A & E - Anthony Parents Speak 5.28.18

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I hated them! HATED them! Last night's program was painful to watch. But I found myself thinking that it really doesn't matter how they believe different theories of Caylee's death. They have obviously clung to one another over these 10 years probably with a dysfunction that for most would be intolerable. But they lost something precious that can not be recovered. I don't care what happens to Casey anymore. I found myself feeling sympathy for the continuing pain that the grandparents are experiencing. I don't quite understand why I feel this way, but they, IMO, don't deserve any more derision and negative judgments. Just my IMO. Yes, I'm surprised at my feelings.
There was another part where Cindy came unglued. George was talking about how in the last 6 months, Casey would be gone for 2-3 nights with Caylee. Cindy was pounding her fists in the air denying that Caylee ever spent a night away from the house, telling George "you're wrong, you're wrong!". George said something like "I am only telling what I witnessed" and by then Cindy had exited the interview.

She is a very manipulative person and likely bi-polar. George is a victim of her crazy behavior. This man has been walking on egg shells his entire life. I feel sorry for him, he was blamed for everything and horrible accusations were falsely claimed against him and still, he held his head up for his grand daughter, whom he believes was murdered by his own daughter.

Cindy's attitude is to stand by Casey.
I watched the whole show and I can tell you this - Cindy is not only in deep, deep denial - but she is STILL putting forward flat out lies.

For example, she was showing pics and video of Casey in high school, saying how the kids called her "Mom" because they all went to Casey with their problems, she was that popular. She said something like, 'and then after she GRADUATED, she became the first real mom of the group'. Casey never graduated. She's still selling that lie.

She said as far as the fool proof suffocation search, there was somebody else in the house with Casey who had performed the search AND erased the history. She said she had CAUGHT THIS GUY DOING IT PREVIOUSLY, ON HER COMPUTER DELETING THINGS ! When Ashton asked "Who?", she said "I don't want to say".

After they were cleaning up the memorial site, they said they don't want to ever come back there, that's not how or where they want to remember Caylee. They want to think of it as just a pile of dirt, some piece of land. And yet, after they removed the cross and fence and all the memorial items, George basically had to yank Cindy out of the woods because she was trying to find a branch to hang her special "Caylee Memorial" bracelet from. She hung up her bracelet on a branch and said nobody will know where it is, but her. So there she is, marking the spot after all.

She was reading through some of the texts between her and Casey, one caught my ear because it was the typical passive-aggressive Cindy she has proven herself to be. It was a birthday message to Casey about how she remembers being in love with the beautiful daughter she had on the day she was born, and she will always love her, and then she writes, "What happened?" in the midst of it.

Again, Cindy denied any wrong doing on Casey's part AT ALL EVER, particularly the stealing from her father's health account and the fight they had the day before Caylee was killed. She never mentioned anything about trying to get custody of Caylee so many times, only that Casey was a WONDERFUL MOTHER. She said nothing about how during that 31 days how she desparately tried to find Caylee, even going as far as Universal when Casey is suddenly in Jacksonville, only that she didn't worry about Caylee because Casey is her mother and she's 'of age' and with people she trusted.

George was the one that told Cindy to "shut up", not the other way around, as said upthread (sorry I can't go back up right now to find the exact comment). Cindy tried to control every answer, every word, and when George tried to tell his story, she kept telling him to hurry up and move on and get past the point. He was talking about the smell in the car and she didn't want to talk about that, so he told her to shut up. She got up and walked out but he calmed her down.

Cindy told George that Casey that got her lying and stealing tendencies from him, that she "learned by example". That was bad.

One thing that threw me a little, was Cindy said that SHE went back a few days later (or did she say weeks later?) and spoke directly with the guy at the tow company, and he told Cindy he didn't smell anything suspicious. I had never heard that before, that Cindy went back to the tow yard and talked to this guy. Then when George said, "I didn't know you did that." I was like, what the heck... is she literally making up a new lie right there on the spot?

Well, my interest in this case started with Cindy. I'd never before or since seen anything like this awful woman. I'm still as fascinated with her today as I was back then.

I totally agree with everything you said. I only differ inasmuch as I believe this entire horror story is about Cindy. Everything was/is about Cindy. She ruled the roost, was the first to hold Casey's baby, runs rough-shod over George at every chance, although he comes across as a weak man/whipped. I even wonder how much Cindy orchestrated the lives of her elderly parents.

There was so much left out of last night's "interview". The one thing that did remain constant was George placating Cindy, Cindy having tantrums, Cindy telling lies, Cindy, Cindy, Cindy. Once again Caylee got lost, even Casey got lost to a large extent. The only one that remained standing was Cindy, Cindy, Cindy.

My opinion.
I watched the whole show and I can tell you this - Cindy is not only in deep, deep denial - but she is STILL putting forward flat out lies.

For example, she was showing pics and video of Casey in high school, saying how the kids called her "Mom" because they all went to Casey with their problems, she was that popular. She said something like, 'and then after she GRADUATED, she became the first real mom of the group'. Casey never graduated. She's still selling that lie.

She said as far as the fool proof suffocation search, there was somebody else in the house with Casey who had performed the search AND erased the history. She said she had CAUGHT THIS GUY DOING IT PREVIOUSLY, ON HER COMPUTER DELETING THINGS ! When Ashton asked "Who?", she said "I don't want to say".

After they were cleaning up the memorial site, they said they don't want to ever come back there, that's not how or where they want to remember Caylee. They want to think of it as just a pile of dirt, some piece of land. And yet, after they removed the cross and fence and all the memorial items, George basically had to yank Cindy out of the woods because she was trying to find a branch to hang her special "Caylee Memorial" bracelet from. She hung up her bracelet on a branch and said nobody will know where it is, but her. So there she is, marking the spot after all.

She was reading through some of the texts between her and Casey, one caught my ear because it was the typical passive-aggressive Cindy she has proven herself to be. It was a birthday message to Casey about how she remembers being in love with the beautiful daughter she had on the day she was born, and she will always love her, and then she writes, "What happened?" in the midst of it.

Again, Cindy denied any wrong doing on Casey's part AT ALL EVER, particularly the stealing from her father's health account and the fight they had the day before Caylee was killed. She never mentioned anything about trying to get custody of Caylee so many times, only that Casey was a WONDERFUL MOTHER. She said nothing about how during that 31 days how she desparately tried to find Caylee, even going as far as Universal when Casey is suddenly in Jacksonville, only that she didn't worry about Caylee because Casey is her mother and she's 'of age' and with people she trusted.

George was the one that told Cindy to "shut up", not the other way around, as said upthread (sorry I can't go back up right now to find the exact comment). Cindy tried to control every answer, every word, and when George tried to tell his story, she kept telling him to hurry up and move on and get past the point. He was talking about the smell in the car and she didn't want to talk about that, so he told her to shut up. She got up and walked out but he calmed her down.

Cindy told George that Casey that got her lying and stealing tendencies from him, that she "learned by example". That was bad.

One thing that threw me a little, was Cindy said that SHE went back a few days later (or did she say weeks later?) and spoke directly with the guy at the tow company, and he told Cindy he didn't smell anything suspicious. I had never heard that before, that Cindy went back to the tow yard and talked to this guy. Then when George said, "I didn't know you did that." I was like, what the heck... is she literally making up a new lie right there on the spot?

Well, my interest in this case started with Cindy. I'd never before or since seen anything like this awful woman. I'm still as fascinated with her today as I was back then.
Well you sure nailed it! To this day she can make me walk away scratching my head. Cindy has pieces missing and probably always has had. Can’t believe I spent so long trying to figure her out.....time I’ll never get back.
Did I miss Cindy's excuse of if Caylee drowned then WHO put her in the woods??? How did she explain that......I could hardly watch Cindy in this interview...still the same old control freak.
Cindy and George got a much tougher and longer sentence than Casey. Casey is living her life, oblivious to it all, not even sleeping badly or missing her sweet Caylee. George and Cindy live the hell, can't leave the house, no money or jobs, or family intact. And to top it off, the killer threw them under the bus, so far there will never be light until they die and see Caylee. What a sad ending. I don't hate them anymore, I did, when it was all going on, but now, I only feel sorry for them, not Casey, she is fine, her new face, her new life, she is fine without any of them. Scott Free as George said. I wish George and Cindy peace, some kind of life and joy. Why? Because that would just piss off Casey! LOL
Cindy and George got a much tougher and longer sentence than Casey. Casey is living her life, oblivious to it all, not even sleeping badly or missing her sweet Caylee. George and Cindy live the hell, can't leave the house, no money or jobs, or family intact. And to top it off, the killer threw them under the bus, so far there will never be light until they die and see Caylee. What a sad ending. I don't hate them anymore, I did, when it was all going on, but now, I only feel sorry for them, not Casey, she is fine, her new face, her new life, she is fine without any of them. Scott Free as George said. I wish George and Cindy peace, some kind of life and joy. Why? Because that would just piss off Casey! LOL

I honestly have no interest in pitying either one of them (especially Cindy) until they come to terms with the fact that Casey killed Caylee, most likely intentionally, and quit lying and torturing the rest of the world with their delusions. Until that point, they can continue to suffer. I hope they lose everything, including their in foreclosure house and I hope Casey makes Cindy miserable for the rest of her life.

Because of them (in part), a murderer is walking free and trying to profit off her crimes. In fact, she's probably already profited from them. IIRC, Baez gave her a cut of his book sales and we all remember those TMZ photos of her walking around a deserted shopping center, pretending not to see the camera filming and snapping pictures of her?
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I honestly have no interest in pitying either one of them (especially Cindy) until they come to terms with the fact that Casey killed Caylee, most likely intentionally, and quit lying and torturing the rest of the world with their delusions. Until that point, they can continue to suffer. I hope they lose everything, including their in foreclosure house and I hope Casey makes Cindy miserable for the rest of her life.

Because of them (in part), a murderer is walking free and trying to profit off her crimes.

I don't hate them enough to wish any more misery on them at all. They have lost more than I will ever face. Maybe they raised this monster and tried to obstruct the truth, but SHE is the murderer, not them. They also raised Lee and he seems normal.

George is clear - he thinks Casey killed Caylee and hopes is was that she gave the child something to make her sleep, not INTENDING to actually kill her. Cindy is still talking about how the body could not have been there the whole time and someone else may have placed it in the swamp.
I think they all paid the ultimate price and that was losing Caylee. You can't wish anything more on those grandparents. Hate is a waste of my time and energy. I have come to know this. Cindy has to live in this denial, it keeps her upright. How to you come to terms with this reality? The reality that your own flesh and blood did something so heinous that the world hates you? We all cope the way we can. She knows. She just can't say it out loud, she can't wrap her brain around it, or she will die. George knows, and he says it. He knew day one. Wishing them some peace.
I don't hate them enough to wish any more misery on them at all. They have lost more than I will ever face. Maybe they raised this monster and tried to obstruct the truth, but SHE is the murderer, not them. They also raised Lee and he seems normal.

George is clear - he thinks Casey killed Caylee and hopes is was that she gave the child something to make her sleep, not INTENDING to actually kill her. Cindy is still talking about how the body could not have been there the whole time and someone else may have placed it in the swamp.

Yeah, sorry, I guess I'm just mean and all of you are much nicer than I am. I still think they deserve their pain over how they've handled this situation. I still remember all that finger pointing they (especially Cindy) did. From what someone wrote in their earlier post, Cindy is still doing it. She was probably accusing Jesse of making the foolproof suffocation search.

And when did they respect other people's pain? Cindy left Tim Miller that nasty voicemail accusing him of stealing money, threatening him and bringing up his dead daughter just because he decided they should also start looking for a body. Remember how she banned Jesse and Richard Grund from Caylee's funeral by sending them notarized letters informing them they would be arrested if they tried to attend?

I do have a little sympathy for George. He does appear to want to speak the truth. I think he could probably start healing and come to terms with this if he got out of that toxic relationship he has with his wife.
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Yeah, sorry, I guess I'm just mean and all of you are much nicer than I am. I still think they deserve their pain over how they've handled this situation.

You are not mean, you are entitled to your opinion. Back in the day this thread would have blown up with so much hate, it would make your head spin. We all hated them. But it changes nothing. They live in the hell, we sign off, watch TV, we are done. They will never be done with this. Have a good night.
I missed the first 10 or 15 minutes so I've set my DVR to record it again - I think it's repeating tonight. I wasn't a WS member at the time and only followed the story and trial marginally so I have a question that y'all probably have the answer to.

Note that I may have the time mixed up and will double check when I have the recording.

When the interviewer was asking them about the last time they saw Casey George recounted that he was mowing the lawn and saw that someone had broken into the garden shed. A couple of cans of gas were missing.

Casey came by and he asked her if she had taken them and according to him she got angry and denied it. But a little later she angrily opened the trunk of her car and took out the cans and put them on the ground. George said that was the last time he saw Casey - without Caylee - before they eventually became suspicious and started asking where Caylee was.

Was that incident known at the time and/or brought up at trial? If I have the date right then it popped out to me that Casey may have taken the gas for purposes other than using it to fill her gas tank IYKWIM. Hopefully you guys have the answer.

I was also disgusted by Cindy and her basket of lies. She, Casey and Baez were all fine with throwing George under the bus at trial and while I realize George was too to some extent but I think he was vulnerable at the time because of his suicide attempt. To try and paint that as a sign of guilt confirms just what kind of people they all were.

ETA: I found the info on the gas cans and yes they were covered in the trial. I'm reading now...
Father quizzed about missing gas cans in Casey Anthony trial
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You are not mean, you are entitled to your opinion. Back in the day this thread would have blown up with so much hate, it would make your head spin. We all hated them. But it changes nothing. They live in the hell, we sign off, watch TV, we are done. They will never be done with this. Have a good night.

Skully, you are a nice person. There are a lot of nice people on this thread.

I don't hate the Anthony's, nor do I feel any sympathy for them. They are what they are, they have to live with what they created. One thing I remember was that farce of a memorial where Lee was paying tribute to CMA over and over. Another thing that gives me the creeps is the rumor/true/false that this bunch had jewelry made out of the ashes. The bracelet thingee when they took down Caylee's memorial made me remember that. Goose bumps ran up and down my spine.

I don't even know why I get into this case any more. It made me sick then, it makes me sick now, Jeff Ashton included.

My opinion.
I think they all paid the ultimate price and that was losing Caylee. You can't wish anything more on those grandparents. Hate is a waste of my time and energy. I have come to know this. Cindy has to live in this denial, it keeps her upright. How to you come to terms with this reality? The reality that your own flesh and blood did something so heinous that the world hates you? We all cope the way we can. She knows. She just can't say it out loud, she can't wrap her brain around it, or she will die. George knows, and he says it. He knew day one. Wishing them some peace.
I have to agree. They teach you in psychology courses the brain will protect itself from things that it simply can't handle. Deep down she knows, that why she is still with George, she knows he is right.
No sympathy here for Cindy. Not then, not now. I'd prefer an interview with George completely away from Cindy. Then we might have a chance at the real truth. Cindy has and will always defend Casey. She deserves whatever miserable life she lives. This was for money and for CINDY to get sympathy... nothing else. UGH.
I missed the first 10 or 15 minutes so I've set my DVR to record it again - I think it's repeating tonight. I wasn't a WS member at the time and only followed the story and trial marginally so I have a question that y'all probably have the answer to.

Note that I may have the time mixed up and will double check when I have the recording.

When the interviewer was asking them about the last time they saw Casey George recounted that he was mowing the lawn and saw that someone had broken into the garden shed. A couple of cans of gas were missing.

Casey came by and he asked her if she had taken them and according to him she got angry and denied it. But a little later she angrily opened the trunk of her car and took out the cans and put them on the ground. George said that was the last time he saw Casey - without Caylee - before they eventually became suspicious and started asking where Caylee was.

Was that incident known at the time and/or brought up at trial? If I have the date right then it popped out to me that Casey may have taken the gas for purposes other than using it to fill her gas tank IYKWIM. Hopefully you guys have the answer.

I was also disgusted by Cindy and her basket of lies. She, Casey and Baez were all fine with throwing George under the bus at trial and while I realize George was too to some extent but I think he was vulnerable at the time because of his suicide attempt. To try and paint that as a sign of guilt confirms just what kind of people they all were.

ETA: I found the info on the gas cans and yes they were covered in the trial. I'm reading now...
Father quizzed about missing gas cans in Casey Anthony trial

I think the general consensus here was that Casey was using the gas cans to cover up the smell of death in her car trunk. When George pressed her about them, he was about to head out to her car and retrieve them himself. Casey ran past him, opened the trunk and threw them at him, yelling "here are your effing gas cans!"

Then IIRC, she got in her car and drove away. She didn't want him anywhere near the trunk of her car.

Casey also was texting her friend Amy about the smell in her car and blaming it on squirrels and roadkill. She then ultimately abandoned her car by a dumpster, with a bag of trash in it (also probably designed to cover up/explain away the smell of death in her car.)

To this day, I don't understand how the jury could have ignored all that. Not only that, they decided GEORGE was suspicious for not immediately noticing the fact that the tow company left a notice on their front door when they usually entered the house through the garage.

I guess George didn't notice the tow notice until he was mowing the front lawn, which makes perfect sense to me. Our house has the same setup and sometimes I don't notice stuff on the front door for days. The jury also never asked themselves why if he was trying to hide the tow notice, he didn't just tear it up and throw it away.
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No sympathy here for Cindy. Not then, not now. I'd prefer an interview with George completely away from Cindy. Then we might have a chance at the real truth. Cindy has and will always defend Casey. She deserves whatever miserable life she lives. This was for money and for CINDY to get sympathy... nothing else. UGH.
I totally agree with you. Watching George's body language while Cindy was spewing her lies was very telling. Every time George started stating the truth about Casey, Cindy would interrupt and cut him off, walk out dramatically and call George out to "talk" to him.
Someone please give an interview to George. I can imagine that living in that house is pure hell.

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