A Pre Meditated Murder? or Accidental?

DNA Solves
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Pre Meditated Murder Yes or No

  • I have always thought it was pre meditated.

    Votes: 297 36.0%
  • After reading the latest documents I now believe it was pre meditated.

    Votes: 266 32.2%
  • I "absolutely" believe it was not pre meditated.

    Votes: 54 6.5%
  • I am still sitting on the fence and am not sure.

    Votes: 209 25.3%

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I agree that it was completely intentional. After the new documents my theory has not changed (copied from earlier post below). I may have changed my opinion about how long the body was in the trunk based on the multiple statements about the smell and especially with Casey telling people it smelled before anyone else knew.

My theory is very similar to some of those posted with a slight difference:

Casey planned to kill Caylee and make it look an accident but her plan didn't work.
There are the fights that we know about June 9th thru the 15th.
Casey wanted to punish Cindy by taking Caylee away from her.
Cindy has a huge fear of Caylee drowning in the pool, she talks about it constantly.
Cindy has said she had Caylee in the pool on the 15th, I think Casey's intent was to make Cindy think she/Cindy forgot to put the ladder away and Caylee drowned.
The chloroform was so that Caylee wouldn't not fight (maybe suffer if you think she has any empathetic ability, I tend to think it made it easier on Casey).

BUT- the chloroform didn't just knock her out, it killed her. Now the drowning set up doesn't work. The coroner will know she was dead when she hit the water. Caylee dead in the backyard by the pool and then hid in the playhouse explains the cadaver dogs.

This is where all the WTF was she thinking with this pathetic story she has pieced together since then. Her behavior makes sense, she planned to kill her, it wasn't an accident. The ridiculous nanny story doesn't seem like it had any forethought because it didn't. It was made up on the 17th when she got ZGs name and then went on with her life trying to put of the confrontation with Cindy as long as possible.

Wow, dang that's actually a really nice theory. Explains why Casey can't have the body found too, the chemicals will make it known it wasn't an accident.
I think for now, I'll say Caylee's death was accidental. I also think that the possibility of Caylee having drugs in her system would have been what prevented Casey from just calling 911.

The cover-up that followed was intentional.
It had to be premeditated. I think it's possible that the exact moment when she did it was not, but she'd thought about it for a while. Almost exactly like Scott Peterson. The similarities between the cases are eerie. Wonder if Casey will dye her hair blonde and try to head to Mexico? :rolleyes:
No, but her next lie about where Casey is, will be that the person she sold her too to take her to PR changed their mind and dyed her hair blonde and took her to Mexico! Cindy will be saying there is a sighting of a blonde Caylee in Mexico.
I too thought it was an accident until all of this. Now I know it was premeditated.
listen, there is no revenge motive here...Casey doesn't care enough about her mothers feelings to want to inflict hurt. She simply does not care, as long as she acheives freedom from hassle. Cindy was not a motivation. Even if Casey says she is a vengeful to Lee, she is just boasting, she is looking to attach human emotion to the murder of Caylee, when in reality having to deal with her mother in this is just an annoyance and if everything would have gone as planned Cindy would be dead too...And Casey would have the house and SS payments and be the center of attention in her peer group

If her family was no longer going to pay the bills, then they were in her way.
also i beleive that if she is having nightmares about her daughter, the dreams only relate to the ickyness of the situation and how that affects her. I don't beleive she can experience guilt. In the tapes she sounds so...flip.

Her parents are terrified of their little monster, I hope the cops are protecting the Anthonys from Casey while she stays there.
I'm reeeallllly still on the fence. Probably murder, not an accident.
Because people are sociopaths, does not necessarily mean emotion won't try to bubble to the surface now and again. In fact, I think rage is probably the most accessible emotion that Casey would have, since she has cut her self off from a normal emotional life. And if she does not allow herself to feel that rage, it will express itself somehow and most likely in a twisted manner. If it was premeditated, you can bet she was angry at her mother. Casey's perception, in my opinion, was that her mother was holding her back in life, making her be responsible etc....in short keeping her away from the things that made her happy - her boyfriend, partying "freedom". On top of making her be responsible, her mother was doting on Caylee and becoming angrier with Casey. If it were premeditated, killing Caylee was an expression of rage at her mother, an attempt to free herself of the responsibilty for caring for Caylee and freedom to live her life as she wanted. The message to CA was, "you're not going to control my life"
Am I reading the poll wrong? B/c I am missing the option I would pick - that is, not an accident, but not premeditated. My gut instinct is that it was done in a fit of spite/rage/anger/frustration/bitterness/hostility towards Cindy and Caylee's relationship which excluded her. If I were charging her I would probably go with 2nd degree murder.

I don't know that they can make the elements (and I can't yet make the leap in my mind) of preplanning b/c she did such a crappy job of explaining everything. I really think, liar that she is, that she would have come up with a story about Caylee going on vacation with someone for her friends if it were planned instead of the constantly changing and unbelievable story about Sea World. I think she'd have been talking about how great it was going to be while Caylee was on her trip, maybe even packing for her, and getting to the point where Casey even believed that Caylee was going. The car seat and doll and backpack and clothes would be GONE. Kind of like Scott Peterson making plans for the future without Laci or Conner.

But I don't believe for one minute that it was an accident. She'd have taken the deal, she'd have been more upset, she'd have caved by now if she were truly distraght over accidentally harming her precious girl. Even if she had done something stupid like leaving Caylee in the car or letting her drown, I think concern for her own *advertiser censored* would have made her lead LE to the body in time to PROVE that it was an accident so she didn't face murder charges.

So there you go. Murder 2, 25-life. Add in all the other crap and she can stay in prison forever. Spiteful - you took the words right out of my mouth.
Since we do not know when the chloroform searches were done, I realy think Georgie did these, or Cindy, trying to figure out how to clean the car.
The problem I have with this theory is that chloroform is not widely known to be a cleaning agent and it is not widely used as such. If they were trying to find a way to clean decomp, wouldn't there be other searches on the computer for other cleaning agents as well? Additionally, there are other cleaners, like bleach, for example, that may have worked even better. Why would someone research one obscure agent normally used to knock people out, in order to cover up a crime, espcially when that agent is illegal itself? Being former LE, surely GA knew the omputers could be searched. He must have known that would look bad. Finally, we know it did not work because even though chloroform was found in the car, so was decomp. All that effort to search for an illegal compound that doesn't even work well? That's why I have a hard time wrapping my head around that theory but I'm glad you put it out there and I want to hear any that anyone has. That's how cases are solved.
I don't think she did this to spite her mother...she obviously was going from house to house hooking up with men. I'm sure Caylee was getting to the point of talking about these guys. This could not have been good for Casey's relationship with her loverboy AL if Caylee was talking about the other guy she just saw her mom with.

wow....have been thinking about this alot today. its so true. the other thing is that KC was probably starting to worry that caylee would 'let the cat out of the bag' on ALL of her lies. Maybe Kc was manipulative enough to get others to help cover for her lies, but you cannot make an almost 3 yr old lie for you. one of the things I love most about my lil ones is how brutally honest they are.(when i told dd the other day what a beautiful singing voice she had, she looked at me and said 'but you dont mummy"...lol)

So not only was kc worried that caylee could start messing with her rota of boyfriends, but that she could also tell cindy where they were actually spending their days (obviously not work and the babysitters).
Since KC took such care to keeP her worlds seperate to protect her lies, and she did a pretty good job of it, she had to have started to worry that caylee would be her downfall.

On a side note... anyone think the doll being called mama was a fortunate coincidence for KC? that way, even if kc hadc left caylee in the car or whatever while she did her thing, if asked she would answer that mama was with her the whole time.....just a thought.
The point I was trying to get across with the theory of shaking, smacking a child to death was that in all the parental or caretaker shaking deaths and such these people do not intend to kill the child. They are under duress and just want the child to be quiet. Just about every one of these cases the caretaker makes up some kind of dodgy strange story about the child's death.

There was one case in the 1990's locally where the caretaker shook the child to death and then called police several hours later and claimed that a man came into the daycare and attacked the child. The daycare cameras showed clearly that the child was crying very loudly and the woman at first yells at the child to be quiet for 20 minutes or so (making it worse) then starts shaking the baby still screaming for it to be quiet. When the baby fell limp she starts screaming "Oh God NO!" and tries to revive the baby. When confronted with the evidence she didn't mean to do it as her husband had left her, stealing money, cheating, bad luck etc etc. She just wanted the baby to be quiet.

Another story was 2001 or so in Inman SC where a mother put a pillow over her baby's face because it wouldn't be quiet. Later claiming her husband rolled over the baby in his sleep. Investigators learned that she smothered the baby with a pillow and then carried it back to her bed (claiming to do this because it was fussy). Then made up the story when she and her husband awoke that he rolled on it. Investigators learned that the baby died in the crib.
Now how's this go: if she was druging her with the chloroform to knock her out and leaving her in the trunk and she died, it it premeditated murder? I guess if the searches about the chloroform was before Caylee died, then maybe. I read somewhere that chloroform is heavier than air and would be close to the bottom of the trunk, so if Casey was using chloroform on Caylee a lot, then maybe that is how Caylee died - because it built up in the bottom of the trunk. So if Casey took Caylee on Fathers Day and put her in the trunk that night, maybe whe found Caylee dead the next morning. So long story short, I think premeditated murder
Its interesting because at first I thought that she accidently killed her by leaving her in the car to sleep while she went clubbing and she died from heat stroke or something. However after reading all of the new documents that came out today and yesterday I am POSITIVE she wanted Caylee out of her life. Caylee was seriously cramping her style, not only was she trying to juggle 5 different men or more but she was trying to do so with a child. The way she talked about her to that jerk former cop made me so angry. You would have never thought she was talking about her child it sounded more like she was talking about a kid sister that her parents were forcing her to babysit. This is NOT a woman who wanted a child she wanted male attention and Caylee was becoming a huge barrier. Further her lies were extremely elaborate making up complications at work, heavy work loads, obligations, strokes, and house purchase plans??? This is a very deliberate and dishonest person. KC does not do anything without planning first, she has an answer for everything. She literally built an entire life out of lies which leads me to believe that she used much care in disposing of Caylee. If she was careless and she didnt think ahead we would have found her remains by now. KC is a cold calculating manipulator who will say and be anything you want her to be if it means she gets what she wants. She is dangerous and guilty. JMO
Its interesting because at first I thought that she accidently killed her by leaving her in the car to sleep while she went clubbing and she died from heat stroke or something. However after reading all of the new documents that came out today and yesterday I am POSITIVE she wanted Caylee out of her life. Caylee was seriously cramping her style, not only was she trying to juggle 5 different men or more but she was trying to do so with a child. The way she talked about her to that jerk former cop made me so angry. You would have never thought she was talking about her child it sounded more like she was talking about a kid sister that her parents were forcing her to babysit. This is NOT a woman who wanted a child she wanted male attention and Caylee was becoming a huge barrier. Further her lies were extremely elaborate making up complications at work, heavy work loads, obligations, strokes, and house purchase plans??? This is a very deliberate and dishonest person. KC does not do anything without planning first, she has an answer for everything. She literally built an entire life out of lies which leads me to believe that she used much care in disposing of Caylee. If she was careless and she didnt think ahead we would have found her remains by now. KC is a cold calculating manipulator who will say and be anything you want her to be if it means she gets what she wants. She is dangerous and guilty. JMO

oh my goodness i so agree.... i'm so upset i cant even explain ...its so sad what has happened here ...and mom cindy cant seem to get a grip on what her daughter has done against her ...why why why couldnt casey just give caylee to her mom cindy and go the heck away to never never land ...enjoy her life and never look back ...mom cindy would have raised caylee in a loving home ...casey could have died stayed dead and rotted ....the baby would have had a chance to be come what casey was never going to be ...a normal human being caring and loving of her parents and her child....
instead all the lies and leading ppl to this one and that ...causing so much trouble in other ppls lives for what ....what did Amy do to have all this happen to her ? care for casey ? some of these normal ppl are sitting at home now wondering ..."did i cause casey to do this ?" " did i cause her to hate soooo much she killed that baby ?"have to stop cant type anymore crying to much ...so very sad for a beautiful precious baby girl
It does not matter anymore if it was an accident or not. She killed more people then Caylee-her wholde family-the nanny -thank god she is suing--left her daughter to rot. Walks around with out a care in the world-no it does not matter to me--if i were on the jury I vote death ---
I wanted to believe it was an accident because it's so hard to imagine willful, intentional murder of one's own child. After reading the most recently released documents I am no longer able to believe this was an accident. Casey leaving home with most of her things and none of Caylee's pretty much seals the deal for me. She was angry at Cindy and she was out to hurt her any way she could. Killing Caylee was the one sure way to "get even" with Cindy for all the times she'd hurt her.
It seals the deal for me, too. I agree with you.
Casey went to missing child sites months before Caylee disappeared. <last night's Nancy Grace>

She was doing research.(IMO)

'nuff said.
Casey went to missing child sites months before Caylee disappeared. <last night's Nancy Grace>

She was doing research.(IMO)

'nuff said.

That's what seals the premeditation aspect for me. How I would love 10 minutes alone with this pathetic excuse for a mother! :mad:
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