A month later... where is Lisa? What is your opinion?

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DNA Solves

One month into the investigation where do your thoughts lie? What happened to Lisa?

  • I have no idea whatsoever

    Votes: 39 8.9%
  • I am on the fence (meaning I have some thoughts one way and some thoughts another)

    Votes: 95 21.7%
  • I think DB is responsible

    Votes: 176 40.2%
  • I think JI is responsible

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • I think both parents are responsible

    Votes: 67 15.3%
  • I think someone else familiar or known to the family is responsible

    Votes: 43 9.8%
  • I think a stranger is responsible

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • other

    Votes: 4 0.9%

  • Total voters
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I am so glad there is a local licensed PI on the case now!!
I can see this case playing out the same way as Kyron's case. They both start out with suspicion on one person (Deborah and Terri), and there's a hopefulness in the first month that there will be an arrest. As the weeks go by, and the child isn't found, people become more doubtful that the case will be solved. In Kyron's case, some people wonder if LE had tunnel vision, if they focused on Terri too soon and too much, and if it's possible that someone else kidnapped Kyron. It wouldn't surprise me if by this time next year, we see some of the same points brought up in Lisa's case.
There is not one thing claiming or stating this is ONLY OPINION in the above entire post or in said siggyline. I reposted the post again as proof.

From your post :

I believe Camille and know for a fact by looking at the missing threads here (that WSers have passionately followed for years), that many many babies and children thought to be deceased have not been found.

My proof and link to my proof?
All the missing threads here at WS for missing children. Reading and studying these threads will render one numb with sadness.

I KNOW that many missing people, including babies, are never found, however I THINK, in other words it is MY OPINION, that in the this case, given the circumstances THAT I AM AWARE and not considering any of which I am not aware of, because how can I consider that which I am not aware of, that if DW did kill her baby that baby would have already been found.

Now it may be proven down the road that my opinion is wrong at this time and others can have a different opinion than mine...

Besides all that the topic of this post is "A month later... where is Lisa? What is your opinion? "
I KNOW that many missing people, including babies, are never found, however I THINK, in other words it is MY OPINION, that in the this case, given the circumstances THAT I AM AWARE and not considering any of which I am not aware of, because how can I consider that which I am not aware of, that if DW did kill her baby that baby would have already been found.

Now it may be proven down the road that my opinion is wrong at this time and others can have a different opinion than mine...

Besides all that the topic of this post is "A month later... where is Lisa? What is your opinion? "

BBM Camille, did you mean DB, or MW or am I missing a character? TIA
This post lands at random:

If I have to come back in here to remove personal attack posts again, there will be some time outs. I'm at work and don't have time to send everyone a warning PM, so this is it.
Over a month later, and I am so frustrated with everything and everyone surrounding this case I could just SCREAM!

(That's all...just needed to vent.)

Deborah killed her baby, bagged it, weighted it down, and chucked it into the river.
I do not believe Deborah killed her child. Not believing her story or Jeremy's but they seem to of been coached to some end and it didn't work as expected and they were kept hidden away. Felt there was some possible danger to them or boys. Still feel there is a two part investigation here and more red herrings than anything else. Trying to sit back and watch and stay out of the way.Moo
Am I the only one going off the rails on the crazy train?
I don't believe DB & JI are involved in the disappearance of their child. I think they're innocent and the baby was taken by an intruder, probably someone tangled up in the JT/MW vortex. I suspect the poor little girl is no longer living, but I try to be hopeful that I'm wrong about that.

In the very beginning, when I first heard about the missing baby, my initial suspicion, before I knew any of the facts, was that the parents were involved. Baby snatching is rare, so my first impulse was to suspect the parents. But once I started following the news about the case, I soon formed an opinion that the parents are most likely innocent, and that has been my opinion all along, hasn't really changed.
Early in the case, I believed that someone acquainted with the parents and familiar with the house abducted Lisa. My opinion has not changed; in fact, it's been reinforced. I had thought primarily, at first, of DB's STBX and the possibility LI had been taken by one of his family members for revenge.

While the lifestyle of DB & JI doesn't make them murderous, it does create an awkward and volatile situation. When I read about RR suing for custody of her son, who has been living with DB and JI, the circumstances seemed so convenient. RR even lived in the very house with JI at one time, so she, her friends and, possibly, family members would be familiar with the layout of the house. She may not be directly involved herself (if at all), but there was opportunity for someone to keep surveillance on the house and look for the right opportunity. Abducting an innocent baby may have served the purpose of: 1) Vengeance on one or both of the parents for the breakup with his/her former spouse and loss of child custody. Perp wants DB & JI to feel the same loss and hopes to create tension in the relationship of DB & JI. 2) Regaining custody of a child. The perp(s) waited until DB was in a vulnerable state (drunk). Not only did it give the perp opportunity to abduct LI, but also perp knew that the circumstances would hurt DB's image as a responsible mother and even throw suspicion on her.

One problem I had at the beginning was understanding why an intruder would take 3 cell phones. Perhaps the phones were taken to frame DB. The perp(s) wanted LE to think that DB had left her house and even discarded her phones the night Lisa disappeared (looks incriminating; it suggests she's concealing her whereabouts). If RR was involved, I believe she had help. If this theory holds true, I don't believe the perps intended any harm to LI, but are using her as a pawn for their selfish purposes. If LI was truly seen being carried around unclothed, her abductor(s) wasn't giving much thought as to her welfare. I do hope she is being cared for now and that those responsible for her disappearance will be discovered and brought to justice.
BBM I have to call it as I see it---------- that is not true. :liar:
Saying the parents talked to police ad nauseum is really laughable to me.
The parents have not been questioned since Oct. 8. It is now Nov. 17.
Evidently the parents are not answering pertinent questions or police wouldn't need to question them again.

I said this last night on another thread- imo the mother is most likely the perp.
I actually feel D should have been arrested immediately for neglect of her children after hearing she admitted to police about her drunken state that frightful night.:furious::behindbar

When D looses custody of her son and when J's son is removed from the home-maybe Deborah will talk. I find her lack of cooperation revolting.

Although the parents have not been in station and interviewed again, I believe both their lawyers and LE have admitted that they most definitely have been taking calls from LE AND answering questions. If LE has questions that are vital to breaking this case, they would be submitting them through the lawyers or getting answers one way or another.

I think taking the children away from them would be punishing the children as much as the parents. I wouldn't wish more unpleasantness, unhappinesss, confusion and strangeness in their lives right now.
Although the parents have not been in station and interviewed again, I believe both their lawyers and LE have admitted that they most definitely have been taking calls from LE AND answering questions. If LE has questions that are vital to breaking this case, they would be submitting them through the lawyers or getting answers one way or another.

I think taking the children away from them would be punishing the children as much as the parents. I wouldn't wish more unpleasantness, unhappinesss, confusion and strangeness in their lives right now.

quick link to a statement from SY in regards to your first paragraph:
"I'm not saying they're not cooperating," he said. "They have met some of our needs. What I've been talking about specifically is sitting down, separate from each other, to be interviewed by detectives. In regard to that, no, that hasn't happen since the 8th of October."

and JP:

JP: Well, first of all, I don't think an attorney can allow or not allow somebody to do anything. What our role is is to give them advice about what is in their best interest. My advice is not to talk- so is Joe's, I mean, our advice is for them not to talk because there is nothing beneficial to be gained from it. Like I said, 30 hours of interviews. Everything that they have wanted to get, by way of information, they already have. And it's the tone and the nature of the interviews. They have turned into interrogations, and they have been in the accusatory fashion. That is really why we have advised our clients that no further interrogation is advisable to them. As far as the questions they want answered - they obviously love their child and want their child to be returned to them, they want to help the police. Joe and I are free any time. Any questions that any LE official has, they should send it our way, we will get an answer for them.

Q: Do you forsee a time when they might sit down with police again?

JP: It's possible. Yes, I wouldn't rule anything out.

:) just in case anyone needs a link

as for your second paragraph, i TOTALLY agree.

Deborah killed her baby, bagged it, weighted it down, and chucked it into the river.

I hoped when I got back Lisa would be found and her 'kidnapper' arrested.

Chris, I hate to say it....but sadly I agree with your post.
From approximately the second week of Lisa's disappearance I've felt that her mom killed her and but her in the river. moo
Originally Posted by Sparklin
Although the parents have not been in station and interviewed again, I believe both their lawyers and LE have admitted that they most definitely have been taking calls from LE AND answering questions

LE apparently doesn't consider 'taking calls' the same as coming in for questioning.
Because of the disinterest of Lisa's mom and dad, I think they know what really happened to Lisa. They know she won't be found and possibly DB committed the perfect crime. moo
I believe DB is responsible for the child's death. Either on purpose or by some sort of nelect and she is hiding what happened to the child. I think there is a possiblity the death happened under the watch of both parents, eithe ron purpose or by accident. Perhaps JI went to this job to avoid suspicion. Perhaps DB stayed home and got drunk because of what happened to the child via her BF and she is now protecting him. I find it odd that he suddenly had to go to a job the night the child goes missing and this could have been cooked up between the 2 of them..

I definitely think the cops should have arrested her long ago for child endangerment and neglect. Why this woman was allowed to keep children is beyond me. I also think the other children should be removed from her care pronto and can't believe they are allowed to be with her.
I don't believe DB & JI are involved in the disappearance of their child. I think they're innocent and the baby was taken by an intruder, probably someone tangled up in the JT/MW vortex. I suspect the poor little girl is no longer living, but I try to be hopeful that I'm wrong about that.

In the very beginning, when I first heard about the missing baby, my initial suspicion, before I knew any of the facts, was that the parents were involved. Baby snatching is rare, so my first impulse was to suspect the parents. But once I started following the news about the case, I soon formed an opinion that the parents are most likely innocent, and that has been my opinion all along, hasn't really changed.

Where's this intruders DNA, shoe prints, hairs, fingerprints, etc?
An intruder who enters a home, steals 3 cell phones off the counter :crazy: and kidnaps a baby would leave some type of evidence--likely leave some type of evidence...... moo
According to the poll-
130 think someone else other than family did it.

200 believe it's either DB or JI or both. The MAJORITY think one or both parents are involved.
(40 more think it's someone who knows the family.)
I am so glad there is a local licensed PI on the case now!!
May I ask why? The PI has done nothing to search for Lisa. Even the Anthony's PI's pretended to search, video taped it too, for our viewing pleasure. :innocent:

A month later, we are still at the same place as a few days in. Hoping LE isn't.
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