 27th, Uranus enters a new Sign, a highly significant MAJOR change. Always of interest to me is the fact that it will hit her Decision Point at 1°18' Aries so quickly. When it does, it also squares her Fatal Flaw, ripping the cover off her batteries. We are really getting down TO IT, despite all the defense efforts to drag and delay. We just refuse seeing Roy go down with it. Let us pray!
It was heartening to hear Ashton's reference to the slander and invasions of privacy Roy Kronk has suffered from The Team. Also, this was a reminder that we have yet to hear the argument for introducing evidence against him. Not a word about that and the motion WAS filed. Strange!

Our thoughts and prayers go with you this Friday, Mr. Kronk. Let's hope someone is watching out for him.......


Roy Kronk, the former meter reader who found Caylee's remains, will return for more questions. Kronk was also once talked about as a suspect.
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