A new beginning for the Anthonys?

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More hypocrisy from the Anthonys- Caylee was never missing.

She was murdered by her mother and thrown in the woods like garbage.

Caylee's name does not belong on a foundation for missing children. It belongs on a foundation to prevent parental child abuse and murder.
Now THAT makes sense.
I don't get it either. If my child were missing-I would not want my child's name associated w/ this family. Would people assume that my child was not really missing??? This family doesn't have the credibility or the integrity to get into this "business".
If anything, I think they're poster people for what NOT to do when your loved one goes missing...and yes, I do thank CA for making that call 31 days after her grandaughter was last seen.
Ok...on to thinking more positively...
In their eyes Caylee was missing from June to December when her remains were found. Unfortunately, many 'missing' children are actually already dead by the time people report them as missing.

If in their minds Caylee was missing, why were they not out walking the streets looking for her? Did they? If they did I totally missed it.
If anything, I think they're poster people for what NOT to do when your loved one goes missing...and yes, I do thank CA for making that call 31 days after her grandaughter was last seen.
Ok...on to thinking more positively...

Ok I am trying to think happy thoughts but, if you were Caylee's grandmother and had been her primary caregiver would you have waited 31 days for answers from KC as were Caylee was? I don't think so. Call me neurotic but after about a week I would have been all over her.
If in their minds Caylee was missing, why were they not out walking the streets looking for her? Did they? If they did I totally missed it.

Perhaps because they didn't think they'd find her by walking the streets. Perhaps because they couldn't leave their home without protesters taunting and threatening them. I suppose they could have wasted resources searching rivers that had already been cleared but instead they chose to get Caylee's picture out to the public in every way possible and to attempt to follow up on the leads they felt Casey was giving them. They may, like the rest of us, have felt that Caylee was gone, but I say kudos to them for holding out hope. I wouldn't have let go of that hope until I absolutely had to.

The only person who know Caylee wasn't 'missing' was Casey. Even though she was already deceased, she was still missing until her remains were found.
If in their minds Caylee was missing, why were they not out walking the streets looking for her? Did they? If they did I totally missed it.

Decomp and cadaver dog hits, baby. It was all over but the *find* and they banked on the body never being found.
Perhaps because they didn't think they'd find her by walking the streets. Perhaps because they couldn't leave their home without protesters taunting and threatening them. I suppose they could have wasted resources searching rivers that had already been cleared but instead they chose to get Caylee's picture out to the public in every way possible and to attempt to follow up on the leads they felt Casey was giving them. They may, like the rest of us, have felt that Caylee was gone, but I say kudos to them for holding out hope. I wouldn't have let go of that hope until I absolutely had to.

The only person who know Caylee wasn't 'missing' was Casey. Even though she was already deceased, she was still missing until her remains were found.[/quote

In the beginning though wouldn't you have walked the streets? Searched your own neighborhood? Beat on every door. I know that I would not care who was following me. I'm not saying that they should have wasted money searching areas that had already been cleared. I just don't get sitting in your house doing nothing. They let others come in and do the majority of the work. I know that the A's are not rich people and that they did need help but what about putting on your own shoes and looking too?
In their eyes Caylee was missing from June to December when her remains were found. Unfortunately, many 'missing' children are actually already dead by the time people report them as missing.

Caylee was never missing. Her mother,legal guardian, knew exactly where she was. Just because the grandparents didn't know where she was doesnt mean she was missing.
Perhaps because they didn't think they'd find her by walking the streets. Perhaps because they couldn't leave their home without protesters taunting and threatening them. I suppose they could have wasted resources searching rivers that had already been cleared but instead they chose to get Caylee's picture out to the public in every way possible and to attempt to follow up on the leads they felt Casey was giving them.

*snipped by me*

Nobody, but NOBODY wasted more resources than their daughter, Casey Anthony. I suppose it would be impossible to figure out how much $$$ in resources she wasted, but I would love to know. Then I'd love for her to work hard labor in jail paying everyone back. I know this comment wasn't directly related to your post, but since the A's stick by their daughter no matter what, to me, they are also responsible for the insane amount of resources that were wasted, when all along, their murdering daughter merely had to walk down the block and point.
Better to spend their time and money marketing Safe Havens for parents to drop off the kids before they kill them.

Yesterday, a 20 year old woman threw her new born into Lake Ponchartain. She was afraid to tell her parents that she was pregnant, kept it a secret and witnesses watched as she tossed something into the lake, returned to her car and drove away.

She thinks the baby was breathing before it was tossed into the water. She was arrested on murder charges today. We have Safe Havens, but still a beautiful newborn was killed. Maybe these young women don't know about Safe Havens?
*snipped by me*

Nobody, but NOBODY wasted more resources than their daughter, Casey Anthony. I suppose it would be impossible to figure out how much $$$ in resources she wasted, but I would love to know. Then I'd love for her to work hard labor in jail paying everyone back. I know this comment wasn't directly related to your post, but since the A's stick by their daughter no matter what, to me, they are also responsible for the insane amount of resources that were wasted, when all along, their murdering daughter merely had to walk down the block and point.
Well said!
I'm glad for that...but wonder if there will be a new website to take its place. KWIM?

It seems as if they are about to throw all their eggs into the KFN basket. There was mention of them at the memorial and they apparently had a tent set up at the church. There has also been rumor of them opening their own 501c3. They seem to be looking at collecting other people's money as a new job. I hope I am proved wrong but it looks like that is what they are lining up.

I reckon easy money makes earned money look like chump change
If in their minds Caylee was missing, why were they not out walking the streets looking for her? Did they? If they did I totally missed it.

Not only did they not look for her but they did all they could to thwart the search efforts of Law Enforcement and Texas Eqqusearch.
It seems as if they are about to throw all their eggs into the KFN basket. There was mention of them at the memorial and they apparently had a tent set up at the church. There has also been rumor of them opening their own 501c3. They seem to be looking at collecting other people's money as a new job. I hope I am proved wrong but it looks like that is what they are lining up.

I guess they have to eke out a living somehow as I am sure they are no longer employable. GA speaks so highly of KFN that it is apparent he is still walking around with blinders on, or maybe he knows what they are all about and wants to be affiliated with them anyway. That's really too bad.
Perhaps because they didn't think they'd find her by walking the streets. Perhaps because they couldn't leave their home without protesters taunting and threatening them. I suppose they could have wasted resources searching rivers that had already been cleared but instead they chose to get Caylee's picture out to the public in every way possible and to attempt to follow up on the leads they felt Casey was giving them. They may, like the rest of us, have felt that Caylee was gone, but I say kudos to them for holding out hope. I wouldn't have let go of that hope until I absolutely had to.

The only person who know Caylee wasn't 'missing' was Casey. Even though she was already deceased, she was still missing until her remains were found.

1. protestors did not descend upon the A home immediately.
2. they had no problem finding their way to news studios and the jail to visit KC.
3. they had no problem wasting resources and having bracelets, T-shirts, billboards etc... made up.
It seems to me that they are taking the spotlight off themselves, but using their unenviable position to put the focus where it needs to be..... On the many missing children who dont get one minutes airtime, let alone 7 months of non stop media attention. The fact that there
are no more friend request on Caylees myspace screams "It's not about me anymore....think of the other kids who need your help!"
Caylee was missing. They didnt know where she was for such a long time.
If I lose my keys , and then later find them- it doesnt mean that they werent missing at one point just because I ended up finding them.
What they are doing is no different to what most family members of missing or murdered loved ones do. Trying to turn a negative into a positive, somehow....anyway they can....thats how I see it anyway. But I accept that not everyone has pure motives and I could be waaaaay of about them. I'm not saying I'm right, just that this my personal take on it.

All but one of the 'featured cases' victims on this board has had one or more foundations set up in their memory because people that are so close to such tragedy want to turn it into something meaningful and with purpose.

Yes they will get a salary for what they do, but so do other directors and employees of similar charities. Its how the system works.

If my child was missing I know I would take help from anyone offerring it. And I really mean anyone.

I don't think the A family is very well positioned to become the champion for missing children right now, but that's JMO. If some of the things said about KFN are true, that's clearly a problem. But they also seem to be so adversarial to LE and their attempts to enforce the law and pursue Caylee's killer. The idea that they need immunity from prosecution in order to talk candidly to LE (not a topic I injected into the public debate) seems very dissonant with such a role. I'd personally be much more likely to donate to an activity by the dad of the other little Florida girl, Jessica Lunsford, or something done by Mark K, and in fact, I have.
Better to spend their time and money marketing Safe Havens for parents to drop off the kids before they kill them.

Yesterday, a 20 year old woman threw her new born into Lake Ponchartain. She was afraid to tell her parents that she was pregnant, kept it a secret and witnesses watched as she tossed something into the lake, returned to her car and drove away.

She thinks the baby was breathing before it was tossed into the water. She was arrested on murder charges today. We have Safe Havens, but still a beautiful newborn was killed. Maybe these young women don't know about Safe Havens?

Oh....so sad...and frustrating when the help is out there. We just had a similar case here yesterday too. Innocent lil baby tossed in a dumpster. :-(
Well said!

My sentiments exactly- only I think any money made by the defendent or her family should to first to pay for all the money wasted because the defendant led LE on a wild goose chase-

KC could have a court ordered defense- she no better than any other felon.
Why should she who has nothing- get a hi profile defense to try and find a loop hole to get her out of a murder- set this girl free and she will do it again-

The time and money spent on this case is a sham and shameful-

Others are more deserving-

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